Category Archives: Solidarity Events, e.t.c.

ES/EN : La Cizaña Trashumante an anarchist diffusion project (Mexico)

La Cizaña Trashumante
Proyecto de difusión anarquista
Distribuidora. Ediciones. Información. Radio.

La Cizaña Trashumante es un proyecto de difusión anarquista que nace en Ciudad Juárez, México, el 1 de mayo de 2022 con la intención de difundir y profundizar en el debate teórico y en la práctica anarquista. En este sentido, el material que distribuimos y difundimos tiene la intención de, por un lado, recuperar textos clásicos que, por diversas razones, olvidos u ocultamientos deliberados, no se encuentran al alcance del público en la frontera y, por el otro, incorporar nuevas voces e investigaciones dentro del amplio espacio ácrata.

También difundimos material audiovisual y serigrafía de contenido afín a los ideales de solidaridad, apoyo mutuo, defensa de la vida, antimilitarismo, feminismo no autoritario, entre otros tópicos, que alimentan el horizonte de ese otro mundo que llevamos en nuestros corazones. Continue reading ES/EN : La Cizaña Trashumante an anarchist diffusion project (Mexico)

¡Punky Mauri Presente! In memory of Anarchist Mauricio Morales, 22 MAY 2009 -22 MAY 2022

Arm yourself and be violent, beautifully violent, until everything explodes.
Because remember that whatever violent action against these promoters of inequality, is entirely justified through centuries of infinite violence that we have been been subjected to by them. .. Arm yourself and combat the terrorism – burn, conspire, sabotage, and be violent, beautifully violent, naturally violent, willingly violent.’
– Mauri


Punky Mauri has been present on the street all this time, because those who remember him are not far from the paths of struggle, a memory does not rise from the path of comfort, but from the very terrain of combat against domination.

Nothing has finished, everything continues!

EN/GR : Solidarity with anarchists facing repression in Munich (Athens,Greece)

*Poster in Greek made and spread in Athens


Solidarity with anarchists facing repression in Munich

In the early morning of Tuesday the 26th of April the German police raided 4 houses of comrades in Munich, as well as the anarchist library ‘Frevel’ & a printing space. All the machines and material present in the printing space were taken away in trucks, while in the houses and the anarchist library mostly anarchist publications, personal documents, computers, phones, printers and digital storage media were confiscated.

Three people are being accused of “forming a criminal organization” (article 129). In the official argumentation of this accusation the cops point at a refusal of the accused to integrate in society, their rejection of the state and its institutions, their belief in violence as a legitimate mean of struggle, and more precisely, their part in the creation and distribution of the anarchist weekly ‘Zündlumpen’. Two of the accused were shortly arrested. The order for DNA sampling was given for all three.
Continue reading EN/GR : Solidarity with anarchists facing repression in Munich (Athens,Greece)

Thessaloniki,Greece: Banners for political prisoners

Banners for political prisoners

In the past few days we have hung banners for political prisoners in neighbourhoods in the east:

the request for the release of Giannis Michailidis, who is being held in revenge despite having fulfilled the necessary conditions for his release since December – and after 8.5 years of detention

the Court of Appeal of Dimitris Hadjivassiliadis and Vangelis Stathopoulos, sentenced to 19 years’ imprisonment in the first instance for his solidarity with a wounded and persecuted comrade

on the case of Haris Mantzouridis, who has been detained for months with serious health consequences, on the basis of an “anonymous phone call” and an “orphan” DNA sample, and against all forms of imprisonment

for Thanos Hatziangelou and Georgia Voulgaris, detained since 8 February, and Panagiotis Kalaitzis, incarcerated for the same case with the only evidence his personal relations with one of the defendants Continue reading Thessaloniki,Greece: Banners for political prisoners

Treviso, Italy : 11th June: presence in solidarity with Juan


11th June: presence in solidarity with Juan

“We must struggle and fight for disproportion to be crushed”.
And whatever path we tread, always with our hearts!
For Anarchy!
(Juan Sorroche – Prison of Terni AS2 – February 2019)

Because we have known the courage and tenderness of it.
Because this is the way among comrades of an ideal.
Because whoever attacked that League headquarters gave a contribution of humanity in a world more and more inhuman by the day.
Because life is too short not to be filled with ardent dreams.


Translated by act for freedom now!

Soli event in memory of Anarchist Mauricio Morales (Germany)

*Deutsch und Spanisch Unter*
Soli Event in the Infoladen Scherer 8
22 May 2022
from 13.00 until 17.00
-Vegan Pizza
-Update: Monica Caballero and Francisco del Solar, Anarchists imprisoned in the Chilean region.
In Solidarity with the Antiauthoritarian Library Sacco and Vanzetti , in the Territory dominated by the Chilean State.

In memory of the anarchist Mauricio Morales, who died in action when he tried to attack the Chilean prison guards school on May 22nd 2009. He was carrying an explosive device in his backpack, which detonated prematurely. Since then every year, his friends, comrades and those who never met him commemorate him in different places in the Chilean Region and also in the world. Mauricio was not only a bomb that exploded, but also a comrade who developed itself in different spaces and in many ways, understanding that every way of attacking this violent system of life is equally valid. This is how today we can still read his texts, thoughts, poems and songs, in which he left his ideas.
For anarchy and against all authority, we will remain the worst black plague! Continue reading Soli event in memory of Anarchist Mauricio Morales (Germany)

Italy – Actions against war

Banners and posters were put up in Alta Valsusa against the military exercise “Volpe Bianca”. Here is a contribution and some pictures:

“While war looms once again at the door of Europe; while bombs are raining down over the heads of thousands of people; while the umpteenth wrestling between opposing imperialisms is underway taking its toll in blood, the roads and mountains of Alta Valsusa, Sestriere and Val Chisone are literally occupied by NATO troops. Over these days Italian, French and US military are amusing themselves playing war games with their loads of weapons and armoured vehicles in total disrespect for those who are suffering war, are dying of it. For years “Volpe Bianca” exercises have been carried out in our mountains at this time of year, between ski racing and Alpine fanfares. The deafening silence that surrounds this macabre theatre is being broken by a simple but for us very important voice. The streets and squares of Sestriere filled up with leaflets and banners. Hairpin bends on the hill were painted with words refusing to welcome the bearers of death and destruction. Refusal and boycott of war also start here.

No peace for those who make war!

NATO murderers out of our mountains!

No more death games in Valsusa!

Some inhabitants of Valsusa”

Translated by act for freedom now!

Munich, Germany : About raids and a §129 procedure against anarchists and the theft of a printing space

Munich: About raids and a §129 procedure against anarchists and the theft of a printing space

What happened?

As previously published, on Tuesday, April 26, in Munich coordinated raids were conducted against anarchists accused of forming a criminal organization (§129). Four apartments were searched (2 of them without any of the accused living there), as well as several basement storage rooms (some of the neighboring cellars of those to the accused were also searched), a printing space, and the anarchist library Frevel.

Coordinated by State Security (K43), a bunch of hooded USK cops with battering rams, partly drawn weapons and some even in chain-mail – yes, whether this cop had lost a bet or whether it was a knight-themed week, we will probably never know – stormed into the apartments at 6 a.m. sharp. This infamous testosterone-fueled bunch even rammed open a door whose key was inserted in the lock on the outside. At some of the apartments, the cops or their colleagues from K123 (Digital Forensics/Telecommunications Surveillance) must have logged into the local WLAN network beforehand, as they seemed to have a precise idea of which devices were connected to the local WLAN network at that time: equipped with power banks and presumably Faraday cages (which serve to shield radio signals) in the form of pouches, the officers immediately snatched the devices, all of them smartphones, and secured them while they were still switched on. Continue reading Munich, Germany : About raids and a §129 procedure against anarchists and the theft of a printing space

Solidarity with our anarchist comrades in munich ,Germany

Solidarity with our anarchist comrades in munich

Last week on april 26th, the cops raided several private apartments as well as the anarchist library „Frevel“. More comrades beeing accused of having formed a criminal organisation. In this case, the charges are incitement of crime. Another §129 investigation in a long line of criminal investigation within the anarchist, antifaschist and anti authoritarian movement.

The repression against our munich comrades is an attack on us all. In the face of growing social tensions, concerning a militarisation of society and the need for strong world leaders, anarchist spaces as a place for us to come together, a place for discussions and exchange about our struggle, are more important than ever. Continue reading Solidarity with our anarchist comrades in munich ,Germany