Category Archives: Revolutionary Prisoners News

Blood on your hands – regarding information about torture of anarcho-partisans (Belarus)

Today the sister of anarchist Dmitry Dubovsky published a short story after visiting the activist in the prison. The story is about the torture of the partizans in the first days after the detention: the pigs cut the skin off Igor Olynevich’s feet, Dubovsky was strangled with a plastic bag and hung up in a so called “swallow”. Previously, it was already reported that Sergei Romanov cut open his veins because of beatings by border guards.
We are well aware that anarchist activists have repeatedly faced beatings by the punitive authorities. But since August 2020, the cops no longer have any brakes at all. This blatant sadism existed in the so-called “law enforcement” agencies even before the protests began. A person does not turn into an animal overnight. Many tortures and beatings before the “politicals” were tried on ordinary prisoners.

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Athens, Greece: Claudio Lavazza ,a whole life dedicated to the struggle

English PDF

Greek PDF
Our anarchist comrade Claudio Lavazza has been in prison since 1996, having already completed 25 years of continuous detention. He is one of the longest serving political prisoners in Europe. Claudio was one of the militants who took up arms to oppose capitalist rule politically and militarily.
An insurgent proletarian who participated in conflicts and expropriations in the early years of joining the movement in the dynamic 1970s in Italy. Armed fighter of the revolutionary movement of the 70’s-80’s afterwards. Member of the Armed Proletarians for Communism, a horizontal guerrilla group with strong ideological influences from workers’ autonomy. Participant in the coalition of groups under the name ‘Organised Communists for Proletarian Liberation’, an armed project to support fugitives and free comrades and comrades-in-arms from prison. Accomplice to the 1981 attack on the prison in Frosinone where imprisoned militants were released.
At a time when the meaning and content of words had not been surrendered to museification, revisionism, and boundary activism. Instead, it found meaning through the practical cultivation of hope in those imprisoned and “exiled” from the legal order by the relentless repression of the state and the parastate. That words like freedom and solidarity would be put into practice with guns in their hands.

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International Solidarity with Revolutionary Anarchist prisoner Dimitris Chatzi-vasileiadis (Greece)

Graffiti in Athens: “Let us reinforce the guerilla struggle. Bullets to the servants of authority. – Organization of Revolution-ary Self-Defense.

Banner writes: Freedom For V. Stathopoulos. Mitsos stay strong. Solidarity with D.Chatzivasileiadis
To our comrades around the world who struggle for our common liberation,
We, an initiative of anarchists based in Athens, Greece, call upon international solidarity with imprisoned revolutionary anarchist Dimitris Chatzivasileiadis, who is currently serving a 16-year prison sentence for his armed revolutionary struggle in Greece and his involvement in the urban guerilla organization, Revolutionary Self-Defense.
The funds that we raise with this campaign will cover directly the needs of our imprisoned comrade, as well as the expenses for the continuous solidarity actions and events from the initiative on the ground. The financial support of incarcerated revolutionaries is not only an act of solidarity with the fighters who gave everything for our collective liberation and thus a part of our collective self-defense; it is also a crucial tool in the strengthening of the international revolutionary struggle towards the reconstruction of our world based on the principles of freedom: horizontalism, self-organization and equal solidarity.
A brief history of the case and the organization of Revolutionary Self-Defense

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Porto Alegre, Brazil: Freedom for Claudio Lavazza!

At nightfall on January 12 2022, in response to the agitation callout for the freedom of anarchist Claudio Lavazza presently imprisoned in France, a banner crying FREEDOM FOR CLAUDIO LAVAZZA! appeared in Porto Alegre, in the south of Brazil.
As well as that stones and paint rained in the direction of the windows of the Alliance Français, the cultural arm of that prison country.
Freedom to you, indomitable fighter!
Long live anarchy!
Those who don’t renounce direct action!
Translated by Act for freedom now!


On the current situation of Mónica Caballero.
Today in the 11th court the hearing was held under Judge Rodrigo Hormazabal with the lawyer of the gendarmerie, representative of the defense attorney Viviana Hinostroza and Monica Caballero present. There was a review of the punishment sanction applied, even though the appeal to said punishment had already been made.


EN/FR/IT/ES Updates about the situation of Claudio Lavazza (France)

Updates about the situation of Claudio Lavazza
The prosecutor Céline Bucau of the Mont de Marsan Court, after months of pretexts and procrastination to avoid pronouncing the total amount of years that Claudio still has to serve, yesterday – January 11 – came to the decision that the concurrent sentence (of his Spanish and French sentence) should amount to 30 years.
The French justice system thus adds 5 years (out of the 10 years to which Claudio was sentenced for bank robbery in France) to the 25 year Spanish sentence.
Now that the concurrent sentence has been defined, the lawyer can present an appeal to the Appeal Court of Pau for our comrade to be released on parole. The parole possibilities are going to be considered based on the years he has already served (25 years). Continue reading EN/FR/IT/ES Updates about the situation of Claudio Lavazza (France)


We inform that in January the censorship of correspondence (incoming and outgoing) to anarchist comrade Alfredo Cospito, currently imprisoned for a 20-year sentence in the ‘Scripta Manent’ trial, was renewed. We remind that censorship was also previously ordered between September and December 2021.
Alfredo was recently subject of an arrest order in the context of the ‘Sibilla’ operation of November 11, as he is accused of incitement to commit crimes with the aggravating circumstance of the purpose of terrorism, in relation to the publication of the anarchist paper ‘Vetriolo’. The arrest order was subsequently annulled by the court of re-examination of Perugia on December 16, while the case against all the investigated comrades remains open.
Revolutionary solidarity with the imprisoned anarchists.
The address of the comrade:
Alfredo Cospito
Casa Circondariale di Terni
strada delle Campore 32
05100 Terni (Italy)

Words of the subversive comrades Pablo Bahamondes and Marcelo Villarroel for “Antikarceral and Kounterkultural Day”

Words of the subversive comrades Pablo Bahamondes and Marcelo Villarroel for “Antikarceral and Kounterkultural Day”
Note: These words were read in their entirety at the “Antikarceral and Kounterkultural Day” that took place in the Simón Bolívar neighbourhood in the commune of Quinta Normal in Santiago on December 18 in solidarity with the subversive prisoners Pablo Bahamondes Ortiz and Marcelo Villarroel Sepúlveda.
Behind these walls we send our komplicit and affectionate greetings to all those who are attending this antikarceral and kounterkultural day.
The resistance to confinement is a daily challenge that reflects in part our life experiences marked by permanent learning in the kontinuity of the struggle that we have decided to carry out.

Continue reading Words of the subversive comrades Pablo Bahamondes and Marcelo Villarroel for “Antikarceral and Kounterkultural Day”

“Between the weichan and the social war: An urgent and necessary path of encounters”. Words of Marcelo Villarroel for the activity “Complicity in Resistance”. (Chile)

We share the following words of Marcelo Villarroel sent for the activity “Complicity in Resistance” carried out by Espacio Fénix on December 12 at the Comedor Popular Luisa Toledo in solidarity with the autonomy of the Mapuche people. Reading this that same day allowed us to nourish the event with even more experiences, for which we thank the comrade who accompanied us from prison with his words and reflections.
Between the weichan and the social war: An urgent and necessary path of encounters.
I was born in a country that bequeathed me a nationality that does not represent me and that I rejected in a practical way since I embraced the path of struggle, receiving from it only punishment, repression and death.
A set of codes and values of a history that feel alien to me, a hybrid identity written with ancestral blood, mashed up with hegemonic western European rationality until the present and with strong identity ties between power and its supporters and false critics. Continue reading “Between the weichan and the social war: An urgent and necessary path of encounters”. Words of Marcelo Villarroel for the activity “Complicity in Resistance”. (Chile)