Category Archives: Sabotage, Arsons Attacks

Aufstand! For Anarchy

Aufstand! For Anarchy

So what should tempt us to think that the Internet in particular would be a place where today’s revolutionary awakenings would take place? And certainly we are not so short-sighted as to seriously consider this to be the case. Nevertheless, we observe with a certain uneasiness that both the real and the virtual spaces of exchange among anarchists of the German-speaking contexts are fading away. Even though individual projects still receive some attention and almost every tendency of informally organized anarchism has created its own web presence – even though there are still one or two printed and regularly published newspaper projects and dozens and dozens of brochures, books, flyers, newspapers, posters and stickers which are connected to the anarchist idea and wander from hand to hand among companions – we ask ourselves, to what extent these succeed in carrying the anarchist debate into the public more than sporadically, in the (desperate) attempt to inflame at least a few hearts with the spark of the anarchist idea.

Repeatedly in the past it has been proven that if there is no better alternative, platforms like de.indymedia also have to be used for anarchist exchange. The problem is that anarchist contributions are often deleted there or – perhaps even worse – stand beside deeply authoritarian submissions that absolutely contradict the anarchist idea. No wonder: de.indymedia has always been a platform of the left and will consequently remain so. The fact that more and more decentralized (radical left) alternatives to de.indymedia are currently developing is, in our view, just as incapable of remedying the problem as other strangely conceptualized attempts to create synthesist platforms or even websites of unified organizations selling themselves as contributions to an anarchist debate.

Continue reading Aufstand! For Anarchy

Arson Attacks at Liceo de Aplicación, Manuel Barros Borgoño, Instituto Nacional and Barros Arana boarding school (Chile)

Arson Attacks at Liceo de Aplicación, Manuel Barros Borgoño, Instituto Nacional and Barros Arana boarding school
September 8, 2022
On Wednesday, September 7, incendiary actions were carried out in emblematic high schools of the capital, at the same time that a student mobilization was taking place in the streets and subways of Santiago (RM).

Instituto Nacional: pamphlets were thrown, barricades were set up and confrontations with Molotovs against the presence of Carabineros (COP). A student dressed in white overalls was arrested. Continue reading Arson Attacks at Liceo de Aplicación, Manuel Barros Borgoño, Instituto Nacional and Barros Arana boarding school (Chile)

Hualqui (Chile): to make the power of this world explode


Hualqui: to make the power of this world explode

Sunday September 4, 2022, around 6 am, the same day when the Chilean population had to vote by referendum on the project of the new Constitution (the vote was obligatory), unknown persons placed four explosive charges on a high-tension pylon located in Hualqui (region of Bío Bío).

The pylon of the Hualqui-Lagunillas high-voltage line of the Transelec company collapsed to the ground, while two others were seriously damaged in its fall. According to the Chilean investigators, three charges did their job, while a fourth one failed, and the explosive used would be high density dynamite of mining variety.

Continue reading Hualqui (Chile): to make the power of this world explode

Limoges (Haute Vienne) : Cutting the cameras of a whole neighbourhood (France)

Limoges (Haute Vienne),Cutting the cameras of a whole neighbourhood.

Electrical installation degraded, videoprotection cameras unusable.
From newspaper “Le populaire du centre”, 12 september 2022

Neighbours of La Bastide, in Limoges, noticed degradations on electrical installations, made in the night from friday 9 to saturday 10 september.

Continue reading Limoges (Haute Vienne) : Cutting the cameras of a whole neighbourhood (France)

France : Pyrénées Orientales : quadruple optical fiber sabbotage

From France Bleu 10 and 11 sptember 2022 : “this is sabotage” internet alimentation cable cut in Pyrénées Orientales

Since several days, a lot of Pyrénées Orientales inhabitants are victims from mobile and internet network cuts, lasting long hours. According to to the network responsible, Altitude Infra, cables feeding all the departement (area) have been indeed sabotaged, touching more than 10 000 Orange, Free, SFR and bouygues clients.

“We noticed 2 times, Wednesday and another time at the end of the week, that the department internet feeding, coming from Paris, by a cable, has been cut”, details Jean Roque, departmental Councillor for the Very high speed internet. Everything let thinks it is a deliberate act. “This is very worrying” says the elected representative, “this is sabotage, moreover it can touch everybody, specifically professionals, ADSL client, optical fiber, or even just mobile phone.”
Continue reading France : Pyrénées Orientales : quadruple optical fiber sabbotage

Lusatia (Germany): new sabotage of overhead lines with hooks

Lusatia : new sabotage of overhead lines with hooks

New sabotage with hooks in the Lausitz region

Together with the SystemChangeCamp and the action of Ende Gelände, hooks were again hung on overhead lines in the Lausitz coal region.

We also see the need to expand our forms of action and to maintain the resistance against the normality of capitalist fossil energy. We refer to the actions in Hamburg and Wilhelmshaven this weekend, to the rail sabotage and especially to the action of the Friendly Hooks two weeks ago.

Continue reading Lusatia (Germany): new sabotage of overhead lines with hooks

Oudenaarde (Belgium): two army tanks set ablaze


Oudenaarde : two army tanks set ablaze

Investigation opened after the arson of two armored vehicles of the army
Belga/RTBF, August 29, 2022

The fire broke out on Sunday morning in the Westerring area along the N60 in Oudenaarde, near the OIP company. Two wheeled armored vehicles – 6×6 Piranha IIIC DF30, i.e. equipped with a 30 mm gun – were set on fire. OIP, a subsidiary of the Israeli multinational Elbit Systems, manufactures electro-optical systems, such as goggles and other day and night vision instruments.

The fire was quickly brought under control, but the two armored vehicles were burned. No one was injured, only property damage was reported. The inscription “Shut Elbit Down” was written on the walls of the company.

Continue reading Oudenaarde (Belgium): two army tanks set ablaze

Lusatia (Germany): sabotage of a railway line of coal conveyors

Lusatia:sabotage of a railway line of coal conveyors

Translated from German via de.indymedia, August 2, 2022 (excerpt)

Last weekend, we placed “hooks” at several points on the overhead wires of the coal conveyor line in Lusatia (Lausitz), thus damaging the railway installations and disrupting the supply to the lignite-fired power plants Schwarze Pumpe and Jänschwalde. The “hooks” are a form of action that has proven itself in protests against nuclear power plants. With modest means, they can inflict significant damage, without endangering the life or health of anyone. We apologize for the possible fear that the operator may have had.

…For years there have also been various protests against the company LEAG (Lausitz Energie Verwaltungs GmbH) and the Lausitz coal mining – all in vain. The coal continues to be mined, and that’s not all: despite illegally using 240 million cubic meters of water and having been repeatedly condemned by various courts, LEAG is granted a multi-billion dollar loan with the help of the German state. Despite the fact that the mine is scheduled to close in May. The costs fall on others: the local population and the (protected) natural areas.

Continue reading Lusatia (Germany): sabotage of a railway line of coal conveyors

Mende (Lozère): As beautiful as a car of gendarmerie on fire at the Tour de France

Tour de France : a car of the gendarmerie on fire at
1 kilometer from the finish in Mende
Le Parisien, July 16, 2022 (excerpt)

While the bikers of the Tour de France were just starting this 14th stage from Saint-Etienne to Mende, a gendarmerie vehicle caught fire 1 km from the finish line in the Croix Neuve hill. The Dacia Duster in question was literally ravaged by flames in front of the incredulous eyes of some spectators.

The firemen were immediately busy with the damaged car. The asphalt was then cleaned and no longer had any debris. For the moment, it is impossible to determine the cause of this fire.

via: sansnom Translated by Act for freedom now!

Dijon (Côte d’Or) France : hot flash for the police station

Dijon (Côte d’Or) : hot flash for the police station

Dijon. A vehicle set on fire in front of the police station
Le Bien Public, August 14, 2022 (excerpt)

There are some who are not afraid of anything and who have a taste for risk. On Saturday, at 4 a.m., a vehicle was set on fire at Place Suquet in Dijon, in front of the police station. The police intervened quickly, followed by the firemen. No suspect was arrested, but the surveillance videos will be studied to try to identify the perpetrator(s) of this arson.


via:sansnom Translated by Act for freedom now!