Category Archives: Revolutionary Prisoners News

Words of the comrade Pablo “Oso” Bahamondes on March 29. Brief reflections for debate. (CHILE)

Words of the comrade Pablo “Oso” Bahamondes on March 29
Faced with another Youth Combatant Day, I believe it is pertinent to pause for a moment to look at the life stories of many of our comrades who have fallen in combat, who took up this subversive path, despite the various political contexts in which capital is masked.
This day marks a real concrete milestone in which we rediscover our history and the dialectics of life, which leads us to question our practices as individuals and collectivity on a daily basis.
The expression of combativity is not just reduced to dates or moments of actions (barricades, confrontations, sabotage, etc.), but extends to all forms of collective work deployed in various spaces. It is a daily permanent practice that requires learning, debates and real connection with our surroundings, building affinities and clearly stating our proposals for the destruction of this reality, and it is the task of all of us.
We cannot fall into unbridled spontaneity in the actions we propose.
The networks of complicity are woven in practice and not in virtuality, not in the superficial discourse, poster or selfie published like a crude advertising commercial; much less through ambivalence in regards to institutionality, endorsing conventions and / or elections, arguing the classic “I vote, but I also organize”.
We must be able to enter self-criticism, rethink ourselves, no matter how hard it might seem to us.

Continue reading Words of the comrade Pablo “Oso” Bahamondes on March 29. Brief reflections for debate. (CHILE)

Czech Republic : Money for anarchists, necklace for Lukashenko

Money for anarchists, necklace for Lukashenko
Some time ago, a decision was made to raise funds for the anarchists being prosecuted in so-called Belarus. First there was a tattoo fundraiser and later a fundraising D.I.Y. book published under the title “Words Against Isolation or As Long As There Are Prisons, Let’s Write Letters.”
So far, these activities have raised 700 euro. These funds will support five anarchists convicted for their willingness to resist the dictatorship. Namely these people: Nikola Dziadok (sentenced for 5 years), Sergei Romanov (sentenced for 20 years), Igor Olinevich (sentenced for 20 years), Dmitri Rezanovich (sentenced for 19 years) and Dmitri Dubovsky (sentenced for 18 years). Continue reading Czech Republic : Money for anarchists, necklace for Lukashenko


On a day like today, March 8, two years ago, the streets of the main cities of the territory dominated by the Chilean State were filled with thousands of people who with colors, shouts, slogans, fire and barricades visibilized and/or attacked the macho scourge. Today, only a few bodies fill the streets. Many prefer to wait for the changes promised by the new government from the comfort of their homes, changes that promise to end heteropatriarchal machismo among the inhabitants of this territory.

Anticipation for the new public policies and reforms in “gender issues” has raised hopes among a portion of feminist groups and individuals, sexual dissidents and in practically all the flag-sucking social democratic sectors.

The hopes and expectations unfortunately remained just that, because the heteropatriarchy will not end with any legal reform or social welfare. Continue reading Chile: THE STRUGGLE AGAINST THE STATE IS PART OF THE STRUGGLE AGAINST PATRIARCHY

Athens, Greece: Update from the march in solidarity with Anarchist G. Michailidis, in Exarcheia area on 9 April 2022

On Saturday 9 April, 2022 following the call of the assembly of solidarity with the imprisoned, persecuted and fugitive militants, more than 200 comrades gathered at Exarcheia Square in solidarity with the anarchist prisoner Giannis Michailidis.
During the meeting, which lasted about an hour and a half, the text of the assembly was read, texts were distributed and fliers thrown. Then a march followed through the streets of the dependencies, without the presence of the police or any other problems.

The response to the meeting and the march was another message to the State that the anarchist comrade Giannis is not alone. He has with him the movement of solidarity with the political prisoners that will always give all its strength to break the regime of exclusion that the State and capital have in store for them. The “indefinite” detention regime imposed on the comrade is another example of this brutal repression of the enemy within.

source Translated by Act for freedom now!

Athens, Greece: Text of two imprisoned comrades Fotis D. and Jason R.

Athens, Greece: Text of two imprisoned comrades
Comrades, we are writing to you from the penitentiary hellholes of Korydallos and Avloras, two more detention centres, both of which aim at our physical confinement and remorse of our political conscience. By making our case public, we would like the reason for our detention and evidence of the practices of the EΛ.ΑΣ National Police used against us to come out.
In the early hours of 14 November 2021 we didn’t stop during a check carried out by a DIAS cops bikes team in the area of New Faliro. Immediately a chase was launched against us by a civilian vehicle that did not bear the characteristics of the service. As white people, we did not receive a plethora of bullets, but in the area of Moschato, the car rammed us while we were moving and threw us on the road (with a high risk of being fatally injured). Our arrest was linked to an attack on the Piraeus traffic police earlier that night, which took place more than three kilometers from the checkpoint (the checkpoint was being controlled by fixed units outside the stinking Skye channel). We were taken to the ΓΑΔΑ, (Athens Police HQ) where we refused to give fingerprints, which, as well as genetic material, were ordered to be compulsorily taken a day before we went before an interrogator in an attempt to identify us with the evidence found in the attack and with previous cases. With invalid evidence against us, it was decided to remand us in custody on the pretext of identical clothing, as shown by video footage from the department.
This case is a fiasco and a desperate attempt by the police to win a major victory and legitimize the new criminal code in the eyes of the public. A decisive role in this is played by the state disinformation media, which first ran to prejudge us, using against us evidence with no legal basis – they talked about a yafka house(safe-house), an explosives manufacturing plant and spread false news about the first Molotov cocktail detention in Greece, thus exaggerating the work of the police and the necessity of the changes in the criminal code. The changes to article 272 and how they relate to the changes to 264 and 270 are intended to spread terror in the anarchist/anti-racist movement, to anyone who resists or questions the sovereignty of the state and its partners. As anarchists we are not surprised by this case and how it has developed so far, we do not believe in bourgeois justice and have no illusions about who it serves.

Continue reading Athens, Greece: Text of two imprisoned comrades Fotis D. and Jason R.

Libre Flot has ended his strike and is released “on medical grounds” (France)

via: sansnom
Libre Flot gets out of jail!
Libre Flot has ended his strike and is released “on medical grounds”, April 7, 2022
Two letters from Libre Flot from April 4 and 7:
“While these almost 16 months of detention in solitary confinement have left me with far more after-effects, both physical but especially mental and psychological, than 10 months of war in Syria,
Even though I survived the liberation of Raqqa, facing Daesh troops defending tooth and nail the capital of their caliphate,
I remain astonished, not only by the censorship that is made around my situation, but especially by the silence towards my legitimate and reasonable request, on the part of the French government, the National Anti-Terrorist Prosecutor’s Office, and the investigating judge Jean-Marc Herbaut, demonstrating their choice to let me die!
Yet on this anniversary, after 36 days of hunger strike, at a time when my health is becoming more precarious than ever, I choose life as a rebirth, a new life that accompanies this spring and turns my back on a potential fatal outcome. This April 4, 2022, at 6:00 pm, I decided to feed myself again.

Continue reading Libre Flot has ended his strike and is released “on medical grounds” (France)

Madrid (Spain): End of the Bankia affair

On October 29, 2018, we, two anarchists comrades from Madrid, were arrested, accused of the incendiary sabotage of a Bankia ATM, which had taken place on April 13 of the same year. The action was in solidarity with Lisa, who had been sentenced to 7 years for a bank robbery in Aachen (Germany) – at present she is on parole.
There was an agreement between the parties: 1 year suspended prison sentence for each comrade and 7000 euros civil liability, paid before the trial.

Continue reading Madrid (Spain): End of the Bankia affair

Update about Anarchist prisoner Toby Shone (UK)

Actforfree received by email:
Justice for Anarchist Prisoner Toby Shone!
Anarchist prisoner Toby Shone is being held in the Category B facility HM Prison Parc, a privately run prison in South Wales, despite being in reality a Category C or D prisoner who was eligible for Release on Temporary License (ROTL) on 21 January 2022, according to paperwork he received on 26th March 2022. ROTL is home leave from prison in preparation for release. Category B prisoners are not eligible for home leave.
Despite being found Not Guilty of political offences in court and with no evidence linking him to the website and publication, Toby is being held without legal process and without possibility of
redress as a Category B, High Risk prisoner where he is not eligible for ROTL (home leave). A probation official told Toby previously that his categorisation is a consequence of his anarchist beliefs, and the fact that he is considered by the authorities to act on those beliefs. This decision has been taken at a level above the Offender Management Unit (OMU) which is the unit Toby personally deals with.

Continue reading Update about Anarchist prisoner Toby Shone (UK)

Call to Action: International Day Of Solidarity April 4th, 2022

On Dec 8, 2020 a group of seven people were arrested by the French state for alleged terrorist association. All but one of them have been released with no specific charges beyond ‘criminal conspiracy,’ a charge that can be used to enhance sentences and strip away rights. Libre Flot was transferred to solitary confinement days after his arrest and is the only one of those arrested still behind bars.
Throughout his incarceration, the French state has attempted to say that Flot’s actions of joining the liberatory struggle against the Islamic State is the same as those who traveled to Syria to join ISIS.
As of Feb 27, Flot began a hunger strike in protest of the 14-plus months of pretrial detention, the allegation that seven people who did not even know one another committed a conspiracy, and the attempts of the French state to assert that those who fought the Islamic State are no different than the ISIS members they opposed.

Continue reading Call to Action: International Day Of Solidarity April 4th, 2022


Anarchist prisoner Giannis Michailidis has been imprisoned for more than 8 and a half years in the cells of democracy and 3 years in fugitive status in two different periods. His consistent commitment to the anarchist struggle, his unrepentant stance in front of the executioners of bourgeois justice, his practical questioning of the world of power and bourgeois legitimacy has put him in the crosshairs of the repressive and judicial mechanisms for years.
Giannis was prosecuted on the basis of a trumped-up charge of the mass revolt of the prisoners of Korydallos prison against the violent seizure of the then hunger-striking anarchist prisoner Dinos Giagtzoglou.
A persecution that targeted, without any evidence beyond solidarity texts, all the political prisoners of that period in order to put them in a new regime of hostage-taking, discontinued leaves, transfer from rural prisons, etc. Faced with the risk of prolonging his imprisonment and being transferred from the rural prisons where he was being held Giannis chose freedom, making an escape that allowed him to walk the paths of freedom for which he has fought consistently and at great cost throughout his life.