Category Archives: Revolutionary Prisoners News

Solidarity with Lina, one year after the cops kidnapped her (Germany)

On November 5, 2020, Lina was kidnapped by the police and taken into custody on charges of „having formed and being part of a criminal organization“ („Bildung und Mitgliedschaft einer kriminellen Vereinigung“). Her criminalization falls under the legal appeal of §129 of criminal code. A legal section which is part of the anti-insurgent structures of the German state, and which is made known to the public as „Anti-Terrorist“ laws.
The current cases under §129 all have certain points in common: what is criminalized are not only actions, but political ties, shared ideas and solidarity. Thus, people who do not define themselves as a group are criminalized because of their shared political ideals, which are often the only excuse with which the state forcibly constructs such dangerous organizations. Organizations that enables its repressive attacks intimately consistent, seeking to destroy the possibility of a personal life -individual and collective- of those who are understood as a potential danger to the Status Quo.
Raids, wiretapping, preventive detention… What is the interest of the state in entering the personal life of an anti-facist? Where does this information go? Without going into legalistic explanations nor into the particular mechanisms of this trial, it is interesting to see that a case of „Criminal Organization“ is built with the accusation of having beaten with Nazis, and that this accusation has the character of „affecting the existence and security of the state“. The existence of which state is being affected? The security of which ideals is endangered by antifacism? In the court room there is not space for individual cases, the hearings are not about the accused persons and their alleged acts. They and their lawyers are fillers forced to take part on this play, in which the federal prosecution and the judges reproduce the sovereignty of the nation-state, and try to bury the idea that other worlds are possible under the banality and cruelty of the criminal process.

Continue reading Solidarity with Lina, one year after the cops kidnapped her (Germany)


On September 22, 2021, the anarchist comrade Francisco Solar was hospitalized inside the La Gonzalina prison in Rancagua after being diagnosed with diabetes and found on the verge of a coma. Today the comrade was returned to the maximum security module 2 and since then medical staff/prison guards have tried to stabilize him with negligent and insuficient treatment.
Immediately, both Francisco and the network of solidarity on the outside began to make efforts to obtain the services of a private doctor to carry out a series of examinations, modify his diet and move towards as autonomous a treatment as possible for Francisco, to avoid depending on the mood swings of the prison guards to obtain insulin.
As expected, the Gendarmerie (Prison authority) has given no response or provisions either for the entry of a private doctor nor the release of the comrades’s medical file. Continue reading $hile : AGAINST THE OBSTACLES OF THE PRISON AUTHORITIES: SOLIDARITY, AGITATION AND ACTION FOR THE LIFE AND HEALTH OF COMRADE FRANCISCO SOLAR

$hile : Words from the comrade Ignacio Avaca two years after the October 18th revolt

The only certainty: some reflections on the “revolt” of October 18th
It has been two years since the wave of mass demonstrations that began on October 18, 2019 and lasted in the streets much longer than the media “reported”. Many of us may have participated in those events in some way. And now, after the decline, and on the occasion of the anniversary, there are a few things worth pointing out, always with the aim of sharpening critiques and continuing the conflict.
(I) Revolt(s) and confrontation during the century of $hilean democracy.
The “revolt”, as many have wanted to call it, meant a generalized breaking point of the “normality” consolidated by the democracies of this territory during the XXI century. This class of “critical” moments is not alien to any government, and, for our part, it is absolutely necessary for us to take into account that the conflict with this normality existed from before and continues to exist after the events of October 18. That is why we cannot forget all the expressions of attack and confrontation that have taken place so far during this period, even though they have definitely not had the stir or the massiveness of the events of October 18 (and probably did not seek to).

Continue reading $hile : Words from the comrade Ignacio Avaca two years after the October 18th revolt

Athens,Greece: Solidarity Poster : 5 and 6 of Nov. for a political event and concert for financial support to D.Hatzivassiliadis and the members of Revolutionary Struggle P. Roupa – N.Maziotis

Poster for the 2-days event of political and financial support for the armed guerrilla Dimitris Hatzivassiliadis and the members of Revolutionary Struggle, Nikos Maziotis and Pola Roupa.
Friday 5 November Hip Hop Live benefit gig. At 8pm strictly inside the ASOEE. (Athens University of Economics and Business)
Saturday 6 November political event with interventions of political prisoners Dimitris Hadjivassiliadis, Nikos Maziotis and Pola Roupa at 4pm at the Analipsi squat in Byronas area
Dimitris Hatzivasiliadis: Political statement on Revolutionary Self-Defense, the period he spent in illegality, his arrest and trial.
Nikos Maziotis and Pola Roupa: An account of the action of Revolutionary Struggle and its members and the perspective of the struggle today.
In Solidarity
Translated by Act for freedom now!

Prison of Rancagua, Chile: About what happened to the anarchist and subversive prisoners last Thursday

Written November 1, 2021
At around noon on Thursday, October 21, there was a violent attack by prison guards – more than 50 – with the aim of tyrannizing the prisoners – less than 20 – who were in the courtyard at the time in section 1 of the maximum security of the Rancagua prison. It is in this context that, along with an equal number of social prisoners, the comrades of the section confronted the cops’ arrogance and stood up to the executioners’ orders, refusing to obey in order to protect their unshakable dignity.
Perhaps we should explain that the usual modus operandi of the prison administration in this prison is to try to bend and break the will of the individual, ordering prisoners to perform degrading acts such as putting their hands behind their backs, standing face to the wall, or doing squats, forms of submission that are constantly refused by the imprisoned anarchist and subversive comrades because they understand well the importance of the right to freedom of expression. There is no textbook that explains this analysis, it is their own conscience and ability to learn from the mistakes of each of our comrades that has led them to choose this path. It is also logical that this kind of response from our comrades leaves the prison guards with a bitter taste in their mouth, which often culminates in violence… This was one of those cases.

Continue reading Prison of Rancagua, Chile: About what happened to the anarchist and subversive prisoners last Thursday

Bristol,UK : final info updates about Prisoner Toby Shone Sentenced

Anarchist Prisoner Toby Shone Sentenced
Anarchist prisoner Toby Shone was sentenced to 3 years 9 months in prison for 8 drug offences at Bristol Crown Court on October 13, 2021 after Terrorism charges were dropped. He has already served 8 months of this sentence on remand.
The ‘drugs’ were psychedelics and medicinal plants (LSD, DMT, cannabis, THC oil, MDMA and magic mushrooms) found at two of the four properties raided by counter-terror cops in the UK South-West on November 18, 2020 in their hunt for the administrator of anarchist website

Continue reading Bristol,UK : final info updates about Prisoner Toby Shone Sentenced

Bristol,UK: info updates for Support Ryan Roberts

Ryan Roberts’ trial for riot and arson is on the 25-27th October. If convicted he is facing a long sentence. He will be the first defendant to be brought to trial to have plead not guilty for charges relating to the 21st March Kill the Bill demonstration.
Ryan is calling for solidarity and support
We will hold a demonstration on October 25th at 8.30am outside Bristol Crown Court. We’d also like people to sit in court from the 25th-27th, to show that Ryan has support! Continue reading Bristol,UK: info updates for Support Ryan Roberts

Athens: On October 13, 2021 comrade  H.M. was forcibly “arrested” outside his house

On October 13, 16:15 at noon, comrade  H.M. was forcibly “arrested” outside his house.
After a long procedure that started on 18th of October at 11 am, with statements to the investigator in favour of the comrade by witnesses, among them, neighbours who saw the arrest, as well as his companion, it was decided that comrade H.M. would remain in prison, with the only evidence being the DNA mixture found in a gun magazine after a robbery that took place in 2018 in the area of Zografou in Athens.
The prison he will be transferred to has not yet been decided.
An update will follow.

Barcelona: International Call for Direct Action against Catalunya EN/ES

Postcard Barcelona SUCKS! In the last years we have seen, from near and far, how the Catalan institutions have managed to continue selling an image of “inclusive city”; when it is an ultra-capitalist city that expels and mistreats its own population (not to mention the thousands of migrants who are sold at ridiculous prices, or are dragged into the vilest prostitution) in order to have something to eat. Colau is a fake who plays to establish pacts with the most aberrant powers, to exercise her second mandate as mayor. She skillfully negotiated with many squatted spaces -to legalize them- and thus reduce her refractory actions against the System. Unfortunately for us, the tactic has been successful: they have “tamed” us. The once called rose of fire only burns when interclassist nationalism orders it to do so. And there is no lack of sheep…
On February 27th, in the context of a demonstration (promoted by the most Stalinist and retrograde communist authoritarianism) they arrested a group of comrades, previously arrested by the organizers themselves – read Arran, the youth of the CUP – in a disgusting set-up, tending to blame “Italian anarchist insurrectionalists”, for the riots resulting from the imprisonment of the unclean rapper Pablo Hasel. We do not forget that it was an act of revenge for a previous set-up in Girona. The so-called ‘purge-of-Girona’ perpetrated by anti-anarchist groups to sweep out of their city those who did not conform to their political interests… Currently 6 of our people are still in prison, in the territory dominated by the Catalan pseudo-state. And there is a silence (complicit) on the part of an infinity of supposedly “libertarian” collectives, about this alarming situation. It is time to shout ENOUGH!

Continue reading Barcelona: International Call for Direct Action against Catalunya EN/ES