Genoa, Banners for Alfredo
Banners have been hung in an abandoned building of Genova with the words:
Alfredo Cospito
out of 41 bis
For anarchy
Genoa, Banners for Alfredo
Banners have been hung in an abandoned building of Genova with the words:
Alfredo Cospito
out of 41 bis
For anarchy
Berikut beberapa dokumentasi dari kawan-kawan yang berpartisipasi dalam Minggu Solidaritas Internasional 23-30 Agustus 2022
Fire to The Prison!
more photos here:
Ps: Organisasi Palang Hitam pendukung Tahanan Anarkis sedang mengadakan workshop untuk paralegal dan bantuan hukum dalam menghadapi setiap kemungkinan terjadinya represi dari para aparat bajingan, jadi mereka membutuhkan donasi dan partisipasi paralegal. Cek atau hubungi Instagram mereka
via: insendier
[After a first leaflet on the current situation of Boris released on July 28 -Besançon (Doubs): The medical and judicial powers are relentless against Boris-, a second text has just come out, focusing more specifically on the medical power that the comrade is facing…]
Whether in prison or in the hospital, down with power!
Solidarity with Boris
Indymedia Lille, August 13, 2022
The anarchist comrade Boris has been in prison in nancy maxéville since september 2020 for sabotaging two 5G** relay antennas during the first lockdown. He had been in prison for almost a year when, on the morning of August 7, 2021, a fire broke out in his cell. Boris was hospitalized in Metz hospital, then in the intensive care unit of Besançon hospital. He is currently in the palliative care department of the same hospital.
My first concern will be to restore, preserve or promote health (in italics, excerpts from the Hippocratic Oath)
Continue reading Besançon (Doubs) France : Whether in prison or in the hospital, down with power!
Programme of the anarchist publishing fair to be held in Marina di Carrara 9 – 11th September 2022 at the Circolo ricreativo sportivo, via Firenze 33:
Friday 9th September:
15:30 — Opening of the fair.
17:30 — Presentation and discussion by the Anti-Repression Fund of the Western Alps of the book by Claudio Lavazza Pestifera la mia vita.
Continue reading Carrara, Italy: ANARCHIST PUBLISHING FAIR IN CARRARA. SEPTEMBER 9-10-11, 2022
Waging our own war
Entire cities razed to the ground. Soldiers killing defenseless and terrorized people. The exodus of millions of people. In the face of such horrors, the condemnation of war is unanimous. Our stomach can only protest, overwhelmed by a feeling of nausea.
This does not prevent most of us from living in the midst of the machinery and infrastructures that make these massacres possible. Because yes, indeed, the war starts here, at home. In the hundreds of factories, workshops and laboratories that constantly produce the instruments of death. In the deadly logistics that allow the uninterrupted flow of weapons and equipment. In the energy systems that feed the war machine. In other words, all the tearful speeches about the end of war are a real hypocrisy, as long as there are industrialists to produce it, politicians to declare it, scientists to innovate it, generals to manage it, in short, as long as the interests of those who collaborate with it from near and far flourish.
Is the military industry protected from prying eyes by thick smoke screens? Does all this production take place in distant underground bunkers? No, it’s all there! Exposed to the attention of anyone.
Montreuil/Aubervilliers : Raids and arrests of 3 comrades
“I heard they were wild but I heard they didn’t care
As long as there is the palace which burns and the convicts who got away “
On July 06, 2022 at 6:00 a.m. two simultaneous raids by the judicial police took place in two apartments, in Montreuil and Aubervilliers. The motive: destruction of public property, apparently a video surveillance camera, during the night of 18 to 19 February 2022 in Montreuil, against two people, E. and G., one in each apartment. The objects seized were: 4 computers, 6 telephones, a USB key, various posters, newspapers and stickers (a public letter from Boris [1], an issue of the magazine Des Ruines, copies of the newspaper Mauvais Sang and the newsletter Lucioles). In one of the two apartments, the cops also took a beige parka and a pair of white shoes. These raids led to two arrests, again for these same events, at the Bobigny police station.
During one of the two raids, a third person, V., was summoned to the DRPJ of Bobigny at 12:00. Considering, on the advice of the lawyers, that if they had wanted to put him in police custody they would have done so directly and that going there and keeping silent would avoid another unpleasant police intrusion, he went there. But it was a bad idea, because this summons was transformed into police custody for the events of September 2021 of violence on PDAP, contempt, rebellion, refusal to have his photo taken, to give his fingerprints and his DNA. That day, during a concert at the squat Le Marbré in Montreuil, the cops had arrested these same 3 people during a police charge [2]. This pending case from September 2021 (which can hardly justify a raid 10 months later…), was thus reactivated on the occasion of the raids of July 6, thanks to article 65 of the code of criminal procedure, which allows this kind of crap.
Continue reading Montreuil/Aubervilliers, France : Raids and arrests of 3 comrades
Letter of the anarchist prisoner Thanos Chatziaggelou to the anarchist prisoner Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar, regarding the international week of solidarity to anarchist prisoners.
These words travelled by your side from a cell very far from yours. They carry with them, the identically guilty thoughts that crush borders and walls. They carry the same persistence and impatience for the return to the paths of fire. Those thoughts don’t die daily on the iron bars and uninformed figures that separate us. They remain alive accompanying the same necessity for one more consensual plan that will surrender to the fire and gunpower the order and safety of this old world.
Day by day more and more parts of the sky are given away to the iron bars. And there is one question torturing my head more and more: is it the concrete that grows higher or is it maybe the head lowering? However, life itself answers this question. Prisons will not crush us comrades. Because we remain with the same pride wholeheartedly fighting to overcome power.
Continue reading T.Chatziaggelou|A message of resistance to comrades Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar (Greece)
Letter for the International Week of Solidarity With Anarchist Prisoners 2022 by imprisoned anarchist Toby Shone
“Does this rising generation know that those who inaugurated the 8 hour day were put to death at the command of Capital?”
Lucy Parsons, The Haymarket Martyrs, November 1926
“Although we are not reformists, the struggle to obtain improvements in one’s immediate situation (wages, housing, health, education, occupations etc) sees the anarchists present, but they do not see these struggles as ends in themselves. They push the exploited towards this form of struggle so that they can develop the elements of self-organisation and refusal of the delegate which are indispensable in order to develop direct action at all other levels.”
Alfredo M. Bonanno, What are Anarchists?
Despite being in prison, news occasionally reaches me of the many repressive operations and terrible circumstances that our comrades are confronting. That’s why I am in agreement with the proposal once again put forward by the Anarchist Black Cross for a week of solidarity at the end of August. This date is chosen to mark the State murder of anarchists Sacco and Vanzetti. We cannot give in to resignation or become complacent in these times. It is more important than ever to explain and make accessible the anarchist analysis and to put it into practice immediately.
Anarchism is internationalism, self-management, mutual aid, solidarity, and direct action: incisive, voracious and alive. That’s why our spaces are raided and evicted, our publications seized, our communities hunted, beaten, imprisoned and killed around the world.
Your New South London Local; Touchpaper Anarchist Library!
“…From under the glitter and glare of London, the prison city, this
anarchist library now humbly stands. Not a shop, nor a radical ‘space’, nor the organ of some organisation or other, Touchpaper is a small contribution towards a place for the encounter, for eye-to-eye
discussion and for pushing outwards against the grain…”
A new anarchist library in south london, home to subversive publications from around the world including a distro, a library (where publications can be borrowed for a small deposit) and a forthcoming archive of anarchist ideas put onto paper.
385 Queens Road
New Cross
London SE14 5HD
(every week)
Tuesday 13th September, 6PM
Against 5G and the World that Needs it!
An anti-authoritarian discussion on digital control and the struggle for freedom.
Public PGP Key Block:
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Besançon (Doubs): The medical and judicial powers are relentless against Boris
In April 2020, our comrade and friend Boris set fire to the antennas of four cell phone operators, as well as those of the cops and the gendarmes on the Mont Poupet (Jura). Identified by DNA present on a bottle cap, he was incarcerated in September 2020 in the prison of Nancy, then sentenced in April 2021 to four years in prison, two of which are unsuspended. In a public letter written from prison*, he defended his act by his desire to oppose the increasing digitalization of our lives through direct action, with all the control, environmental and social ravages it implies. In August 2021, he was seriously injured in a cell fire, and has since been in the hands of the medical authorities. On the judicial side, his imprisonment was lifted at the time of the appeal trial of the following September (postponed sine die), while an enquiry, still in progress, was entrusted to a judge in Nancy in order to determine the causes of the fire and to investigate the eagerness of the screws to let our companion suffocate in his cell.
Alternating between artificial coma and semi-consciousness for a few months, Boris could not make his own decisions. The doctors were not without mistakes in their diagnoses, but always with unwavering confidence. At the beginning of March 2022, Boris was transferred from the “Grands Brûlés” wing of the Metz hospital to the intensive care unit of the Besançon CHRU, which in April decided to get rid of him by sending him to another unit that was not well suited to his situation, without his opinion having any importance. This decision, which had serious consequences and meant the abandonment of active care, was essentially motivated by the fact that no favourable evolution of his state of health was observed, following miserable statistical criteria. Clearly, these criteria take absolutely no account of the particular individual to whom they are applied in an absolute and chilling manner, even if he expresses his fierce will to continue to live and fight to get better. Taking advantage of his current quadriplegia, and despite the fact that he is able to speak, lucid and combative, the doctors decided not to resuscitate him if a new serious infection occurred. It was only by protesting and writing letters that they had to take into account his will to survive and resume a minimum of active care.
Continue reading Besançon (Doubs),France: The medical and judicial powers are relentless against Anarchist comrade Boris