Category Archives: Solidarity Events, e.t.c.

Paris,France : signs of solidarity on the Tour de France

Paris : signs of solidarity on the Tour de France

Indymedia Lille, July 28, 2022

Ivan was arrested on June 11, 2022 at about 3:30 am, according to Le Parisien, while he was putting his bike away. He is accused of having burned 6 vehicles, including a diplomatic car in the 17th arrondissement that same evening.

In the following days, the media served us information that came directly from the investigation file, but also the story of an Ivan who would go out every Saturday night on his bike to set fire to cars.
Continue reading Paris,France : signs of solidarity on the Tour de France

Spoleto, Italy: Preventive class war of the Italian State

Preventive class war of the Italian State

The arrests that took place in the early morning of Tuesday, 19 July on a warrant from the Piacenza public prosecutor’s office are indicative of the repressive climate in Italy and the authoritarian turn in course. Four SI Cobas trade unionists were placed under house arrest for the long cycle of struggles that inflamed logistics from 2014 to 2021. Together with them, two USB trade unionists were also placed under house arrest and two others are the recipients of other precautionary measures. The prosecutor Grazia Pradella’s accusations are of conspiracy, assault, resisting a public official, sabotage and interruption of a public service aimed at extortion in order to obtain better wage conditions for workers.

We do not think we should be shocked by this repressive operation, as is happening at the moment, but rather that we should emphasise that it is an open manifestation, a true confession, of the mentality of the bourgeoisie in this historical period: for the gentlemen of GLS, Amazon, FedEx-TNT, as well as from the arrogant statements that are uttered every day by the leaders of Confindustria, everything must be allowed, everything must be permissible for them. Even putting up a tough fight for a wage increase becomes extortion. The whole loot belongs to them by right, one must not dare ask, one must not fight. The accusation of extortion is therefore not a scandal, but rather a sign of the times.

Continue reading Spoleto, Italy: Preventive class war of the Italian State

Italy: From Valsusa

From Valsusa

In August 2018, an improvised explosive device struck the provincial headquarters of the [Northern] League in Villorba of Treviso, imposing a pause on Carroccio leader Salvini’s round of hate rallies. On July 9 of this year, the Court of Treviso held Juan Sorroche responsible for the attack, sentencing him in first instance to 28 years’ prison. Juan is our friend and comrade, present also here in Valsusa in the notav struggle, for which he is serving a prison sentence of over eight years for the day of struggle of July 3 2011.
Twenty-eight years. Unfortunately the enormity of such a sentence is not unique. Just three days before, on July 6, the court of Cassation requalified as “political massacre” an explosive attack against the Carabinieri barracks of Fossano (CN) of 2006 attributed to the anarchists Anna Beniamino and Alfredo Cospito, effectively sentencing them to life imprisonment. Moreover, from May 5 Alfredo joined the buried alive locked up in 41bis, a regime of total isolation and deprivation, real white torture aimed at crushing the resistance of those who, even behind bars, show that they do not intend to stop struggling.

To our knowledge, these are the highest sentences, ever imposed in Italy for similar charges. Just to get an idea, the definition of ‘massacre’, was not applied to the massacres of piazza Fontana or of Capaci. Using it to define actions that caused neither victims nor wounded is a juridical abomination, as well as semantic, which reveals all the persecutory will towards dissent and conflict, clearly less and less tolerable today. In fact, such cases can only be understood in their overall dynamic, to outline which we need only cite two other recent examples: the Turin public prosecutor’s investigation against dozens of militants of the Askatasuna social centre on charges of criminal conspiracy, and the operation against the SI Cobas and the USB of 19 July, in which the leaders of these trade unions were investigated and arrested on the incredible accusation of having wanted to ‘extort’ better working conditions and wages from the bosses… in other words, what every trade union should do!
Continue reading Italy: From Valsusa

Buenos Aires, Argentina: Demonstration 5 Years After the Disappearance and Murder of Santiago Maldonado Monday, August 1st

Demonstration 5 Years After the Disappearance and Murder of Santiago Maldonado
Monday, August 1st, 5pm.
Miserere Square.
Buenos Aires, CABA.

On Monday August 1st we will be gathering in Plaza Once 5 years after the disappearance of anarchist compañero Santiago Maldonado, seeking to meet and vindicate the revolutionary memory of the compañero outside of the self-victimizing frameworks and requests for “justice”.

Because we understand that the memory of an anarchist is claimed from iconoclastic consequence, because we have nothing to ask from the State and Capital, because nothing has changed after these 5 years, while the government adjusts its figures and the reformists fight for a seat in Congress, the police continue to disappear and murder daily, the encroachment on the earth and the communities in struggle deepens day after day, and private property deprives us every moment of free time outside the logic of Capital.

With lechuga, Emilia Baucis, Urubú Terenzi and Soledad Rosas in our black memory!
Freedom to the anarchist prisoners for the Clarín’s escrache!
Never defeated, always firm against all authority!

🔥Bring your flag🔥. Translated by Act for freedom now!

Madrid, Spain: Graffiti in Lavapiés in Solidarity with the Exarchia neighbourhood for the International Day of Action

Madrid,Graffiti in Lavapiés in Solidarity with the Exarchia neighbourhood for the International Day of Action


The only thing that can guarantee the public character of our neighbourhoods will always be the radical movement.

The city councils and the political elite in general are responsible as the cities are transformed into tourist centres, value for business. Public spaces are occupied by businesses and companies, who at the same time expel all those who choose not to or do not have the opportunity to consume. Against gentrification and touristification, state repression and the destruction of spaces of struggle. We resist in every neighbourhood by means of social self-organization, class solidarity, insurrection.
Continue reading Madrid, Spain: Graffiti in Lavapiés in Solidarity with the Exarchia neighbourhood for the International Day of Action

11/07/22 Intervention at the Greek embassy in London for G.Michailidis and the struggle of the migrants in Elaionas (London,UK)

Intervention at the Greek embassy in London for G.Michailidis and the struggle of the migrants in Elaionas in Greece.

the text given out:



Giannis Michailidis is an anarchist prisoner on hunger strike since 23/5. He has served 8.5 years in prison and, while he fulfils all formal conditions for his release, he is kept in preventive detention. The Greek judges backed by the Greek state refuse to release him on the pretext that he does not meet the substantive conditions of release. This additional detention is being used at will to punish him for remaining unrepentant and maintaining a militant stance within the prison walls. This is not the first time Michailidis faces the vengeance of the Greek state. His heavy prosecution began in 2011 when an arrest warrant was issued against him for involvement in the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, for which he was later acquitted. He chose the path of illegality and was arrested in 2013 in Velvento Kozani, after expropriating a bank together with 3 other anarchists, where he was tortured by the police.

He was forced to escape in 2019 from prison due to a fabricated prosecution for participation in the uprising against the violent abduction of the then hunger striker Dinos Yatzoglou from Korydallos prison. This prosecution was brought against all political prisoners in order to restrict their rights and prolong their time in prison.
Continue reading 11/07/22 Intervention at the Greek embassy in London for G.Michailidis and the struggle of the migrants in Elaionas (London,UK)

London,UK : Death to Gentrification, From London to Exarchia

For those of us surviving in London, the birthplace of capitalism and one of the places where the process of deterritorization, gentrification and individualisation of social life has reached its furthest phase, Exarchia has served as an example of resistance and counter-attack against those same forces for many years.

As we struggle to fight against the death-machine of the colonialist capitalist heteropatriarchal white-supremacist nation-state in order to carve out a small measure of free and unmediated life, Exarchia reminds us what was taken from us and inspires us to create it once again. Not through the spectacular images of riot-porn distributed for the consumption of anarcho-voyeurs from around the world, but with its refusal to allow the social relations and spaces that compose the beating heart of the neighborhood to die. Continue reading London,UK : Death to Gentrification, From London to Exarchia

EN/FR: There are no isolated arsonists



There are no isolated arsonists

An anarchist companion, Ivan, was arrested in the Paris region on June 11, 2022. He is suspected of several car arsons: cars with diplomatic plates, cars of the rich, of Enedis, and of others. We consider the arson and sabotage of cars, cell towers, electricity pylons and corporate targets as a strategy of the international anarchist struggle.

The omnipresence of our enemies makes them vulnerable. Some targets seem unreachable, yet all their tentacles are Achilles’ heels. If a company’s headquarters is difficult to access, we can torch one of its many cars, its branches and its power supply. We find joy in severing these tentacles, alone or in groups, with or without claims, with the means at hand or with more sophisticated techniques. In this way, we attack specific structures of domination. Continue reading EN/FR: There are no isolated arsonists

Rome, Italy: No surrender – National meeting against 41bis on 16 and 17 of July 22


On May 5th anarchist Alfredo Cospito, imprisoned in the prison of Terni, was notified that he had been put under the regime 41bis and was transferred a few days later to one of the toughest prisons that apply this regime, the prison of Bancali (Sassari, Sardinia), aimed at isolating him even more from those close to him and from the anarchist movement.

41bis is a prison regime aimed at preventing relations between inside and outside prison by limiting visits and telephone calls, subjecting correspondence to constant censorship, limiting the quantity and contents of permitted books, and at annihilating the individual through particularly stringent “security” measures, constant body searches and of the cell, restrictions of contact between prisoners, etc. A prison within the prison, or rather, a true “annihilation prison”, aimed at breaking those who for one reason or another constitute a threat to the established order and the powers that govern it.

After using 41bis to bend organised crime that could not be subdued or co-opted, after using it to punish the resurgence of the communist armed struggle, the Italian State now want to use it as a tool to attempt to crush revolutionary anarchist prisoners and intimidate all those who still undermine internal social peace. Continue reading Rome, Italy: No surrender – National meeting against 41bis on 16 and 17 of July 22