Category Archives: Revolutionary Prisoners News

Athens: On October 13, 2021 comrade  H.M. was forcibly “arrested” outside his house

On October 13, 16:15 at noon, comrade  H.M. was forcibly “arrested” outside his house.
After a long procedure that started on 18th of October at 11 am, with statements to the investigator in favour of the comrade by witnesses, among them, neighbours who saw the arrest, as well as his companion, it was decided that comrade H.M. would remain in prison, with the only evidence being the DNA mixture found in a gun magazine after a robbery that took place in 2018 in the area of Zografou in Athens.
The prison he will be transferred to has not yet been decided.
An update will follow.

Barcelona: International Call for Direct Action against Catalunya EN/ES

Postcard Barcelona SUCKS! In the last years we have seen, from near and far, how the Catalan institutions have managed to continue selling an image of “inclusive city”; when it is an ultra-capitalist city that expels and mistreats its own population (not to mention the thousands of migrants who are sold at ridiculous prices, or are dragged into the vilest prostitution) in order to have something to eat. Colau is a fake who plays to establish pacts with the most aberrant powers, to exercise her second mandate as mayor. She skillfully negotiated with many squatted spaces -to legalize them- and thus reduce her refractory actions against the System. Unfortunately for us, the tactic has been successful: they have “tamed” us. The once called rose of fire only burns when interclassist nationalism orders it to do so. And there is no lack of sheep…
On February 27th, in the context of a demonstration (promoted by the most Stalinist and retrograde communist authoritarianism) they arrested a group of comrades, previously arrested by the organizers themselves – read Arran, the youth of the CUP – in a disgusting set-up, tending to blame “Italian anarchist insurrectionalists”, for the riots resulting from the imprisonment of the unclean rapper Pablo Hasel. We do not forget that it was an act of revenge for a previous set-up in Girona. The so-called ‘purge-of-Girona’ perpetrated by anti-anarchist groups to sweep out of their city those who did not conform to their political interests… Currently 6 of our people are still in prison, in the territory dominated by the Catalan pseudo-state. And there is a silence (complicit) on the part of an infinity of supposedly “libertarian” collectives, about this alarming situation. It is time to shout ENOUGH!

Continue reading Barcelona: International Call for Direct Action against Catalunya EN/ES

Metz : Anarchist comrade Boris is out of the coma (France)

via: attaque
Metz : Boris is out of the coma
Indymedia Lille / Monday 18 October 2021
For about two weeks now, Boris has not been sedated, which means that he is gradually coming out of the artificial coma. His treatment and legal proceedings (1) may still be long. It is now up to him to decide whether or not to give any updates.
Let each one continue their path towards a world rid of all authority.
Anarchists in complicity and solidarity,
(1): September 28( Boris is released from prison but is not out of danger
P.S.: Boris no longer needs money for canteen, since his hospitalization. It is possible to contribute to the transportation costs of the people who visit him in hospital. For this you can write to
Translated by Act for freedom now!

Chile: Text of Mónica, Marcelo, Juan, Joaquin, Francisco and Juan before the trial against comrade Pablo Bahamondes: Let’s multiply the gestures of solidarity and insurrectionary complicity

Our comrade Pablo Bahamones Ortiz was arrested along with Herny Mendez (today imprisoned in the former penitentiary of stgo) and Hugo Moraga (in the street after an abbreviated trial that sentenced him to 3 years) while they were being transported in a vehicle on September 8, 2018 under an investigation regarding an explosive attack occurred in April 2017 in the Corporation of Judicial Assistance of Melipilla for which the prosecution asks him 13 years in prison. In addition in said vehicle are found various handmade weapons for which Pablo is accused of manufacturing, transporting and carrying weapons and ammunition, specifically 6 shotguns, 1 box of cartridges, 1 revolver and 12 shots, asking the prosecution 23 years, totaling a total of 36 years of prosecutorial request.
His option and positioning for the permanent confrontation that led him to prison has been maintained and deepened inside the prison being an undeniable contribution both in the intra-prison struggles and in those that take place outside these walls uninterruptedly and without pause. This way of understanding and carrying out life in prison breaks with the passive figure of the victim prisoner that places him as a mere recipient of solidarity aid, positioning the comrade as an active subject in the uprising of varied and confrontational initiatives such as the hunger strike that we carried out together for 50 days demanding the repeal of the amendment to Law 321 and for the release of our comrade Marcelo Villarroel.

Continue reading Chile: Text of Mónica, Marcelo, Juan, Joaquin, Francisco and Juan before the trial against comrade Pablo Bahamondes: Let’s multiply the gestures of solidarity and insurrectionary complicity

325 Collective Contact Email & PGP Key

Received by email:
To all our comrades internationally, be they in the streets or in the hellholes of the state, we would like to let everyone know that we are still active as a collective & working on new publication projects.
For anyone who would like to be in contact with us, we share our most recent PGP key. New proposals for publications are very much welcome for the expansion of the Black International of Anarchists of Praxis and against the techno prison world.
325 Collective



Chile: Text of anarchist comrade Mónica Caballero from San Miguel prison

This week marks 8 years since various groups of the Anarchist Black Cross (ABC) and different individuals around the world raised the initiative to maintain a week of international solidarity with imprisoned anarchists, and that this week coincides with the day on which the anniversary of the legal murder of anarchists Bartolomeo Vanzetti and Nicola Sacco by the U.S. government in 1927 is commemorated.
The official history written by the powerful plus the progressive democratic left and a part of anarchism have been especially concerned with creating a victimized image of Sacco and Vanzetti and far from any illegalist practice. All this based on the recognition by the American judicial apparatus that within the criminal process that condemned Sacco and Vanzetti there were many irregularities and that they would be legally “innocent” (information that became known many years after the murder of the comrades). Probably the comrades had no relation with the expropriation of South Braintree, which is important to know and make visible, as it is also important to emphasize that Sacco and Vanzetti were anarchists of action, who propagated anti-authoritarian ideas and exercised different illegalist practices.

Continue reading Chile: Text of anarchist comrade Mónica Caballero from San Miguel prison

Chile: URGENT! On the recent illness detected in the anarchist comrade Francisco Solar and his delicate health situation

Translated by darknights
In the first months of 2021, Francisco together with other anarchist and subversive prisoners carried out a hunger strike that lasted more than 50 days against the modification of Decree Law 321 and for the immediate release of Marcelo Villarroel.
In 2010 Francisco had already put his body as a barricade of combat in another strike of more than 60 days in the framework of the Bombs Case.
It is during the last mobilization that several blood tests were taken from Francisco by the prison administration, including a suspicious situation, where Francisco was urgently admitted to the prison hospital due to the bad result in the blood tests, but a few minutes later the jailers recanted and alluded to a mistake, returning him to prison.

Continue reading Chile: URGENT! On the recent illness detected in the anarchist comrade Francisco Solar and his delicate health situation

Solidarity from Athens (Greece)

Writing in Greek at the banner: Until all are free, no one is free
At 30th August 2021, in Athens some comrades put the banner in the Exarcheia square. We joined the Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners with this symbolic support.
In Greece, as well as in many other countries, our comrades face persecution for taking action and responsibility in revolutionary struggle. Our solidarity aims at struggle for the society where prison will not be a solution and where we all can live together with other people in freedom that is created by our common power, dreams, responsibility for each others’ freedom and our ability to defend it.
Until all are free!

Spain: Elisa di Bernardo – “We are winning battles for the freedom of Gabriel Pombo”

“Never using drugs, being very clear about his ideas, and his physical and mental strength have helped him survive in prison despite the FIES. Almost all of his comrades have died. He survived a genocide,” explains the companion of the anarchist prisoner in Oviedo.
Elisa di Bernardo went to Oviedo yesterday to relate the situation of her companion Gabriel Pombo da Silva. She was invited by the group Higinio Carrocera, in collaboration with the Cambalache community centre, taking advantage of her visit to Pombo in the prison of Mansilla de las Mulas in León. Elisa gave a very complete account of both the legal situation of the anarchist prisoner and his life and struggle during more than 30 years in prison. It was a talk that not only provided information about Pombo but also showed how, inside the prison walls, “democracy” disappears and one enters a dark world, subjected to physical and psychological torture, to personal revenge by judges and jailers, to prisons inside the prison (FIES). In addition, Elisa gave us perspective and context on how inequality, misery, injustice and poverty inherent to the capitalist and statist system manufactures ‘criminals’.
Elisa began the talk by taking from her backpack three important books about the situation of prisoners and the world of the anti-prison struggle: “Extreme Destitution, Extreme Violence”, “So You Don’t Forget Me” by Mothers United Against Drugs and the Report on Torture in the Spanish State, which Elisa explained was censored by the police, as it recounts the saddest years of the FIES (files of inmates under special monitoring) regime.

Continue reading Spain: Elisa di Bernardo – “We are winning battles for the freedom of Gabriel Pombo”