Category Archives: Sabotage, Arsons Attacks

ANTISISTEMA – Paper for anarchy and passionate destruction 2023

ANTISISTEMA – Paper for anarchy and passionate destruction

This is the first issue of the bilingual anarchist paper Antisistema,
which will be published irregularly. The paper gives space for anarchist analyses, discussions and documentations of attacks on structures of domination.
From now on we will upload the PDFs of the paper in german and english and want to encourage decentralized printing, distribution and discussion.

Contact: anti-sistema at

– Editorial
– For more cheerful daring
– For a determined struggle against the industrial destruction of the
– Combining the question of social revolution with the question of
– Defence is not the best attack
– Words are followed by actions
Continue reading ANTISISTEMA – Paper for anarchy and passionate destruction 2023

Incendiary Attack Against the Reuter Coal-Fired Power Plant in Berlin, Germany

Attack on the Coal-Fired Power Plant in Berlin – Sabotage as Strike – Life as Sabotage

Le enviamos saludos de apoyo, solidaridad y libertad. We send you greetings of support, solidarity and freedom. No estáis solos: ¡juntos liberaremos la Tierra! You are not alone – together we will liberate the earth! Give back the earth! ¡Devuelvan la tierra!

Our action is a powerful salute in support of the Indigenous struggles in Colombia against coal mining and a sabotage of the German climate and industrial policies. In response to the eviction of Lützerath, this action is a belated receipt, and a declaration of solidarity with the “Last Generation”.

This morning, on 12.06.2023. we glued an incendiary device to the Reuter coal power plant in Berlin and set it on fire. At the scene we didn’t leave behind any superglue but in the early morning hours we ignited a large incendiary device. With this we wanted to hit the Reuter coal-fired power plant in the industrial and commercial area around the “Wiesendamm” and the “Freiheit”: We did not find any Wiesendamm (meadows) or Freiheit (freedom) there, only an excavation pit about three to four meters deep, in which more than ten power cables were exposed. To set the fire, we descended with a ladder into the shaft, which was about two by two meters wide.
Continue reading Incendiary Attack Against the Reuter Coal-Fired Power Plant in Berlin, Germany

Toulouse (Haute-Garonne), France : sabotage at the metro construction site

Toulouse (Haute-Garonne): sabotage at the metro construction site

Two cranes threaten to collapse on the Minimes metro worksite in Toulouse, act of vandalism suspected
La Dépêche/France 3, June 2, 2023

Hot news in Toulouse in the Raisin district along the Canal between Les Minimes and Faubourg-Bonnefoy. Around 3 a.m. on Friday June 2, some fifteen firefighters responded to a crane fire on avenue François Collignon. The site was the third metro line.

The fire was quickly brought under control, but the structure of the crane was threatened by the fire. The second crane had hydraulic leaks on its cylinders. Both of which jeopardized the balance of both machines. The police and experts have arrived and the area has been neutralized: vehicles can no longer circulate on avenue François Collignon and chemin du Raisin. A security perimeter has been set up with barriers.
Continue reading Toulouse (Haute-Garonne), France : sabotage at the metro construction site

Lyon (Rhône), France : incendiary sabotage of rail lines.

Lyon (Rhône): incendiary sabotage of rail lines

Lyon: T3, T7 and Rhône Express lines at a standstill after arson attack
Le Progrès/BFM Lyon/radio Scoop, June 6, 2023

“There wasn’t supposed to be any impact from today’s national strike,” Keolis tells us on the eve of the 14th day of mobilization against the pension reform. But then… This Tuesday morning, three rail lines on the TCL network were partially out of service after an act of vandalism, as reported on the Lyon public transport Twitter account. Due to “arson”, “lines T3, T7 and the Rhône Express are no longer running”.
Continue reading Lyon (Rhône), France : incendiary sabotage of rail lines.



21/1/23 In recent years we have seen an extreme attack on the environment by the State and capital with the installation of wind turbines, Eubeia and Bioteia  (Central Greece. Its capital is Livadeia, and its largest city is Thebes.) being prime examples, with more than 50% of the wind turbines already installed nationwide.

Specifically in Elikonas, almost all the peaks are planned to be destroyed, including archaeological sites, while the electricity prices (the energy providers are often the same as the ones who install the wind turbines) have gone red due to the energy tariff. So we decided to make a symbolic gesture and drop the wind mast (which measures the wind and then the installation of the wind turbines) on the peak of Megali Loutsa in Elikonas.








30/5/23, Continuing the actions against the installation of wind turbines that overwhelm Helicon, we decided to shoot down the wind tower (measures the wind before the wind turbines are installed) on the top of Tsiveris (1562m). This peak is steep, very steep and rocky, which will lead to its flattening. Finally, it is worth noting that in Tsiveri there live free herds of wild goats that we met during our ascent.


via: athens.indymedia Translated by Act for freedom now!

Gondrecourt (Meuse) France : the new Cigéo police station goes up in smoke

Gondrecourt-le-Château. Fire at the new police station under construction: criminal origin considered
Est Républicain, May 30, 2023 (excerpt)

It was 4:15 a.m. on Tuesday, May 30, when a fire broke out on the construction site of the new Gondrecourt-le-Château police station, located on the chemin rural de Naville, near the town’s first-aid center. The building, currently undergoing interior refurbishment, is due to be handed over in two months’ time.

The cornerstone for the new 1,500 m² facility was officially laid on December 2, 2021, at a total cost of just over €5 million (excluding VAT), of which €1 million is to be contributed by the local authorities. Construction had been delayed by the Covid-19 pandemic. The future police station, which will include offices, technical facilities, garages and a building housing ten staff quarters, will be built against the backdrop of the Cigéo [nuclear waste burial] project and the Bure laboratory, some fifteen minutes from Gondrecourt-le-Château.

Continue reading Gondrecourt (Meuse) France : the new Cigéo police station goes up in smoke

Munich (Germany): municipal services lose their cars

Munich municipal services lose their cars

On the night of May 19, at around 2:30 am, two electric cars belonging to Munich’s municipal services were set on fire in their parking lot in the Sendling district, while connected to their charging station. The two E-Golfs suffered total damage of around €100,000.

According to the police, the city’s cars were probably set on fire deliberately, especially as a two-by-one-meter tag with the inscription “No HKW” (Note of Sans Nom: the municipal cogeneration plant) was in the vicinity of the blaze, suggesting in their Newspeak that “the arson was politically motivated as part of the phenomenon of climate activism”. Translated by Act for freedom now!

Munich (Germany): arson the fiber optic cables upstream.

Munich:  arson the fiber optic cables upstream

On the night of May 26, 26 reels of fiber optic cable and their sheaths were destroyed on a construction site in the Harlaching district south of Munich.

The flames were 40 meters long, and the fire department had to extinguish them until the early hours of the morning. Damage is estimated at over 200,000 euros.

Continue reading Munich (Germany): arson the fiber optic cables upstream.

¡Punky Mauri Presente! In memory of Anarchist Mauricio Morales, 22 MAY 2009 -22 MAY 2023.

Before Going to Sleep

Before going to sleep I reflect on modernity
and I don’t get used to the artificial smell
Nor to the plastic that envelopes water,
nor to machines nor to military helmets,
Nor to ties and their suits.

My hands don’t get used to the artificial connection in virtual universes
Connected lives in wireless networks, my eyes search for the eternal fire of
rebellion among the multitude of corpses and only in isolated gazes, the
conscious individual emerges with dagger eyes that resist dying in the
democratic cemetery.
Before going to sleep I embrace chaos
as an idea that liberates my body and my mind
Because after all, it makes me feel alive.
I do not want to search for the grail that will liberate future societies.
My fingers search for the bloody flight of the destruction of the chains of
the rhythmic fire, of the close fire of power and its masters.
Upon sleeping, my actions are designed so that tomorrow, after waking up,
I will
Break the routine, in a solitary action, with my chest like a swollen stone,
by the destruction of this and of any society.
Do me a favor: see to it that anarchy lives.

Before dying in the sludge of the street we will imitate Mauricio Morales!

“Love yourself and be violent, beautifully violent, until everything is des- troyed. Remember that whatever violent action against those who promote equality is completely justified for the infinite amount of violence they sub- mit us to.

.…. Love yourself and combat terrorism, burn, conspire and sabotage and beviolent, beautifully violent, naturally violent, freely violent.”

Comrade Mauri
You are with us!

Val Susa (Italy): sabotaging the cables along the highways

Val Susa : sabotaging the cables along the highways

[The incendiary attack on the Internet network near the French-Italian border on May 3 – an attack we had already gladly reposted (see below) – has just been claimed three days later, adding that the cables of the high-voltage power line had also been burned. Here is the translation of the communique].

2023 05 03 val di susa highway

Arson of the Savoy-Piossasco high-voltage power line cables and of the Italy-France fiber optics
Against nuclear power, which feeds the capitalist disaster
Against digital technocracy
In solidarity with anna juan boris ivan daivid serge and those who struggle
courage alfredo

(translated La nemesi, May 5, 2023)


Turin. Internet cables set on fire on the Frejus highway: municipalities isolated for hours

Trucks diverted from the Turin-Bardonecchia highway to the center of Susa (Italy). Smoke, thick and black, rose over on a long stretch of Highway 32. Data communication systems were interrupted for several hours in Oulx and Bardonecchia. This is the consequence of a fire of criminal origin that destroyed the cable channels passing under a small viaduct in the municipality of Salbertrand at around 6:30 am, on the Turin-Bardonecchia freeway, on the morning of Wednesday, May 3.

Continue reading Val Susa (Italy): sabotaging the cables along the highways