Category Archives: Revolutionary Prisoners News

Solidarietà con i compagni imprigionati in Cile. Contributo alla solidarietà internazionale dall’occupazione Utopia A.D. di Komotini (Grecia, aprile 2021) [it, en, el]

Solidarietà con i compagni imprigionati in Cile

Striscione in solidarietà con i compagni in sciopero della fame in Cile affisso a Komotini davanti all’edificio governativo della regione della Macedonia Orientale e Tracia.

Recentemente si è concluso lo sciopero della fame (e per un periodo anche della sete) del prigioniero politico Dimitris Koufondinas, che a seguito dell’entrata in vigore di una legge vendicativa riguardante i prigionieri politici di lungo corso ha perso il diritto a scontare la condanna nelle carceri rurali. Il seguito è ben noto, con il governo che si rifiuta di applicare la sua stessa legge e Dimitris Koufondinas che intraprende uno sciopero della fame durato numerosi giorni, esigendo il proprio ritorno al carcere di Korydallos come previsto dalla legge stessa.

Un trattamento simile nei confronti dei prigionieri politici, questa volta da parte dello Stato cileno, è il motivo dell’inizio delle mobilitazioni nelle carceri di Santiago. Così, da lunedì 22 marzo 2021, a Santiago del Cile, anarchici e altri prigionieri, così come i prigionieri per la lotta di liberazione di Mapuche, hanno iniziato una mobilitazione avente le caratteristiche di uno sciopero della fame che proseguirà per tempo indefinito. Continue reading Solidarietà con i compagni imprigionati in Cile. Contributo alla solidarietà internazionale dall’occupazione Utopia A.D. di Komotini (Grecia, aprile 2021) [it, en, el]

Thursday, April 22, 2021 Santiago de Chile : 2nd Public Communique on the 32nd day of the Hunger Strike.

2nd Public Communiqué on the 32nd day of the Hunger Strike.
To the peoples, individuals, communities and territories in struggle and resistance.
To those who rebel against this present of oppression and misery.
To our herds, families, friends, complicities, comrades and loves around the world.
To all!
The anarchist prisoners and subversives of the social war Mónica Caballero Sepúlveda in the female prison of San Miguel, Marcelo Villarroel Sepúlveda, Juan Flores Riquelme and Joaquín García Chanks in the high security prison, Francisco Solar Domínguez in the Maximum Security Section and Pablo Bahamondes Ortiz in Module 2 of the prison company of Santiago 1 and Juan Aliste Vega in the Cas adhering but not on strike for medical reasons; we declare our total persistence in the decision to continue in this just mobilization in which we have already transit 31 days since 9 kidnapped comrades, in different periods in Chilean prisons, decided to begin this mobilization with characteristics of a liquid and indefinite hunger strike, thus activating a heartfelt demand in the prison world and, in the same way, uniting different generations of comrades as inescapable evidence of the continuity of the conflict with the State, the prison and capital in an undeniable context of Social War.
After 17 and 18 days of this journey with the body as a weapon of struggle, the comrades arrested in the context of permanent revolt and today prisoners in the prison company Santiago 1 module 3 Tomás, José and Gonzalo stopped the movement for „health reasons and lack of experience“ however those of us who continue to mobilize realize the clear will expressed by the comrades to take this necessary step of collective struggle and we greet them in the daily learning of living the millimetric resistance to the daily prison confinement.
Continue reading Thursday, April 22, 2021 Santiago de Chile : 2nd Public Communique on the 32nd day of the Hunger Strike.

Athens,Greece: Announcement, of the sentences… on 23/4/21 at the terror-court in the trial against anarchist V.Stathopoulos and D.HATZIVASILEIADIS AND D.M.

Banners and slogans earlier in the courtroom, after the announcement, of the sentences… on 23/4/21
Baggelis Stathopoulos : 19 years without appeal
Dimitris Chatzivasileiadis : 16 years without appeal
D.M. 10 years with appeal


Solidarity is judged on my person with the heaviest accusations, because I helped an injured comrade. My prosecution and trial are based solely on political criteria, on the attitude of dignity and solidarity that I have consistently followed throughout my life. I have nothing to dispose of but my own life, I have nothing to defend despite the constant struggle against the murderous rage of the State and capital! If my practical solidarity is the crime for which I am convicted and imprisoned, I declare myself unrepentant!
P.S.: Closing here, I would like to greet from the bottom of my heart the comrades who stayed by my side, in every way, those who stood by me and continue to fight. Knowing that the conditions are adverse and things are difficult outside, they did not desist! And to renew the appointment on the streets, where I grew up and have never forgotten.
Using the power of the opponent we reverse the terms, the shortest path is the straight one!
No battle was won without ever being given
Vangelis Stathopoulos
Korydallos Prison

fire to the prisons!
Act for freedom now!

Chile : Road blocks in solidarity with the prisoners on hunger strike

via:  Attaque
Santiago : Barricades in solidarity with the prisoners on hunger strike, in the Simón Bolívar district
Contra Info / Saturday 17 April 2021
Over 19 days’ hunger strike and the body starts to feel the consequences of lack of nourishment. The courage of the compas mobilized inside the different prisons does not leave us indifferent; that is why we came out into the streets to do an action of solidarity, smashing citizen “Normality” and the order they want us to submit to.
This time we were in the streets of the Simón Bolívar area, at the place where, on April 18th 1989, Erick Rodríguez and Iván Palacios were killed in a clash with the C.N.I. [Central Nacional de Informaciones, the political police during the Pinochet dictatorship.], as they were preparing to place an explosive device in an electric transformer, to act against the dictatorship and the fraud of a plebiscite of transition towards a democracy that continued to imprison those who carried on the struggle.

Continue reading Chile : Road blocks in solidarity with the prisoners on hunger strike

Spain : The comrade Lisa is free from prison on parole

via:indymedia barcelona / Thursday 22 April 2021
Our comrade Lisa was arrested and imprisoned on April 13 2016, accused of robbing a bank in the German city of Aachen. She was sentenced to 7 years and 6 months’ prison in June 2017. In December 2018, having completed the first part of her sentence in Germany she was extradited to Madrid and then to Catalonia (in Brians I prison) to be closer to her family. In November 2019 she obtained the third level of detention (the open section of Wad Ras, in
Barcelona), but the prosecutor of the National High Court appealed. In spite of that the third level was confirmed for her in summer 2020.
After 3 and a half years of closed prison and 1 and a half in so-called «semi-liberty », on Monday 19 April 2021, having completed 2/3 of her sentence, she has been given parole, a measure that can be revoked or suspended at any moment if the authorities decide that the conditions have not been met.
We want to thank all those who have shown their solidarity and support to the comrade during this period, but don’t forget that as long as prisons exist, no one will be free!
The struggle continues!
Strength and solidarity to all those who struggle inside and outside the prisons!
Translated by Act for freedom now!

Spain : Some news concerning the situation of Gabriel Pombo Da Silva

via:  Attaque
April 2021
Nothing has happened to radically change our comrade’s situation since the publication of his  last communiqué (last July), but all the same there is some news that might be interesting for anyone who would like to deepen their knowledge of “legal engineering ” and its labyrinths.
Due to the hierarchy between the different courts the usual delays continue to be very long, and as these delays are the only weapon that judicial power disposes of, moreover, they are getting longer and longer!
It won’t be long before Gabriel will be able to savour freedom again and those who would like to bury him alive know this very well… they know very well that he shouldn’t be in prison at all…they know very well that they should even give him back years of his life!

Continue reading Spain : Some news concerning the situation of Gabriel Pombo Da Silva

Athens,Greece: Info news of the solidarity demo on 21th of April for the anarchist vaggelis stathopoulos

On Wednesday 21/4/21, a Gathering and a march of solidarity was held with Anarchist Vaggelis Stathopoulos in view of the court decision on Friday 23/421.
The march was attended by over 300 comrades, it started from Monastiraki area and was directed with a dynamic pulse passing from Athenas street, Omonia street, Patision street and through the academias street and ended in Exarchia square .
Throughout the march, texts, flyers were shared and slogans righting on walls of athens.
Friday 23/4/21 (Court decision day) at 9:00 Loukareos courts and gathering of solidarity with the anarchist V. Stathopoulos
images from : athens.indymedia.
Act for freedom now!

France: Smoke signals in spring: EN/ IT / FR / GR

 french: pdf
On May 19th, after eight months on remand in the prison of Nancy, the State minions will put the anarchist B. on trial for the burning of two relay antennas during the great confinement.
However, as is well known, solidarity is attack, so this is a good opportunity to not leave the comrade alone to face the scoundrels in togas, while continuing the urgent work of demolition of the old world… Salins-les-Bains (Jura), 10 April 2020. While self-confinement is in full swing all over the world, an anarchist climbs the slopes of Mont Poupet. With his ideas and determination he sends the two large relay antennas transmitting the waves of the police, the gendarmerie and mobile phone operators up in smoke, before disappearing back into the night from whence he had come. This is not the only one, by the way, as officially at least 174 antennas have been sabotaged all around the region over the past year, half of them by fire.

Continue reading France: Smoke signals in spring: EN/ IT / FR / GR

A letter from Danilo, accused of setting fire to a police van in Barcelona (Spain)

Indymedia Nantes

In February, the imprisonment of the rapper Pablo Hasél and the riots in Linares, in Andalousia, following the beating of a man and his daughter by plainclothes cops sparked a brief moment of revolt in the Iberian territory, especially in Catalonia. The reasons go beyond freedom of expression: hatred of the police, refusal of the curfew, the economic and social situation, etc. Saturday 27th February a riot broke out in the centre of Barcelona: banks and shops were trashed, ATMs burnt, clashes and barricades against the cops, and slight burning of a police van. At the repressive level, many were wounded, there were about one hundred arrests, and a dozen people were imprisoned, among whom eight comrades arrested on February 27 and March 1st for the burning of the van. For more info:
Hi everyone!
I’m Danilo, one of those arrested after the demo of 27th February. As many already know, I am writing from Brians 1 (Martorell). It is one month today since we were arrested and I wanted to publish something earlier but I had to get a better idea of what was going to happen, both for myself and for the others, also get news from outside, etc.
That said, I want to start by thanking the very many gestures of solidarity we have received, many people have implicated themselves in that, giving a lot, be it materially with letters, money, postcards, clothes, etc. or practically with demos, initiatives and other. Each of these contributions helps us a lot to keep up our morale and feel supported which is very important here, really thank you!

Continue reading A letter from Danilo, accused of setting fire to a police van in Barcelona (Spain)

IT: Grecia: Testo dell’anarchica Dimitra Valavani sul processo per il prelievo forzato del DNA

Durante l’ultimo anno, l’opinione pubblica è stata raggiunta da sempre più racconti riguardanti momenti circoscritti di un fenomeno costante che è vecchio come l’esistenza dello Stato e dell’autorità. Il fenomeno della brutalità della polizia.
Dagli omicidi di afroamericani negli USA, quelli in Myanmar a seguito del colpo di Stato, le rivolte a Parigi dopo il voto di nuove leggi a beneficio dei poliziotti, l’uccisione di un «sospetto» in Albania, le pratiche fasciste in Turchia, fino alla Grecia con gli innumerevoli pestaggi di manifestanti e cittadini, i trasferimenti vendicativi dei detenuti, le continue torture nella sede della polizia di Atene (il GADA) e nei commissariati, gli stupri e non solo nei confronti dei rifugiati nel centro di deportazione e trasferimento di Petrou Ralli, e molti altri episodi tra i quali non posso dimenticare le torture dei miei compagni nelle stazioni di polizia, i loro pestaggi nelle manifestazioni, e naturalmente il trattamento violento che ho affrontato da parte dei poliziotti dell’unità antiterrorismo quando hanno tentato di prelevarmi un campione di DNA. Dopo i nostri arresti del 29 gennaio 2020, mentre eravamo reclusi al 12° piano del GADA, mi hanno richiesto di fornire un campione di DNA, cosa che ho rifiutato, come ho rifiutato qualsiasi tipo di cooperazione. Dal 2015, dopo il grande sciopero della fame dei prigionieri, l’ordine del procuratore che imponeva il prelievo del DNA, è cambiato in «prelievo obbligatorio del DNA nel rispetto della dignità umana». Continue reading IT: Grecia: Testo dell’anarchica Dimitra Valavani sul processo per il prelievo forzato del DNA