Category Archives: Solidarity Events, e.t.c.

Greece: Against borders, states, homelands, armies (here, in Palestine, in Israel, everywhere)

Here, in Palestine, in Israel, everywhere

Against borders, states, homelands, armies

War is everywhere. Without ever having been absent from the capitalist world, the world of homelands, armies and borders. It has always been present, except that nowadays every “war episode” tends to acquire global dimensions with different levels of transnational involvement: from the war in Palestine, Ukraine, Yemen, to the “tension zones” that presage a future conflict (e.g. Taiwan, Guyana, Red Sea, etc.), the world map seems to be shaped by a continuous geography of war “fronts” and “rears”.

And war takes many forms: from the famous trade sanctions that create “inflationary phenomena” in primitive societies and “food crises” in the capitalist periphery, to the Western States’ war on immigrants, the military-style management of “states of emergency” (be it viruses or floods, fires, etc.), the management of social policy in police terms. What the rulers cynically call “era fluidity” is on the one hand the other name for systemic contradictions reaching a limit point and on the other, it is a clear statement to subjects: in “fluid times” our lives are sadly expendable and survival is defined in terms of probability, risk, risk. And whoever lives through it… Then comes the famous “love of country”, the need for “national unity”, to form a “national body” in danger, with the State and the army defined as its “natural protectors”. Continue reading Greece: Against borders, states, homelands, armies (here, in Palestine, in Israel, everywhere)

Berlin (Germany): Acquittals at the “We are conspiring” trial!

The final day of the trial in the “We are conspiring” case took place on July 15. According to the prosecution, during the night of February 16, 2023, the accused wanted to set fire to the German railway company’s cables. The prosecution pleaded acquittal at the end of its closing arguments, citing lack of evidence. The lawyers also pleaded for acquittal, which the judge, after 15 minutes’ consideration, pronounced!

Here’s the statement the two defendants read together after the lawyers’ closing arguments:

We were arrested 17 months ago. We sat isolated from each other for a day and a half in the detention center on Tempelhofer Damm (Berlin) and were brought before a custodial judge. We then had to report to a cop station around 85 times and scribble our signatures on a piece of paper to prove that we had not yet evaded trial. Our DNA was taken and run through databases. For a total of 15 days, we were being surveilled by the secret police in our daily lives, with our friends and comrades, and had our home entrances filmed. For a few days now, we sat in front of this court where our guilt is being tried.

Continue reading Berlin (Germany): Acquittals at the “We are conspiring” trial!


A closed prison is also a closed account with Tyrranny. It is neither a sight nor an architectural work of art, but the mass grave of thousands of bodies that were imprisoned, tortured, deprived and burned to death not ever seeing the sun again without the bars or a break. When you look at a prison, think of how many people were subjected to the violence of isolation, how many were buried alive in solitary confinement, how many were deprived of their families, their people, their self- evident right to freedom. How many marched in sections through the wing courtyards, turning into each wall again and again, how many lost what was most

beautiful in themselves and became alienated, emotionally humiliated and cold.

In these cells the Greek state once imprisoned people who fought for the freedom of this country, people who resisted decay and misery, people who could not reconcile themselves to a life of submission and rebelled. In these cells, the Greek state murdered fighters who did not cooperate, who did not repent and whose death became a symbol of resistance and freedom. Today, the Greek state is still murdering people in its prisons because they are claiming, outside of bribes and favours, their self-evident rights. Because they do not bow down to their captors, but they demand better conditions of detention, they demand better lives, and they not sign their death in silence.

(Chile) Anarchist Comrade Luciano Pitronello, “Tortuga”, is dead.

Comrade Luciano Pitronello, “Tortuga”, has died.

We are making it known that a few hours ago (11/08/2024) the anarchist comrade Luciano Pitronello “Tortuga” died, due to the seriousness of the injuries caused by an electrocution accident while he was working on the afternoon of Friday, August 9th 2024.

Comrade Tortuga participated and contributed actively in different anarchist/anti-authoritarian projects, where he always positioned himself in open confrontation with the world of power. In June 2011, a homemade device that he intended to install in a bank in the centre of Santiago exploded in his hands, causing him serious physical injuries. During the judicial process against him, he refused to give away the other comrade who was with him on a motorbike the night of the failed attack.

Bon voyage Luciano, you will live forever in the conflict, in the knife and the word.

via: informativoanarquista.

CROYDON SOUTH LONDON,UK : If they fail to show up, why let the moment go to waste?


If they fail to show up, why let the moment go to waste?

In the context of increased violence on the part of the cowardly thugs who bow before bosses but go on the hunt for those who appear different from themselves, rumours circulated that just such a group would descend on Croydon on the night of Wednesday 7th August (one of hundreds of locations supposedly floated for that day on various right-wing channels). But a group of youth (the media report around 50) were already out in North End Road in Croydon, on the evening of Wednesday the 7th, by the looks of things, in order to greet the expected fascists with a well deserved warm welcome.

As it so happened, no one showed up. But why let the moment go to waste?
The crowd, who the media report as ‘wearing balaclavas’, began to drag objects into the road, set fires, and greeted the intervening cops on their way with fireworks and projectiles. Regrettably, 10 youth from the group were later arrested and some charged with ‘violent disorder’ and ‘going equipped for arson’. The media were quick to insist on the “anti-social” nature of these events, drawing a distinction between the phenomenon seen in Croydon and the attempted pogroms and “counterprotests” taking place elsewhere recently.

Continue reading CROYDON SOUTH LONDON,UK : If they fail to show up, why let the moment go to waste?

Montreal,Canada : L’espoir c’est la lutte: Reflections on the Night Demo of July 19th.

On July 19th, under a calm night sky, over 60 people assembled in downtown Montreal to march for Palestine. The demonstration was publicized without using social media, resulting in no police presence visible at the gathering location. The account that follows comes from a couple of participants in the demo. We hope to share an understanding of what went down for those who weren’t there and make some suggestions for next time.

Around 10pm, the march set off, a front banner announcing “L’espoir c’est la lutte” alongside a circle-A, and a banner reading “Liberation to the people, liberation to the land” bringing up the rear. Snaking through streets beneath skyscrapers and chanting, the energy in the crowd gradually rose as we acclimated to the strange reality: no bike cops, no riot cops, no cops in front, in back, or on the sides, just us and our friends and comrades, and their friends and comrades, and theirs, our black bloc and keffiyeh bloc protecting us from the hundred or so surveillance cameras that would inertly record our stroll.

The march lasted sixteen minutes. Fireworks were set off upon reaching Square Victoria, site of the Al-Soumoud camp, dismantled two weeks prior. Demonstrators quickly began breaking bank windows, hitting a CIBC and Scotiabank. Heading against traffic on Saint-Jacques, we were greeted ecstatically by Friday night party-goers, who stepped into the street to cheer, and drivers who rolled down their windows to high-five black-gloved militants. Some supportive passersby began excitedly following the demo as it continued towards the Caisse de Dépot et Placement du Québec (CDPQ). The CDPQ, which had been singled out by the Al-Soumoud camp a block away, has $14 billion invested in companies complicit in the genocide in Palestine. Though its windows appeared challenging to break, several were tagged, several others shattered, and a smoke device was tossed through an opening into an office space, hopefully setting off sprinklers and causing water damage.
Continue reading Montreal,Canada : L’espoir c’est la lutte: Reflections on the Night Demo of July 19th.


It is with great pleasure that we announce that an anarchist book fair will take place from 5 September to 8 September 2024 at NewYorck in Bethanien, Mariannenplatz 2 A, 10997 Berlin-Kreuzberg.

The book fair should not only serve to give anarchist books, ergo anarchist ideas, more space. Above all, we want to intensify debates that must lead to practical action. Books and all written products are important vehicles that can connect us all – yet books themselves are nothing, it is the content they carry that is useful – it is the practice that forms a real movement.


(Chile) Fiery Outings at Manuel Barros Borgoño High School in Memory of Luisa Toledo and in Solidarity with the Prisoners of July 6

July 17, 2024 / informativoanarquista

On both Tuesday the July 9 as well as the Friday the 12th, masked students of Manuel Barros Borgoño High School displayed banners, spread pamphlets and armed barricades while confronting the presence of the COP with molotovs. The first day in memory of Luisa Toledo, and the second in solidarity with the comrades who were detained and imprisoned during the July 6 raids in Villa Francia and other areas, the same day that the 3 year anniversary of the death of comrade Luisa Toledo was being commemorated.

Translated by Act for freedom now!

Every Heart is a Timembomb – Screening and Discussion Tuesday 6th August at Touchpaper Anarchist Library South (London, UK)

Every Heart is a Timembomb – Screening and Discussion

Tuesday 6th August 7PM
Touchpaper Anarchist Library SE145HD

Rote Zora was a women’s armed struggle group agitating in Germany in the 1970s through to the 1990s. The group originated as a feminist breakaway from the Revolutionary Cells, inspiring an entire generation to fight against patriarchy in all its expressions: (gene) technology, medical, domestic and systemic violence, rape culture, religious power, the medical industry, the war industry – exploitation and oppression at work, in the streets, and at home.

With glue, spraypaint, arson, poetry and bombs, they fought against the old world they lived in, with a burning desire for a new world without oppression, exploitation or war. Together, we will watch the documentary “Frauen bildet Banden!” (women, form gangs!) from 2019, made by FrauenLesbenFilmCollectif Las Otras, in which a number of Rote Zoras share with us their experiences about the struggle against patriarchy, connecting the struggles of the past with the opportunities that lie ahead of us today.

Starting from a few of their communiques, we will go deeper in a few
topics they have brought to the table back then and that might inspire us today.

Fiery Outing at Playa Ancha University for the Land and Against Capital ( Chile)

July 8, 2024 / informativoanarquista

On Thursday June 27 at the UPLA, barricades were erected, pamphlets were spread, banners were raised, and confrontations took place against the presence of the COP (gendarmes) in the context of the commemoration for the defense of the land against ecocidal extractivism. In this direct action at the port, attention was drawn to Felipe Ríos, currently facing repression and held hostage by the social democratic police state.

Pamphlets and banners read: “Felipe Ríos is with us. Freedom to prisoners”. “Dealers and cops, the same bullshit. Take up your weapon, let them know that their faces are the targets of our bullets”, “freedom for subversive prisoners” and “the promised land is nothing but subdued land. Autonomy and freedom”.