Category Archives: Sabotage, Arsons Attacks

Lusatia (Germany): sabotage of a railway line of coal conveyors

Lusatia:sabotage of a railway line of coal conveyors

Translated from German via de.indymedia, August 2, 2022 (excerpt)

Last weekend, we placed “hooks” at several points on the overhead wires of the coal conveyor line in Lusatia (Lausitz), thus damaging the railway installations and disrupting the supply to the lignite-fired power plants Schwarze Pumpe and Jänschwalde. The “hooks” are a form of action that has proven itself in protests against nuclear power plants. With modest means, they can inflict significant damage, without endangering the life or health of anyone. We apologize for the possible fear that the operator may have had.

…For years there have also been various protests against the company LEAG (Lausitz Energie Verwaltungs GmbH) and the Lausitz coal mining – all in vain. The coal continues to be mined, and that’s not all: despite illegally using 240 million cubic meters of water and having been repeatedly condemned by various courts, LEAG is granted a multi-billion dollar loan with the help of the German state. Despite the fact that the mine is scheduled to close in May. The costs fall on others: the local population and the (protected) natural areas.

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Mende (Lozère): As beautiful as a car of gendarmerie on fire at the Tour de France

Tour de France : a car of the gendarmerie on fire at
1 kilometer from the finish in Mende
Le Parisien, July 16, 2022 (excerpt)

While the bikers of the Tour de France were just starting this 14th stage from Saint-Etienne to Mende, a gendarmerie vehicle caught fire 1 km from the finish line in the Croix Neuve hill. The Dacia Duster in question was literally ravaged by flames in front of the incredulous eyes of some spectators.

The firemen were immediately busy with the damaged car. The asphalt was then cleaned and no longer had any debris. For the moment, it is impossible to determine the cause of this fire.

via: sansnom Translated by Act for freedom now!

Dijon (Côte d’Or) France : hot flash for the police station

Dijon (Côte d’Or) : hot flash for the police station

Dijon. A vehicle set on fire in front of the police station
Le Bien Public, August 14, 2022 (excerpt)

There are some who are not afraid of anything and who have a taste for risk. On Saturday, at 4 a.m., a vehicle was set on fire at Place Suquet in Dijon, in front of the police station. The police intervened quickly, followed by the firemen. No suspect was arrested, but the surveillance videos will be studied to try to identify the perpetrator(s) of this arson.


via:sansnom Translated by Act for freedom now!

Schrobenhausen, Germany: Arson on the Yard of Bauer (complicit in building Coastal GasLink)

Arson on the Yard of Bauer (complicit in building Coastal GasLink)

On August 3, a few weeks after the involvement of the German company Bauer in the building process of the Coastal GasLink Pipeline through manufacturing equipment for the drilling process became known, local media report a nighttime fire on the company’s main office yard in Schrobenhausen, Germany.
Continue reading Schrobenhausen, Germany: Arson on the Yard of Bauer (complicit in building Coastal GasLink)

Wülfrath (Germany): sabotage of the railway tracks of the lime quarry

Wülfrath : sabotage of the railway tracks of the lime quarry

Translated from German via de.indymedia, August 8, 2022 (excerpt)

On the night of August 3 to 4, 2022, we, an offensive group, sabotaged the railroad tracks of the company Lhoist Germany Rheinkalk GmbH near Wülfrath by twisting the rails and thus making them unusable, with various methods. In doing so, we took care that no uninvolved persons were affected. We consciously opted for offensive means because we believe that these forms of action must regain a large place in the climate justice movement.

Complementary to existing forms of action, they offer us a possibility to break out of the stagnant political situation and to inflict damage to both the companies and the system with additional steps. With the sabotage of the rails, we have effectively cut off Europe’s largest limestone quarry from its most important goods transport routes. The two main players in the lime production site are the billion-dollar groups RWE and Thyssenkrupp.

Why this particular target?

The fossil fuel company RWE operates several brown coal mines in the Rhineland (including Europe’s largest open-cast mine in Hambach). However, this is not enough: despite the long overdue decision to get out of coal, it is about to expropriate the village of Lützerath near the Garzweiler 2 mine, in order to expand it even further. For the operation of open-pit mines and power plants huge quantities of limestone are needed. The lime is used for the preparation processes and is required by law, without it the production must be stopped.
Continue reading Wülfrath (Germany): sabotage of the railway tracks of the lime quarry

Vitry-sur-Seine (94), France : to the assault of the cop shop

Vitry-sur-Seine (94) : to the assault of the cop shop

Molotov cocktails, mortar fire… two policemen injured after the “coordinated” attack on the Vitry police station
Le Parisien, August 1, 2022

No more than a few shards of bottles and traces of fire remain on the ground. However, a real confrontation took place at the foot of the police station of Vitry-sur-Seine (Val-de-Marne), during the night of Sunday to Monday, August 1. Several people, all dressed in black, attacked the police station, at around one o’clock in the morning, throwing Molotov cocktails first at the back of the building, then firing mortars at the facade.

The material toll was also high: in addition to the police station hit by five Molotov cocktails and mortar fire, up to 56 impacts were found on the car of one of the patrols. Two police vehicles were partially destroyed.

Continue reading Vitry-sur-Seine (94), France : to the assault of the cop shop

Chile: a fiery July in the Mapuche territories


A fiery July in the Mapuche territories

On July 9, 2021 in Carahue (Chile), Pablo Marchant Gutiérrez was assassinated during an attack against vehicles of the company Forestal Mininco, subsidiary of the cellulose giant CMPC. The 29-year-old former anthropology student, who later joined the Mapuche struggle through CAM (Coordinadora Arauco Malleco), was participating in the burning of a minibus, a skidder and a tanker at around 5pm on the Santa Ana-Tres Palos estate, when he was shot in the head at close range by carabinieri charged with protecting the interests of the loggers. Following this police assassination, the whole Mapuche area was set ablaze for many weeks.

Today, one year after the death of Pablo Marchant, how do we think that comrades who fell during the struggle can be commemorated? By organizing marches where we sit with dignity on the ground in a stony silence? By organizing unitary demonstrations to wave their big flags in the wind between two conferences, while making sure that nothing can boil over, in the name of “dignity” and “memory”, of course? Or by multiplying dispersed attacks in order to continue the struggle, thus continuing to make their ideas live within it? In any case, this is what the decentralized groups of the CAM, called Territorial Resistance Organizations (ORT*), but also other Mapuche struggle groups and anonymous people, have chosen, with a multiplication of forest interests destroyed around this anniversary in different areas of the region.

A brief chronological overview of these recent attacks in Mapuche territory (La Araucanía, Los Ríos and Bío Bío regions) …

Cañete, July 2, 2022. The four vacation cottages of the former head of the criminal police of the area go up in smoke

Continue reading Chile: a fiery July in the Mapuche territories

Sassenage (Isère), night of May 18, 2022. The production workshops of ” Précis Mécanic “, supplier of the war industry and other technological nuisances, go up in smoke…

Night of May 18, 2022. The production workshops of ” Précis Mécanic “, supplier of the war industry and other technological nuisances, go up in smoke…

A plume of black smoke

It was exactly two months ago. On the night of May 17 to 18, 2022, shortly before midnight, a large plume of black smoke rose above Sassenage (Isère). A large blaze was in the process of devouring hundreds of square meters in an industrial zone located northwest of Grenoble. Major resources were deployed on site, but the firemen only managed to save the company’s administrative offices and a storage depot. The production workshop was completely destroyed. The 40 skilled workers and engineers employed by the company were put on unemployment until production could be restarted on another site.

If the press did not conceal this nocturnal fire with a modest veil of silence, it did not look further than the plume of smoke that rose that night over the Grenoble basin. This is perhaps because the name of the company ravaged by the flames is not particularly evocative. And indeed, one cannot prove them wrong: “Précis Mécanic” does not seem to be a name designed to attract attention. Yet, among the clientele of this precision mechanics and machining SME, which celebrated its fifty years of existence in 2016, appear well-known names from the technology industry: Schneider Electric, Siemens, Orano, Bosch, JST Transformateur. And that’s still without mentioning the services Précis Mécanic has already provided to the military industry, a merit it boasts on its own website: “production of card baskets, boxes for electronic cards embedded in nuclear submarines and fighter planes.”

Continue reading Sassenage (Isère), night of May 18, 2022. The production workshops of ” Précis Mécanic “, supplier of the war industry and other technological nuisances, go up in smoke…

WAR REPORT – Incendiary attack on corporation in Brazil

WAR REPORT – Incendiary attack on corporation in Brazil

To all

We assume responsibility for the arson attack to a unit of the corporation Lojas Marisa (clothing retailer) located at 431 Martin Afonso St in downtown Martin Afonso 431 in the center of the city of São Vicente, on the coast of the province of São Paulo, on the afternoon of 14-07-2022. A member of our collective placed a small incendiary device with a time mechanism directly on the electrical network of the air conditioner. The device worked as expected, causing a short circuit and a fire. The fire totally destroyed the commercial establishment.

Images of the action

Our action was a reprisal for the support that Lojas Marisa gave to the psychopath Jair Bolsonaro in the 2018 elections. Lojas Marisa and its controller, Zionist millionaire Ricardo Goldfarb, were financiers of the fake news scheme on the WhatsApp network orchestrated by Yankee mercenary Steve Bannon to swindle the 2018 elections and elect Bolsonaro.

Continue reading WAR REPORT – Incendiary attack on corporation in Brazil

Quebec (Canada): Sabotage of the Internet and television

Quebec: Sabotage of the Internet and television

[Note that beyond all their blas blas about the redundancy of telecommunication networks, sabotaging the right fiber optic cables can succeed in disconnecting the internet and television in several districts of a capital city…]

Videotron’s outage caused by vandalism
Le Soleil (Canada), July 16, 2022 (excerpt)

An act of vandalism on Friday morning, July 15, disrupted Videotron [one of Canada’s major telecommunications companies, active in cable television, Internet access and wireless telephony] services for customers in several areas of Quebec City, some of whom had already been calling Videotron about it since 8 a.m.
Continue reading Quebec (Canada): Sabotage of the Internet and television