Category Archives: Solidarity Events, e.t.c.

$hile: ‘Nothing is Over, Everything Continues’ Text in memory of Mauri 2024 from Biblioteca Antiautoritaria Sacco y Vanzetti

Nothing is Over, Everything Continues

In these days it will be 15 years since the physical departure of comrade Mauricio Morales, the Punky Mauri… a thousand sensations are coming to the surface. May 22, 2009 seems like yesterday.

Facts, situations, feelings always alive, which remain burned in the memory, because the power with which they emerged was of such a magnitude, that not even the passing of the years can appease that force.

The news of your death, the hunt unleashed; the power, its defenders and false critics spewing threats, mockery and defamation. The pain of your depature, the complicity between comrades, the love, the solidarity, the combat and non-resignation.
Continue reading $hile: ‘Nothing is Over, Everything Continues’ Text in memory of Mauri 2024 from Biblioteca Antiautoritaria Sacco y Vanzetti

[Rigaer94] Wir haben eine Verabredung | Conspiracy to Overthrow the Existent (Berlin,Germany)

[Rigaer94] Wir haben eine Verabredung | Conspiracy to Overthrow the Existent

When we conspire
Conspire to hold
hold hold hold
hold on hold out and hold together
and jump when we feel it right
let our fire set us ablaze so everyone can see our spark

conspire to remember the feeling of moss under our feet
the feeling of sun on our skin
the smell of roots and melting asphalt
the burn in legs and lungs after a last second sprint
to feel each others‘ passion and motivation
to be compassionate with ourselves
conspire to guide our desires to their truest targets
When we conspire our fires so bright

Today we live a cycle of devastation and wars, of ecocide, of intensifying technological and social control. Day by day, we watch companies devour misery and death, supported by state militaries. Defense budgets soar as the parliaments of western countries support genocides, as they finance conflict in the global south to maintain their control over living beings and their environments, which they have categorised as resources. We watch companies enrich themselves through exploitation of the living world to continue the madness of technological progress and the farce of the ecological transition.
Continue reading [Rigaer94] Wir haben eine Verabredung | Conspiracy to Overthrow the Existent (Berlin,Germany)

(Chile) Mauricio Morales en el mapa de la ofensiva anarquista internacional (ES/EN)

Desde Informativo Anarquista, proyecto de contra información, escribimos estas palabras a 15 años de la muerte en acción del compañero Mauricio Morales, Punki Mauri.


La muerte es un acontecimiento que nos aleja inevitablemente del cuerpo de quien ha dejado de vivir. Pero tan rápido como el cuerpo se marchita, el imaginario común gira a la aurora y despliega el hecho culmine de la muerte hacia cientos, sino miles, de recuerdos, testimonios y acciones que forjan en la piel una vitalidad capaz de impulsar un corazón que late en todas direcciones.

La memoria no es un ejercicio de unanimidad ni de plenitud homogénea. No siempre tiene los mismos puntos de referencia ni las mismas explicaciones. Lo que sí, es colectiva, a la vez que integra matices y particularidades que responden a lugares propios, a voces solitarias o sueltas, que convergen y se encuentran en determinadas ocasiones entre unas y otras. En tal sentido, la memoria anárquica ha sido un punto de conexión, un motivo de encuentro que da paso a la búsqueda y al acercamiento de afinidades con las decisiones y caminos que unx compañerx construyó en vida.
Continue reading (Chile) Mauricio Morales en el mapa de la ofensiva anarquista internacional (ES/EN)

Annual Chaotic-Anarchist Gathering #2 May 30 – June 3, 2024 Hambacher Forest North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Programm 2024

Active Internationalism

As a starting point for this discussion, we propose to orientate ourselves on a text from an anarchist meeting in Brussels in 2011. Even though certain circumstances have changed since then, it can still serve as a starting point.

The old internationalist tale

Having a fast look at the era of the first International and the revolutionary brotherhoods which in those days were able to stimulate and stir up a permanent insurrectional tension across the borders, tells us a lot about the paradoxal situation we are now living in. Never before have there been so many means of transport, travel and communication, never before were the curcumstances in different countries so much alike and yet it seems as if we, anarchists and revolutionaries, have never been so much attached to the stately borders. Paradoxaly it seems as if the globalisation of the domination goes together with the de-internationalisation of its declared enemies.

It´s not that all left-overs of the old internationalist tale have been swept away, but let´s be frank: it´s a dim situation. We don´t really get any further than solidary pats on the back and in the best case some sharing of experiences and projectualities. Simply having a look at the shameful lack of perspectives around the insurrections across the meditarenean (or, as you wish, around the revolt of december 2008 in Greece) is sufficient to become aware of this.

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Open letter from Return Fire magazine to the 2024.03.29-31 International Anti-Prison / Anti-Repression Gathering -UK

[A4 PDF version for printing]

The event aims to be an informal and self-organised gathering of activists, representatives and delegates from groups active in the prisoner solidarity / anti-prison / anti-repression struggle, one focused on the consolidation of international solidarity…”

second call-out for the International Anti-Prison / Anti-Repression Gathering, Brighton

Hi comrades, known and unknown to us.

We welcome this initiative, and send our love and gratitude to all gathering in Brighton with the aim of together building a more durable and combative struggle against the authoritarian nightmare of the present-day. From the limits of our own capacity, we’d like to offer some thoughts; reflections that have been born from decades of shared struggle and over 10 years of publishing our magazines with a strong presence of anti-repression/anti-prison documentation and agitation. (This has included putting out texts and translations from comrades behind bars, sometimes with the direct participation of the prisoners themselves.) As limited and fallible as they are, they are what we have to offer: they are here for you and the comrades back in your own areas to do with as you will. Considering the international dimension of the gathering, we have tried to provide adequate context for those less familiar with recent cycles of struggle on these isles, and we have also brought our thoughts into conversation with other writings produced in the course of the struggle in past years, with their questions, analysis and proposals.

Continue reading Open letter from Return Fire magazine to the 2024.03.29-31 International Anti-Prison / Anti-Repression Gathering -UK


GATHERING IN DEFENCE OF MILITANT ANTIFASCISM – Friday May 24, 19:00 embassy of Hungary, Vasileos Konstantinou 38, Athens

Every year since 1997, on the 11th of February, a large number of far-right and neo-Nazi groups flock to Budapest for public events, commemorating the attempted escape of the besieged Nazi SS and Wermacht troops and their local collaborators from Budapest in 1945, shortly before the liberation of the city from the Red Army forces. This day is a reference point and meeting point for the European far right and takes place with the full tolerance of the Hungarian state, as this date is presented as a day of historical remembrance by the apologists and nostalgists of the Nazis.

On 11 February 2023, the Hungarian police made 6 arrests, with the Italian comrade Ilaria and the German comrade Tobias being in Hungarian prisons since then, accused of attacking Neo-Nazis during public far-right events in Budapest on the occasion of the so-called Memorial Day. In particular, Ilaria is accused of participating in two attacks against Nazis, with the aggravating circumstance of “endangering a victim’s life”, while also being accused of knowing, without herself being involved, of the existence of an international criminal association that organized the attacks in questions. While our German comrade Tobias along with another German comrade are being accused of participation in a criminal organization.

London,UK : Discussion at Touchpaper Anarchist Library, Sunday 26th May

Anarchist Struggle Against the Techno-world
Presentation and Discussion

Sunday 26th May, 7PM
Touchpaper Anarchist Library
385 Queens Road
New Cross
SE14 5HD

A comrade will make a short presentation looking at the process of
technological advancement and how it functions on the individual,
relational, and societal levels, and the impact this has on struggles
against domination. In particular, we’ll discuss the impacts of
technological enclosure on the insurrectionary horizons and share ideas
for how to combat the constantly-updated obstacles this presents.

Annual Chaotic-Anarchist Gathering #2 May 30 – June 3, 2024 Hambacher Forest North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

We want anarchy. We want freedom and autonomy for everyone, without domination. We want the overthrow of the existing order. We want social revolution.

This hasn’t changed since the last ACAT gathering. Among other topics, the following was discussed last year: Whether intermediary/specific struggles are still a valid proposal under current conditions and/or if we would need them now more than ever; faced with dystopian conditions, in what way we can intervene in social struggles (and whether we want to); the recuperation of anti-authoritarian struggles by authoritarians (based on the experience of the Appelist takeover on the ZAD in Nantes, France); the digital enclosure and its discontents (based on the case of the comrade Boris in France and the struggle there against the global expansion of the digital open-air prison); the history of the insurrectionary method; war; and patriarchy in its techno-industrial form.

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(Chile) Agitation Against the Drug Trade, the State and the Police

 Agitation Against the Drug Trade, the State and the Police

May 2, 2024 Received by mail informativoanarquista

March 29, 2024
Some Anarchists coordinated in the periferies of Santiago; Cerro Navia, La victoria, Villa Francia…

On this date of pain and rage, of memory and also action we took up the path of confrontation with power and those who sustain it.

Continue reading (Chile) Agitation Against the Drug Trade, the State and the Police