Category Archives: Solidarity Events, e.t.c.

Make Tattoo Not War (MTNW)

Make Tattoo Not War (MTNW) is an international campaign supporting people affected by the war that began with the Russian army’s invasion of the so-called Ukraine in February 2022.

The war conflict is driving people from their homes, destroying their facilities, causing numerous injuries, traumas and deaths. The MTNW campaign seeks to raise funds for those who are deeply affected by these issues.

At the heart of the campaign is an informal network of various individuals dedicated to tattooing and willing to donate the money for their artwork to a common solidarity fund. The fund will then be used to help specific people in need.

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Welcome to the 53rd edition of B(A)D News: Angry Voices From Around The World, for February 2022

Episode 53 (02/2022)
Welcome to the 53rd edition of B(A)D News: Angry Voices From Around The World, for February 2022. A commonly produced monthly show of the anarchist and anti-authoritarian radio network, this time edited by Anarchist Radio Berlin.
Check out all the shows. Look for the a-radio-network collection on or at our website,
In this Episode we will hear contributions from:
1) Črna Luknja radio show collective on Radio Študent in Ljubljana, Slovenija prepared a piece out of a full interview they did with an anti-racist activist in Brazil.
2) Frequenz A from Leipzig on the repression against a group of 14 year old anarchists in Sibiria who threatened to blow up a virtual FSB Building in a virtual game.
3) Free Social Radio 1431AM, Thessaloniki gives us an update about the recent threats from the anti-terror police against an anarchist action group in Thessaloniki.
4) Anarchist Radio Berlin translated an interview with a person involved in the struggle for legal abortion in Poland after the death of a pregnant person whose acces to abortion was denied.
You can directly download it from here

The 29th and 30th of this coming June a new NATO summit will be held in Madrid. This military organization was created after World War II as a weapon to defend the interests of the victor: capitalism.
During these days the streets will be filled with Militaries, owners of weapons manufacturing companies, leaders… with the aim of planning and developing new war scenarios, new weapons and ultimately preparing for all the difficulties and adverse scenarios that the techno-capitalist project may encounter.


(London UK) Anarchist Intervention Against Militarism, For Social Rebellion Everywhere! Outside Occupied SOAS (University of London) Friday 4th March, Midday

For over a week now we have been placed, once again , in the position of an anxious spectator, exposed for once (in ‘real time’ through our personal devices) to the full horrors of the weaponries, technologies and industries which ordinarily are grinding behind the veil of ‘civilisation’.
The whole political circus stops and only a few figures are left in the ring: an ‘enemy ‘ to fear and hate, an ‘ally’ to represent everything worth loving and striving for, and a ’cause’ to defend. The rest is bickering and bragging about specific measures.
This alliance with power, where exploited and their exploiters join hands against an external threat, is the substance of ‘social peace’; it works just as well for Western detnocratic-oligarchies as it does for Putin. Crises and threats of this kind are indispensable for continuing the global war conducted by the forces of order, against those who they want to discipline and put to work .
Terror, righteousness, pity, charity, grand existential rhetoric, and the guilty feeling of being ‘at peace’ in a ‘free country’-they will do very well to keep our noses to the grindstone while they extract even more work from us with price rises covering energy, food, transportation and other basic needs. Even better, now they can blame it all on the enemy abroad!
Every state is a ‘state of war’! Every technology they implement is a military technology. Every territory they mould and supervise is under hostile occupation­ whether the hapless generals sit scrambling for advantage in the ‘situation room in silicone valley boardrooms.
It is in this reality that we must intervene. Let’s break ranks! The practice of freedom is anathema to and can have NO COMMON GROUND with the capitalist and statist mafias, the oligarchs, bureaucrats and managers of all stripes .
The only way to throw a barricade in the way of this evolving project of power is to spread social antagonism and attack against those responsible. We want to look each other in the eye, claiming our dignity and freedom not in the war between nations but the Social war!

A banner appeared last night (13/2,2022) in front of the gate of the Greek embassy in Rome: “Freedom for comrade P. Georgiadis”( Rome,Italy)

[GR] Ένα πανό εμφανίστηκε χθες (13/2) το βράδυ μπροστά από την πύλη της ελληνικής πρεσβείας στη Ρώμη: «Λευτεριά στον σύντροφο Π. Γεωργιάδη». Με αυτή την ελάχιστη πράξη δείχνουμε αλληλεγγύη στον σύντροφό μας που δικάζεται σήμερα (14/2). Ελευθερία και συνενοχή με αυτούς που θέλουν να καταστρέψουν αυτό το σύστημα.
[EN] A banner appeared last night (13/2) in front of the gate of the Greek embassy in Rome: “Freedom for comrade P. Georgiadis”. With this minimal act we show solidarity to our comrade on trial today (14/2). Freedom and complicity with those who want to destroy this system.
[IT] Uno striscione e’ apparso nella notte (13/2) di ieri davanti al cancello dell’ambasciata greca a Roma: “Libertà per il compagno P.Georgiadis”. Questo minimo atto e’per dimostrare la solidarietà il nostro compagno oggi sotto processo (14/2). Liberta’e complicità con chi vuole distruggere questo sistema.

France,From Nantes to Nîmes: “Down with the state, the cops and the fascists”

Nantes: Against the far right, against the state and capital
L’Obs / Saturday 22 January 2022
Two people were arrested, one of whom was taken into custody, following incidents on the sidelines of an “antifa” demonstration that brought together more than 600 people in downtown Nantes on Friday 21 January, police sources said.
A torchlight march started at around 7pm, gathering around 600 people “against fascism, capitalism, authoritarianism”, with smoke and fireworks.
The protesters chanted “Down with the state, the cops and the fascists”, according to videos posted on Twitter.
The window of a Zara shop was smashed and the front of a Monoprix was damaged, according to a police source. Projectiles were thrown at the police, who responded by firing tear gas.

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Lyon, France: Action against the opening of the new CRA in Lyon

via: attaque / Tuesday 18 January 2022
This Monday, January 17, 2022 is the official opening of the new CRA (administrative detention centre) in Lyon, next to Saint-Exupéry airport, as well as the transfer of prisoners from the old CRA into it. In order not to let the State organize its policy of confinement in silence and in support of the prisoners, we decided to make the opening of the new CRA visible and disrupt the transfer.
For months, the opening of a new CRA is done in the most total media silence, while it is one more element in the repression against people considered undocumented, and in the racist and criminal migration policy of the French State.

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Words against isolation: a benefit for persecuted anarchists in Belarus

On Tuesday, January 11, 2022, a D.I.Y. book was published under the title “Words Against isolation or As Long As There Are Prisons, Let’s Write Letters”. There are two main reasons to create this publication. First is to motivate people to write to prisoners, while obtaining funds for anarchists imprisoned in so-called Belarus.
On 110 A4 pages I inform you why and how to write letters. I’m connecting reflections arising from my personal experience of imprisonment as well as collage including fragments of prison correspondence. I want to demonstrate on concrete examples of what can be encouraging for a person behind bars and exciting joy. Perhaps this will allow people who are going to write letters empathize with the situation of the prisoner and it will inspire them.

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