Category Archives: Solidarity Events, e.t.c.

[EN+ ES+IT+FR ] En contra del 41 bis, solidaridad revolucionaria con el anarquista Alfredo Cospito (Italy)


On Thursday 5th May imprisoned anarchist Alfredo Cospito received notification that he was under the 41 bis prison regime. At the moment Alfredo is still being held in the prison of Terni, in the designated unit. We don’t know if this is a temporary destination and a transfer to another institution will follow. As established by law, the measure was ordered directly by the minister of justice Marta Cartabia, already president of the constitutional court. We briefly recall that 41bis is a particularly distressing prison regime, which in order to prevent any form of communication includes isolation, lack of sociality and all internal activities, silence, censorship of correspondence, one hour’s visit a month with glass partition and “intercom”, therefore the recording of the visit itself, 10 minutes’ telephone calls per month with an authorized family member who must telephone from carabinieri barracks. Prisoners cannot receive newspapers or books, most letters are pre-emptively blocked due to their content, moreover it is not possible to buy newspapers and there is great limitation in the availability of items inside the cell (rationed books, clothes, food, paper and pens).
This is not the first time that such a measure has been inflicted on revolutionaries; in 2006 four Red Brigade prisoners were locked up in these structures (one of them, Diana Blefari, committed suicide in October 2009, shortly after she was removed from 42 bis). This is a precedent that hasn’t yet been disrupted in spite of mobilizations.

Continue reading [EN+ ES+IT+FR ] En contra del 41 bis, solidaridad revolucionaria con el anarquista Alfredo Cospito (Italy)

Spain: V Encuentro Contra el Sistema Tecno Industrial y su Mundo. 27,28 y 29 de mayo. Madrid / V Meeting Against the Techno Industrial System and its World. May 27,28 and 29. Madrid


During the 27th, 28th and 29th of May will take place the “V Anarchist Meeting against the Technoindustrial System and its world”. A place where we can meet, get to know each other, debate, spread and sharpen our ideas against the technical organization of the world. We intend the meeting to be one more tool to fight the techno-scientific-industrial system, because we think that the field of confrontation should be concentrated in the field of technological progress, since it is and will be what will trace the present and future dynamics of domination over each and every one of the aspects of our lives: social, political, economic and environmental. During the duration of the conference there will be a space for distributors (those who want to set up a distributor in the space are kindly requested to confirm their presence in advance) and 100% vegetarian canteens. In the coming days we will disseminate the full program of the meeting, which this year will be held at PVA Sputnik (C / Gonzalez soto, 21, Vallecas, Madrid).

Historically, the systems of domination have taken advantage of moments of crisis or catastrophe to transform the world, to carry out a metamorphosis of it. In other times this metamorphosis was carried out when capitalism was threatened by the advance of the class struggle or by the need for economic and productive changes to maximize profits. In our time we see how technocracy takes advantage of emergencies, be they energetic, sanitary, economic, climatic… to accelerate the techno-totalitarianism that the machine-world implies. A new “great transformation” is underway, driven by the techno-financial elites, a Great Reset. Restarting life in all its dimensions to impose a new way of life and a new world under the imperatives of the 4th Industrial Revolution, that is, restarting life to submit it to the machine-world that seeks to optimize the human being and all living things to turn them into just another cog in the machine-world. Once nature has been artificialized and controlled, the objective now is the human being. Continue reading Spain: V Encuentro Contra el Sistema Tecno Industrial y su Mundo. 27,28 y 29 de mayo. Madrid / V Meeting Against the Techno Industrial System and its World. May 27,28 and 29. Madrid


In the factory farms and vivisection labs, our nonhuman comrades are already fighting back. The time is ripe – let’s share skills and
perspectives on how to support their resistance! By “anti-speciesism” we don’t mean online activism, vegan capitalism or cop-hugging pacifism – we’re opening a space to plot against human supremacism, and we’ve no need for bureaucratic organizations of any kind.
Many animal rights groups have become a hotbed for
fascist/homophobic/cissexist/macho/white supremacist/colonialist views and behaviour. Others promote liberalism, the state or single out human activists as animal “saviours”. We want to build on two years of anti-spe days explicitly pushing against these tendencies,
uncompromising in our rejection of all forms of oppression and
domestication. Let’s meet each other and make some trouble!
You can find us again in the Hambacher Forest, one of Europe’s largest autonomous spaces, still squatted after almost 10 years. (It’s a forest so be ready to camp).
We want the workshops to be more horizontal this year – you can help us by proposing your own! Some ideas we have so far:


Poster : I don’t vote (France)

Poster : I don’t vote

A4 color poster, found on Indymedia Lille, March 10, 2022

I don’t vote

I don’t vote. Because I don’t want to choose a master, to choose the one who will decide for me what is good for me, and will force me to respect his choices, which he will pass off as my own. I don’t want the majority to determine my servitude, for the cattle to build the fences that enclose them and appoint those who will rule me too, no matter what I think.

I don’t vote because I don’t want the world they impose on me, I don’t recognize the idea of nation, of a people, of citizenship, considering that the States always manage to fabricate identities that give the illusion of a unity in a population. Continue reading Poster : I don’t vote (France)

Greetings outside the prison of Santa Maria Capua Vetere

Italy – Greetings outside the prison of Santa Maria Capua Vetere
via: infernourbano
Translated by act for freedom now!
10th of April ,Last Sunday a few dozen trans-feminists in solidarity went to give greetings to those locked up in the prison of Santa Maria Capua Vetere on the second anniversary of the 6th April 2020 “massacre of the holy week”. Shouts from inside were already rising as we were reaching the spot as near to the windows as possible. Many prisoners looked out of the windows, asking for help and demanding freedom; many shouted about lack of water and inedible food, besides the awful unbearable conditions of life inside. Attempts at talking with them were almost immediately hampered by the prison police’s sirens intended to prevent communication and intimidate the people there in solidarity. From inside some started shouting that we should go, warning us that guards were coming.

Continue reading Greetings outside the prison of Santa Maria Capua Vetere

June 11, 2022 International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners
[En Español]
As time moves on and the seasons change, we approach once again the June 11th International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners. Another year has passed, and many of our dear comrades remain captives of the state, subject to its daily subjugation, isolation, and brutality. June 11th is a time to stop the ever-quickening rush of our lives and remember.
Remember our imprisoned comrades. Remember our own histories of revolt. Remember the flame – sometimes flickering, sometimes blazing – of anarchism.
With June 11th, we desire to deepen a critique of prison that challenges the distinction between prisoner and supporter. For us, these differences are conditional: we, as anarchists, see ourselves as potential prisoners. Some of us have been, some of us will be. This is the basis of our solidarity – a recognition of ourselves in the plight of those in prison.

Continue reading June 11, 2022 International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners

Lecce, Italy – IV Edition of “Idea and Action”, Anarchist Publishing Fair, 21st/22nd May, full programme

Idea & Action
IV edition of the anarchist publishing fair
Two days of spreading and propagandising anarchist ideas.
Two days of books, meetings, presentations and discussions to talk about the history and topicality of the anarchist idea and action, of the indissoluble link that unites them and of their ability to influence the world with the prospect of changing it.
Saturday 21st May
3pm: opening of the fair and stalls of anarchist publications
5pm: I Giustizieri. Propaganda del fatto e attentati anarchici di fine Ottocento [The Avengers. Propaganda by the deed and anarchist attacks at the end of the nineteenth century], ed. Monte Bove, ( 2018. Presentation by the author and discussion.
7pm: Il mondo a distanza. Su pandemia, 5G, materialità rimossa del digitale e l’orizzonte di un controllo totalitario [The world at a distance. On the pandemic, the 5G, the removed materiality of the digital and the horizon of totalitarian control], ed. Bergteufel, 2021. Presentation by the author and discussion.

Continue reading Lecce, Italy – IV Edition of “Idea and Action”, Anarchist Publishing Fair, 21st/22nd May, full programme

B(A)D NEWS , angry voices from around the world Episode 55 (04/2022)

Welcome to the 55th edition of B(A)D news: angry voices from around the world, a commonly produced monthly show of the anarchist and anti-authoritarian radio network, on this occasion composed by Free Social Radio 1431AM, from Thessaloniki, Greece.

In this episode we will hear contributions from:

Frequenz-A: An interview with Adam from “no borders team” in Poland, about the current situation of refugees at the Belarusian borders.
A-Radio Berlin: An interview about the struggle of the indigenous Wet’suwet’en in so-called British Columbia (Canada) against the pipelines through their territory.
A-Radio Berlin: And a short update about a razzia in the Bublina squat in Czech Republic.
Radiofragmata: Short audio about the case of the anarchist Vaggelis Stathopoulos.
Črna Luknja: An interview marking the 16th anniversary of Autonomous space Rog, that was evicted approximately one year ago.

You can directly download it from

Munich (Germany): Raids and charges (article 129) against anarchists

On Tuesday 26.04.2022, coordinated raids were carried out in various flats in Munich and at the anarchist library Frevel, as part of an investigation into criminal organization.

Those involved are accused of incitement to criminal activity through anarchist publications. The cops confiscated almost every anarchist newspaper and pamphlet along with all printing equipment. Two of the accused were identified and DNA samples were taken; the two were then released. All of the accused are out of custody.

The cops are trying to intimidate, scare, and terrorize us, but we are not surprised that in times of state of emergencies and war, the state is cracking down on its enemies, on anarchist ideas and on the means to spread them.

More info will follow…

No speculations…

ACAB 4 eva

* Note of Sans Nom: Article 129 of the German penal code, is the one known under the name “constitution of criminal organizations”, which criminalizes not only the creation of criminal associations, but also the membership of, and the support for such organizations. It is regularly used in Germany against revolutionaries, and has been used in recent years in Leipzig, Weimar, Hamburg, Frankfurt and Berlin.

Act for free received by email (the German statement) (french translation)