Category Archives: Sabotage, Arsons Attacks

Munich (Germany): two new tree fellers burnt to the ground

Munich two new tree fellers burnt to the ground

A few days after the Sunday fire of two tree fellers, one in the Forstenrieder Park and the other in the Perlach forest, forestry operators south of Munich are not out of the woods yet, as it seems that the imps that populate these woods are not ready to hibernate.

On the night of December 14/15, in the middle of the Forstenrieder Park near Pullach, between the A95 freeway and Wolfratshauser Straße, two new forestry machines parked 30 metres apart went up in smoke. The attack took place during the night, and firefighters had only to extinguish the remains of the smoking carcasses in the early hours of the morning.
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Basel (Switzerland) : No internet or TV for the Christmas holidays!

Basel: No internet or TV for the Christmas holidays!

This is the fourth act of sabotage in five days at Rheinfelden, a few kilometres east of Basel: Thursday evening, some newly repaired fibre optic cables of the Improware company were cut again in two places.

This happened after some municipal fibre optic cables were deliberately damaged various times during the new year holiday season: on 23rd December, at around midnight, several bundles of fibre optic cables, with up to 288 optic fibres per bundle, were cut. This damage was repaired on Christmas eve and affected around 600 clients of the cable network. On Christmas day, 25th December, some optic fibre cables were destroyed by incendiary objects at Riehen (north district of Basel) this time, and the next day on Decembver 26th othe optic fibre cables were damaged in another place in Rheinfelden.
Continue reading Basel (Switzerland) : No internet or TV for the Christmas holidays!

Chastre, Belgium: flaming new year for the cops

Two police vehicles set on fire in Chastre

A local blog (Belgium), 1st January 2024 (extract)

New year’s eve wasn’t calm for the police in Brabant Walloon. At around 3am a vehicle of the local police of the Orne-Thyle district was set on fire in the car park of the town hall. The fire spread to a second police vehicle parked next to it.  The wind was quite strong and encouraged the burning of the two cars. Several explosions were heard in the neighbourhood.

The police arrived at around 3.30am, a few minutes before the fire fighters with two lorries. A number of [cop] vehicles are usually parked in the town hall car park at night. This is the first time they have been the target of arson.

via: sansnom

Sabotage on the Northvolt Site: Arming the Forest (Canada)

One of Montéregie’s last natural environments is in jeopardy! The planned construction of the Northvolt battery plant in Saint-Basile-le-Grand is an ecocidal disgrace. If this project goes ahead, 1.4 square kilometers of wetlands and woodlands will be razed to the ground, serving the greenwashing strategy of our governments, and doing so with public funds.

The area is home to a diverse fauna (bats, birds, amphibians, turtles, snakes, etc.), including several species classified as “threatened” or “endangered”. There are even 142 species of birds that frequent the site! At the same time as public transport companies are undergoing a wave of budget cuts, the provincial and federal governments prefer to give $7.3 billion to the private sector to perpetuate the “car culture”. Instead of investing in more environmentally-friendly collective solutions (trains, buses, car-sharing) in the city and the regions, the governments are perpetuating our dependence on the car, hand in hand with polluting industries and the wealthy.
Continue reading Sabotage on the Northvolt Site: Arming the Forest (Canada)

Machines burned at Urban Alchemy construction site in north Portland (USA)

We burned bulldozers and excavators being used to build another Urban Alchemy site in North Portland, where homeless Portlanders will be sent to live behind chainlink fencing and barbed wire under threat of violence and sweeps.

UA says it “provide complementary strategies to conventional policing and security”, and, like police, it’s employees have consistently used their positions to bully, degrade, steal from, and sexually assault those living within their fences.
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Nancy,France: Anarchist comrade Boris convicted on appeal for the fire of two relay antennas

Nancy,Boris convicted on appeal for the fire of two relay antennas

sent to Lille Indymedia 01/22/24 by abc
translated by others a little later

On September 25, 2023, the Nancy Court of Appeal tried again the anarchist comrade Boris (transl. as is customary the word companion is used in the French, which highlights more the sense that everyone is fighting their own struggle), for having burned the relay antenna of the four telecoms operators, as well as that of the cops and gendarmes, in April 2020 on the Mont Poupet (Jura).

Following this attack which had mobilized in full capacity technicians of the Ministry of the Interior until the bottom of the Jura valley to try to restore their communications as soon as possible, the DNA of the comrade had been found on the spot. After months of eavesdropping and surveillance conducted by the Anti-Terrorist Group (GAT) of Dijon and members of the GIGN specially come from Versailles (transl. equiv. to SAS or Special Ops), and as part of an investigation entrusted to the Specialized Inter-regional Jurisdiction (JIRS) of Nancy, Boris had been arrested in Besançon on September 22, 2020.
Continue reading Nancy,France: Anarchist comrade Boris convicted on appeal for the fire of two relay antennas

Watermael-Boitsfort (Belgium) : police under fire

 Police targeted in two molotov attacks at Watermael-Boitsfort
Sud info/DH, 13 January 2014

Two incidents took place during the night of Friday to Saturday. They took place a few hours apart.

Just before midnight, a police car parked in rue des Nymphes in Watermael-Boitsfort, near the Calypso swimming pool, was targeted with a hail of molotovs. In the end it was a car parked just next to it that caught fire. Agents quickly reached the scene and a “firecracker” then exploded. The two policemen complained of tinnitus. One arrest was made in the crowd after a chase [before releasing the suspect due to lack of evidence].

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Black Out. Controversy about meaning and efficiency of sabotage (France)


Actforfree receive and spread :

Black Out. Controversy about meaning and efficiency of sabotage

Between February and March 2020, all over the world, heads of state made solemn and grave announcements in order to prepare
their populations for what appeared to be a new era : one of war against the virus. Within a couple months, the sabotage of telecomcommunication infrastructures had almost become a daily event in France, as well as in other European countries. Simultaneously, a debate sprang up within anarchist and radical ecological publications, in particular about the meaning and efficiency of these acts.

How could we undermine technological control ? Could we provoke a tipping point within this situation? What scenarios did these sabotages open up ? How could we consider efficiency, organization and ethics altogether?

Nowadays, the situation has evolved, but the problems brought up by the following texts remain unresolved, maybe even more
so now, and without obvious answers : what are the links between direct action and social or ecological movements? What strategies emerge when we separate or combine anarchist, ecologist and techno-critical perspectives?

How do these strategies integrate a now-decisive element :
the war in Europe, which will guide and harden the grip of states on
their populations.

Val-de-Reuil (Eure) France : “destroy the industrial base” 

In Eure, the Lafarge industrial site was attacked in Val-de-Reuil

Several Lafarge industrial sites were occupied and tagged by environmental groups across France as part of a “day of action against Lafarge and the world of concrete”. This Sunday, December 10, 2023, at 12:30 p.m., the Lafarge site in Val-de-Reuil, Eure, was no exception, announced the department’s prefecture on X (formerly Twitter): “The Lafarge site has just been the object of a violent attack by environmental militants aimed at destroying the industrial base”.

On site, the militants caused “extremely serious” damage to the facilities, according to the Bernay sub-prefect, Philippe Fournier-Montgieux. Products were introduced into the concrete silos to prevent the site from operating. Damage could amount to several hundred thousand euros. A total of 18 employees are out of work. The site will not be able to resume normal operations this Monday, December 11.

Continue reading Val-de-Reuil (Eure) France : “destroy the industrial base”