Category Archives: Revolutionary Prisoners News

18 to 20 years’ imprisonment for Belarusian anarcho-partisans ( Belarus)

The sentence was announced today for a group of anarcho-partisans who held a series of direct actions against the dictatorship about a year ago. In an attempt to isolate the activists, the trial was held in camera and only the pronouncement of the sentence was made public.
Siarhei Ramanau – 20 years
Ihar Alinevich – 20 years
Dzmitry Rezanovich – 19
Dzmitry Dubousky – 18 years
Enormous sentences for symbolic actions are an example of the dictatorship’s fear of anarchists. So far, these sentences are the longest in the history of political repression in the country.
Donate to their crowdfunding campaign here

Chile : A few simple words. Statement from anarchist comrade prisoner Ignacio Avaca

A few simple words. Statement from comrade Ignacio Avaca
There are many things I’d like to say to you and in my opinion words will always fall short to express the intensity and particularity of what I feel. I would like to thank each and every one of you without having to repeat “thank you”, but rather with a hand when you need it, with deeds, not letters. However, at this moment, perhaps the only action I have left is to continue resisting as I have done till now, together with my blood brother, and with the subversive brothers and sisters here in Rancagua, Santiago or any prison in the world.

Continue reading Chile : A few simple words. Statement from anarchist comrade prisoner Ignacio Avaca

Updates news about Anarchist prisoners Marios Seisidis and Charis Mantzouridis (Athens,Greece)

After his transfer to the Korydallos Prisoner Psychiatric Hospital on 24/12 and resulting negative in a rapid test conducted for preventive reasons, comrade Charis Mantzouridis was placed in “quarantine” in the only space they have, in the disciplinary isolation infrastructure.
We talked about this space in the previous update, when the comrade was transferred there. It is a cell with a broken window, freezing, with mattresses ripped open, with blood and excrement everywhere, with food discarded by everyone, with prisoners constantly being added to the same place, abolishing even the supposed concept of quarantine. As we said at the time, the situation in this place is but a small example of the overall barbaric condition of keeping all prisoners in prison and the minimal measures taken to protect them from the pandemic.
On 30 December, after six days of his stay there, a rapid test was carried out again and he tested positive for the virus, and since then he has remained in isolation without the possibility of communication. It has been 17 days since the comrade has been in the prison within the prison, without medical supervision and without his relatives knowing anything about his health, both physical due to covid and mental.
Immediate release of comrade Charis  Mantzouridis!
Prisoners’ lives matter!
Assembly of Solidarity with the imprisoned, fugitives and persecuted militants
Charis  Mantzouridis (Χάρης Μαντζουρίδης)
Prisoners mental hospital of Koridallos
(Ειδικό Κέντρο Υγείας Κρατουμένων Κορυδαλλού)
181 22  Athens , Greece
The Court of Appeal of anarchist comrade Marios Seisidis, continues Friday 07/01/22 at 11am at the Loukareos Court of Appeal in Athens.
On Friday 07/01 at 11am at the Loukareos Street Courts on the 1st floor, the second degree trial of comrade Marios Seisidis continues for the case of the armed robbery of the National Bank of Solonos Street in 2006.
Seisidis Marios  (Σειχιδης Μαριος)
Dikastiki Fylaki Korydallou
A .Pteryga,
TK 18110,
Act for freedom now!


On Tuesday, December 28th, our Anarchist comrade Mónica Caballero Sepúlveda, had a verbal and physical altercation with the inmate Denisse Llanos, detainee, who was returning from a punishment due to another quarrel she had provoked the same day in the morning. Monica expressed her refusal to share a cell with the inmate due to multiple differences with her behavior.
It is necessary to mention that the gendarmeria’s measure of installing Llanos right in the cell of her companion, returning from her punishment, is a clear provocation, in a context of tension both internal, such as overcrowding and the pressure of the prison itself, and external, such as the placement of explosive devices in gendarmeria’s facilities. It is for this reason that close to Monica went the next day to interviews with staff of the OSI (in charge of security of the prison) and the Chief of the prison Denisse Melgarejo to whom all the apprehensions, concerns and discomfort generated by this serious event in which our colleague was involved were expressed. Together with this, an authorized visit was requested, in which we were able to give Monica the support and affection of many.


Claudio Lavazza free now! 

Claudio Lavazza is an anarchist of action who has spent the last 25 years in Spanish and French jails. A militant in the armed tumult of the 1970s, after a time in Italian jails following the activities of PAC (Armed Proletarians for Communism), his life went from being a clandestine on the run to an obstinate and never-interrupted enemy of banks and authorities with always ready solidarity with the subversive movements he encountered along his path. Arrested in Spain in 1996 following a gunfight after an unsuccessful bank robbery, he engaged in the fight against the Spanish special prison, the FIES regime inflicted on him for 8 years. After 24 years’ imprisonment he was extradited to France where a sentence of 10 years for a big heist that took place in a Bank of France branch in 1986 was awaiting him. In spite of the fact that European law establishes that the accumulation of the sentence served in Spain should absorb this other sentence, and that Claudio should have been released on11th December, the prosecutor of Mont de Marsan, who is in charge of his case, continues with excuses and pretexts to play for time regarding Claudio’s release.
Yet another case of revenge of the State to punish a coherent revolutionary who has never repudiated his past and continues to claim the necessity and importance of the struggle against State and Capital.
We are calling a for mobilization from 7th January,2022 when the French judicial offices reopen, so that the authorities responsible unblock Claudio’s release. An anarchist international solidarity poster will be also available shortly, printed in many languages (an email address to order copies will be spread).

Continue reading Claudio Lavazza free now! 


Actforfree received by email and distribute :
From January 7, 2022, a period of solidarity with anarchist comrade Claudio Lavazza will begin. Claudio was first imprisoned by the Spanish then by the French State, and has already served over 25 years in detention. Although the doors of prison should have already opened last December 11, the prosecutor of Mont de Marsan – the emissary of State vengeance that is following his case – continues to keep him behind bars.
To raise awareness about the solidarity needed for our comrade, a poster with an international scope has been printed (at the moment in Italian, Spanish, English and French). Those who share it and wish to spread it, can request copies and more information at this email address:
inattuali (at) riseup (dot) net
It is very important to not leave Claudio alone in this moment and to not make him look isolated to his captors. We here publish his new address, as we think it is essential that he receives letters:
Claudio Lavazza
n. ecrou 11818, CD 1 cellule 5, 1D
CP de Mont-de-Marsan
Chemin de Pémégnan
BP 90629
40000 Mont de Marsan (FRANCE)
Solidarity and freedom for Claudio Lavazza!
Freedom for all!
Some anarchists in solidarity.

Bristol UK: Toby Shone speaks from the dungeons of Bristol prison, explaining his case. en/gr/ it/ es/ fr/ German/ polish/ Russian

Important notes: The anarchist comrades from the they did a correct translation for the Spanich text and the anarchist comrades from the attaque they did a correct translation for the French text.
My name is Toby Shone, and I’m an imprisoned anarchist held in Bristol prison who was kidnapped at gunpoint by the anti-terrorist unit, as part of Operation Adream in the UK. The repression was aimed to target the anarchist group of critique and practice, 325 collective and the website Operation Adream is an attack by the British State in conjunction with European partners against anarchist direct action groups, counter-information projects, prisoner solidarity initiatives and the new anarchist critique of the technological singularity and the fourth and fifth industrial revolution. Operation Adream is the first time that anti-terrorist legislation has been used against the anarchist movement in the UK.
I was taken hostage by the regime on the 18th of November 2020 by a team of tactical fire arms cops after a car chase through the remote Forest of Dean, which is on the border with South Wales, one hour north of Bristol. At the same time coordinated raids took place at five addresses in the Forest of Dean against collective living projects, hangouts and a storage unit. I was taken under armed guard to a nearby police station where I was held in incommunicado and interrogated many, many times. I refused to speak during the interrogations and I did not cooperate with the murderers in uniform.
Continue reading Bristol UK: Toby Shone speaks from the dungeons of Bristol prison, explaining his case. en/gr/ it/ es/ fr/ German/ polish/ Russian

Update from the gathering at Korydallos prison on New Year’s Eve (Athens,Greece)

On the eve of New Year’s Eve, following the call of the assembly of solidarity with imprisoned, fugitive and persecuted militants, about 200 comrades gathered outside Korydallos prison to bring in the New Year, joining our voices with those of the prisoners.
We stayed outside the prison for about an hour with fliers, slogans, smoke bombs and fireworks, briefly blocking Grigoriou Lambraki street, where we stayed for a long time exchanging words and slogans with the prisoners of the women’s prison of Korydallos.
Images from Athensindymedia

Athens,Greece: Information on the transfer of comrade Charis Mantzouridis to the Psychiatric Hospital for Prisoners in Korydallos Prison

On 24/12, comrade Charis Mantzouridis was discharged from the psychiatric hospital in Dafni and transferred to the Prisoners’ Psychiatric Hospital in Korydallos prison. He was immediately placed in “quarantine”, where he will remain from 4 to 7 days (it is not certain exactly how many).
The conditions there are deplorable, which reflects the general conditions of detention in the prison in the midst of a pandemic. He is kept in a very small room with three other prisoners, and new ones are added every day, which increases the actual chances of catching covid. The window is broken, so it is very cold, the mattresses are ripped, broken glass, blood and excrement on the floor, food is thrown away by all the prisoners, the possibility of communication with his own people is minimal.

Continue reading Athens,Greece: Information on the transfer of comrade Charis Mantzouridis to the Psychiatric Hospital for Prisoners in Korydallos Prison

Rebel prisoner Andreas Krebs is dying..(Italy)

Time is running out!
We take it for granted that Andreas Krebs is a terminally ill prisoner in Italy (Naples).
In recent weeks, Andreas was officially told by a German-speaking doctor that he was in the last phase of his cancer.
Shortly afterwards, the prison management (Centro Penitenziario di Secondigliano) advised Andreas to apply for transfer to Germany (Berlin). According to his wife Jutta Krebs, he did so on 10.12.21.
Apparently, the Secondigliano prison does not want to have the body within its own walls. That would be news again about the prisoner who had not received medical treatment for years. But it is nevertheless also in the prisoner’s interest to be near his wife and his supporters in his last hours, weeks or months.

Continue reading Rebel prisoner Andreas Krebs is dying..(Italy)