Category Archives: Solidarity Events, e.t.c.

Against the war: break the front, sabotage, revolt. ( Trentino, Italy)

Against the war: break the front, sabotage, revolt




The war in Ukraine is the consequence of 30 years of encirclement operated by the NATO towards the Russian Federation.

The war in Ukraine didn’t begin with the Russian invasion of February 2022 but with the military (and neonazi) aggression against the Russian-speaking populations of Donbass initiated and legitimised by pro-EU and pro-NATO governments since 2014.

The war in Ukraine, like all wars, is a war against proletarians: first of all against the Ukrainian proletarians, used as meat for slaughter in defence of NATO imperialism, and against the Russian ones, sent to die and to kill at the front. Indirectly, it is a war against all proletarians, starting from those of the countries of the EU and the NATO: we, the exploited in the west, will pay for the support of the war, the sending of weapons, soaring defence spending, the productive effort of the industrial-military complex, first of all with cuts in pensions, health care and wages. An increasing share of socially produced wealth will be allocated to the war, the war economy will be imposed with the state of emergency.

Continue reading Against the war: break the front, sabotage, revolt. ( Trentino, Italy)

Greece: Some news in solidarity with the anarchist hunger striker G. Michailidis

 In solidarity with the anarchist hunger striker G. Michailidis

Our comrade, in the name of dignity and freedom, chooses again the same torturous path that has already created irreparable, as it seems, health problems. In this struggle, however, he has exposed and continues to expose the true face of the judiciary; all that remains is for us to support him in practice until he is with us again. We owe it to ourselves to respond to our comrade’s fortitude and to respond to the countless arbitrary acts of the state.

Wednesday 31 May 19:00 Microphone Rally at Korydallos Town Hall | Saturday 3 June 19:00 Rally Gathering at Syntagma Square, Athens.




Assembly of solidarity with the anarchist hunger striker Giannis Michailidis in Greece.


KABALA CITY:    Banner at Faliro Park Kavala on 28/5 /23 for Hunger Strike from 12/5/23 Giannis Michailidis & Against new prison code in prisons




Athens: On Saturday 27 May we put up a banner in May Day Square as a sign of solidarity with the anarchist Giannis Michailidis, who started a second hunger strike on 12 May 2023.

Once again he puts his body and his life on the line to demand his given right to be released from prison.

PARASITA Anarchist Collective for the Total Liberation
Continue reading Greece: Some news in solidarity with the anarchist hunger striker G. Michailidis

AGRO-CRUST XI UPDATE : 10/06/2023 (cas/eng/cat)

AGRO-CRUST XI 10/06/2023 (cas/eng/cat)

Aupa amigxs & compas!

Disculpad la tardanza pero al final todo pa delante
con la 11ª edición del Agro-Crust el próximo
Sabado 10 de Junio 2023 en Kan Seitan.

Este año otra vez será solamente un día ya que
la organización y comunicación sin el uso de las
‘redes sociales’ cada vez se complica más.

Pero seguimos nuestro camino sin importar lo que
nos perdemos de sus trampas materialistas en las
que caen demasiadas personas.

Pues sin más palabrería, aquí está el cartel para
su máxima difusión. Estais invitadxs todxs a
participar activamente y a disfrutar del encuentro.
Libertad a todxs lxs presxs!
Fuego a las jaulas, por la liberación total.

Hasta la vista!
Salud & Anarquía

PD: Si necesitais más info, ubicación exacta o
quereis proponer una actividad espontanea
etc. podreis poneros en contacto via email:
Oops friends & compas!

Sorry for the delay but in the end everything is ahead
with the 11th edition of Agro-Crust next
Saturday June 10, 2023 at Kan Seitan.

This year again it will be only one day since
organization and communication without the use of
‘social networks’ is getting more and more complicated.

Continue reading AGRO-CRUST XI UPDATE : 10/06/2023 (cas/eng/cat)

Greece: Call for actions internationally in solidarity with the anarchist hunger striker G. Michailidis (ENG/GR.)

Call for actions internationally in solidarity with the anarchist hunger striker G. Michailidis (ENG/ΕΛ)

The anarchist comrade and prisoner of the Greek prisons, Giannis Michailidis, is on a new hunger strike since 12.05.2023. Exactly one year ago, on May 25, 2022, he had announced the start of another hunger strike demanding his release, which after 68 days of hard strike, last July, he decided to end, with his health condition reaching a critical point, awaiting the fulfilment of the commitments of senior judges for meeting his demands. A year later, the mockery of the comrade by the scum of the judiciary is ongoing, with his requests for leave or release being rejected one after another and a whole backdrop of interventions by senior judges and other high ranking officials of the Greek state to prolong Giannis’ captivity. Thus, with his health still burdened by the previous strike, the comrade is currently back in the position of using his own body as a barricade in the face of state machinations.

The comrade’s strike last year showed with certainty that there was a central strategy on the part of the state mechanisms to conceal the struggle for his release and to force the comrade into physical and psychological extermination; a dead end in order to lead to a retreat and not to release the comrade. The solidarity actions, the strike itself, were well concealed for most of its duration, thus seeking to have any state response taking place in a shadowy setting of silencing, behind-the-scenes mockery of the comrade and his legal defence by the judicial mafia, which stretched the timeframe for holding any relevant meetings to the limit.

Similarly, the also recent experience of the hunger strike of the captured member of the revolutionary organization 17th of November, Dimitris Koufontinas, which preceded that of Giannis (8 January-14 March 2021), highlighted on the one hand the state’s callousness towards a hunger-striking combative prisoner, and on the other hand showed how the escalation of repression against the solidarity movement, brought the opposite results and that zero-tolerance strategy brought more people on the streets, more stubbornness, more attacks on state and capitalist targets, social exposure and, ultimately, it was catalytic in creating explosive situations where the state’s omnipotence was shattered, as in the Nea Smirni uprising. And this is something that the state murderers have probably “read”. That is why the strategy in the immediate aftermath of last year’s strike of Giannis Michailidis was more akin to a posture of marginalization, targeted non-escalation and silencing, with callousness remaining a common feature. In order to prevent Giannis’ struggle from becoming a social event.

Continue reading Greece: Call for actions internationally in solidarity with the anarchist hunger striker G. Michailidis (ENG/GR.)

International Call For Solidarity With Anarchists In USA Atlanta.

The struggle against cop city, and for the Weelaunee forest has been explosive, experimental, and wild for nearly three years now. In the process our enemies have brutalized us, charged people with domestic terrorism, leveraging 5-35 years in prison against them, murdered our friend and comrade Tortuguita, attempted to repress our struggle, and yet we are still here fighting.

As the forests we swore to protect get clear-cut, and people face hefty sentences leveraged by the courts, as we stare at the possibility of raids, repression, investigations, and the unknown, we desire to take the plunge. We will make our enemies pay for every inch. We will not let them know a moment of peace.

Continue reading International Call For Solidarity With Anarchists In USA Atlanta.

Athens,Greece: Update on the health condition of the anarchist Giannis Michailidis ,who has been on hunger strike since 12/5/23.

24/5/23 Updates on the health condition of the anarchist Giannis Michailidis

The comrade started his hunger strike on 12/5 with quite a deteriorated health due to last year’s big hunger strike in the summer and other smaller ones in between in solidarity with various causes.

When he started he was 67 kilos.

By the evening of 22 May his weight was 62.1 kg.

The other measurements were as follows:

Blood pressure 10.7

Blood sugar 76

Oxygen 98

Until the destruction of the last cage

Assembly in solidarity with the anarchist hunger striker
GIannis Michailidis in Greece

June 11th: International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners


2023 Call : Against Oblivion, Against Despair: A Call for June 11th

Another year passes, and another June 11th is upon us. Once again we’re appreciating all that has unfolded in anarchist struggle over this period, both triumphs and hardships, outside the prison walls, and within. We’re appreciating the beauty in fighting back, and the strength that can be fostered when we refuse to succumb to both oblivion, and despair.

Against oblivion: we refuse to let the state disappear rebels, to erase their sweet or sharp words from our discussions, or to remove or obfuscate their contributions to our shared struggles. Instead, we remember them. Their actions, words, laughter, potential, and humanity. We can act as conduit for each other through prison walls and among generations. They can be kept involved as our struggles shift and change, and we can keep them connected to the outside world, and too the outside connected to them.

Continue reading June 11th: International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners

¡Punky Mauri Presente! In memory of Anarchist Mauricio Morales, 22 MAY 2009 -22 MAY 2023.

Before Going to Sleep

Before going to sleep I reflect on modernity
and I don’t get used to the artificial smell
Nor to the plastic that envelopes water,
nor to machines nor to military helmets,
Nor to ties and their suits.

My hands don’t get used to the artificial connection in virtual universes
Connected lives in wireless networks, my eyes search for the eternal fire of
rebellion among the multitude of corpses and only in isolated gazes, the
conscious individual emerges with dagger eyes that resist dying in the
democratic cemetery.
Before going to sleep I embrace chaos
as an idea that liberates my body and my mind
Because after all, it makes me feel alive.
I do not want to search for the grail that will liberate future societies.
My fingers search for the bloody flight of the destruction of the chains of
the rhythmic fire, of the close fire of power and its masters.
Upon sleeping, my actions are designed so that tomorrow, after waking up,
I will
Break the routine, in a solitary action, with my chest like a swollen stone,
by the destruction of this and of any society.
Do me a favor: see to it that anarchy lives.

Before dying in the sludge of the street we will imitate Mauricio Morales!

“Love yourself and be violent, beautifully violent, until everything is des- troyed. Remember that whatever violent action against those who promote equality is completely justified for the infinite amount of violence they sub- mit us to.

.…. Love yourself and combat terrorism, burn, conspire and sabotage and beviolent, beautifully violent, naturally violent, freely violent.”

Comrade Mauri
You are with us!

EN/ CAT/ : AGRO-CRUST XI JUNE 9 – 11 2023 Festival Camp Anticivilization Gathering d.i.y.

AGRO-CRUST XI JUNE 9 – 11 2023
Festival Camp Anticivilization Gathering d.i.y. at Kan Seitan,
Pedrinyá (Pla de l’Estany, Girona)

Oops comrades and friends!
After some doubts whether to continue with the project…
The main thing is the continuation of the resistance against their absurd system imposed on the entire world population of many species. The human being and his modern toys are a danger to life on earth, even to himself.
We express our rage like wild beings in a domesticated and enslaved
world. We cannot look at the other side when our very existence
is used by some very rich psychopaths for the destruction of basic needs for the human and non-human population. And these medieval relation-
ships are found in all corners of the world, their disgusting authorities and their representatives, a perfect theater of political thieves, the state and private mafias.
We have to stand up to them, anyway.

We call for AGRO-CRUST from JUNE 9 to 11, 2023!

As always, we invite everyone to actively participate in the preparations and/or activities (bands, singer-songwriters, workshops, talks, exhibitions,

Continue reading EN/ CAT/ : AGRO-CRUST XI JUNE 9 – 11 2023 Festival Camp Anticivilization Gathering d.i.y.

Santiago, Chile: On the Demonstration for Comrade Mauricio Morales and the 81 Prisoners Assassinated in the Fire at San Miguel Prison

Santiago: On the Demonstration for Comrade Mauricio Morales and the 81 Prisoners Assassinated in the Fire at San Miguel Prison

Received 09/05/2023

The evening of May 8, 2023, Memoria Anticarcelaria held a demonstration for anarchist comrade Mauricio Morales and the 81 prisoners assassinated in the fire at San Miguel Prison.

The activity passed in front of the prison, in the street, without permission, this being a small space of memory won thanks to the courage of family members who lived through the greatest prison tragedy that ever occurred in this ill-fated territory.
Continue reading Santiago, Chile: On the Demonstration for Comrade Mauricio Morales and the 81 Prisoners Assassinated in the Fire at San Miguel Prison