Category Archives: Solidarity Events, e.t.c.

Bure (Meuse)France : solidarity banner

Bure (Meuse) : solidarity banner

Fuck diplomacy, the media and nuclear power!
Long live the Attack!

Manif-Est, June 23, 2022

During the night of June 10th to 11th, a person suspected of being an admin of the site was arrested and then placed in provisional detention, and the media unleashed their venom on this story. He is accused of having set fire to 58 cars between 2017 and 2022 in the “beautiful districts” of Paris: diplomatic cars, cars of private companies (Eiffage) or public (Enedis, RATP) or media (the Est Républicain). More info from the mainstream press here.
It made us angry.

With this banner, we send all our solidarity from Bure & let the revolt spread.

PS: a sneak peek of the banner was seen by the gendarmerie helicopter that was passing by, doing their job of repression…

via: sansnom Translated by Act for freedom now!

Sassari, Sardinia – Against the 41bis regime, against all prisons. Initiatives in Sassari on 25-26/06/2022


The last hearing of the Scripta Manent trial will take place at the court of cassation on 27th June. On 5th May comrade Alfredo Cospito, accused in this trial, was SUBJECTED TO the 41bis regime and transferred to the prison of Bancali. A regime of torture and annihilation at the height of the repressive system of the Italian State.

SATURDAY 25TH JUNE, 5:30PM: itinerant initiative, Piazza Tola, Sassari

SUNDAY 26TH JUNE, 5PM: gathering outside the prison of Bancali (Sassari)

The prison inferno was built by human beings and by human beings it can be destroyed.


fuoridallariserva Translated by Act for freedom now!

Germany : Mobilization action for the International Day of Action June 24 in solidarity with the anarchist hunger striker Giannis Michailidis in Greece.

Mobilization action for the International Day of Action June 24 in solidarity with the anarchist hunger striker Giannis Michailidis in Greece.

On Saturday 18.06.2022 there were short mobilization actions in Kreuzberg with flyer distribution to call for the rally on 24.06.2022 at Kottbusser Tor 6 pm, and to draw attention to the hunger strike of Giannis Michailidis in Greece. For this purpose, the surrounding neighborhoods around the Kottbusser Tor were visited, where various neighborhood activities took place.

The solidarity assemblies with the anarchist hunger striker Giannis Michailidis in Greece call for an International Day of Action and Solidarity on June 24.
[International Day of Action and Solidarity with Anarchist Hunger Striker Giannis Michailidis].

Since May 23, anarchist Giannis Michailidis, who is in preventive detention in Maladrinos Prison, has been on hunger strike to demand his immediate release. He has served 3/5 of his 20 year sentence and 2/5 of his sentence for escape from prison. As scheduled, the prison authorities have asked him to sign his application for conditional release on December 29, 2021. Giannis Michailidis is now demanding his right to be released from prison through the hunger strike.
Continue reading Germany : Mobilization action for the International Day of Action June 24 in solidarity with the anarchist hunger striker Giannis Michailidis in Greece.


24 czerwca – Międzynarodowy Dzień Akcji i Solidarności ze strajkiem głodowym anarchisty Giannisa Michailidisa

24 CZERWCA został ogłoszony Międzynarodowym Dniem Akcji i Solidarności z anarchistą Giannisem Michailidisem, który prowadzi strajk głodowy domagając się przedterminowego zwolnienia z więzienia. Wzywamy do działań, które pokażą Giannisowi i jego przyjaciołom, że o nim pamiętamy, że nikt schwytany w szczęki państwowych represji nie będzie zostawiony sam sobie. Kim jednak dokładnie jest Giannis Michailidis? Jaka jest jego historia?

Przez całe swoje życie Giannis Michailidis był integralną częścią walk przeciwko państwu i kapitałowi prowadzonych z perspektywy anarchistycznej. Od najmłodszych lat uczestniczył w anarchistycznych grupach studenckich, w demonstracjach przeciwko wojnie w Iraku, w antypaństwowych i antykapitalistycznych demonstracjach ruchu antyglobalistycznego w latach 2004-2006, a podczas tych konfliktów niejednokrotnie bywał aresztowany. Uczestniczył w walkach studenckich w latach 2006-2007 przeciwko reakcyjnym reformom szkolnictwa wyższego (prywatyzacja uniwersytetów, zniesienie azylu uniwersyteckiego itp.) Walczył z ekonomicznym rabunkiem przyrody. W 2007 r. został aresztowany podczas interwencji przeciwko wylesianiu góry Parnitha. Był integralną częścią powstania grudniowego, kiedy to policjanci zamordowali z zimną krwią 16-letniego anarchistę Alexandrosa Grigoropoulosa w rejonie Exarchii. Brał udział w walkach przeciwko memorandom w 2012 r. i zdecydował się na wywłaszczenie krwawego bogactwa banków. Pozostaje osobą nieugięcie oddaną wizji obalenia państwa i kapitału, zajmując bojową postawę wobec kompleksu policyjno-sądowego, uosabiającego terroryzm państwowy.

Solidarity with anarchist comrade Juan Sorroche (Italy)

Italy – For Juan


On 11th June another hearing of the trial against Juan Sorroche will take place at the court of Treviso; Juan is an anarchist comrade accused of placing two devices near the premises of the League in Villorba (Treviso) in August 2018, and for this he was put on trial by the Italian State for “attack with purposes of terrorism” and “massacre”.

The State that talks about massacre is the same that at the time, thanks to the work of some of its best servants such as the Democratic Party and the League, began to finance Libyan mercenaries and coast guards in order to lock up hundreds of thousands of men and women fleeing wars and famine in concentration camps in the middle of the desert, the same that was causing death by drowning for thousands of them in the Mediterranean sea, preventing them from being succoured and the same that was chasing back many hundreds in the so-called Balkan route. Inside its national borders it was inaugurating the latest version of concentration camps for undocumented people, the CPRs, places of torture and death, such as that in Gradisca d’Isonzo. Continue reading Solidarity with anarchist comrade Juan Sorroche (Italy)

Greece: International Day of Action and Solidarity with the Anarchist Hunger Striker G. Michailidis

International Day of Action and Solidarity with the Anarchist Hunger Striker G. Michailidis

“After 8.5 years in prison, after all these arbitrary actions against me, I decided to put an end to my 11 years of suffering, by putting up a mound against the practice of preventive imprisonment, or else the additional punishment of escape with legal loopholes. After 5 more months of preventive detention, I am starting a hunger strike for my release. This choice, with the deep motivation of the much desired freedom, I intend to support it with the same consistency that I have supported my choices so far and for which they are avenging me.”

Giannis Michailidis, preventively imprisoned in Malandrinos prison, 23/5/2022

Throughout his life, Giannis Michailidis, has been an integral part of the struggles against the state and capital from an anarchist perspective. He participated from a young age in anarchist student groups, in demonstrations against the Iraq war, in anti-state/anti-capitalist demonstrations of the 2004-2006 anti-globalisation movement and was arrested during the conflicts. He participated in the 2006-2007 student struggles against the reactionary reforms in higher education (privatization of universities, abolition of university asylum, etc.). He fought against the plundering of nature and was arrested in an intervention against the deforestation of Mount Parnitha in 2007. He was an integral part of the December uprising, when police officers murdered in cold blood the anarchist 16-year-old Alexandros Grigoropoulos in the Exarchia area. He was present in the battles against the memoranda in 2012 and chose to expropriate the bloody wealth of the banks, remaining steadfastly committed to the vision of the overthrow of the state and capital, holding a militant – feisty stance, against the police-judicial complex, the material expression of state terrorism. Continue reading Greece: International Day of Action and Solidarity with the Anarchist Hunger Striker G. Michailidis

Athens,Greece, en/fr/es/de/tr/: 25 June/ International day of action in defence of Exarchia neighborhood – Athens/ Demonstration in Exarchia Square

25 June/ International day of action in defence of Exarchia neighborhood – Athens/ Demonstration in Exarchia Square





The construction of the metro station on Exarchia square and the redevelopment of Strefi Hill are expected to start during the summer months, according to reports in the mainstream media, but also according to notifications by the Municipality of Athens to shops located in the square.

The government’s ultimatum is the final blow to the character of the historic neighborhood of Exarchia. The construction of a Metro stop on the square, the conversion of the Polytechnic school into a museum, the attempted eradication of the monument of Alexandros Grigoropoulos through the construction of luxury apartment buildings on Mesologgiou Street, the surrender of Strefi Hill to private interests (which includes the cementing of the park’s paths, cutting down trees, placing cameras, gates and security posts to control the entrance) are part of the overall designs for the gentrification of the area, the transformation of the neighborhood into a tourist destination, the development of control and repression.

The displacement of the most impoverished people is a consequence of gentrification, since finding housing is rendered impossible due to the increase in rents, spread of airbnb and the onslaught of investment companies. The process of gentrification is normality for the State and Capital, while it is a violent process of uprooting for those connected to the area as they are forced to leave it. Continue reading Athens,Greece, en/fr/es/de/tr/: 25 June/ International day of action in defence of Exarchia neighborhood – Athens/ Demonstration in Exarchia Square

Faster than the press, for once. The appeal of the “Parkbank” trial against three Hamburg anarchists is now over (Germany)

Hamburg (Germany): Faster than the press, for once

Kontrapolis / Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Faster than the press, for once. The appeal of the “Parkbank” trial against three Hamburg anarchists is now over.

The German Federal Court (BGH) has upheld the conviction of the two fellow comrades who had been remanded in custody until the verdict was issued. As a result, they will have to go to prison in the next few months to serve the remainder of their sentences.

As for the conviction of the other comrades, there will still be a hearing for her application for parole, which has been denied so far. The date has not yet been set.

More information will follow, as soon as we have sorted it out or know more.

Freedom and happiness!


via: attaque

Translated by Act for freedom now!

read also some info: An evaluation of the observation and surveillance of the three anarchists convicted in the so-called “Parkbank trial”.

A Collection of Updates and Texts relating to the Three Arrested in HamburgNovember 2019

Poster in Solidarity with the anarchist Giannis Michailidis (Greece)

Solidarity with the anarchist Giannis Michailidis – On hunger strike since 23/5/22

1 June, 2022

Anarchist prisoner in Malandrinos prison Giannis Michailidis started a hunger strike on 23/5 demanding that his request for release be accepted. While he has served his entire sentence (8.5 years in the cells of democracy) and according to the laws of civil justice he is entitled to be released from prison, the responsible judicial council rejected the 1st application for his permanent release on the grounds that he is “liable to commit new offences” and the 2nd application is still under consideration with the prosecution having recommended against it.

Determined and consistent for years in the struggle against state power, capitalist brutality and all forms of exploitation, he has fought battles through his participation in social struggles and in guerrilla action groups. Present in every form of struggle that promotes rebellion and resistance to power, he has been in practical solidarity with those who have experienced the brutality and vindictiveness of repression. Having been ineffectively accused of a number of baseless cases (robbery in Paros, joining the C.C.F.) and convicted, among others, of the “crime” of robbing a bank, and having managed to escape from the hellholes of democracy (an act for which he has served his legal “debt”), he remains a proud revolutionary without ever signing statements of repentance for his actions and choices. It is obvious, therefore, why the Amfissa magistrates’ court is refusing him the permanent dismissal to which he is entitled.
Continue reading Poster in Solidarity with the anarchist Giannis Michailidis (Greece)