Category Archives: Solidarity Events, e.t.c.


This is a documentation from any comrade where participate for 11 June: International Solidarity With Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners in a several location in Indonesia

Pacet, Mojokerto, Jawa Timur (East Java):

Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur (East Java):


[Peruvian State] Banner in Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners Around the World May 10, 2023

Banner in Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners Around the World
May 10, 2023

From the overcrowding of the urban areas in a present that is increasingly immersed in slavery, we rise up and join the gestures of solidarity with the anarchist prisoners around the world, realities that appear distant but which, along with our own local reality, compose a system of global domination against human life and the earth.

Freedom for Alfredo Cospito!
Freedom for Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar!
Long live anarchy!

Francisco Ferrer Group

Translated by Act for freedom now!

Today’s Figures on the Riots (France)

Today’s Figures on the Riots

 In total, between the night of June 27 to 28 and July 2 to 3, there were officially 12 031 vehicles burned, 2 508 buildings burned down or damaged, including 273 police and gendarmerie premises, 105 town halls burnt or damaged, 168 schools were attacked. 722 law enforcement personnel were injured.

3,625 people were taken into custody throughout the territory (1,124 of whom are minors). Among all those arrested, « the average age is between 17 and 18 (…) the youngest is 11 years old and the oldest 59 years old, one third are minors”, “60% of the total have no criminal record”, «10% of the people arrested are non-French and there have been 40 placements in administrative detention centres» according to the Minister of Interior. Of the detained persons, 990 of the age of majority and 253 minors were referred to the prosecutor’s office, and 480 of the age of majority were referred to the court for immediate appearance. To date, 380 people have been sent to prison, whether they have been sentenced or placed in pre-trial detention pending trial.

Continue reading Today’s Figures on the Riots (France)

Besançon, France: “Update on the top-flight chair for Anarchist comrade Boris”

Besançon, France: “Update on the top-flight chair for Boris”

At the beginning of March, a four-page write-up was published detailing the history of the Besançon anarchist Boris, from his attack in 2020 in the Jura against two telecoms masts used by cops and mobile phone operators, through his incarceration in Nancy prison, his sentencing to two years in prison and two years’ suspended sentence, and his public letter written from the inside in which he defends his act, to his long hospitalisation following a cell fire that left him tetraplegic. And finally the fight to get out of the palliative care ward where he was buried. Since then, the comrade’s conservatorship procedure launched against him by the doctor of this department has been cancelled following legal appeals, and Boris has spent the last six months in a care and rehabilitation centre (CRDD) which has enabled him to make somehwat of a recovery.

In this text we also launched a call for financial support, with a view to enabling a return to the streets and the sunlight for Boris – far from the bed and the devices that have kept him pinned down for too long under the neon lights of a hospital room – for the purchase of a custom-made vertical electric wheelchair.
Continue reading Besançon, France: “Update on the top-flight chair for Anarchist comrade Boris”

Everywhere: 4th night of riotous revolt, it’s still burning and looting (France)

Following the police assassination of Nahel in Nanterre (Hauts-de-Seine) Tuesday morning, a first, a second, then a third night of rioting took place throughout the country; destructive riots on which we have published long lists here. And finally, a fourth was not long in coming this last night of Friday 30th to Saturday 1st July.

via: sansnom Translated by a comrade for Act for freedom now!

[Summary of regional and national press, July 1, 2023]

Everywhere: 4th night of riotous revolt, it’s still burning and looting

What marked this fourth night of riots, in addition to clashes with the police around the country, was new cities joining the fight (small or medium -sized), the beginnings of the use or theft of firearms (Lyon, Marseille), and looting for which hundreds of youths have been able to show up (including in the day or early evening: according to the Minister of Finance, the summary so far is that 200 large retail stores were attacked and looted, along with 250 tobacconists (newsagents), 250 banks, and a dozen shopping centres — 700 in all).

Regarding the targets – which we concentrate more willingly, while the journo-cops filter them more – it remains everything that embodies local state and institutional domination (from town halls to schools, socio-cultural centres, social landlords, or the post office) which were most burnt this night.

Some figures

The Ministry of the Interior identified last night from June 30 to 1st July, 2,560 fires on the public highway (against 3,880 in the night From Thursday to Friday), 1,350 vehicles torched (against 1,919 at night previous) and 266 burnt or damaged buildings, including 26 town halls, 24 schools and 5 justice establishments (against 492 the previous night). In addition, 58 cop dens were attacked (31 commissariat-type stations, 16 municipal police stations. and 11 gendarmerie barracks). 1,311 people were arrested that night across France. A total of 79 police officers and gendarmes were injured.

[AFP, July 1, 2023, very toned-down map, as we can see below…]

North-Eastern France

In Mont-Saint-Martin (Meurthe-et-Moselle), after several attempts, thirty people burst into the town hall where they found two private security guards.
Continue reading Everywhere: 4th night of riotous revolt, it’s still burning and looting (France)

France – Everywhere : 2nd night of riotous rage following the police assassination of Nahel 29/06/2023

via: sansnom Translated by Act for freedom now!

here:First night of riot ,after police assassination of Nahel (Hauts-de-Seine) on 27th of June.2023


[This second night of riot in a row after that of yesterday following the police assassination of Nahel (Hauts-de-Seine) on 27th June, expanded to many more cities, multiplying also the number and type of targets.. Beyond clashes with police and burnt cars, below is a non-exhaustive review of burned buildings, looted or attacked across the country, from cop stations to town halls, from social centres to media libraries, from supermarkets to metro stations and trams, not forgetting the entrance of the prison of Fresnes or the court of Asnières-sur-Seine…]

Some numbers
2377 fires were recorded on the public road during the night of 28 to 29 June, according to a police source cited by Le Parisien. Of these, 609 vehicles and 114 buildings were affected. 27 attacks on national police premises were also reported (damong which 7 by fire), 4 gendarmerie barracks, 14 municipal police stations (including 10 burnt). At least eight town halls burned or damaged, 6 schools and six public buildings. 133 members of the police forces were injured, including 123 policemen and 10 gendarmes.

For pleasure…

* Airparif writes this Thursday that « significant levels of particulate matter (PM10 + PM2.5) were observed in the air tonight and this morning » in Île-de-France, and that this « increase in the region is mainly related to emissions related to riots». This kind of pollution can be due to the many fires that took place at night.

Public transport in Ile-de-France

Two trams were burned in the Hauts-de-Seine. One of line T6 to Clamart, at the Georges Pompidou stop. « The catenaries burned, the tram is embedded in the tracks. We’re going to disengage the train this afternoon (Thursday) but the work will take weeks», explained a manager. The other train that was set on fire was the T10 tram, which had just been inaugurated last Saturday at Châtenay-Malabry.

Continue reading France – Everywhere : 2nd night of riotous rage following the police assassination of Nahel 29/06/2023

Words for comrade Punki Mauri by anonymous

Words for comrade Punki Mauri by anonymous

May 25, 2023


Anarchist history is not a sequence of simple and isolated acts, although many would like it to be; to speak of the adventurers, the crazy poets of history, the unwavering ones with heroic personalities, to fill the chronology of some novelistic book of those who hide behind academic titles or some cushy and comfortable desk. But our history could not be further from that – a multitude of sparks, of attempts without pretension or arrogance, voluntary impulses of determined individualities that await neither the conditions nor the moment, that unite freely or act alone always with the same ungovernable pulse.

Fourteen years have passed since that autumn charged with chaos, when one of our own left us in a May full of anarchic spirit. Punki Mauri some called him, Mauricio Morales Duarte was his name in the official records. That night changed the course of the winds for his immediate sfullurroundings, but it was also a call for the anarchic multiverse around the world.

Balancing a black memory with an active spirituality, without falling into those pseudo shamanic visions that are sold today as holy cards of new age saints, is a challenge from the deepest iconoclastic feeling.
Continue reading Words for comrade Punki Mauri by anonymous

$hile: Fiery Demo at Manuel Barros Borgoño High School in Memory of Mauricio Morales

Fiery Demo at Manuel Barros Borgoño High School in Memory of Mauricio Morales

May 25, 2023

informativoanarquista Translated by Act for freedom now!

On Monday, May 22, leaflets and banners were displayed, barricades and molotov confrontations were deployed against the presence of carabineros (COP) in memory of comrade Mauricio Morales 14 years after his death in the context of the explosive attack against the Gendarmerie School.

Banners and pamphlets were read: “The press points, the police shoot”, “With memory intact, Mauricio Morales is with us. In your action we find the example of putting words into practice, attacking prison scum. That is why we make your name present in every bomb and keep your memory alive, vindicating your endurance, solidarity, uniqueness and happiness… Mauri, the offensive does not forget you” and “Fighting youth, permanent insurrection”.


$hile: Fiery Demo at Aplicación High School in Memory of Anarchist Mauricio Morales

Fiery Demo at Aplicación High School in Memory of Mauricio Morales

May 25, 2023

informativoanarquistaTranslated by Act for freedom now!

On Monday, May 22, a parade was held in the vicinity of the Aplicación high school, leading to barricades and confrontations with molotov cocktails against the presence of carabineros (COP) in memory of comrade Mauricio Morales who died in combat when he detonated the explosive device he was trying to place at the Gendarmerie School in 2009.

Continue reading $hile: Fiery Demo at Aplicación High School in Memory of Anarchist Mauricio Morales

Lausanne, Switzerland : En|Fr|Gr/ 29/6/23, Political event for R.S. members (at pornodiesel-Lausanne canton Vaud) and concert with Wretched of the Earth (US)

En|Fr|Gr : 29/6,Political event for R.S. members (at pornodiesel-Lausanne canton Vaud) and concert with Wretched of the Earth (US)

Nous sommes des camarades anarchistes voulant montrer notre solidarité avec les membres du groupe Lutte Révolutionnaire. Nous voulons contribuer à la campagne de soutien financier pour Pola Roupa et Nikos Maziotis ainsi que leurs familles afin de les aider à surmonter les épreuves auxquelles iels font face (graves problèmes de santé, difficultés financières, etc..). Une présentation et un temps d’échanges auront lieu le 29 juin à 19h au Porno Diesel (VD). Une bouffe sera préparée pour 20h30 et sera suivi par un concert du groupe Wretched of the Earth (US)!


We are anarchist comrades showing solidarity with the imprisoned members of Revolutionary Struggle. We are aiding towards a financial support campaign for Pola Roupa and Nikos Maziotis, and also for their family with the aim of supporting them in the serious problems they are facing (serious health problems, financial difficulties, etc.). On the 29th of June at pornodiesel (VD), a presentation will take place at 19:00, followed by a discussion. At 20:30 vegan food is planned, followed by a gig from Wretched of the Earth (US).


Είμαστε αναρχικοί σύντροφοι/ισσες που δείχνουμε αλληλεγγύη στα φυλακισμένα μέλη του Επαναστατικού Αγώνα. Συνδράμουμε σε μια καμπάνια οικονομικής στήριξης της Πόλας Ρούπα και του Νίκου Μαζιώτη, αλλά και της οικογένειάς τους με στόχο να τους στηρίξουμε στα σοβαρά προβλήματα που αντιμετωπίζουν (σοβαρά προβλήματα υγείας, οικονομικές δυσκολίες κ.λπ.). Στις 29 Ιουνίου στο pornodiesel (Λοζάνη, καντόνι Vaud), θα πραγματοποιηθεί παρουσίαση στις 19:00 και θα ακολουθήσει συζήτηση. Στις 20:30 έχει προγραμματιστεί vegan φαγητό και θα ακολουθήσει συναυλία από τους Wretched of the Earth (US).

