Category Archives: Solidarity Events, e.t.c.

$hile: Fiery Demo at Aplicación High School in Memory of Anarchist Mauricio Morales

Fiery Demo at Aplicación High School in Memory of Mauricio Morales

May 25, 2023

informativoanarquistaTranslated by Act for freedom now!

On Monday, May 22, a parade was held in the vicinity of the Aplicación high school, leading to barricades and confrontations with molotov cocktails against the presence of carabineros (COP) in memory of comrade Mauricio Morales who died in combat when he detonated the explosive device he was trying to place at the Gendarmerie School in 2009.

Continue reading $hile: Fiery Demo at Aplicación High School in Memory of Anarchist Mauricio Morales

Lausanne, Switzerland : En|Fr|Gr/ 29/6/23, Political event for R.S. members (at pornodiesel-Lausanne canton Vaud) and concert with Wretched of the Earth (US)

En|Fr|Gr : 29/6,Political event for R.S. members (at pornodiesel-Lausanne canton Vaud) and concert with Wretched of the Earth (US)

Nous sommes des camarades anarchistes voulant montrer notre solidarité avec les membres du groupe Lutte Révolutionnaire. Nous voulons contribuer à la campagne de soutien financier pour Pola Roupa et Nikos Maziotis ainsi que leurs familles afin de les aider à surmonter les épreuves auxquelles iels font face (graves problèmes de santé, difficultés financières, etc..). Une présentation et un temps d’échanges auront lieu le 29 juin à 19h au Porno Diesel (VD). Une bouffe sera préparée pour 20h30 et sera suivi par un concert du groupe Wretched of the Earth (US)!


We are anarchist comrades showing solidarity with the imprisoned members of Revolutionary Struggle. We are aiding towards a financial support campaign for Pola Roupa and Nikos Maziotis, and also for their family with the aim of supporting them in the serious problems they are facing (serious health problems, financial difficulties, etc.). On the 29th of June at pornodiesel (VD), a presentation will take place at 19:00, followed by a discussion. At 20:30 vegan food is planned, followed by a gig from Wretched of the Earth (US).


Είμαστε αναρχικοί σύντροφοι/ισσες που δείχνουμε αλληλεγγύη στα φυλακισμένα μέλη του Επαναστατικού Αγώνα. Συνδράμουμε σε μια καμπάνια οικονομικής στήριξης της Πόλας Ρούπα και του Νίκου Μαζιώτη, αλλά και της οικογένειάς τους με στόχο να τους στηρίξουμε στα σοβαρά προβλήματα που αντιμετωπίζουν (σοβαρά προβλήματα υγείας, οικονομικές δυσκολίες κ.λπ.). Στις 29 Ιουνίου στο pornodiesel (Λοζάνη, καντόνι Vaud), θα πραγματοποιηθεί παρουσίαση στις 19:00 και θα ακολουθήσει συζήτηση. Στις 20:30 έχει προγραμματιστεί vegan φαγητό και θα ακολουθήσει συναυλία από τους Wretched of the Earth (US).



Call for Digital Solidarity Actions Against the Cop City Complex (USA)

Call for Digital Solidarity Actions Against the Cop City Complex

Computers and the Internet form a battleground dominated by global capitalism, white supremacy, anti-Blackness, cis-hetero-patriarchy, and eugenicist ableism. Yet any militant struggle involves operating on enemy territory.

This is a call to take creative and destructive action against the computer systems of the organizations building cop city. Websites can be defaced or decommissionsed; servers can be broken into; accounts can be compromised. Hackers, let’s fucking go.

Extensive lists of cop city supporters can be found here and here.

Continue reading Call for Digital Solidarity Actions Against the Cop City Complex (USA)

Montreal, Canada: Slogans written on a wall in solidarity with G.Mihailidis

Montreal: Slogans written on a wall in solidarity with G.Mihailidis

Montreal, Canada: Slogans written on a wall in solidarity with G.Mihailidis. Giannis is on hunger strike since 12/5 demanding his release from prison after having done the part of imprisonment that allows him to be released on conditions. At this point his is continuing his struggle with thirst strike from 10/6.

Freedom for Giannis. Fire to the prisons


(Berlin) Graffiti, Postering and Banner in solidarity with Giannis Michailidis by Anarchists

(Berlin) Graffiti, Postering and Banner in solidarity with Giannis Michailidis

Already on 12 /6 there were posters glued in Kreuzberg that spread the info about the hungerstrike of the anarchist prisoner. In Görlitzer Park there has been a bannerdrop and graffiti.

Two other prisoners, Thanos Chatziagelou and Stergios Kalaitzidis have joined in the hungerstrike recently. Meanwhile, the condition of Giannis Michailidis is getting critical as he has started after a month of hungerstrike additionally a thirststrike. It is urgent to react to the rapid escalation of this struggle behind the prison walls of the greek hellholes.

2023 Statement from Marius Mason for June 11 ,2023 (USA)

2023 Statement from Marius Mason

Dear Community, Family and Friends,

Thank you for the work you are doing to make the change we need to make into the world for our collective survival. Your dedication, support and love are a constant source of inspiration and motivation for me; and I am betting for other prisoners, as well.

This has been as eventful year and a half here at FCI Danbury. My transfer to a male facility had been viewed with great trepidation both by those supportive of trans people and by those who are adamantly opposed to our existence. I’ve had many memorable experiences; some humiliating, some merely annoying and awkward. But, also several that have been rewarding and deeply affirming.

There has definitely been a sense of working things out as we go—the way strip searches have been conducted has been all over the board. Sometimes they have been done by one male staff person, sometimes by one female staff person and several times by several male staff people. Strip searches occur before and after visits, before and after medical trips out, and also when going into the SHU (I had to go there before a medical procedure to fast).
Continue reading 2023 Statement from Marius Mason for June 11 ,2023 (USA)

South London,UK: CARDIFF RIOTS “If power wants to extinguish revolt, it’s up to us to spread the flames”

poster event pdf

CARDIFF RIOTS :Public Discussion: 7pm Sunday 18th June 2023

Touchpaper Anarchist Library
385 Queens Road
New Cross
SE14 5HD

“If power wants to extinguish revolt, it’s up to us to spread the flames”

Two teenagers, Harvey Evans and Kyrees Sullivan, are killed trying to escape the cops in Ely, Cardiff…

…Those same cops move in to try to grasp control even of the ground where those boys have just fallen.

People emerge into the streets. Nine hours of fighting. Burnt vehicles, torches of freedom.

Continue reading South London,UK: CARDIFF RIOTS “If power wants to extinguish revolt, it’s up to us to spread the flames”

Bern, Switzerland : Solidarity banner for the anarchist hunger striker Giannis Michailidis

Bern: Solidarity banner for the anarchist hunger striker Giannis Michailidis

On Saturday night 3/6/23, as a minimum solidarity action we hung a banner for the anarchist Giannis Michailidis who has been on hunger strike since 12.05 fighting for his freedom.

Below is his text:



In solidarity with the anarchist hunger striker G.Michailidis


Gathering-demonstration against fur Friday 9/6 by Antispeciesists against fur and leather industry(Athens,Greece)

Athens: Gathering-demonstration against fur-leather industry and every type of confinement Friday 9/6 17:00 monastiraki square

It is difficult to depict with words what “fur and leather industry” means. We have been used to repeat terms without combining them with physical reality,to replicate them like they are abstract concepts, to forget that they come with the body pain of many,too many, individuals.Maybe the best description of the violent dissociation of animals’ leather and fur industry are these animals’ screams, their silences full of despair, their horror stares. All these happen far away from the well-polished cities,many kilometres away from the shining showcases of the stores that trade what has been stolen from the animals.

They happen for example in Kastoria,Kozani,Ptolemaida,Florina and Grevena where factories-prisons are full of small,dirty cages with weak,scared animals that have not been given even one day of freedom, without having ever been able to run,to play, to find comrades, to explore the forest and sleep quietly under one of its shadows. They grow up in bare minimum,merciless spaces,either being unable to come in touch with other creatures,or being piled up all together without their inherent competitiveness and their need for personal space. For example, minks fight fiercely each other,get seriously injured and stay with their wounds open and infected.Foxes are subjected to generical modifications in order to “offer” more fur while being slaughtered, and as a result they have heavy bodies and auto-immunes diseases that cause them pain every day.

Continue reading Gathering-demonstration against fur Friday 9/6 by Antispeciesists against fur and leather industry(Athens,Greece)

Squat schedule 05/06-11/06. Zizania squatted social center. (Athens, Greece)

Athens: Squat schedule 05/06-11/06. Zizania squatted social center, Fylis and Feron, Viktoria.


18:30 Greek Class

In Zizania we are having English and Greek classes in a shared and interactive learning environment, where we try to break the divide between student and teacher. We are not professional teachers and we believe teaching is a form of solidarity and skill sharing between people. We invite students to help shape the lessons based on their needs. There are no formal requirements to participate and you will not receive a diploma. The classes are free and open to all people. The languages of the facilitators will be English

19:00 Solidarity With Migrants Assembly
Continue reading Squat schedule 05/06-11/06. Zizania squatted social center. (Athens, Greece)