Category Archives: Sabotage, Arsons Attacks
Toulouse, France – Between 2 rages: orange car and real estate attacked
via: attaque
Toulouse, France – Between 2 rages: orange car and real estate attacked

Instead of staying at home to bemoan the results of the electoral circus, on Sunday night we decided to go smash the windows of an orange car and a real estate office.
No desire to choose masters, critique, boycott and sabotage!
Translated by Act for freedom now!
Toulouse, France: Blocking of polling stations
via: attaque
Toulouse, France: Blocking of polling stations
Saturday night the day before the election we glued 4 polling stations in the district of
bourge cote pavée in toulouse with toothpicks There is no useful vote.
From the extreme left to the extreme right, mort aux chef.fes. [fuck leaders, death to leaders].
Translated by Act for freedom now!
Electric silence will not shut us up, On the night of April 12-13, two electric car charging stations were sabotaged at the corner of Boulevard de Suisse with expanding foam and a hammer
Electric silence will not shut us up
On the night of April 12-13, two electric car charging stations were sabotaged at the corner of Boulevard de Suisse with expanding foam and a hammer.
Electric silence will not shut us up on the misery, pollution and cancers it produces. Nuclear power has only the expansion of the capitalist world as its horizon.
Let’s refuse fascist neo-liberalism, no matter what it looks like.
Neither nuclear nor coal
Neither Le Pen nor Macron
Translated by Act for freedom now!
Georgsdorf and Emsland (Germany): Peat production stopped
via: attaque / Friday 25 March 2022
Peat extraction is very harmful to the climate and can be avoided.
As part of the measures to prevent the destruction of our
livelihoods, several machines and excavators used for peat extraction were destroyed. They were located in the Georgsdorf bog and in the Emsland provincial bog.
What is the use of aerated soil during months of drought?
Against the plundering of nature and for a future worth living!
bog fire action
Translated by Act for freedom now!
Carbonne (Haute-Garonne), France: and one more antenna less!
South of Toulouse, an Orange relay antenna burned, communications disrupted
La Dépêche, April 2, 2022
Conversations via the mobile network remain disrupted in the south of Toulouse. An Orange relay antenna burned down in the night from Wednesday to Thursday in Carbonne. A criminal act. The gendarmerie has opened an investigation.
The fire, which probably broke out in the middle of the night, did not alert anyone. However, on Thursday morning, when an Orange technician went to the site, in Carbonne, south of Toulouse, he found that the installations had been destroyed by fire. A 5G relay antenna destroyed like others before it. And since then, despite the efforts made by the operator to divert communications to other relay points, communications remain difficult, especially in the communes of Carbonne and Marquefage.
Continue reading Carbonne (Haute-Garonne), France: and one more antenna less!
Grabels (Hérault): sabotage the construction sites of the metropolis – bis
via: sansnom.noblogs
Construction site of the Lien: a machine of public works set fire on the site of the future northern bypass
Midi Libre, March 27, 2022
A public works machine was discovered on fire this Sunday, March 27, on the site of the Lien (Intercommunal link for the northern bypass of Montpellier) in Grabels, near the Mas de Gentil. The crusher was completely destroyed by the flames.
Continue reading Grabels (Hérault): sabotage the construction sites of the metropolis – bis
Lille (Nord) France: the cables are melting
Lille: the new surveillance cameras damaged in Moulins
La Voix du Nord, March 19, 2022 (extract)
This Friday, a fire of criminal origin damaged the cables linked to the new video surveillance system in the Rue d’Arras.
The damage is limited to a few cables, but the facts are not insignificant. This Friday, one or more individuals damaged the new video surveillance system installed by the city in the Moulins district. Cables connected to a camera located on the facade of the town hall, overlooking the place Vanhoenacker, have been melted.
According to the city, the system was damaged. The incident has led to a complaint.
via: sansnom
Translated by Act for freedom now!
Sabotaging rail traffic and antennas at the same (Baldham, Germany)
Baldham, Germany: sabotaging rail traffic and antennas at the same time translated from German, Zündlappen, March 17, 2022
In Bavaria, on Wednesday night, March 17, 2022, at about 3:45 am, unknown individuals set fire to a railroad switch control box near Baldham (in the municipality of Ebersberg), as well as to the electrical box of a cell phone tower located about 20 meters from the first place.
Rail traffic had to be interrupted and material damage amounted to about 150,000 euros.
via:sansnom Translated by Act for freedom now!
Russia – Partisan Attacks against Military Recruitment Centers
There are reports of new partisan attacks against military recruitment centers. Unfortunately, all the information we have now is given with references to cops’ channels.
On March 2 in the evening in Voronezh, near house #47 on 9th Yanvarya street an unknown person smashed a glass can with flammable liquid against the front door of the military registration and enlistment office for two city districts, after which he set fire and fled. The fire damaged part of the door, there were no victims. The partisan managed to escape. Unfortunately, the alleged arsonist’s face was caught on video surveillance cameras and the police are now trying to identify him.
Sverdlovsk region
On March 13, 2022, another arson was reported. According to the cops, a 25-year-old shop assistant of a computer store, protesting against sending conscripts to Ukraine, threw Molotovs into the door of the military registration and enlistment office building on Revolutsionnaya Street around 5 AM (the name of the settlement is not given, we understand it is Berezovsky). Unfortunately, the arsonist was detained and charged with attempted murder, since the watchman was in the building at the time. The watchman was not injured.
Continue reading Russia – Partisan Attacks against Military Recruitment Centers