Category Archives: Revolutionary Prisoners News
Montevideo (Uruguay): Banner in solidarity with anarchist prisoner Boris
The message of this banner is a sign of solidarity with the comrade Boris, who has been in a coma for more than a month, following a fire in the cell that has kept him locked up for a year in French prisons.
“In France and in the world, down with prisons. Courage Boris”.
The action that led the comrade to prison is part of the attack against the structures that capitalism calls “progress”, but whose aim is, in reality, to refine social control. Setting fire to two mobile phone masts is an attack on contemporary domination, and has nothing to do with the fascist/conspiratorial theories that the dis-information media want to display to disorientate us.
We raise our fists and send words of encouragement to Boris and to all those who fall into the hands of institutions of torture.
The banner was placed near the French embassy in Montevideo.
via: attaque. translated by Act for freedom now!
Montevideo, Uruguay: Presentation of the Grupo Anarquista Anticarcelario website
The destruction of prisons is the destruction of the values of this authoritarian world.
We know that the road to a world without prisons, without authority, requires much reflection and action.
Reflecting on how to solve our problems of today and tomorrow from an anarchic perspective, without falling into authoritarian logics and turning them into action in the different environments we inhabit is a challenge.
Continue reading Montevideo, Uruguay: Presentation of the Grupo Anarquista Anticarcelario website
On 17/9/21 the second degree trial of anarchist comrade Marios Seisidis will take place at 1 pm at the Loukareos Courts (Athens,Greece)
On Friday 17/9/21, at 1pm on the 6th floor of the Loukareos Street Courts, the second degree trial of comrade Marios Seisidis continues for the armed robbery of the National Bank of Solonos Street in 2006.
During the perpetrators’ escape, the state dogs did not hesitate to shoot into the crowd, resulting in the wounding and arrest of anarchist Yannis Dimitrakis. Subsequently, Marios and Simos Seisidis and Grigoris Tsironis were declared wanted and later put on bail for 600.000 €. After almost a decade on the run the 3 wanted comrades were arrested in different places and times. Simos lost his leg to a cop’s bullet in Tauros area in Athens, Grigoris was arrested in Volos during a raid by the SWAT team (during which Spyros Darvilas took his own life, free) and Marios in the Peloponnese together with Kostas Sakkas. Whereas Simos and Grigoris were acquitted in this case, Marios was sentenced in the first instance to 36 years’ imprisonment as the state mafia had already been irreparably damaged by the acquittals of the other two on the run. With this trial the circle of this case is closing and we must defend the legacy of resistance and solidarity that he leaves, as well as the comrade himself so that he does not remain at the mercy of state repression. Solidarity is our weapon.
Besançon (Doubs) France: It’s not just their techno-surveillance tools in our lives, it’s the lice too
Translated by Act for freedom now!
Continue reading Besançon (Doubs) France: It’s not just their techno-surveillance tools in our lives, it’s the lice too
A statement by Bristol Anarchist Black Cross and Bristol Defendant Solidarity (Bristol,UK)
On Friday 30th July, five people were sentenced to over 14 years between them. Four people were given sentences of over three years for riot.
These five people are the first to receive custodial sentences for the confrontation with the police outside Bridewell Police Station at the Kill the Bill demonstration on 21st March. However, over 75 people have been arrested, 28 of them have now been charged. Two people are currently on remand in Horfield prison.
The sentences are:
BL 3 years 11 months
KA 3 years 6 months
SQ 3 years 3 months
KS 3 years 6 months
YS 5 months
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$hile: Words of the subversive anarchist comrade Marcelo Villarroel from Rancagua Prison
“If we are warriors let this condition be expressed in jail and in the streets and never be defeated by fear, silence and even less by repentance.”
For Sacco and Vanzetti
For our cries for freedom!!!
In memory of my Father.
More than 100 years ago the anarchists of action in some places of the world claimed to be subversives.
94 years ago were assassinated in the electric chair the insurrectional anarchist comrades of Italian origin Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti on August 23, 1927 after a trial that lasted 7 years, 4 months and 17 days.
Greece: A First letter by Anarchist prisoner Dimitris Hatzivassiliadis (correct )
Informative announcement:
Since October 2019, after my injury during the expropriation of a local state casino store in Cholargos (Athens), I went into a state of flight from the grid of preventive and penal repressive control. A consequence of my injury was the discovery of a set of illegal tools of resistance and the revelation of my relationship with the guerrilla organization Revolutionary Self-Defense. As an outlaw, I made public my political responsibility for the intended reconstruction of the guerrilla struggle, starting with the example of the organization Revolutionary Self-Defense. Reversing the condition of political isolation of the one who escapes from extortionate conventions, an isolation that the state pursues and which in turn serves the state (wherever it may come from), I participated to the maximum in the public dialogue of the movement, with a view to the evolution of the revolutionary class struggle.
The period of exile was a transitional attempt to reposition myself in the global socio-political space of the resistance with the aim of fleeing forward. At first, the breach of the embedded obstacles was not achieved. I remained trapped in an isolation related to the collective impasses of the Greek movement.
Continue reading Greece: A First letter by Anarchist prisoner Dimitris Hatzivassiliadis (correct )