Category Archives: Sabotage, Arsons Attacks

Lacroix-Falgarde (Haute -Garonne): the antenna did not withstand the shock

via: sansnom

Lacroix-Falgarde. The burned antenna must be completely rebuilt

La Dépêche, April 22, 2022

On the night of Friday 25 to 26 February, the telecommunications tower overlooking Lacroix-Falgarde was destroyed by a fire of criminal origin, rendering the 4G/5G antennas of Bouygues, Free and SFR and those of TDF for TV unusable.

In mid-March, temporary repair work began with the installation of new antennas on the burnt out tower. Today, the antenna’s supporting structure is too damaged for the equipment initially installed to be restored to its original state. For example the TV service cannot be reinstalled. In order to regain full functionality, a new antenna has to be rebuilt in order to be able to re-equip it properly. Continue reading Lacroix-Falgarde (Haute -Garonne): the antenna did not withstand the shock

Crolles/Bernin (Isère): no immediate return to normal

ST-Microelectronics semiconductor manufacturing unit

[Following the double sabotage on the nights of April 4 and 5 against high-voltage lines, which temporarily shut down the ST-Micro and Soitec semiconductor plants, it seems that the return to normal is not so simple. Here’s a look at some of the articles from the business press].

Grenoble’s Silicon Valley back on line after a fire on its power lines
La Tribune Auvergne-Rhône Alpes, April 6, 2022 (excerpt)

The power outage, caused by a fire on several high-voltage lines that passed over the Brignoud bridge (Isère) on Monday night, was both unprecedented and particularly impactful for the Grésivaudan basin, an area near Grenoble that is home to several major microelectronics companies such as STMicroelectronics and Soitec.
Continue reading Crolles/Bernin (Isère): no immediate return to normal

Villard-Bonnot (Isère): sabotage of the production of two semiconductor giants [updated]

Arson of several electric lines in Isère: the hypothesis of a new sabotage
Le Dauphiné/France bleu, 5 April 2022
This Tuesday, April 5, 2022, at 1:44 am, a fire of electric cables under the bridge of Brignoud which spans the Isère between Villard-Bonnot and Crolles was declared. Eight 20,000 volt lines and one 225,000 volt line caught fire. A security perimeter has been set up to prevent any risk to the population or the environment. Security services are on site. The fire was completely extinguished during the day.
The fire is reminiscent of the one that affected the ST Micro company in Crolles on Monday, April 4. The link between the two events has been made, announced Eric Vaillant, the Grenoble prosecutor. The research section of the gendarmerie has been informed. This Tuesday morning, smoke was still coming out of the burned cables, the Brignoud bridge being closed to traffic. The gendarmerie has cordoned off the whole area and forbidden access to the bridge, with major traffic jams being recorded in the whole sector.

Continue reading Villard-Bonnot (Isère): sabotage of the production of two semiconductor giants [updated]

Froges (Isère): cut the juice to the producer of electronic chips

Fire in Froges on a site of RTE: the company ST Micro targeted, the ultra-left suspected
Le Dauphiné, April 4, 2022
The hypothesis for an act committed by activists of the ultra-left is favored by the investigators of the gendarmerie, learned the Dauphiné Libéré this Monday near the public prosecutor’s office of Grenoble after the destruction by fire committed in the enclosure of a transformer site of RTE (Réseau de transport d’électricité) in Froges.
As we revealed this Monday morning, this site was targeted in the night of Sunday to Monday by incendiaries: unknown people managed to enter the premises and to spread the fire to cables on a transformer. The damage would be important on this site but would not impact the distribution of electricity in the sector at the moment.
Inscriptions including the symbol of anarchy were found, targeting the ST Microelectronics company based in Crolles, accused by these same tags of being an excessive consumer of electricity. According to the public prosecutor’s office, the power supply to the ST Micro site was not significantly disrupted by this action. The research brigade of the Meylan company has been assigned to the investigation.

Continue reading Froges (Isère): cut the juice to the producer of electronic chips

[Glasgow] May Day Action Against Landlords(pictures)

May Day, International Worker’s Day, is a day of struggle. It was established out of the struggle to free Chicago anarchists, arrested following the armed defence of a workers’ strike for the eight-hour day in May 1886. Four anarchists were hanged for it, and one more robbed the hangman with a bomb. From the moment the hangman’s rope was set around their necks on an autumn’s day in 1887, this day has been commemorated as a day of revolt by anarchists and anti-capitalists around the world. For, as has been proven time and again, the only dead movements are the movements that forget their dead.

Today, we find ourselves in the midst of a so-called “cost of living crisis”. We have lost count of the unending capitalist crises we have lived through in the past few years; market crashes, wars and pandemics. This one takes the form of a direct attack on the most exploited within society, as the cost of our most basic nessecities (housing, energy, water and food, among others) skyrockets. Once again, we are the ones expected to bear the brunt of their crisis, to sacrifice ourselves at the altar of profit for crumbs. Continue reading [Glasgow] May Day Action Against Landlords(pictures)

And one beautiful night, internet was cut in a good part of the country…

“Sabotage”: several severed cables at the root of a major internet outage in France
L’Obs/Toms Guide, April 27, 2022 (excerpts)

This Wednesday morning, April 27, many French people are complaining of difficulties to connect. And for good reason: incidents are multiplying in France, following a major sabotage. An official state source confirmed to “L’Obs” that this was a “coordinated act of malice”, particularly “serious” and “very rare”. According to AFP, several French cities have experienced Internet connection cuts during the night after cables were cut. Paris, Lyon, Grenoble, Reims, Strasbourg and Lille were particularly affected.

A telecom engineer said that around 3:20, 3:40 and 5:20, cables of several long-distance fiber networks have been partially cut.” These were cables “from Paris to Strasbourg, Lyon and Lille“. These “long-distance” fiber optic cables connect major French cities, particularly for infrastructure such as data centers. It is also through this network that fixed Internet access (ADSL and fiber) and certain telephone lines function.

The quasi-simultaneity of the outages last night (between 3:20 and 5:20) indeed seems suspicious, especially since it is not just “general public” connections that have been affected, but strategic underground long-distance links used for peering and IP transit, linking Lyon, Strasbourg, Caen, Lille, and Rennes to Paris, and on at least three locations, they were several hundred kilometers apart.

By domino effect, several local and (inter)national operators using these conduits or leasing bandwidth on these fiber links, such as Sparkle, Alphalink, euNetworks, Colt, F5, Zayo or Netalis, are affected by these events. At Netalis, the failure was confirmed this morning via a particularly transparent announcement, the operator adding that the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region would have been for a moment totally isolated from the Internet. The major incident has in practice isolated varied transmission equipment from the Internet backbones of long distance transport operators.

It is important to understand that the locations of these cables are not very accessible. They are not cabinets that can be found in the street, but buried pipes [under covers, or along SNCF tracks, highways and VNF canals]. A source in the telecom industry tells us that the cut on the Paris-Lyon cable is located in the village of La Chapelle-la-Reine (Seine-et-Marne) and is due to “an act of vandalism”. “Le Parisien” reports that cables were cut in Fresnes-en-Woëvre (Meuse), Meaux and Souppes-sur-Loing (Seine-et-Marne), and Le Coudray-Montceaux (Essonne). Continue reading And one beautiful night, internet was cut in a good part of the country…

Montpellier (Hérault): the authorities are concerned about sabotage against their construction site

Montpellier: vandalism on the building site of the Lien, “significant” resources to identify the culprits
Midi Libre, April 14, 2022
Since its launch, the Lien construction site (Intercommunal link of northern bypass), in Grabels and Saint-Gély-du-Fesc, has been the target of acts of vandalism. Each time, complaints have been filed. Last December, the departmental council, the project owner, denounced damage amounting to “several hundred thousand euros”, while the prefecture brought together the companies and the gendarmerie to set up reinforced surveillance.
Four machines destroyed, seven others damaged

Continue reading Montpellier (Hérault): the authorities are concerned about sabotage against their construction site

Five Russian enlistment offices set on fire in protest against the war

Five Russian enlistment offices set on fire in protest against the war
from The Moscow Times, 22 April 2022
As many as five Russian military enlistment offices have been set on fire since the start of the invasion of Ukraine, independent Russian media reported Thursday.
The latest incident took place in the remote Mordovia region Monday, according to the 7×7 news website. Molotov cocktails destroyed several computers and a database of conscripts in the Zubova Polyana settlement. “The recruitment campaign in the [local] districts was put on pause,” media outlet iStories reported.

Continue reading Five Russian enlistment offices set on fire in protest against the war

Zubova Polyana (Russia) : a fifth military enlistment centre goes up in flames

Molotovs thrown against a military enlistment office in Mordovie

translated from Russian via a2day, 19 April 2022

During the night of April 18 unknown persons attacked the military Commissioner’s office of the Zubovo-Polyansky and Torbeevsky districts – in the village of Zubova Polyana, two and a half hours from Saransk.

Continue reading Zubova Polyana (Russia) : a fifth military enlistment centre goes up in flames

Belomestnoye (Russia): sabotaging communications between police and military forces

Translated from Ukrainian from the Telegram account of Боец Анархист (Militant Anarchist), 18 April 2022
Today, information was received about the fire of a mast of a cell phone antenna in the village of Belomestnoye (Belgorod region) in the night of April 17-18. This village is located in Russia, thirty kilometers from the Ukrainian border just north of Kharkiv. The action was planned and carried out by the Anarchist Fighting-Slobozhanshchina group (БОАК-Слобожанщина).
The cables that ensured the operation of the relay antenna were set on fire using rags soaked in an incendiary mixture.

Continue reading Belomestnoye (Russia): sabotaging communications between police and military forces