Category Archives: Sabotage, Arsons Attacks

Bron (Rhône) France : “We’ll go until the Elysée”.

Bron (Rhône) : “We’ll go until the Elysée”.

“We’ll go until the Elysée”: a tax center burned near Lyon
Le Figaro, March 31, 2023

The tax center in Bron was the target of a fire on Thursday night. Twenty firefighters were called around 2:30 am for a fire that broke out at the entrance of the tax center. Several tens of m2 of the building were destroyed. However, the smoke spread to a large part of the center, requiring its temporary closure on Friday.

An investigation was opened, since inside, tags “We will go until the Elysee” accompanied by the acronym A of the anarchists were written on the walls of the building, details the investigation services.

Visiting Lyon this Friday to launch a consortium to fight against cigarette trafficking, Gabriel Attal, the Minister of Public Accounts went on site between noon and 14 hours.

Deliberate fire at the tax center of Bron: for Gabriel Attal, “too much is too much”
Le Progrès, March 31, 2023 (extract)

Continue reading Bron (Rhône) France : “We’ll go until the Elysée”.

Southern France, Beauchastel (Ardèche) : “Behind the war, ordinary factories”

An aeronautics factory targeted by arson in Ardèche
France3/Le Dauphiné/France Bleu, March 27, 2023 (excerpts)

Around 5 a.m. this Monday, March 27, 2023, two fires broke out in the industrial building of the Fregate Aero company in Beauchastel in Ardèche, which specializes in the manufacture of aeronautical parts for the civilian and military sectors [Dassault, Airbus Helicopters and Safran groups]. Thick smoke spread over 1,000 square meters in the 6,000 square meter warehouse. Fifteen people were evacuated early this morning. 120 people work on the site, some of whom are cleaning up the damage at midday. Some of the company’s employees are out of work today.

Sixteen firemen were mobilized until 8 am. Quickly, the criminal hypothesis was confirmed, with the presence of two locations the fire was started. A ventilation grille, located at the back of the building, was forced open and a compressor was destroyed by the flames. In addition, a tag, written on the site in red spray paint and in capital letters, reads: “Behind the war, ordinary factories”.

Continue reading Southern France, Beauchastel (Ardèche) : “Behind the war, ordinary factories”

Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône)France : sabotaging the tool of work

Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône): sabotaging the tool of work

Marseille: reels of electric cables and pallets burned at Enedis
BFM, March 28, 2023

A fire broke out this Monday in the premises of the electricity company Enedis in the 9th district of Marseille.

Noticed by the police, the fire started at about 5 am. It was extinguished by the marine firemen. In front of the establishment, a car of the company was damaged. According to information gleaned by BFM Marseille Provence, nearly ten hooded individuals entered the premises of the establishment and set fire to reels of electric cables as well as several pallets.

via: sansnom

Boves (Somme) France : sabotaging rail traffic.

Boves (Somme): sabotaging rail traffic

“Malicious acts” on the SNCF network near Boves
Courrier Picard, March 28, 2023

Several “malicious acts” have caused disruptions this Tuesday, March 28 on the SNCF network. The TER lines Amiens-Creil and Amiens-Arras suffered delays, between 5 am and 7 am, before traffic resumed normally despite some residual delays until mid-day.

The SNCF does not wish to communicate precisely what these acts of malice are, probably related to the social protest against the pension reform. “It is a disturbance of the tracks that has prevented the movement of trains, several times, “she said. Near the town of Boves near Amiens.

Vinay/Saint-Hilaire-du-Rosier (Isère): sabotaging rail traffic

The SNCF Grenoble-Valence line stopped after the cables are sabotaged
Le Dauphiné, March 23, 2023

Telecom and signal cables were cut in three places in Vinay and Saint-Hilaire-du-Rosier on Tuesday mid-day. These acts have caused a total halt to rail traffic on this line, which is not expected to reopen until Thursday.

According to our information, these actions were carried out at three different points on the line: at kilometre point (KP) 59, located in the municipality of Vinay, at KP 38.100, located in Saint-Hilaire-du-Rosier, and 500 metres further north, at KP 38.600. Probably carried out by people who were familiar with the technical characteristics and function of these cables, the sabotage involved Telecom installations and the power supply to the signalling system of this railroad line: tools without which safety can no longer be guaranteed.
Continue reading Vinay/Saint-Hilaire-du-Rosier (Isère): sabotaging rail traffic

Roanne (Loire) France : assault on the prison.

Vehicles of the prison administration vandalized at the detention center
Le Progrès, March 21, 2023

This Tuesday, in the beginning of evening, three unmarked vehicles of the prison administration of Roanne were degraded. They were parked at the bottom of the parking lot of the detention center of Roanne reserved for the personnel, accessible by an automatic metal gate and surrounded by a fence.

Prison staff chased off two individuals dressed in black, one of whom tried to set fire to a vehicle. The latter fled in the direction of the canal before the arrival of police officers. This Tuesday, at 8:30 pm, police officers were present at the scene to make observations.
Continue reading Roanne (Loire) France : assault on the prison.

Paris , Seine-et-Marne France : sabotaging railway signalling.

Seine-et-Marne: sabotaging railway signalling

Traffic disrupted for TGV trains between Paris and the South-East: A possible “act of vandalism” for the SNCF
France3, March 28, 2023

Delays and patience… The South-East axis was affected all day Tuesday, March 28, by “a prolonged track intrusion” linked to the demonstrations against pension reform at Gare de Lyon in Paris, another at Gare Saint-Charles in Marseille and “a signaling failure in Seine-et-Marne,” said a spokesman for SNCF Réseau. “An investigation is underway into the causes of this incident, which could be linked to an act of vandalism,” he added.

Continue reading Paris , Seine-et-Marne France : sabotaging railway signalling.

Garzweiler (Germany): sabotaging the pylon of the coal mine

Garzweiler : sabotaging the pylon of the coal mine

via: sansnom Translated by Act for freedom now!

Electricity pylon probably sabotaged at a power plant in Germany
dpa (Deutsche Presse-Agentur), 12 March 2023

An 80-meter-high electricity pylon has fallen at the site of an open-pit coal mine in Garzweiler in the federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. The operator of one of the country’s largest power plants, RWE, believes it could be an act of sabotage.

RWE has already been the target of various demonstrations by environmental activists, which have sometimes degenerated, and therefore assumes that the tower was damaged with the intention that it should collapse. A spokesman for the company told the dpa agency on Saturday that if this is sabotage “we condemn it in the strongest terms. The police have confirmed the probable intervention of outsiders”.

According to RWE, the tower supplies the mine with electricity. For safety reasons, two of the four power circuits on the tower in question have been cut off. The Garzweiler mine remains in operation and the power plant can continue to function.

Continue reading Garzweiler (Germany): sabotaging the pylon of the coal mine

Toulouse (Haute-Garonne) France : solidarity sabotage of the railway’s power

Toulouse (Haute-Garonne) : solidarity sabotage of the railway’s power

IAATA, March 12, 2023

Found on twitter liO Train SNCF Occitanie@lio_train_sncf
To make Narbonne > Toulouse, there is no liO Train before 19:08 as indicated on the timetable.
In the opposite direction, the liO Train are delayed because SNCF installations have been damaged towards Toulouse

Solidarity with the strikes

During the night of March 9th to 10th, a damage of the railway electrical supply took place south of Toulouse. Given the presence of fiber optics along the tracks, it is likely that this was also impacted.
We are among those who refuse the recuperation of the central unions in their little dance of power. Before this social movement, strikes, blackouts and direct actions against fiber optics, the deployment of 5G, had already begun. They will continue.
Continue reading Toulouse (Haute-Garonne) France : solidarity sabotage of the railway’s power

Saint-Martin-de-Londres (Hérault): sabotaging the juice of this world (France)

Two transformers set on fire in Hérault, electricity cuts in 15 communes

via: sansnom.

Last night, two electrical transformers in the commune of Saint-Martin-de-Londres were “deliberately damaged by fire”, according to a press release from the Hérault prefecture on Tuesday 7 March. The power was cut in 15 communes of the department.
The events occurred around 3:30 am on the site of the electricity cooperative of Saint-Martin-de-Londres, a small town located in the northeast of the department of Herault. “An intrusion by breaking and entering”, reveals the prefecture, which specifies: “Two transformers have been the object of deliberate damage by fire, generating a temporary power cut in nearly 15 communes, impacting about 8000 homes”.
Continue reading Saint-Martin-de-Londres (Hérault): sabotaging the juice of this world (France)