Category Archives: Sabotage, Arsons Attacks
We’re being watched: poke their eyes out (France)
France: Tours (Indre-et-Loire): names and addresses
“Dirty Pig”: the car of a municipal policeman of Tours tagged and damaged by fire
France Bleu, June 25, 2021 (extract)
A municipal policeman of Tours, living about twenty kilometers from Tours, has been in shock since Wednesday night when an attempt was made to set fire to his personal car, around 2 am. A “tag” was also left on his hood, “dirty pig”, an inscription “in the form of a scratch with a key, or a screwdriver” he explains.
*Remi was asleep when his wife was awakened by noises coming from outside his house, around 2am. She first saw a bright orange color, similar to flames. When he went outside, *Remi did not see anyone, but smelled a strong odor of gasoline. He then saw traces of attempted fire on his vehicle, as well as impacts on the window, proof that the passenger window was forced, also without result.
Continue reading France: Tours (Indre-et-Loire): names and addresses
(Germany) Ferrari torched
Cham (Switzerland): Internet and TV connection cut in the early morning
Telecom cables damaged by fire in Cham
ATS, 27 June 2021
A fire broke out in a sewer housing telecom cables around 00:30 on Saturday night in Cham (ZG, i.e. the canton of Zug). A part of the population of the region is deprived of television, internet and landline phones, but not of cellular.
The cause of the fire is unknown. No one was injured, the police said Sunday. The repair should take a long time. The damage is considerable, it said in a statement. Despite the rapid intervention of firefighters, many lines have been completely destroyed. In some parts of the Cham-Ost region, landline connections as well as Internet and TV lines are therefore interrupted. The cellular network, however, is not affected by the interruption.
via: sansnom.noblogs
British Columbia (Canada): the fires of revenge consume the churches
In Canada, new arsons of catholic churches on native lands
The World, June 27, 2021
Two new churches were burned down on Saturday 26 June on native territories in western Canada, bringing the total number of churches burned to four, since the discovery of a thousand unmarked graves near former residential schools run by the Catholic Church in British Columbia.
In the early hours of Saturday, St. Ann’s Church and Chopaka Church, both located on strips of aboriginal land in British Columbia, were burned within an hour of each other, federal police said. “Both churches were destroyed,” said Sgt. Jason Bayda of the Canadian Mounted Police in a statement.
Continue reading British Columbia (Canada): the fires of revenge consume the churches