Category Archives: Sabotage, Arsons Attacks

Poissy (Yvelines north-central France): spray the hatch with gasolineand cut the internet to the city


Poissy. The arson of a telecom room sprayed with gasoline causes a huge internet cut
78Actu, October 31, 2022

Since Sunday, October 30, the Internet network is cut in the area of Poissy (Yvelines) following a fire in a telecom room. The cut should last a week.

This is an inconvenience that professionals and individuals in the area of Poissy (Yvelines) would have been well without. At 6:47 a.m. on Sunday, October 30, firefighters were called to a trash can fire in a residential area of Poissy, rue des Capucines.
Continue reading Poissy (Yvelines north-central France): spray the hatch with gasolineand cut the internet to the city

Marseille,France : and one beautiful night the internet was cut off 

Marseille : and one beautiful night the internet was cut off 

[Update: According to specialized sites of the industry, this coordinated sabotage struck not only several international cables in Marseille (the Amsterdam-Paris-Lyon-Marseille line, the line coming from Barcelona and the one going to Milan), but also another one in Aix-en-Provence, affecting the delivery of internet via the submarine cables which leave the port of Marseille to serve Asia.

If the national press has for the moment released sparse information so as not to sound the alarm and avoid giving bad ideas, several impacted Internet operators have nevertheless had to publish “incident tickets” following these sabotages. Cogent (North American manager of huge fiber optic networks carrying 17% of the world’s Internet traffic) said for example that one of the attacks occurred “on a private site of the water company of Marseille, which is also a major hub for fiber cables for various operators”, and the French data center manager OVH said in particular that “the cut has impacted the link between Marseille and Singapore” by “saturating all the Internet traffic coming from the United States and Europe” to this state…]

Continue reading Marseille,France : and one beautiful night the internet was cut off 

Atlanta (USA): burning the movie studio to defend the forest

Atlanta: burning the movie studio to defend the forest

In Atlanta, Georgia, the city council voted on September 8, 2021 to allocate 34 acres of the South River Forest to a $90 million police militarization training center project, known to locals as “Cop City.” The facility includes a reconstructed city for cops to train in, as well as a helicopter landing pad, new firing ranges and more. Its development is led by the Atlanta Police Foundation and two-thirds of the funding comes from “philanthropic” and corporate donors, sending the rest of the bill back to the public.

Since April 2021, a struggle has been underway to oppose this “Cop City” project, with regular attacks and sabotage and an occupation of the wooded area to the east, which has reverted to its former name of Weelaunee Forest. And since the Hollywood film studio on the edge of the forest, Shadowbox Studios (formerly Blackhall Studios), also planned to expand by destroying another 80 hectares on the same side as the “Cop City” project, it became another target from the start. This summer, on July 31, when workers intervened accompanied by cops to try to clear the land needed for its expansion, they were, for example, pelted with stones, a backhoe was smashed and a company pickup truck set on fire, after other identical attacks (see brief chronology below).

Continue reading Atlanta (USA): burning the movie studio to defend the forest

Blagnac (Haute-Garonne): the Gers in disarray after fiber optics sabotage , southwestern France

Free: the possibility of sabotage behind the general outage in the Gers
La Dépêche, October 12, 2022 (extract)

A major network failure has affected hundreds of homes in the Gers since Tuesday, October 11. Customers of the operator Free are victims of a service interruption following a potential act of vandalism on a fiber optic cable, located in the town of Blagnac (31). Neither calls nor access to Internet have been possible for more than 24 hours. From Auch to Vic-Fezensac through Lectoure or Monblanc, the area affected by the incident extends over almost the entire department and beyond. Some communes in Haute-Garonne and Tarn-et-Garonne are also affected by a network failure.

Technicians were mobilized from Tuesday afternoon to identify the origin of the failure. It was in the town of L’Isle-Jourdain, using an optical reflectometer (a device to determine the integrity of a fiber optic cable) that the source of the incident was detected … 35 km away, in the neighboring department. In the early afternoon of Wednesday, a Free technician was reviewing one of the fiber installations on one of the splitters in the town of Auch, [when] one of his colleagues told him the news: the operator’s equipment had been the target of an act of vandalism. The latter also specified that the incident was detected at the level of an access ramp to the A621 freeway in the commune of Blagnac.

Continue reading Blagnac (Haute-Garonne): the Gers in disarray after fiber optics sabotage , southwestern France

Berlin/Herne (Germany): double sabotage sends rail traffic into turmoil

via: sansnom

Berlin/Herne: double sabotage sends rail traffic into turmoil

An act of “sabotage” paralyzes rail traffic in Germany

France24, October 8, 2022 (excerpt)

An act of “sabotage” aimed at radio link cables caused, Saturday, October 8, the paralysis of rail traffic in northern Germany. For nearly three hours on Saturday morning, all high-speed and regional connections in the north of the country were interrupted.

After the partial restoration of traffic, the Deutsche Bahn company said that a “sabotage” was the cause of the failure. This sabotage has targeted “cables essential to the movement of trains,” said the German company to AFP. More precisely, it is the GSM-R (Global System for Mobile Communications-Railway) radio network of the trains used for communication with drivers but also, more generally, “central interface between trains and the infrastructure” of control, according to Spiegel, the first media to mention, citing security sources, suspicions of sabotage.

Continue reading Berlin/Herne (Germany): double sabotage sends rail traffic into turmoil

Mering (Germany): summer sabotage of rail traffic

Mering : summer sabotage of rail traffic

On the night of Sunday, July 31 to Monday, August 1, 2022, between 9:00 pm and 3:00 am, the cable shaft of the signal box in Mering (Bavaria) was deliberately set on fire. Many regional trains between Munich and Augsburg were cancelled for 48 hours. The attack also severely disrupted long-distance ICE and Intercity trains from Nuremberg, Ulm and Stuttgart – all of which passed through this important rail hub – causing long delays and cancellations.

According to a Deutsche Bahn (DB) spokesperson, who had to justify the late return to normal operation, it is caused by burned cables along the tracks: “About 15 cables, each containing more than 500 wires, were affected and had to be replaced. These cables control, among other things, the signals along the line and important functions of the Mering signal box.”

Continue reading Mering (Germany): summer sabotage of rail traffic

Pittsburgh (United States): cop cars torched

Pittsburgh, cop cars torched

Last September 28 in Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania) around 2:30 am, three large police cars were destroyed. They were casually sitting in front of the police training center, along North Lincoln Avenue in the northern part of the city, when they were deliberately set on fire by unknown perpetrators.

Firefighters who arrived on the scene were unable to do anything, and according to “an expert” widely quoted in U.S. newspapers, the number of attacks on police vehicles is even on the rise in Pittsburgh since 2018, “straining the relationship between law enforcement and the people they are supposed to protect.” Go figure…

[North American Press summary, September 28-29, 2022]

via: sansnom Translated by Act for freedom now!

Munich (Germany): burning upstream fiber optic installers

Munich : burning upstream fiber optic installers

Translated from German via Sozialer Zorn, July 25, 2022
(excerpts from the local press)

On Sunday night, July 25, at about 3:00 a.m., flames several meters high suddenly rose into the dark sky in the Obersendling district of southern Munich: five trucks, five trailers and an excavator of the BTP construction company burned down on its site, which is used as a logistics and storage center for several construction sites in the city.

According to the police, traces found at the scene indicate that it was an arson attack, and the damage is estimated at two million euros. The damage to two 7.5-ton trucks, three 3.5-ton trucks, an excavator and five trailers, plus construction equipment and machinery destroyed by the fire, already amount to more than one and a half million euros. In addition, 25 reels of fiber optic cable were burned to a crisp and 10 large rolls of cable and sheathing worth well over 200,000 euros.

Continue reading Munich (Germany): burning upstream fiber optic installers

Quillan (Aude) : sabotage of fiber optic cable along the railroad tracks (France)

Haute Vallée de l’Aude : a breakdown on the telephone network caused by an act of vandalism

L’indépendant, September 23, 2022 (extract)

Since 9:30 a.m. this Friday, September 23, many homes in the Upper Valley, particularly in Quillan and Esperaza, have been deprived of a telephone and Internet network. The operator Orange said that the failure is due to an act of vandalism committed on a fiber optic cable located in the town of Quillan.

In addition to individuals, professionals are also impacted by this failure: bank payment terminals could not function in several businesses. Continue reading Quillan (Aude) : sabotage of fiber optic cable along the railroad tracks (France)

March and rally (Romería) in commemoration of September 11 (Chile)

March and rally (Romería) in commemoration of September 11


On September 11 of this year a march to the General Cemetery (romería) took place, displaying banners, posters, pamphlets and setting up barricades and confrontations against the presence of Carabineros (COP).

Continue reading March and rally (Romería) in commemoration of September 11 (Chile)