Category Archives: Solidarity Events, e.t.c.

Greece : Financial support for court expenses of comrade Kostas K.

**The photo was taken in 2007 during the insurrection at the prison of Malandrino.

Back in the distant 2007, at a time of underlying and subtle social processes that would culminate in the December 2008 uprising, the authorities were looking after one of their favourite children. George Voulgarakis, a member of the deepest party-apparatus of New Democracy and Minister of Public Order, is caught up in the maelstrom of phone tapping scandals and ‘disappearances’ of Pakistani migrants and refugees. The state, however, always takes care of its children and Voulgarakis goes on “vacation”, away from the “hot potato” of the Ministry of Public Order, taking over the “loose” Ministry of Culture.

But some people do not forget and do not forgive. At 10:00am on July 3, 2007, a few hours after Voulgarakis and his police escort arrived at the ministry on Bouboulinas Street, they were attacked by a group of twenty comrades, with Molotov cocktails and a bag full of gasoline canisters and camping gas canisters, that fell into Voulgarakis’ own vehicle. The policemen open fire on the comrades, only thus managing to make them retreat.

In the text in which they claimed responsibility, they state:
Continue reading Greece : Financial support for court expenses of comrade Kostas K.

Omar Nioi – Scripta Manent: a political trial against 20 years of history of revolutionary anarchism

Letter – Intervention of the anarchist comrade from Sardinia Omar Nioi (convicted in the trial of “Operation Scripta Manent”) at the event held in Athens (A.S.O.E.E.) on December 19, 2022 regarding the anarcho-nihilist hunger striker Alfredo Cospito.

First of all, a greeting to all the comrades who were present in this initiative, a greeting and a special thanks to the comrades who promoted it. To this day, the weaving of international relations, exchanges and comparisons continues, as in the past, to be an essential element and always a living part of revolutionary anarchism, in order to strengthen our intentions.

Scripta Manent:

A political trial against 20 years of the history of revolutionary anarchism

The events:

At dawn on 6 September 2016, 32 comrades throughout the Italian State were awakened by the civil police (DIGOS). The result of the first part of the police operation called “Scripta Manent”, ordered by the Turin Public Prosecutor’s Office through its investigator Roberto Maria Sparagna, is 15 suspects and 7 arrests. On the other hand, an eighth anarchist, in charge of the Anarchist Black Cross publishing project (now closed), is arrested after a house search against him in which batteries and an electrician’s manual were found. In addition to comrades Alfredo Cospito and Nicola Gai, already in prison since 2012 having been tried and convicted for the injury of Roberto Adinolfi, (CEO of Ansaldo Nucleare) action taken by “Nucleo Olga of FAI/FRI”, comrades Alessandro, Marco, Danilo, Valentina and Anna are arrested. For the comrades, articles 270 bis (on association with terrorist purposes), 280 bis (on terrorist acts with lethal or explosive devices) and 285 (on massacre) are triggered for various reasons, which are in question starting from as far back as 2003 and all relating to a series of attacks specifically signed by the “Informal Anarchist Federation” through the cells FAI/Narodnaya Volya (FAI/ People’s Will), “Cooperativa Artigiana Fuoco e Affini FAI/Collaboration of Fire and Artifacts (Occasionally Spectacular))”, “FAI/RAT ((Rivolta Anonima e Tremenda/Federazione Anarchica Informale – Anonymous and Tremendous Revolt/Informal Anarchist Federation)” and “Nucleo Olga FAI/FRI” (FAI/IRF Cell Olga).

Continue reading Omar Nioi – Scripta Manent: a political trial against 20 years of history of revolutionary anarchism

Uruguay: Internationalist Anti-Prison Day

via: publicacionrefractario

Uruguay: Internationalist Anti-Prison Day

On December 3 we invite you to an internationalist and anticarceral gathering.

🔥Firstly, we will communicate with comrades in Italy who will tell us about the situation of the anarchist prisoners who are currently on hunger strike – Alfredo, Juan, Ivan and Anna, in struggle against the 41 bis solitary confinement regime.

📓We are very excited to present the magazine KALINOV MOST and to communicate with part of the editorial group to learn more about the project.
Continue reading Uruguay: Internationalist Anti-Prison Day

International solidarity call for actions to support the struggle of our comrade Th. Chatziaggelou, on hunger and thirst strike since 19/12 (Thessaloniki Greece)

International solidarity call to support the struggle of our comrade Th. Chatziaggelou, on hunger and thirst strike since 19/12

Victory to the hunger and thirst strike (since 19/12) of our comrade Th. Chatzianggelou

During the early hours of Monday 19/12 prison snitches/guards inform our comrade Th. Chantzianggelou about his transfer from his cell to the 4th wing of the hellhole called the “penitentiary detention center” of Korydallos.After our comrade’s refusal to cooperate with them, the “well-known” hooded prison guards took over and tied him up and began his transfer to the prisons of Nigrita, after his declaration that from that moment on he would be on hunger and thirst strike until he was informed of the reason of his transfer and his immediate return to his cell in Korydallos prison. For hours our companion was unable to contact anyone, not even his lawyer. In the evening of the same day, he remains at the Sub-Directorate of Transfers in Thessaloniki and is now in the hellholes-prison of Nigrita Serres. On 25/12, comrade Thanos was admitted to the Serres hospital where he is held under the suffocating presence of police in a room-cell, violating every human right.

In the same way, on 22/12, the anarchist Kostas Dimalexis, prisoner of the 5th Wing of Korydallos, was transferred to the Trikala’s, another smaller city in central Greece,prison.
Continue reading International solidarity call for actions to support the struggle of our comrade Th. Chatziaggelou, on hunger and thirst strike since 19/12 (Thessaloniki Greece)

EN/ES Montevideo, Uruguay: Intervention and Flyering at the Italian embassy

Montevideo, Intervention and Flyering at the Italian embassy

On Sunday, December 4, in the heat of the afternoon we held an intervention at the Italian embassy which is located in one of the most glamorous neighborhoods of the Uruguayan capital. At the same time, nearby, we filled the square called ¨Leon Tolstoi¨ with flyers.

The message is clear: free comrade Cospito from the torturous and fascist regime called ¨41 BIS¨. At the moment of the intervention, different neighbors were surprised by the unusual movement in a neighborhood accustomed to the peace and tranquility offered by the continuous police patrols and the exaggerated number of surveillance cameras on every corner.

Continue reading EN/ES Montevideo, Uruguay: Intervention and Flyering at the Italian embassy


Santiago, December 10, 2022


130 years of anarchist influence in this territory have passed, which makes it essential to rescue our history from the annihilating machinery of capitalist oblivion. It will be us, the anarchists, who will be in charge of reconstructing our black memory.

This is an invitation to a historical-cultural event, which will consist of a bicycle tour through Santiago passing through seven points relevant to local anarchist history. The activity will last 3 hours (approx), in this bike ride we will hand out informative material, there will also be theatrical interventions in some of the stations. The route will culminate in the Portales Park with a collective and solidarity lunch organized by the Historical Archive La Revuelta.

Continue reading Chile: CYCLING FOR ANARCHIST MEMORY (Video)

Solidarity and Complicity with the Four Detained Anti-Speciesists (Chile)

Solidarity and Complicity with the Four Detained Anti-Speciesists

Metropolitan Region, Santiago: we receive and spread this graphic gesture in solidarity with the 4 anti-speciesist comrades, kidnapped this Thursday by the State-Police.

On November 4, in the moonlight, 4 comrades were arrested simultaneously, accused arson for alleged links to the sabotage of meat company “Susaron”. Faced with this this repressive campaign, comrades are organizing different initiatives of solidarity with the accused.


May the gestures of solidarity multiply

via: lapeste

Flyer text:
Continue reading Solidarity and Complicity with the Four Detained Anti-Speciesists (Chile)

EN/IT/GR/ Athens, Greece : Event – Update 19/12, For the anarchonihilist Alfredo Cospito (Hunger strike from 20/10)

Event – Update
For the anarchonihilist Alfredo Cospito (Hunger strike from 20/10)
Update on 41bis isolation in Italy, by the anarchist comrade Spyros Mandylas – Anarchist Hangout Nadir
Presentation of the cases against which Alfredo Cospito has been accused:
– Shooting of Ansaldo Nuclear CEO Roberto Adinolfi by “Olga Cell FAI/IRF”(2012),
– Operation “Scripta Manent”(2016),
– Operation “Sibilla”(2021).
The event will be addressed by phone by 2 anarchist comrades under investigation in the Sibilla repressive operation, by the anarchist newspaper Vetriolo.
Intervention by letter from the anarchist comrade from Sardinia Omar Nioi sentenced in the Scripta Manent trial”
(There will be translation at the event).
“Go on, comrades: there is a whole world to be demolished!”
Monday, December 19
7 p.m.
Anarchist Hangout Nadir (Thessaloniki)
Translation project
IT: Riceviamo e diffondiamo:
Iniziativa – Aggiornamento
sull’anarconichilista Alfredo Cospito (in sciopero della fame dal 20/10)
Aggiornamento sul 41bis in Italia, da del parte compagno anarchico Spyros Mandylas – Circolo Anarchico Nadir
Presentazione dei processi in cui Alfredo Cospito è stato imputato:
– Ferimento dell’Amministratore Delegato di Ansaldo Nucleare Roberto Adinolfi da parte del nucleo “Olga FAI/IRF”(2012),
– Operazione “Scripta Manent”(2016),
– Operazione “Sibilla”(2021)
Durante l’iniziativa saranno raggiunti telefonicamente 2 compagni anarchici facenti parte della redazione del giornale “Vetriolo” indagati nell’operazione repressiva Sibilla.
Intervento tramite lettera del compagno anarchico sardo Omar Nioi condannato nel processo “Scripta Manent”
(Entrambi gli interventi saranno tradotti).
“Avanti, compagni: c’è tutto un mondo da demolire!”
Lunedì 19 Dicembre
Circolo Anarchico Nadir (Salonicco)
Progetto di traduzione


Εκδήλωση – Ενημέρωση: Για τον αναρχομηδενιστή Alfredo Cospito (Απεργία πείνας από 20/10)
Ενημέρωση για την απομόνωση 41bis στην Ιταλία,
από τον αναρχικό σύντροφο Σπύρο Μάνδυλα – Αναρχικό Στέκι Ναδίρ
Παρουσίαση των υποθέσεων που κατηγορήθηκε ο Alfredo Cospito:
Πυροβολισμός του CEO της Ansaldo Nuclear Roberto Adinolfi (Πυρήνας Όλγα FAI/IRF”),(2012),
Επιχείρηση “Scripta Manent”,
Επιχείρηση “Sibilla”.
Στην εκδήλωση θα παρέμβουν τηλεφωνικά 2 αναρχικοί σύντροφοι υπό έρευνα στην κατασταλτική επιχείρηση Sibilla, από την αναρχική εφημερίδα Vetriolo.
Παρέμβαση με επιστολή του αναρχικού συντρόφου απο τη Σαρδηνία Omar Nioi που καταδικάστηκε στη δίκη της επιχείρησης Scripta Manent”
(Στην εκδήλωση θα υπάρχει μετάφραση).
“Συνεχίστε, συντρόφισσες και σύντροφοι:
ένας ολόκληρος κόσμος περιμένει να τον κατεδαφίσουμε!”
Δευτέρα 19 Δεκέμβρη
7 μ.μ.
Αναρχικό Στέκι Ναδίρ(Θεσσαλονίκη)
Μεταφραστικό εγχείρημα

via: blessed-is-the-flame.

Transphobes Kara Dansky and Lierre Kieth Get Their Hateful Banners Snatched Away in Oakland (USA)

Some TERFs thought it’d be a good idea to stage an anti-trans “protest” in Oakland and it didn’t turn out well for them. They got their two banners snatched, they got pied, and, apparently, they got egged as well.

[Photo: trans-rights activists snatch a banner from TERFs at the Lake Merritt amphitheater in Oakland. More photos below article.]

What’s the biggest issue facing cis-gendered women today? Equal pay? Domestic abuse? Theocratic control over women’s bodies? Patriarchy? Fascism? If you guessed any of those, you guessed wrong, according to Kara Dansky and Lierre Kieth, who are literally obsessed with punching down to some of the most marginalized folks on the planet. The outstanding threat to cis women, they’d have you believe, is trans women. While they wave their hands around and point to outliers like Dana Rivers, it’s the mere existence of any and all trans women that actually bothers them.
Continue reading Transphobes Kara Dansky and Lierre Kieth Get Their Hateful Banners Snatched Away in Oakland (USA)

KOMOTINI Greece: Event: In the PROKAT of old law school New Penal Code, University Police, Prisons

Event: In the PROKAT of old law school New Penal Code, University Police

Proposition: Anarchist Squat Utopia A.D.

Speaker: N. Koulouris, professor D.U.TH.


Proposition: Anarchist House Utopia A.D.

Update on the 41bis isolation in Italy, from the anarchist comrade Spyros Mandylas- Anarchist Squat Nadir.

Telephone intervention of Italian comrades – anarchist newspaper Vetriolo – about the hunger strike (from 20/10) of the anarchist Alfredo Cospito.