Category Archives: Sabotage, Arsons Attacks

Russia – Partisan Attacks against Military Recruitment Centers

There are reports of new partisan attacks against military recruitment centers. Unfortunately, all the information we have now is given with references to cops’ channels.
On March 2 in the evening in Voronezh, near house #47 on 9th Yanvarya street an unknown person smashed a glass can with flammable liquid against the front door of the military registration and enlistment office for two city districts, after which he set fire and fled. The fire damaged part of the door, there were no victims. The partisan managed to escape. Unfortunately, the alleged arsonist’s face was caught on video surveillance cameras and the police are now trying to identify him.
Sverdlovsk region
On March 13, 2022, another arson was reported. According to the cops, a 25-year-old shop assistant of a computer store, protesting against sending conscripts to Ukraine, threw Molotovs into the door of the military registration and enlistment office building on Revolutsionnaya Street around 5 AM (the name of the settlement is not given, we understand it is Berezovsky). Unfortunately, the arsonist was detained and charged with attempted murder, since the watchman was in the building at the time. The watchman was not injured.

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Chenôve (Côte-d’Or) : burning the police stations (France)

A car set on fire in front of the municipal police of Chenôve, the building very damaged
Le Bien Public/France 3, 12 March 2022
This Saturday, at 4:15 a.m., GIS security guards alerted firefighters to a vehicle fire near the entrance of the Chenôve municipal police department. The vehicle had been voluntarily abandoned at this location. The flames attacked the reception of the building which is now unusable. Outside, the damage was still visible in the middle of the morning, especially at the level of the entrance door which burned.
This municipal police station adjoins the town hall building and faces the central square of the town, a stone’s throw from the streetcar terminal. All this happened downtown. For several days now, Chenôve has been facing a new episode of urban violence. Yesterday, the mayor of Chenôve, Thierry Falconnet, explained to our colleagues on France Bleu Bourgogne that “15 cars have been burned in three nights”. 40 CRS were called in as reinforcements.

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Meuse, France: Direct action against nuclear power and its world of shit

On the night of March 11, the anniversary of the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan in 2011, we did a series of graffiti tags along the disused Bar-le-Duc / Ligny / Gondrecourt railroad, which is part of the CIGÉO nuclear burial project. In the ironically named village “Les Castors”, near Ligny-en-Barrois, we sabotaged the track with car jacks to counter the work planned for its reallocation. Our action is a small contribution to the national day of action against the revival of nuclear power and for the immediate end of nuclear power, a day to which our friends from Golfech have called for this March 13.
Nuclear power will not save the climate!
At the end of 2021, 10 years after Fukushima, the Castex/Macron government presented the energy transition program “France 2030”. Beyond the pro-industrial announcement in greenwashing mode about electric mobility or the creation of industrial wind farms, “France 2030” is above all one thing: the announcement of the massive reinforcement of the French nuclear power program. It involves the construction of at least six new EPRs (European Pressurized Reactor), investment in so-called mini reactors – which are currently being developed by the car and arms manufacturer Rolls Royce, among others – and the launch of the construction of CIGÉO by 2030.

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Paris, France: Action against the construction contractors of the 2024 Olympics

A few weeks ago, two companies involved in the construction of the Olympic infrastructure for the Paris 2024 Olympics were redecorated:
– The architectural firm Chabanne*, which is working on the future “solarium” in Aubervilliers. The work destroyed the gardens that existed near the Fort d’Aubervilliers metro station. Some friends have set up a JAD for some time, we wanted to send them a little hello. The struggle is not over!

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Orleans (Loiret): burning garbage cans at the police station

Burning garbage cans placed under the windows of the Argonne police station, in Orléans, create great damage on its facades
La République du Centre, March 1, 2022 (extract)
On Monday, February 28, shortly before 9 pm, garbage cans were set on fire and placed in front of the main entrance and the service access of the Argonne police station, in Orleans. If the interior of the building was not affected by the flames, the exterior was considerably damaged.

Continue reading Orleans (Loiret): burning garbage cans at the police station

Hambach forest,Germany : sabotage of engines in sand quarry

In the Kieswasche Buir antenna of the Rheinische Baustoffwerke, 6 or 7 working engines (digger excavator and others types) had their windows smashed, cables and pipes cut and some messages against concrete and it’s devastating role in the growing of civilization, and for anarchism have been left.
Indeed, their gravel and sand are used for concrete and other building materials but they also propose their services to other enterprises to get rid of their mineral waste. The link with the RWE coal mine next to the forest is more than possible. Plus, this antenna have been built by destroying living places of all kind of species.
All of them, reasons to attack !
End civilization, for anarchism
via: Kontrapolis

Brussels: burning down the police infrastructure

The headquarters of the canine brigade of Montgomery damaged by Molotov cocktails
Bx1/Metro Brussels, March 2, 2022
The canine brigade of the Montgomery police zone, located on avenue Andromède in Woluwe-Saint-Lambert, was the target of Molotov cocktails on Wednesday at around 5:30 a.m., said Michaël Jonniaux, head of the zone, confirming a report by Sudinfo. Several vehicles were damaged and the building was also damaged. There were no injuries, either human or animal.

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Demolition work in Eggarten stopped after an arson of excavators ( Munich,Germany)

Demolition work in Eggarten stopped after an arson of excavators
About three weeks ago, demolition work for a new housing estate began in the Munich garden city of Eggarten. The idyllic site used to be home not only to bats and an old forests, but also offered shelter to the homeless and was popular with the residents.

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Flachères (Isère) : Arson of a mobile phone antenna

via: attaque.noblogs
 28 January 2022
An investigation for “destruction by dangerous means” has been opened by the Bourgoin-Jallieu public prosecutor’s office after the burning of a relay antenna in the hills above Flachères.
The fire was observed on Wednesday 26 January in the early afternoon by technicians who had come to carry out work. When alerted, the gendarmes of the Grand-Lemps/Virieu brigade community came to observe the evidence. As there was little doubt of criminal intent, the La Tour-du-Pin search brigade and the Grenoble search section were jointly responsible.

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Paris and elsewhere: Let’s destroy the cameras text, and posters EN/FR/

Paris and elsewhere: Let’s destroy the cameras
Year after year, the state is developing its equipment and methods of generalized surveillance. The process of gentrification and gentrification of the population that accompanies the Greater Paris project, the 2024 Olympic Games, the famous “feeling of insecurity”, are all reasons and pretexts for the implementation of new security devices, in the Paris suburbs, but not exclusively. It’s not news that the state is keeping tabs on us, managing us, and spying on our lives with ever more sophisticated, intrusive and effective means. Its dirty cameras film us in the streets, in squares, in shops, in transport, elevators, intercoms, smartphones, drones, at toll booths, etc.
In the name of the unbearable security of all, of social peace and the common good, which we do not want. This security is always the reduction of life, restricted to pacify us in the machine of capitalist production. Surveillance, as a tool of control, poses in its acceptance or refusal the question of life. Let’s fight against this dull and bland existence, without any subversion of normality, without any of our own initiative to set things in motion, without any perspective of a global collective emancipation. Cameras, and surveillance in general, restrict our desires. We tell ourselves that there is no point in stealing a safe-deposit box, burning a car or breaking a window because we will be spotted.

Continue reading Paris and elsewhere: Let’s destroy the cameras text, and posters EN/FR/