There are reports of new partisan attacks against military recruitment centers. Unfortunately, all the information we have now is given with references to cops’ channels.
On March 2 in the evening in Voronezh, near house #47 on 9th Yanvarya street an unknown person smashed a glass can with flammable liquid against the front door of the military registration and enlistment office for two city districts, after which he set fire and fled. The fire damaged part of the door, there were no victims. The partisan managed to escape. Unfortunately, the alleged arsonist’s face was caught on video surveillance cameras and the police are now trying to identify him.
Sverdlovsk region
On March 13, 2022, another arson was reported. According to the cops, a 25-year-old shop assistant of a computer store, protesting against sending conscripts to Ukraine, threw Molotovs into the door of the military registration and enlistment office building on Revolutsionnaya Street around 5 AM (the name of the settlement is not given, we understand it is Berezovsky). Unfortunately, the arsonist was detained and charged with attempted murder, since the watchman was in the building at the time. The watchman was not injured.
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