Category Archives: Solidarity Events, e.t.c.

Bavaria, Germany : G7, again in Schloss Elmau

G7, again in Schloss Elmau

We receive and publish this text-appeal against the G7 which will take place in Elmau, Bavaria, from 26th to 28th June. If we agree with the whole of the reasoning and the tension that animates it, we cannot fail to point out a contradiction between denunciation of “massive financing to digital and to biotechnologies” thanks to the Covid-19 Emergency, and the claim to “vaccination for all”, that is to say biotechnological serums… This said, strength and courage in taking “resistance against this capitalist shit to the streets”.

Smash G7!

Translated from German by

The G20-related trials are not yet concluded and the next summit of shit is already underway. The G7 summit, this time for three days, will be held again in Germany from 26th to 28th June 2022 – and will take place in Elmau, Bavaria, as in 2015. The state and government leaders of Germany, France, Great Britain, Italy, Japan, Canada and United States of America (USA) will gather in Schlosshotel Elmau. The seven megalomaniacs (G7, “the biggest advanced economies in the world within the IMF and the richest liberal democracies”) are the most powerful capitalist states, major military powers and the headquarters of the biggest banks and corporations. Their policies are responsible for the poverty, exploitation and oppression of millions of people, for famines and wars.

Do we want once again to organize resistance against the G7 and let people understand that the dominant powers don’t represent us? We should self-critically ask ourselves whether it is meaningful to mobilize again after Elmau or, unlike 2015, if more decentralised actions would be more efficient. But what is the aim actually? To stop the summit? To destroy the G7? A symbolic protest? Continue reading Bavaria, Germany : G7, again in Schloss Elmau

Carrara, Italy – Initiative “Anarchists and war”

via: Translated by act for freedom now!


What is the State if it is not the organization of power, […] power having no
other object than domination, and domination being real only when everything
that hinders it is subjugated; […] between all States that exist side by side,
war is permanent and their peace is only a truce.


There are things that don’t change with the passage of time especially if they are not wiped out for good. The bosses are bosses even if they have learned better and better to clean up their image by using more captivating names, even if they disguise themselves as “democracy” and “rights”. In order to remain bosses they have always needed wars as instruments of distribution and control of resources and people, as production of social consensus and to defend their class privileges.

Therefore the analysis and actions that anarchists carried forward in the face of War in different historical times remain topical. Continue reading Carrara, Italy – Initiative “Anarchists and war”

Rome, Italy: Meeting to organise an initiative in piazza in solidarity with the comrades on trial, against the 41bis prison regime, against all prisons (Rome 9.06.2022)

Meeting to organise an initiative in piazza in solidarity with the comrades on trial, against the 41bis prison regime, against all prisons (Rome 9.06.2022)

The last hearing of the Scripta Manent trial will be held on 27 June at the Court of Cassation, where anarchists will be on trial for subversive association for the purposes of terrorism and other specific offences, including massacre.

On May 5th the comrade Alfredo Cospito, one of the accused in this trial, was placed under the 41bis regime and transferred to the prison of Bancali, Sassari [Sardinia], where he is presently being held.

A regime of downright torture and annihilation, at the height of the Italian repressive system.

This is happening at a time when the crisis of the capitalist system is there for all to see, as new forms of authoritarianism intertwine with a tendency towards generalised warfare.

We are convinced that anarchist ideas and practice constitute an antidote to the catastrophe.

We will not accept our comrades’ voices being silenced.

This move to 41 bis concerns all revolutionaries, all those opposed to this system in word and deed.

We denounce the political and personal responsibility of those who took this heinous measure: from the highest level, the minister Marta Cartabia who signed the order, to the repressive machine of the Anti-Mafia into whose ranks that very Roberto Sparagna,  prosecutor in the Scripta Manent trial, has recently returned and been promoted to high office.

We are therefore calling an open meeting in order to organise a street initiative in solidarity with the comrades on trial, against the 41 bis prison regime and against all prisons.

International solidarity with all the comrades struck by the repression. Take action, organise, spread solidarity everywhere.

dispersed anarchist individualities

Thursday June 9th at 6pm, at the social Space 100celle aperte [100 opened cells], via delle Resede 5, Rome, Italy.

Rimini, Italy – The Alpini harass, the Alpini rape, the Alpini make war!

The Alpini National Association literally invaded the city of Rimini from the 4th to the 8th of May.

A true military operation, by occupying troops: four “camps” set up in strategic areas of the city, a parade in grand patriotic style, war propaganda, a lot of national flags.

These viscid and oppressive molesters with plumed hats are no Sunday fun-lovers, they are above all military: as such their reason for being is to make war. Continue reading Rimini, Italy – The Alpini harass, the Alpini rape, the Alpini make war!

Italy – For international revolutionary solidarity!

“… I think that only from the clashing of these two (anarchist terrorism and creative anarchy) can the new be born, because life is contrast: rational and irrational, hate and love, anything but deadly static “equilibrium”. Harmony is the child of “disequilibrium”, of chaos…”

Well, what had been looming for some time has finally come to pass: on May 5th  anarchist comrade Alfredo Cospito, already imprisoned in the AS2 unit in Terni, was notified of the 41-Bis regime. We know what this regime involves, a regime demanded by the judiciary then approved by the ministry of justice with minister Marta Cartabia’s signature: annihilation of individuality, extension of isolation, no books, no information or updates from the outside world… in other words, torture.

We cannot fail to be aware of this as the latest attempt at revenge legitimized by the State apparatus against the coherence and integrity of a revolutionary anarchist comrade who has always vindicated his own path, head held high, and has continued to contribute to the anarchist debate through publications, books and writings. This 20 days from the sentence of the cassation concerning the Scripta Manent trial, orchestrated by infimous prosecutor Roberto Sparagna, where dozens of years in jail were handed out on charges of massacre, subversive association with purposes of terrorism and instigation for a number of comrades, including Alfredo. Continue reading Italy – For international revolutionary solidarity!

Immediate release of Giannis Michailidis on hunger strike since 23/05 /22 (Greece)




On 22/02/2022, comrade Giannis MichaiIidis is informed that for the Amfissa Plenary Council he does not meet the “essential” conditions for his release after more than 8 years of imprisonment, as for the council, there is a “risk of committing new offences”.
Comrade G.M. has been targeted for years by the authorities because of his subversive activities. Recently, because of the targeting of him, as well as other prisoners, for the riot that took place in the Malandrino prison in solidarity with the then hunger striker Dino Giantzoglou, he took the option of escaping from prison. In a robbery he carried out while in the illegal situation, he was caught by the cops and taken back to prison.

Nevertheless, under the state’s own laws on merging sentences, the comrade meets all the formal requirements for his release. The Board is vindictively keeping him inside, for vague and indefinite “substantive reasons”, on a completely unsubstantiated rationale of general justification for robbery on the part of G.M.

The comrade is in a special exempt status because of his political beliefs and practices, serving an exhaustive sentence that is being extended arbitrarily. He has been on hunger strike Since Monday 23/05, in order to obtain his release.

“(…) And finally, knowing that it is possible that this strike may be the last part of my journey, I wish to give it precisely that dimension which expresses me as a whole:
The struggle for the freedom of one, is the struggle for the freedom of all…
…until the destruction of the last cage

Giannis Michailidis,
pre-emtively captured in Malandrinos Prison.”


Translated by Act for freedom now!

Discussion about the perspectives of revolutionary anarchy (Berlin,Germany)

Discussion about the perspectives of revolutionary anarchy Starting from the call „International Campaign for Revolutionary Anarchism and Solidarity with Revolutionary Prisoners“, which was published last winter, we want to discuss common perspectives with you. This call was written from solidarians in Athens to the case of Dimitris Chatzivasileiadis and his conviction to sixteen years in prison for participation in the Organization of Revolutionary Self-Defense. 30.05.2022 at 19.00, New Yorck at Bethanien Mariannenplatz 2A,
10997 Berlin

Discussion about the perspectives of revolutionary anarchy

Starting from the call „International Campaign for Revolutionary Anarchism and Solidarity with Revolutionary Prisoners“, which was published last winter, we want to discuss common perspectives with you. This call was written from solidarians in Athens to the case of Dimitris Chatzivasileiadis and his conviction to sixteen years in prison for participation in the Organization of Revolutionary Self-Defense. Continue reading Discussion about the perspectives of revolutionary anarchy (Berlin,Germany)

ES/EN : La Cizaña Trashumante an anarchist diffusion project (Mexico)

La Cizaña Trashumante
Proyecto de difusión anarquista
Distribuidora. Ediciones. Información. Radio.

La Cizaña Trashumante es un proyecto de difusión anarquista que nace en Ciudad Juárez, México, el 1 de mayo de 2022 con la intención de difundir y profundizar en el debate teórico y en la práctica anarquista. En este sentido, el material que distribuimos y difundimos tiene la intención de, por un lado, recuperar textos clásicos que, por diversas razones, olvidos u ocultamientos deliberados, no se encuentran al alcance del público en la frontera y, por el otro, incorporar nuevas voces e investigaciones dentro del amplio espacio ácrata.

También difundimos material audiovisual y serigrafía de contenido afín a los ideales de solidaridad, apoyo mutuo, defensa de la vida, antimilitarismo, feminismo no autoritario, entre otros tópicos, que alimentan el horizonte de ese otro mundo que llevamos en nuestros corazones. Continue reading ES/EN : La Cizaña Trashumante an anarchist diffusion project (Mexico)