Category Archives: Revolutionary Prisoners News

Giannis Michailidis: Rape and murder of the concept of justice (Greece)EN/SP/DE/IT/FR

Giannis Michailidis: Rape and murder of the concept of justice

For Greek “justice”, a rapist of a child (D. Lignadis) has been sufficiently rehabilitated and is not a danger to society after less than 1.5 years in prison. A racially motivated murderer (Ath. Hortarias), has been sufficiently rehabilitated and is also not a danger after 2 months in prison. The murderer of 15-year-old Alexandros (Ep. Korkoneas) does not deserve life imprisonment. Another rapist (P. Filippidis), earns his freedom prematurely as he is not considered dangerous because of his celebrity. This is the “epic” of crony Greek “justice”.

However, for Greek “justice” an anarchist bank robber and escapee, after almost 9 years in prison and 7 months, after completing the required 3/5 of the sentence, “risks committing new crimes as he has not spent sufficient time in prison”.

What I understand is that robbing a bank and escaping from prison is far worse than rape or murder. Especially if the rapist is a close friend of ministers or the killers kill troublesome kids or marginalised people. After all, isn’t the role of the state to protect capital? Also, it will obviously show more vindictiveness towards someone who has actively challenged the feared institution of prison, absolutely necessary for disciplining society.

Continue reading Giannis Michailidis: Rape and murder of the concept of justice (Greece)EN/SP/DE/IT/FR

Greece: EN/GR/ES/FR :A letter from the special cell of Lamia Hospital – Giannis Michailidis

A letter from the special cell of Lamia Hospital – Giannis Michailidis

The scorpion is an insect that differs little from its ancestral species, which were among the first animals to walk on land hundreds of millions of years ago. It has been observed that individuals of this species, when trapped among the flames with no visible escape route, do a remarkable thing: they turn their sting on themselves and commit suicide! A behavior that offers no evolutionary advantage, as on the slim chance that the fire would go out, the surviving animals could continue to reproduce. A behavior that contradicts the theory that insects are biological robots because they exhibit standardized behaviors.

The simplest way I can explain this behaviour is that the evolution of life does not build robots, but instead creates neural systems for information processing and decision making. Recurring patterns of behaviour emerge from the complex operation of self-organised neural circuits, which in most cases do indeed favour maximum reproductive potential. So then, these tiny nervous systems with several orders of magnitude fewer neural synapses than our brains produce a behaviour that betrays evidence of their internal functioning:

1.These animals experience pain, meaning pain as a stimulus that the animal tries to eliminate.

2.These animals experience fear, meaning fear as an internal mental projection of a future situation.

3.They have knowledge that they possess a murderous tool with which they kill their prey and defend themselves from their predators: the stinger.

4.They associate the feeling of pain with their body as they point the stinger at themselves.

5.The association of pain with self-consciousness, since pain is an elementary form of mental state, and consciousness is thought upon thought, constitutes a primitive form of consciousness. So pain is in a sense conscious.

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11/07/22 Intervention at the Greek embassy in London for G.Michailidis and the struggle of the migrants in Elaionas (London,UK)

Intervention at the Greek embassy in London for G.Michailidis and the struggle of the migrants in Elaionas in Greece.

the text given out:



Giannis Michailidis is an anarchist prisoner on hunger strike since 23/5. He has served 8.5 years in prison and, while he fulfils all formal conditions for his release, he is kept in preventive detention. The Greek judges backed by the Greek state refuse to release him on the pretext that he does not meet the substantive conditions of release. This additional detention is being used at will to punish him for remaining unrepentant and maintaining a militant stance within the prison walls. This is not the first time Michailidis faces the vengeance of the Greek state. His heavy prosecution began in 2011 when an arrest warrant was issued against him for involvement in the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, for which he was later acquitted. He chose the path of illegality and was arrested in 2013 in Velvento Kozani, after expropriating a bank together with 3 other anarchists, where he was tortured by the police.

He was forced to escape in 2019 from prison due to a fabricated prosecution for participation in the uprising against the violent abduction of the then hunger striker Dinos Yatzoglou from Korydallos prison. This prosecution was brought against all political prisoners in order to restrict their rights and prolong their time in prison.
Continue reading 11/07/22 Intervention at the Greek embassy in London for G.Michailidis and the struggle of the migrants in Elaionas (London,UK)

Greece: Text by Dimitris Chatzivasileiadis in solidarity with comrade, Dayvid Ceccarelli

From the 27th of June, an Italian comrade, Dayvid Ceccarelli, is being held in prison by the greek state, following a warrant from the italian state. He is persecuted in the framework of the political repression against the combative mass movement. The demand for his extradition will be examined on Wednesday 13th of July. The anticapitalist movement of the greek teritory has a duty to stand by him.

Dimitris Chatzivasileiadis

Domokos Prisons



Italy: Updates about Dayvid was arrested in Athens on June 29th,2022

Updates about Dayvid

News taken from the anarchist internationalist fortnightly “Bezmotivny”, no. 14

Dayvid was arrested in Athens on June 29th. He was sentenced to 6 years in Rome by the court of Cassation on May 25th for the clashes of 15th October 2011.
Immediately after the sentence a European arrest warrant (MAE) was issued for him. He is presently imprisoned in the prison of Korydallos, Athens. The first hearing before the Greek court for convalidation of the MAE is due to take place on July 13th.

To write to him:
Dayvid Ceccarelli
Dikastiki Filaki Koridallou

via:ilrovescio.infoTranslated by Act for freedom now!

News from the solidarity demonstration in the framework of the international day of solidarity with the hunger striker Giannis Michailidis (Germany)

News from the solidarity demonstration in the framework of the international day of solidarity with the hunger striker Giannis Michailidis

On Friday, June 24, we held a gathering and demo in the Kreuzberg district as part of the international day of solidarity with anarchist hunger striker G. Michailidis. More than 60 comrades gathered at Kottbuser Tor at Kreuzberg Zentrum and after an hour moved to Marianneplatz, where the demo ended.
Continue reading News from the solidarity demonstration in the framework of the international day of solidarity with the hunger striker Giannis Michailidis (Germany)

8/7/22 : Medical opinion for the hunger striker Giannis Michailidis (Greece)

The health condition of hunger striker Giannis Michailidis, who is on his 46th day of hunger strike and is under guard at Lamia General Hospital, is at an extremely critical point.

First of all, I would like to emphasize and make it known that although it is legally foreseen for any prisoner to appoint his personal doctor to examine and monitor him, in this case and despite the relevant permission, I was not allowed to have a clinical examination in person, our communication was between bars and in the presence of the police officer right next to me, thus abolishing medical confidentiality since he was listening and watching all our communication.

Giannis white blood cell count has dropped so far below the lower normal limit that it now poses a threat to the striker. Leukopenia leads to severe immunodeficiency. Platelets are also very low and Thrombocytopenia can cause severe and threatening bleeding. There is anaemia that is getting worse, disturbance in liver function, hypocalcaemia.
Continue reading 8/7/22 : Medical opinion for the hunger striker Giannis Michailidis (Greece)

Italy: Cassation of the ”Scripta Manent” trial

The cassation for the ”Scripta Manent” trial ended on 6 July.

The court requalified the explosive attack against the carabinieri cadet school of Fossano (Cuneo) of June 2nd 2006, claimed by Rivolta Anonima e Tremenda/ Federazione Anarchica Informal [Anonymous and Tremendous Revolt/Informal Anarchist Federation] and which Anna and Alfredo were accused of, into “political massacre” (art. 285 of the criminal code), referring to the court of Turin for the aggravating recalculation of the sentence. All the other sentences were confirmed including 1 year and 9 months and 2 years and 6 months for 11 comrades and acquittals for the rest of the accused, convictions and acquittals that have thus become final.

The time will come for more in-depth reflections. What seems evident is the State’s determination to break the anarchist movement and the revolutionary struggle, further worsening what emerged from the Turin court with a ruling that does not seem to contain any margin for review. As the contradictions on which this society rests become more and more ungovernable, before social tensions take unmanageable forms for power, the State is trying to strike a blow to the movement and send out a warning to those who do not give up: two or three years for writing a newspaper, dozens of years in prison and even life imprisonment for those who pass to the road of action.

Continue reading Italy: Cassation of the ”Scripta Manent” trial

Athens, Greece: Taking responsibility for the attack at the Tax Office of Maroussi area on 07/072022

Ανάληψη ευθύνης για την έκρηξη στη ΔΟΥ Αμαρουσίου

Taking responsibility for the attack at the Tax Office of Maroussi area on 07/072022

On 07/07/2022 at 04.00 we carried out a symbolic attack with two kilos of explosive material at the Tax Office of Maroussi in solidarity with the anarchist hunger striker Giannis Michailidis.

The reasons for the hunger strike should already be known nationally. However, there is silence on this issue too, with very few reports. The fact is that any “opposition” and “journalism” follows orders and keeps agreements, reaching a new level in recent years with the deliberate concealment of facts or their distortion. The omerta that prevails in public discourse is, on the one hand, a prerequisite for dealing harshly with the hunger striker and, on the other hand, forces us to upgrade our means.

Continue reading Athens, Greece: Taking responsibility for the attack at the Tax Office of Maroussi area on 07/072022