Category Archives: Sabotage, Arsons Attacks

Grande-Synthe (Nord), France: Goodbye to the municipal workshops

via: attaque.

La Voix du Nord / Wednesday 28 July 2021
There is nothing left of the municipal workshops of the town of Grande-Synthe after the fire that broke out on Wednesday night. All of the municipality’s maintenance equipment and around thirty vehicles went up in smoke. A criminal investigation is being considered.
The fire broke out between midnight and 1am on Tuesday night. Two intruder alarms were triggered successively. The fire then started at the back of the 2,700 m2 building. It spread at breakneck speed. When the fire brigade arrived (about fifty fire fighters were mobilised), the Grande-Synthe municipal workshops on avenue de Suwalki were completely engulfed in flames.
Translated by Act for freedom now!

Altena,Germany: Three patrol cars set on fire

Altena, 30 +31 July 2021
Unknown persons set fire to two police patrol cars in an underground car park in Altena (Märkischer Kreis) on Friday. The fire, which completely destroyed the two vehicles, was discovered at around 12.30 a.m., according to police.
In addition to the police station, the complex also houses shops and flats. The building was largely evacuated, the fire brigade extinguished the fire and pulled the vehicles into the open. No one was injured. All tenants and users of the building were able to return to their rooms after the extinguishing work.

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Narbonne (Aude), France: cable fire puts trains on hold

On Monday 26 July at around 11pm, a fire broke out along the tracks of the TER between Narbonne (Aude) and Nissan-lez-Enserune (Hérault), next to an electrical substation, destroying cables but also damaging the technical room.
The result? Since 11pm on Monday, “hundreds of trains have been affected”, says the SNCF, including the total halt of regional traffic all morning on Tuesday between Toulouse (Haute-Garonne) and Montpellier (Hérault). At the national level of TGV and Intercity trains, “trains departing from Paris for Perpignan (Pyrénées-Orientales) this Tuesday morning will either be cancelled or limited”, explains the SNCF, and journeys departing from Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône) or Barcelona (Catalonia), initially via Montpellier and Toulouse, will also be affected.
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Fort-de-France, Martinique: the return of the curfew does not go down well

[On 12 July 2021, a few hours after the President announced the health pass for the whole territory, and at the same time a return of the state of emergency from the next day for the French colonies of Reunion and Martinique, with curfew (from 9pm to 5am) and the return of night passes, the prefect of the latter managed to put it in place. Despite this, from the evening of Tuesday 13 July, demonstrations took place at 9pm to defy it in the capital of Martinique Fort-de-France, sometimes continuing during the week (110 fines handed out on the night of Thursday to Friday), and on Saturday 17 July they continued into clashes with the police all night long: jewellery shops looted, police station smashed up, cars and the EDF agency set on fire, and an attempt to set fire to the courthouse…]
Fort-de-France, Martinique, 18 July: jewellery shop looted then set on fire
Heuraux in Fort-de-France, where jewellery shops were targeted by looters
Martinique, 18 July 2021
This Sunday morning (18 July 2021), the inhabitants of the city centre of Fort-de-France are discovering the effects of the night’s clashes between the police and demonstrators opposed to the curfew.
A jewellery shop on Rue Lamartine was stormed shortly after 10pm. It was opened, emptied and set on fire at around 2am this Sunday, our journalists on the spot said. The neighbours of the three-storey building moved out during the night because they were bothered by the smoke.
Fort-de-France, Martinique, 18 July: the EDF agency completely ravaged by flames

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Surrey, Canada: and one less church!

Surrey (British Columbia), July 19: the only church that illuminates is the one in flames
A new church burns down in British Columbia
Radio Canada, 19 July 2021
St. George’s Orthodox Church in Surrey, Greater Vancouver, was destroyed in a fire on Monday morning. It joins a growing list of religious institutions ravaged by fire in recent weeks. At about 3:30 a.m., 10 trucks and 32 firefighters were deployed to the scene of the fire in Surrey’s Whalley neighbourhood. No one was injured and no other buildings were affected by the fire, according to authorities.

Continue reading Surrey, Canada: and one less church!

Lachapelle-sous-Aubenas (Ardèche): fire at the electric post ( France)

Ardèche: an RTE electrical substation targeted by an arson attack
Le Dauphiné, 14 July 2021
On the night of Tuesday 13 to Wednesday 14 July, an electrical substation belonging to RTE (Réseau de transport d’électricité), which manages the electricity transmission network, was the target of an arson attack in Lachapelle-sous-Aubenas, in the South Ardèche. This installation is used to transport electricity.

Continue reading Lachapelle-sous-Aubenas (Ardèche): fire at the electric post ( France)

Fumay (Ardennes) : Fire at the bailiff’s office (France)

L’Ardennais / Wednesday, July 7, 2021
It was about 5:30 this Wednesday morning when firefighters were mobilized to a violent fire at the Borgniet/Dupré bailiffs’ office in rue des Evignes.
The fire destroyed a large part of the building, and the police made the usual observations. Also on the spot, an employee spoke of “catastrophe”, the flames having consumed important legal documents. “It’s crazy,” said the employee, moved.
same rag / Thursday, July 8, 2021
The fire at the bailiffs’ office, which burned Wednesday morning, was “arson,” confirmed the public prosecutor, Laurent de Caigny.
via: attaque
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Creil (Oise) : Suez, the water tower and cameras

Creil: fire “probably” criminal of a building belonging to Suez
AFP, 8 July 2021 (extract)
A fire “probably” deliberately destroyed a building belonging to the Suez group in Creil (Oise) on the night of Wednesday 7 to Thursday 8 July, according to the public prosecutor’s office, a source close to the investigation establishing a link with the recent installation of video surveillance. According to the police, the fire broke out at around 00:30 in an administrative building of Suez Eau France.
“It almost completely destroyed one of the buildings dedicated to water activities, (…) which houses activities related to customer service, computer servers and archives,” without causing any injuries, a Suez spokeswoman told AFP. “An investigation is underway and in view of the testimonies, it is more than likely that the fire was deliberate,” Jean-Baptiste Bladier, the Senlis public prosecutor, told the AFP news agency. “We are not ruling out a link with the firing of fireworks during the day at a newly installed surveillance camera,” he added. According to a source close to the investigation, “video surveillance cameras had just been installed at a water tower…”.

Continue reading Creil (Oise) : Suez, the water tower and cameras

Action in Caen , Down with their elections, long live self-determination! (France)

via: attaque.
Action in Caen
17 June 2021
During the night, we vandalized the Socialist Party office (rue Paul Toutain) in Caen. We tagged their facade and embellished it with some rotten eggs (but less rotten than these politicians).
The choice could have been made just as well on the premises of the National Front, the Republicans, the LREM, or La France Insoumise, on any party that participates in this biased political game and in the progression of conservative, republican and reactionary ideas.
Down with their elections, long live self-determination!
Translated by Act for freedom now!