We share words that come to us from Buenos Aires, Argentina, in response to the repressive blow against comrades, allegedly suspected of participating in the attack on the newspaper last November.
This system needs to hide the disastrous consequences of its progress through control, persecution and institutionalized violence, silencing the voices of those who dare to confront it.
The prisons are overflowing with the displaced and rebels but neither the murdered nor the disappeared are of interest to them while the power game continues to dominate.
We are neither innocent nor guilty.
Our freedom is built in every gesture of solidarity and confrontation against what oppresses us.
We will not be bastard children of the communities’ memory.
We assume our responsibility as part of the continuity of struggle for total liberation.
No more, no less. We are anarchists.
On November 22, 2021, a noise demo was carried out in the vicinity of the Clarín newspaper, an exploitative, surveiling and manipulative media outlet. While in reality this resulted in a stained sidewalk, the newspaper took advantage of the event to victimize itself, backed up by the entire political class from the electoralist left to the conservative right, calling the action an act of terrorism. But this is not new. Clarín uses the language of power to manipulate social opinion. Let us not forget that this same media outlet acted as the support and legitimizing arm of the last military-civic-ecclesiastical dictatorship, benefitting from the genocidal regime of which our families, like so many others, are victims and for which it has never been and will never be judged, much less convicted. Because (in)justice responds to the same class interests. Continue reading Buenos Aires, Argentina – Solidarity with the prisoners accused of the attack on ¨Clarín¨. →
The punitive mechanism and its illusion of its penitentiary character collapse in the face of the fierce resistance of the prisoners where they consciously choose to stand up against the conformity, discipline and compromise that domination tries to impose.
Comrade Giannis Michailidis, without renouncing his political identity, without signing statements of repentance, is fighting a long and difficult struggle for his freedom against the special regime of exception that the judicial process, bourgeois justice, has formed. Prison is a mechanism of coercion, the ultimate mechanism of control and recording, a system of surveillance and extermination, of forced transformation of character, but Giannis has endured.
Continue reading Text of imprisoned comrades for Giannis Michailidis (Greece) →