Category Archives: Solidarity Events, e.t.c.

Final Statement of the Balkan Anarchist Bookfair 2024

From the 5th to the 7th of July, Prishtina, Kosova, transformed into a hub of anarchist thought, coordination, and solidarity as it hosted the 16th edition of the Balkan Anarchist Bookfair (BAB). This first-ever anarchist gathering in an Albanian-speaking locality brought together over 250 participants from 29 countries, spanning from Chile to Azerbaijan. A total of 32 collectives and initiatives exhibited books and zines, and 18 discussions and events were organized, showcasing the movement’s all-encompassing diversity. In the true spirit of collectivism and mutual aid, participants got engaged in the organization, making this event a remarkable demonstration of what can be achieved through collective effort.

Having such an event in Prishtina is of particular importance. Since the end of the war, Kosova has remained ensnared in a perpetual state of conflict, leading to an enduring atmosphere of tension between the state of Kosova and Serbia. The elites on both sides have highly capitalized on this situation, ensuring and thriving on division among the societies. The mere fact that comrades from all over the Balkans, including Kosova and Serbia, stood side by side, denouncing nationalism and state politics, is a powerful testament to our collective commitment to solidarity, resistance, and collaboration across the artificial borders and state politics that aim to divide us.

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Intervention at the consulate of Kenya | Solidarity with the rebels (Athens,Greece)

On Friday, 12th July, an intervention with banner and flyers took place at the consulate of Kenya in solidarity with the rebels.

During the last weeks, there have been ongoing and massive protests in Kenya against a new tax bill, which will hit the poorest classes of society even harder. The increase in taxes, voted as part of the approval of the draft state budget, have sparked an intense political confrontation. The peak of the mobilizations and demonstrations against the bill, were the mass demonstrations in the capital of Kenya, in Nairobi on June 25th (the day the bill was passed), where groups of protesters managed to break the police stranglehold and set fire to the parliament, from which MPs (members of parliament) and ministers fled through a tunnel. That day, at least 30 protesters were killed by the murderous state supression. The ferocity of the protests even forced the government to back down and withdraw the budget.
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(Uruguay) Agitation Against the Isolation of Comrade Francisco Solar

Agitation Against the Isolation of Comrade Francisco Solar
July 13, 2024 / informativoanarquista Translated by Act for freedom now!

From the territory in conflict with the uruguayan State, we join the campaign against the isolation that the gendarmerie and the legal power in Chile wish to impose on the comrade Francisco Solar.

The exceptional intensification of prison conditions is a clear example that their “law” is a falsehood, that it’s not equal for everyone, that it’s valid up until it touches their privileges, which they’ve definitely felt with the direct attacks that they’ve received!

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9/7 Update. Raids for Investigation About Explosive Artefacts (Chile)

via:  informativoanarquista Translated by Act for freedom now!

9/07/2024 Update.

At last the democractic inquisition decided on the freedom of the arrested comrades and sentenced 9 comrades to pre-trial detention who stand accused of gun possession through the descovery of a bag inside a building.

Additionally, the authorities decided on pre-trial detention through the appeal of the Southern Prosector’s Office against the comrade accused of possession of explosives, and she is being transfeered to San Miguel Prison.

May multiform and combative solidarity annihilate the walls of the prisons!

As Informativo Anarquista we’d like to be concise about the situations that have taken place since the morning of July 6, on the eve of the commemoration of the death of dear comrade Luisa Toledo.

In sum, the events were as follows:

Continue reading 9/7 Update. Raids for Investigation About Explosive Artefacts (Chile)

(Chile)To Stand Tall Faced with the Events of July 6

July 8, 2024 / informativoanarquista

At dawn on Saturday July 6, various raids were carried out in the context of an investigation for the placement of explosive artifacts. 14 people were detained, various households raided, among these the Radio Villa Francia and the Pablo Vergara Toledo Communitarian Space, where the Luisa Toledo Popular Cafe takes place.

Desperate, the Prosecutor’s Office dusts off old tactics, the massive raids have returned, the mediatic shows and the premise of raid and arrest, in order to investigate. We don’t ask them to improve the protocals of justice, we only unveil the hypocracy and absurdity of the legal labyrinth. We despise the world of power, its logic, mazes and tactics.
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Raids in Villa Francia: Tohá Praises “Blow” to Social Organizations (Chile)

July 8, 2024 / informativoanarquista

Translated by Act for freedom now!

Sent to The Zarzamora by Puntada con hilo

In a time when people who were once “feminists” and/or defenders of “gender” quotas herald the fight against “organized crime” (designation for everything and nothing, directed – often – at migration), the minister of the interior CAROLINA TOHÁ, dressed in the colors of the chilean gendarmerie, very happy and surrounded by uniforms, praises the police “blow” and warns that they are being “strongly persecuted”… Who?: In the words of Tohá, “those who want to demonstrate points of views or critical postures in an emphatic manner in Chile”, will be “welcome”, but not those with “violent practices and methods”… Tohá makes this kind of “clarification” in order to make the raids ordered by her government in five neighborhoods of the metropolitan Region this Saturday July 6 appear as “an arsenal”. The guarantee judge declared – after the fact – that nine of the arrests were illegal, the supposed evidence is weak. The discourse of the government links those detained with the “placement of a bomb in an automobile in the metropolitan region in late 2023”, but after trying to assert that they had found “bombs ready for use in the future”, Tohá corrects: “we don’t know exactly”. Their objective appears to be to counteract “the agenda” as she calls it, of people to whom she attributes “connections in activities” to “influence in various spaces of society…” (Channel 24 live from Talagante 12:20 Saturday July 6, 2024).

For many activists, this will be a “first repressive action of Boric and his FA-PC-Agreement government”. Even if it were – we’re not aware of it being “the first” -, nothing about this is new in the postdictatorship of which Boric is a simple continuation (albeit with faces that were once youthful). It’s possible that there are those who imagine that with his “peace accord” (or pacification), the performative Constitutional Convention and an ex-student-leader president, the repressive stamp of the postdictatorship would change, but no.

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A Call to action against the North Bothnia Line – Northern Sweden

Actforfree: receive and spread:


AUGUST 11th – 17th 2024



Why aiming at this beast?

This is a call to action against the North Bothnia Line, a railway just beginning to be built along the coast of Swedish-occupied Sápmi. This project is a continuation of several hundred years of brutal colonization of the peoples and lands in Sápmi. Extractive industries are thriving on the increased demand for raw materials following the so-called “green transition”. This makes them continually stress the importance and urgency of the train line. So do the Swedish State and the European Union.

The track will be used for both passenger and freight trains. But the true reasons behind the project becomes quite obvious when reading the list of financiers, and also by reading the North Bothnia Line Group’s project leader Elisabeth Sinclair’s statement that “[a]lthough the passenger traffic between the coastal cities is important, it is the goods that are the basis of the North Bothnia Line”.
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Athens, Greece: Anti info solidarity event for comrades imprisoned for the Susaron case in Chile

Anti info solidarity event for comrades imprisoned for the Susaron case in Chile

from Open Antispeciesist Assembly

MONDAY 08/7 at 18:00 -open squat OutsideHill at the streffi hill in Exarxeia area

In September 2022 an arson attack on a meat packing plant takes place in Chile. The refrigeration system and transport trucks are engulfed in flames.

In November of the same year, four people are arrested and charged with the attack, remanded in custody and are now awaiting trial, with the initial proposal of the prosecutor referring to a sentence of ten years. Ita was released from prison in March this year with restrictive conditions for the next five years but her comrades remain incarcerated.


Conversation with an American comrade about Atlanta Forest Struggle and Repression, Friday 28/6, 20:00, Prosfygika Square

The George Floyd uprising opened up new possibilities for militant struggle in the United States. Over the past few years, American anarchists have been seizing these opportunities in a coordinated effort to connect various struggles across the country. “There are no local struggles” and the fight against the police is a fight for earth liberation.


Balkan Anarchist Bookfair 2024, 5 – 7 July 2024, Prishtina, Kosovo

Open call

[ENG] [SHQIP] [română] [eλληνικά] [magyar] [العربية] [کوردیی ناوەندی] [کوردییفارسی] [български] [français] [srpsko-hrvatski] [deutsch] [türkçe] [slovensko]


Call for Participation: Balkan Anarchist Bookfair 2024

With great excitement we announce that, for the first time ever, the 16th edition of Balkan Anarchist Bookfair (BAB) will be held in Prishtina, Kosova, from 5th – 7th of July 2024. BAB is not merely a platform to promote books, but also place to exchange information and ideas, create new initiatives, and strengthen organizations. As such, for more than 20 years, it stands as a testament to our collective commitment to solidarity, resistance, and collaboration across the artificial borders of Balkans.

BAB comes at a crucial time when the capital is experiencing its regular accumulation crisis, the fires of war are ravaging across the world, putting us at the brink of a world war, and fascism, in its explicit form, is spreading like wildfire. States are getting more militarized and the populations are increasingly policed, breaking apart communities and bonds of solidarity. And with any type of dissent oppressed, the capital runs freely, ever expanding to new sources of exploitation.
Continue reading Balkan Anarchist Bookfair 2024, 5 – 7 July 2024, Prishtina, Kosovo