Category Archives: Revolutionary Prisoners News

Greece: Anarchist prisoner Thanos Chatzianggelou ‘The Palestinian Resistance as a reference point for the declaration of the anti-imperialist civil war’

Message of the imprisoned member of the Anarchist Action Organisation, Thanos Chatziangelou, on the strategic diversion of the Palestinian Resistance in the heart of the imperialist centres.

Car bomb attack of Red Army Faction at the HQ USAFE and HQ 4th ATAF parking lot of Ramstein Air Base in 1981

The Palestinian Resistance as a reference point for the declaration of the anti-imperialist civil war in the Western metropolises

“A sacrifice today for tomorrow

the numbers suck their blood

Good morning, you’ll say good morning to me again on Saturday.

wrapped in a shroud.”

The Zionist atrocity of the Israeli occupation forces and the Western allies is growing day by day. Invoking the provocative narrative of the rules of war, they baptize entire migrant camps, hospitals, churches, playgrounds and entire urban centres as Hamas bases and operational centres in order to legitimize the exemplary massacre of the Palestinian resistance for communication purposes. Israel’s war crimes are officially underwritten by the North Atlantic Alliance, with bilateral military support and the legitimisation of Israeli interventions by Western media propaganda. The Western narrative cuts off the practical popular resistance of dozens of Palestinian organizations from the Palestinian right to self-determination and independence, wanting to criminalize and drown in blood any attempt at liberation defined by the popular base, moving outside and against the imperialist Western centers.

Continue reading Greece: Anarchist prisoner Thanos Chatzianggelou ‘The Palestinian Resistance as a reference point for the declaration of the anti-imperialist civil war’

Chile : Sentences for Anarchists Comrades Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar

Sentences for Comrades Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar
December 8, 2023
Today, December 7, 2023, the 6th Oral Criminal Court of Santiago decided to impose long sentences on the freedom of the comrades, attempting to strike and bury in concrete anarchist ideas and practices with this nauseating sentence. In detail the sentences are as follows:
    For Monica Cabellero 12 years in prison, convicted of being an accomplice in the double explosive attack against the Tánica building ( in February 2020.

Continue reading Chile : Sentences for Anarchists Comrades Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar



Marius Mason is an anarchist animal rights activist who has been in prison since 2009.

Marius plead guilty to being involved in an arson at a research lab, and to twelve acts of property damage. Marius release date is January 10 2027.

Recently Marius has been moved to a new prison. If you want to write letters to Marius, you can reach him at the following address:

Marius Mason #04672-061

FMC Fort Worth

P.O. Box 15330

Fort Worth, TX 76119


Text by Anarchist prisoner D.Chatzivasiliadis in the one day hunger strike of political prisoners worldwide on the 24/11/23, in defense of Palestinian captives (Greece)

For the participation in the one day hunger strike of political prisoners worldwide on the 24/11/23, in defense of Palestinian captives

Responding to the Call to all political prisoners of the world to participate in a one day hunger strike in defense of Palestinian prisoners the Friday 24 11 23*

The revolutionary Palestinian initiative on October 7, 2023 is a new historical culmination of the struggle for social liberation. The breach of the zionist colonialist fortress marks the deconstruction of along-standing regime of imperialist power worldwide. That is why NATO, through its Israeli gendarme and with the passive consent of all the subordinate states, has responded with the most dense and rapid technocratic genocide in the entire history of capitalism, promoting through live broadcast its uninhibited and free of any institutional constraints determination to maintain its exploitative domination against popular struggle.
Continue reading Text by Anarchist prisoner D.Chatzivasiliadis in the one day hunger strike of political prisoners worldwide on the 24/11/23, in defense of Palestinian captives (Greece)



Monday 20/11. Our comrade Kostas Dimalexis was already declared innocent of the fabricated indictment at the first-instance trial. The charges for joining a criminal organization and attacking real fm have also been dropped.

The State organized plot collapsed with a bang.




Assembly of solidarity with the anarchist prisoner Kostas Dimalexis

Athens, Greece: Text by Anarchist Pola Roupa: November 17, 2023. 50 years from the Polytechnic and my release from prison

Pola Roupa: November 17, 2023. 50 years from the Polytechnic and my release from prison

“After 7 years of consecutive imprisonment (from the arrest of 5th January, 2017), 8.5 years together with pre-trial detention (arrested on 10/4/2010) and 13 years and 6 months in total, sentence I served for my participation in Revolutionary Struggle, I have been released. The symbolism of the day was strong as this year’s November 17th marks the 50th anniversary of the Polytechnic uprising of 1973. On that day, everyone remembers the dead of the Polytechnic but also all those who have fallen in the struggle for freedom.

For me, this day was dominated by the memory of our comrade killed in the activity of Revolutionary Struggle, Lambros Fountas. But in my thoughts is also the comrade Nikos Maziotis who, despite the fact that he has served 11 years’ “closed” prison and 14 years in a mixed prison – a very long period for a 20-year sentence -, the judicial councils of Lamia are refusing to release him. It is now clear that a unique status of exception has been imposed on Nikos Maziotis, as no prisoner in a similar situation (with charges based on 187A) and with a similar sentence (i.e. not a life sentence) has remained in prison for such a long period of time. This exceptional regime based on political criteria and motives and which in practice nullifies the institution of parole – which according to the law is mandatory and not “gratuitous”, given that it is not left to the personal will of the respective judge – this exemption regime must come to an end. In addition to the flagrant violation of his rights, this special regime of exception is reminiscent of a junta-style treatment of a political prisoner.

Continue reading Athens, Greece: Text by Anarchist Pola Roupa: November 17, 2023. 50 years from the Polytechnic and my release from prison

Santiago, Chile, 6-7 November 2023 ,End of trial and final declarations of Anarchists Francisco Solar and Mónica Caballero

End of trial and final declarations of Francisco Solar and Mónica Caballero (Santiago, Chile, 6-7 November 2023)

(IT) Conclusione del processo e dichiarazioni finali di Francisco Solar e Mónica Caballero (Santiago, Cile, 6-7 novembre 2023)

(FR) Fin du procès et déclarations de Francisco Solar et Mónica Caballero (Santiago, Chili, 6-7 novembre 2023)

(EN) End of trial and final declarations of Francisco Solar and Mónica Caballero (Santiago, Chile, 6-7 November 2023)

(GR) Σαντιάγο, Χιλή: Τέλος της δίκης και τελικές δηλώσεις των Francisco Solar και Mónica Caballero

The final hearings of the first instance trial against anarchist comrades Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar, arrested on July 24th 2020 and accused (only Francisco) of sending parcel-bombs to the 54th police station and to Rodrigo Hinzpeter, ex minister of the interior and national defence as well as a director of the Quiñenco (25th July 2019), and both of the double explosive attack in the real estate building Tánica (27th February 2020), in the bourgeois district of  Vitacura (in the metropolitan area of Santiago) which took place in the context of the generalised revolt that broke out in Chile in October 2019. The actions against the 54th police station and Hinzpeter were claimed by Cómplices Sediciosos Fracción por la Venganza, while that of the Tánica by the Afinidades Armadas en Revuelta.

In December 2021 Francisco claimed responsibility for both of the actions, giving the reasons, choice of objectives and revolutionary significance.

On 10th August 2022, after a series of extensions to the investigation period, the preliminary hearings have been concluded and requests for conviction been announced: 30 years’ prison for Mónica and 129 years for Francisco (according to the current judicial system in the Chilean State the public prosecutor’s office makes the requests before the start of the actual trial phase, the juicio oral). On 18th July of this year, after a postponement the trial finally began, which the comrades only attended in person during the first procedure of according to the current judicial system and the last hearing, attending the rest by video-conference.  During the July 18th hearing, the prosecutor, reformulating the initial requests, stated that the prosecutor’s office intends to inflict a sentence of 20 to 25 years on Mónica and one of over 150 on Francisco. During the hearing of 19th July Francisco reaffirmed assumption of responsibility for all the actions.

Continue reading Santiago, Chile, 6-7 November 2023 ,End of trial and final declarations of Anarchists Francisco Solar and Mónica Caballero

(Chile) Words of Kuyen from Santiago 1

October 21, 2023 / informativoanarquista

Note*: The comrade Kuyen was detained only a month ago in a combative demo at Aplicación High School, remaining in preventative detention in range 12 of Santiago 1 for the duration of the investigation.

Words of Kuyen from Santiago 1

I find myself once again writing here from the dungeons of capital, specifically from the cage (range 12) of Santiago 1, to all of my comrades out there I send you all the strength and love to continue on this demanding path of those without power, without country, the different and oppressed who, despite all the difficulties and obstacles of power in the form of beatings, defemations, extortions and a long etc, are still here. This is thanks to the solidarity, resiliance, mutual aid and the so often necessary love, that is in my opinion the best weapon against the misery that capitalism submits us to.
Continue reading (Chile) Words of Kuyen from Santiago 1

Trento, Italy: Updates about Nasci, comrade prisoner in the prison of Trento

Trento: Updates about Nasci, comrade prisoner in the prison of Trento

Some more news about our friend Nasci and what happened to him, leading to his imprisonment in Spini di Gardolo.

Nasci was arrested by the DIGOS on the morning of October 10th for a sentence of one year and two months for three different episodes: the occupation in February 2017 of the town hall of Municipio di Mori (a village of about 10.000 inhabitents near Rovereto), during a well-attended lively mobilization against a project of environmental devastation – since realized unfortunately – ; a writing on a wall in Florence in August of the same year, during an initiative in solidarity with those arrested in Operation Panico; the events of February 9th 2018 in Trento, when comrades contested creatively (among which serious damage to the clothing shop of a fascist stabber) the usual Casapound event on the occasion of the “Foibe Day”.*

Continue reading Trento, Italy: Updates about Nasci, comrade prisoner in the prison of Trento

Sardinia, Italy: Anarchist comrade Davide Delogu has been transferred to house arrest (15th October 2023)

Sardinia: Sardinian anarchist comrade Davide Delogu has been transferred to house arrest (15th October 2023)

We inform you that the Sardinian anarchist comrade Davide Delogu has been released after 14 long years, 12 of which deported in the prisons of the continent.

Now he is under house arrest.

Updates to follow.

via: [Published in Sardegna Anarchica on 15th October 2023 | Republished in:]

Translated by Act for freedom now!