Below is a letter from anarchist prisoner Giannis Dimitrakis, in both Greek and English. Back in May he was attacked at Domokos prison and hospitalized. There is currently a fundraiser for him through Firefund.
Hello comrades,
I am very happy that my voice and my thoughts cross the Atlantic and reach you, through a free and self-organized radio station, as it was very difficult for us to communicate closely. Imprisonment, the “dirty” political and criminal records, the enlistment in the anarchist movement certainly make it almost impossible for me to officially enter the United States with permission and documents from the American Embassy in Greece.
Today, however, on the occasion of the International Day of Solidarity with Anarchists Prisoners is an opportunity to travel and meet, beyond borders and restrictions, common values and ideals, similar paths and experiences of people, who lift the heavy burden of responsibility to reverse the self-destructive course of state and capital for humanity, nature and animals.
It is another moment in the relentless fight against oblivion for all the fighters who pay the price of their choice to use any form of social anti-violence to resist or attack to the absurdity, vulgarity, injustice and oppression of the modern exploitative system.
Having already lived 42 years of my life now, I am now talking to you on a telephone from the wing of a provincial prison located about 250 kilometers from Athens, where I come from. 24 years after my first reading of the book “God and State” by M. Bakunin, I remain incurably enchanted by the ideas of anti-authoritarian communism, anarchy.
Continue reading Letter from anarchist communist Giannis Dimitrakis (Greece)