Category Archives: Sabotage, Arsons Attacks

Storm Warnings # 57-58 (October 2022)

Storm warnings, anarchist bulletin for the social war, issue 57-58 (October 2022) came out. It is the full English translation of Avis de Tempêtes.

Storm warnings, issue 57-58 (October 15, 2022) :

For reading

For printing (A4)

For printing (Letter)

“Europe is overflowing with hundreds of billions of dollars for its economic recovery and rearmament plans, quite the opposite of a reduction in its electricity production centers seems to be in the making, with Germany, for example, having just reactivated all of its hundred or so coaland
lignite-based power plants (including the 27 that had previously been suspended in order to meet its carbon emission goals), and also extended the operation of its last three nuclear power plants, which were due to be shut down by the end of 2022. This grandiose combination of 19th century
coal with 20th century nuclear power to feed the devouring requirements of 21st century industry and digital technology is not surprising…”


Avis de tempêtes #57-58

Istres (Bouches-du-Rhône) : fire at the municipal police station (France)



Istres : the police station of Prépaou burned during New Year’s Eve
La Provence, January 5, 2023 (excerpt)

Flames licked the entrance of the Prépaou municipal police center and municipal police officers were helpless in facing the disaster. While an undeclared fireworks display was held in the neighborhood, as in many other municipalities to celebrate the New Year, in the presence of many families, the situation degenerated once the residents returned home.

Some young people set fire to some containers and attacked the municipal police officers on the site. When they were called, the national police immediately dispatched half a company of CRS officers from Miramas. But the municipal police station had already been damaged by nearby garbage can fires. “Five arrests were then made during the night for arson and the investigation is ongoing,” confirmed the police prefecture.

Salindres (Gard)France: sabotage of an electric pylon which supplies the chemical center of Arkema

Claim for the sabotage of an electric pylon
[received by mail, December 21, 2022]

We sabotaged the 225,000 Volts pylon on the main line that supplies electricity to the chemical-industrial center of Salindres (the company Arkema and others).


1) Saw the transversal bars.
Note: These are the bars that connect the legs together.
2) Saw with oblique cuts on the two legs in the direction of the fall.
Note: The pylon must fall perpendicular to the cables.
3) Saw with straight cuts on the same two legs about 30 cm above the previous cuts.
Note: Saw all the way to the end to have a fully detachable piece.
4) Strike the sawn pieces still held in place by the gravity of the pylon with a battering ram.
Note: a small tree trunk can be used
5) While the pylon is falling, move away with small steps in the opposite direction.
Note: hacksaws and oil are sufficient to perform this action.
Continue reading Salindres (Gard)France: sabotage of an electric pylon which supplies the chemical center of Arkema

Vitrolles (Bouches-du-Rhône)France : The sabotage of high voltage lines cuts power to the airport of Marseille and Airbus

via: sansnom

Vitrolles (Bouches-du-Rhône): the sabotage of high voltage lines cuts power to the airport of Marseille and Airbus

Vitrolles: arson attacks on high voltage lines
BFM Provence/RMC/VA, December 20-21, 2022

Two high-voltage electrical installations were the target of arson attacks on Sunday night in Vitrolles (Bouches-du-Rhône). One of the two fires led to a power failure at part of the Marseille-Marignane airport. For the moment, these actions have not been claimed.

According to information from RMC, around 4pm on Sunday night, two high voltage electrical installations were the target of arson attacks. These actions were performed on two pylons a few tens of meters apart and led to power cuts. 9,000 households were thus deprived of power for about twenty minutes in the communes of Vitrolles, Rognac and Septèmes-les-Vallons following the damage to one of the installations.

Continue reading Vitrolles (Bouches-du-Rhône)France : The sabotage of high voltage lines cuts power to the airport of Marseille and Airbus

Munich (Germany): the cars of the military go up in smoke

On Saturday, November 19, 2022, at about 1:30 a.m., two cars burned in the parking lot of the Bundeswehr University in the Neubiberg district of Munich.

The two vehicles, an Audi and a BMW, were more than 50 meters apart, and “the fire could not have passed from one to the other,” according to a police spokesman. A manhunt was immediately launched, including the intervention of a helicopter, but no suspects were arrested. For the time being, the police are not linking the incident to other fires in Munich, although potential similarities are being investigated.
Continue reading Munich (Germany): the cars of the military go up in smoke

France: Radical ecology: looking at the sabotage

The intelligence services get out their calculator

Radical ecology: looking at the sabotage of France

Le Figaro, November 9, 2022

Deliberate fires of electrical boxes for 3G/4G antennas and relay antennas in Savoie, fiber cabinets set on fire by tires in Finistère, cables cut in Var or Isère, sabotage of protected sites in the name of “social justice” in Cahors and Haute-Garonne… This is the map of a France sabotaged methodically by ultra-left-wing and radical ecology groupings that Le Figaro has exclusively revealed.

Continue reading France: Radical ecology: looking at the sabotage

Night Owls #2: Summer of Sabotage (USA)

Download pamphlet: Print – Tabloid [For a Risograph]
Download action poster:  Print – Tabloid [For a Risograph]

Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz writes in An Indigenous People’s History of the United States, “Everything in U.S. history is about the land.” All nation-states rely on maintaining control over a particular territory, while capitalism has forced people across the world into dependency by taking away their access to land. But the United States is also a settler colonial state, built on anti-indigeneity alongside anti-blackness. Colonial regimes like the U.S. “create their legitimacy by occupying indigenous land and trying to delegitimize indigenous sovereignty. […] That’s the fundamental core of the colonial project” (Amrah Salomon, O’odham Anti-Border Collective). Understanding the deep significance of “land back” as an objective is of critical importance, especially as the Defend the Atlanta Forest campaign and other place-based struggles gain momentum across this territory. Prioritizing indigenous sovereignty can be difficult for settlers in the U.S. to navigate, but it is critical to the success of liberatory struggle. [1]

So are practices of autonomous and offensive direct action, which this column aims to bring together. Struggles to defend land, especially when intertwined with reassertions of indigenous self-determination, pose an existential threat to the United States as a settler colonial project. This means that such struggles are met with brutal repression. We can help avoid the containment that repression seeks by spreading the active defense of land to new places, while evading state control by taking action in unexpected and decentralized ways.
Continue reading Night Owls #2: Summer of Sabotage (USA)

Leipzig (Germany): prison manufacturer continues to suffer

Leipzig : prison manufacturer continues to suffer


Translated from German via Sozialer Zorn, November 4, 2022
(from the press)

The series of attacks on the construction company Hentschke seems to be continuing. On Thursday night, November 4, two excavators were set on fire in the Stünz district of Leipzig, causing 375,000 euros of damage.

The arsonists went to the railway construction site in the east of the city around 2 am. They set fire to two excavators and fled. The construction equipment burned to the ground before firefighters could extinguish it.

Police began to collect evidence overnight. State Protection (Staatsschutz) was involved in the investigation. The Saxon Police Center for Combating Extremism and Terrorism (PTAZ), specifically the special unit called Soko LinX, has been investigating the attacks on the Hentschke company for a long time.
Continue reading Leipzig (Germany): prison manufacturer continues to suffer

Quebec (Canada): hammer strikes to the cars of journalist-cops

TVA Quebec vehicles vandalized
Le Journal de Montréal/Le Soleil, October 18, 2022 (excerpt)

At least seven vehicles belonging to TVA Quebec [a private Canadian television network owned by telecommunications giant Quebecor] were the target of vandalism on Monday night. Several windows and headlights were smashed by the perpetrators.

The police of Quebec City were called on the scene at around 5:30 a.m., Tuesday. They confirmed that a complaint was filed for vandalized vehicles, belonging to a company located on Wilfrid-Hamel Boulevard. On one of the vehicles, the vandal wrote the letters CAQ, in reference to the government [the Coalition avenir Québec is the party in power since 2018]. On the surveillance cameras of ExpoCité, we see a man in a balaclava approaching the vehicles, he then left on his bike.

It wouldn’t be the first time TVA employees returned to work with a nasty surprise. Their vehicles are often targeted by vandals on the road or during demonstrations, so all the news

Continue reading Quebec (Canada): hammer strikes to the cars of journalist-cops

Lützerath (Germany): incendiary sabotage of coal mine pumps


Lützerath : incendiary sabotage of coal mine pumps

Fire to the coal infrastructure – reduce RWE to ashes
Translated from German via de.indymedia, 22 October 2022

On the night of October 18-19, we, several small groups from Lützerath, set fire to three pumps of the Garzweiler 2 open pit mine in the vicinity of the village.

The pumps are part of the infrastructure of the open-pit mine for which the village of Lützerath has to be destroyed. In the last two years, Lützerath has become a central place of resistance in Germany against the destruction and exploitation of nature and our ways of living. The attempt to evict the village is imminent. But Lützerath is not the only village threatened by open-cast mining.

On Monday, October 17, RWE [the operator of the giant brown coal mine] began to uproot the trees and demolish the houses in Immerath. Immerath is within sight, only a few minutes from Lützerath. All the inhabitants of the village have been evicted by RWE and large parts of it have already been destroyed.

Continue reading Lützerath (Germany): incendiary sabotage of coal mine pumps