Bologna, 1 December gathering at Court of Surveillance in solidarity with Alfredo and with all the revolutionary prisoners

On December 1st the hearing on the appeal against the application of the 41bis regime against anarchist comrade Alfredo Cospito will take place in the court of surveillance in Rome. 7 months after his transfer to Bancali in the province of Sassari [Sardinia]. 42 days after the commencement of his indefinite hunger strike against 41 bis and life sentence without appeal.
Every day in these courtrooms, men in togas decide on the freedom of others, on the life and death of thousands of people who, by choice or by necessity, have escaped the laws of a State that daily exploits, starves, poisons.
In solidarity with all those who have experienced and are experiencing the farce of of this democratic State.
In solidarity with Alfredo and all the revolutionary prisoners.
At the side of Anna, Juan and Ivan all united in hunger strike.
THURSDAY 1 DECEMBER gathering at Court of Surveillance PRESIDIO AL TRIBUNALE DI SORVEGLIANZA, H. 10.00 in Via Farini 1, Bologna
infernourbano Translated by Act for freedom now!