Category Archives: Solidarity Events, e.t.c.

(Chile) Vegan/Anti-authoritarian Comrade Killed During Procession in Commemoration of the Coup D’etat

 Vegan/Anti-authoritarian Comrade Killed During Procession in Commemoration of the Coup D’etat

 comrade Alonso Verdejo, tagging a metro car against the IIRSA

This Sunday, 9/8, like every year, there was a procession to the General Cemetery to commemorate the anniversary of the 1973 Coup D’etat. In this context, on the intersection of Recoleta Avenue and Santos Dumont, a subject appeared from a police picket line and began to attack masked comrades with a knife. He wounded three and unfortunately one of them died a few hours later.

Continue reading (Chile) Vegan/Anti-authoritarian Comrade Killed During Procession in Commemoration of the Coup D’etat


On 21/9, the Pakistani worker Mohamed Kamran Asik is tortured and murdered in the police station of Agios Panteleimonas by the uniformed murderers who staff one of the most notorious, sweat-soaked and blood-soaked hellhouses in Athens. Mohammed’s murder is the result of the repressive strategy of the state against the exploited and the oppressed, especially the most undervalued part of the multicultural working class. A strategy that remains regardless of the government while currently being sharpened by New Democracy party. The brutality revealed through the photos made public of Mohammed’s abused body is not a new but a systematic practice. In a political juncture when capitalism has nothing to offer or promise, when more and more people are to be devalued, marginalized and crippled, Mohammed’s abused body is a trophy in the hands of cops and fascists.

In the city center, the area of Agios Panteleimonas is perhaps the clearest illustration over time of the organic confluence of the fascist assault storm troopers, the mafia, the police and the “residents’ committees” which, as communicating vessels, attempted to tear down a multicultural neighborhood with radical roots and antifascist reference points. The multicultural proletariat is condemned to survive on starvation wages and in conditions of undeclared work, on the streets of drug addicts, in the concentration camps for immigrants and refugees, in the prisons and detention centers of the police stations, in the cardboard boxes of the homeless, in the psychiatric hospitals. It was in this system that Mohammed was murdered. In the system of capitalist inequalities, poverty, war and police violence.
Continue reading Athens,Greece: DEMONSTRATION FOR THE MURDER BY THE STATE OF Mohamed Kamran Asik and Mia Xarizoul SATURDAY 12 OCTOBER, VICTORIA SQUARE 14.30

Alfredo out of 41 bis. Hands off the anarchist publications. Solidarity gathering on the occasion of the preliminary hearing for the Sibilla operation (Perugia, Italy, October 10, 2024)

Alfredo out of 41 bis
Hands off the anarchist publications

On October 10th is set the preliminary hearing for Sibilla proceeding, which in November 2021 led to an operation targeted mainly against the anarchist paper ‘Vetriolo’, an operation intended as a repressive warning against revolutionary anarchist publications. On that date, an indictment will be requested for 12 anarchists on 19 counts, almost all of them aggravated by the purpose of terrorism.

In order to attack anarchists and revolutionary paths, the State rants about ‘inciting’ and ‘orienting’ capabilities in such an ambit as the anarchist movement, which has always been a proponent of an obstinate and radical autonomy of thought and action. An assertion that goes hand in hand with having supported in the Scripta Manent trial convictions for ‘political massacre’ in the country where the massacres, the real ones, have always been perpetrated by the State apparatus.

Continue reading Alfredo out of 41 bis. Hands off the anarchist publications. Solidarity gathering on the occasion of the preliminary hearing for the Sibilla operation (Perugia, Italy, October 10, 2024)

(Chile) Incendiary Stroll at University of Chile (JGM) on the Eve of a New Commemoration of the Coup D’Etat

Action at JGM (U. Chile) on the eve of a new commemoration of the Coup D’Etat (51 years). 

via: informativoanarquista

From Frente Fotrográfico

Yesterday, 6th of September a day of protest was carried out at the University of Chile, school of Juan Gómez Millas. Throughout the morning an event and vigil in memory of the 119 was held, with students and professors of the campus participating. A discussion took place and words were shared for memory and diffusion. After this, masked people raised barricades in the surroundings of the university, sparking confrontations with the police, who came to clear the area.
Continue reading (Chile) Incendiary Stroll at University of Chile (JGM) on the Eve of a New Commemoration of the Coup D’Etat

From Berlin to Bolzano in Italy (Germany)

From Berlin to Bolzano (Italy)

Solidarity action with comrades affected by repression

On Sunday, September 1, people in solidarity gathered in front of the Carlo Giuliani monument in Berlin to express solidarity with the prisoners in northern Italy (Bolzano) and to draw attention to the authoritarian developments there. Background information:

BOZEN. They showed solidarity with the prisoners in Bolzano prison when they protested against the inhumane prison conditions, they campaigned for feminist self-determination rights and showed solidarity with the people in Gaza. The consequences: city expulsions, bans on demonstrations, charges, possibly dismissals and special surveillance.
Continue reading From Berlin to Bolzano in Italy (Germany)

London,UK: The London Anarchist Book fair take a place on 12th of October 2024

A celebration of all things anarchist.

The Bookfair exists to support radical struggles against capitalism, patriarchy, colonialism and ecological destruction – and especially those fighting for a liberated London based on mutual aid and freedom for all.
This year we have discussions, music, films, workshops, merch, skill-shares, food, campaign stalls, a kids space, and of course lots and lots of lovely books! It’s not just for anarchists either, everyone* is welcome to come and have a nose around. Who knows, you might even leave an anarchist!
 *Not cops, transphobes, etc.

IT/EN/FR/EL: Preliminary hearing set for ”Sibilla operation” (Perugia, Italy, October 10, 2024)

Fissata l’udienza preliminare per l’operazione Sibilla (Perugia, 10 ottobre 2024)

È stata fissata il 10 ottobre alle ore 10:00 presso il tribunale di Perugia l’udienza preliminare per il procedimento Sibilla. In quella data verrà chiesto il rinvio a giudizio per dodici compagni e compagne, tra cui Alfredo Cospito (recluso in regime di 41 bis nel carcere di Bancali, a Sassari). Con ogni probabilità Alfredo sarà collegato in videoconferenza. A seguito della rimozione del reato associativo, i compagni sono inquisiti a vario titolo per 19 capi d’accusa, tra cui quello principale, per istigazione a delinquere con la circostanza aggravante della finalità di terrorismo, riguardante la redazione e la distribuzione del giornale anarchico “Vetriolo”. Le altre imputazioni (tutte, tranne quattro, aggravate dalla finalità di terrorismo) riguardano sette episodi di scritte murali e due affissioni di striscioni, la pubblicazione di un volantino del Circolaccio Anarchico di Spoleto, di due testi di Alfredo Cospito per delle iniziative specifiche a Bologna e in Francia, di cinque testi nei primi mesi del Covid-19 e della prima edizione del libro Quale internazionale?, nonché il danneggiamento di alcuni veicoli di Poste italiane a Foligno durante lo sciopero della fame delle compagne anarchiche contro la sezione AS2 femminile interna al carcere dell’Aquila (2019).

Scattata alle prime ore dell’11 novembre 2021, l’operazione Sibilla aveva come scopo dichiarato quello di colpire il giornale anarchico “Vetriolo” (così come le Edizioni Monte Bove, il Circolaccio Anarchico e due siti internet, Roundrobin e Malacoda). Particolare attenzione meritava agli occhi degli inquirenti la pubblicazione dell’intervista ad Alfredo Cospito, all’epoca prigioniero nel carcere di Ferrara, uscita in tre puntate in altrettanti numeri del giornale con il titolo “Quale internazionale?”, successivamente rieditata nell’omonimo libretto corredato da una lunga appendice sulla storia della Federazione Anarchica Informale. Nelle scartoffie dei magistrati perugini peraltro andava a confluire una precedente estesa inchiesta della procura di Milano significativamente battezzata “Vetriolo”.
Continue reading IT/EN/FR/EL: Preliminary hearing set for ”Sibilla operation” (Perugia, Italy, October 10, 2024)

New York,USA : A solidarity banner for Palestine in response to the call for action.

In response to the call for action for Palestine, we put up this banner in Queens, New York to connect the struggle here to the valiant resistance in Palestine.

While this may be a small symbolic action in comparison to what the fighters are doing in Gaza and the West Bank, we hope they will see this as a salute to their efforts. The work they are doing on behalf of the Palestinian people is felt around the world in struggles that have not yet blossomed, but see the potential in fighting for those who have been systematically oppressed by the United States.

Long live the resistance!
Let the flood of Al Aqsa drown all settler regimes!
Death to the US!
Death to the Zionist entity!

Anarchists in New York

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