Category Archives: Revolutionary Prisoners News

en/es/el: Declarations of Anna Beniamino and Alfredo Cospito read out during the appeal hearing for the recalculation of sentences in the Scripta Manent trial.(Italy)

We receive the declaration of Anna Beniamino read out during the appeal hearing for the recalculation of sentences as part of the Scripta Manent trial. (Turin, 5 December 2022).

This is a political trial, which has aimed from the outset at the administration of exemplary punishment, a trial of our anarchist identities rather than deeds, a trial of those who do not renounce their ideas.

A massacre without a massacre attributed without evidence is the culmination of a growing commitment of Antiterrorism and Prosecution to exorcise the spectre of anarchism of action.
The imposition of the 41 bis regime to Alfredo Cospito, guilty of engaging in relations with the anarchist movement from the prison, is in the same vein. The hunger strike to the end that the comrade has been conducting since October 20th is the last resort against isolation and sensory, physical, psychic deprivation, against a political gag. A gag that even prevented him from reading the reasons for the strike itself.

41 bis is the extreme degree of doggedness of differentiated regimes: prisons where continual solitary confinement and the overcrowding of the common sections are the two faces of a system aimed at annihilating the individual. Prisons where massacres, real ones, have occurred and continue to occur: in the suppression of the 2020 uprisings, in the incessant suicides, in the treatment of the poorest and most fragile of prisoners as ‘residual material’ of the dominant techno-capitalist society.

Continue reading en/es/el: Declarations of Anna Beniamino and Alfredo Cospito read out during the appeal hearing for the recalculation of sentences in the Scripta Manent trial.(Italy)

Bad News, Episode 62 (11/2022)podcast from the international A-Radio Network

Welcome back to Bad News, the monthly English-language podcast from the international A-Radio Network. This month you’ll hear five short segments from two member projects.

  • Anarchists involved in the Stop Camp Grayling Offensive, a land defense project in the state of so-called Michigan, USA, to double the size of what is already largest military and police training facility on the continent. Hear the rest of the November 6th episode of The Final Straw. [00:02:43 – 00:13:13]
  • Then, Frequenz-A shares an interview with anarchists organizing against the 41 bis hard prison regime in Italy and the hunger strike spreading among anarchist prisoners, Alfredo Cospito, Anna Beniamino, Juan Sorroche Fernandez and Ivan Alocco (in France). On November 23rd there will be a demonstration in front of the Italian embassy in Berlin in solidarity with the hunger strikers and against 41 bis. You can find info about the protest on the telegram channel “No41bis”. [00:13:20 – 00:24:43]
  • Continue reading Bad News, Episode 62 (11/2022)podcast from the international A-Radio Network

Anarchist Ivan Alocco has ended the hunger strike on 30 Nov, and anarchist Juan Sorroche On 24th November 2022)

Anarchist Ivan Alocco has ended the hunger strike (France, December 1, 2022)
Ivan, incarcerated in Villepinte prison (near Paris), lets us know that he has ended his hunger strike. Today, December 1st, he started feeding again, after 35 days of hunger strike in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito’s struggle.

He is well and sends a strong hug in solidarity to Alfredo, Juan, Anna, Toby and everyone outside the prisons.

On Thursday, November 24th, during the interrogation by the investigating judge, Ivan made a brief statement and then said he had nothing to declare in response to the judge’s questions. His statement, as far as we know, was more or less this:

Continue reading Anarchist Ivan Alocco has ended the hunger strike on 30 Nov, and anarchist Juan Sorroche On 24th November 2022)

Bologna, Italy: 1 December gathering at Court of Surveillance in solidarity with Alfredo and with all the revolutionary prisoners

Bologna, 1 December gathering at Court of Surveillance in solidarity with Alfredo and with all the revolutionary prisoners

On December 1st the hearing on the appeal against the application of the 41bis regime against anarchist comrade Alfredo Cospito will take place in the court of surveillance in Rome. 7 months after his transfer to Bancali in the province of Sassari [Sardinia]. 42 days after the commencement of his indefinite hunger strike against 41 bis and life sentence without appeal.

Every day in these courtrooms, men in togas decide on the freedom of others, on the life and death of thousands of people who, by choice or by necessity, have escaped the laws of a State that daily exploits, starves, poisons.

In solidarity with all those who have experienced and are experiencing the farce of of this democratic State.

In solidarity with Alfredo and all the revolutionary prisoners.

At the side of Anna, Juan and Ivan all united in hunger strike.


THURSDAY 1 DECEMBER gathering at Court of Surveillance  PRESIDIO AL TRIBUNALE DI SORVEGLIANZA, H. 10.00 in Via Farini 1, Bologna


infernourbano Translated by Act for freedom now!

Germany: 30. November,Aktionstag in Solidarität mit Alfredo und den anderen Hungerstreikenden . en/it/de

30th November: day of action in solidarity with Alfredo and other comrades on hunger strike.

Since 20 October, the anarchist Alfredo Cospito has been on hunger strike against his detention in total isolation and torture and against imprisonment without parole. Other detained comrades (Anna Beniamino, Ivan Alocco, Juan Sorrocho and Toby Shone) as a sign of solidarity and to give strength to Alfredo’s struggle, have also started a hunger strike.

Alfredo has been in prison uninterruptedly for ten years, spent in High Security sections until his transfer to 41 bis. The 41 bis is a prison regime of annihilation, as it is designed to cause physical and mental damage through the technique of sensory deprivation; it is a political and social death sentence, aimed at cutting off all contact with the outside world.
Our comrade was transferred to these torture chambers because, despite his imprisonment, he never stopped contributing to the international anarchist debate with articles, editorial projects and proposals.

The re-examination of the 41 bis measure against Alfredo is set for 1 December. This hearing will be very important because it will have to pronounce on the legitimacy of the previous Justice Minister Marta Cartabia’s decision to apply the 41 bis prison regime against our comrade.
Continue reading Germany: 30. November,Aktionstag in Solidarität mit Alfredo und den anderen Hungerstreikenden . en/it/de

Toby Shone from Parc Prison – Declaration of Solidarity with Alfredo Cospito 2022 (UK)

Declaration of Solidarity with Alfredo Cospito from anarchist comrade Toby Shone

“By observing the force of the rainfall, one can know the size of the dragon, and by observing the flourishing of the blossoms, one can know the depths of the pond.” Traditional saying

News has reached me of the isolation torture inflicted on Alfredo Cospito who has been hit with the 41bis regime of the Italian State and placed into the hell of the White Cells.

My heart aches to hear of the conditions he is suffering and I am in solidarity with his indefinite hunger strike.

Continue reading Toby Shone from Parc Prison – Declaration of Solidarity with Alfredo Cospito 2022 (UK)

updates letter by Anarchist comrade prisoner Ivan Alocco (France)

Hello to all and everyone,
I am writing these few lines to give you some news.

I am continuing the hunger strike I started on October 27, in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito’s struggle to get out of 41 bis. I am doing well. I feel tired and sometimes dizzy, but my determination remains intact.

This is the first time since June, since I’ve been locked up here, that I feel like I’m doing something worthwhile, instead of simply surviving and watching time go by. Two weeks ago, the head warden threatened to transfer me to solitary confinement if I continue with the hunger strike (” for my own good, to be better looked after in case I have a sudden health problem “), but so far he has not put his blackmail into practice.

My mail is blocked again. They gave me letters on October 24, then nothing more. Likewise, the letters I have written to my family since mid-October have still not arrived.

On Thursday, Nov. 24, at 1:30 p.m., I will appear before the investigating judge (Anne Grandjean), at the Bobigny court, for questioning.

Continue reading updates letter by Anarchist comrade prisoner Ivan Alocco (France)

Update statement from Anarchist comrade Eric King (USA)

Statement from Anarchist comrade Eric King


Hello friends, comrades, and government Nosey Nathans! I’ve been in ADX for about two months now and wanted to give a little update and talk over what things are like here.

This prison, more than any, exist to break spirits and disrupt connections to the real world. It was built specifically for that purpose. The isolation here is on a very deep level. There are days that pass where I literally speak to no one and hear no one else. Some folks have decades here; imagine if you can. It’s brutal and sickening. This entire joint is a psychological war zone.

We are given TVs, which is cool, but you can get lost in them. It’s very easy to give up on fitness, mail, reading, and live in the screen. That is 100% what they want, digital social control, screen shackles. I do lots of jogging in place when a show is on, lots of movement. I’ve been in the SHU the last 4 years, most of that time without radio or books let alone a TV. That time was brutal as shit but it did teach me how to set a routine, and to get by on very little…that’s also easy for me to say knowing I’ll be out in approximately 10 months, having done one year here…many don’t have an outdate, or mail, or books coming. This is their life and those NOT swallowed by desperation are some of the strongest people imaginable.
Continue reading Update statement from Anarchist comrade Eric King (USA)

Athens,Greece: Life is not so good/ Claim of action

Life is not so good/ Claim of action

In the early morning hours of November 19 to 20 november a van of the multinational company LG (life is good) in Kaisariani, was boarded up. Life is good only for the bosses and the rulers of this world. For us it becomes good only in moments like this, when we act. We dedicate this attack to the Turkish fighters who are on hunger strike demanding a fair trial and to comrade Alfredo Cospito who is on hunger strike against the 41bis regime.

Solidarity to the 4 comrades who are being persecuted for the case of “comrades”.
We send fiery signals of solidarity to the 4 imprisoned comrades accused of the attack on the Piraeus traffic police and to the imprisoned comrades D. Hatzivassiliadis and V. Stathopoulos, who are currently undergoing an appeal trial.
Practical and aggressive solidarity to all political prisoners.


via: athens.indymedia  Translated by Act for freedom!

Athens,Greece: Taking responsibility – Against the war industry by Anarchists

Taking responsibility – Against the war industry

In the days of commemoration of the Polytechnic, we must not forget the anti-militarist implications of the uprising. In the midst of military dictatorship, one of the central slogans of the occupied Polytechnic in ’73 was “Out with NATO”. Picking up this thread, anarchy today must find a way of direct action against those who profit and gain from these wars.

While we try to develop anarchist considerations and analyses of every interstate war conflict, one of the most important aspects of the multifaceted anti-military struggle is often ignored: sabotaging the death machine on the ground we are on.

Since we are in NATO’s territory of influence, we have a duty to sabotage everything used by the armed forces of the Greek state and its allies, the arms industry, the financiers and those who give orders and make decisions.

Continue reading Athens,Greece: Taking responsibility – Against the war industry by Anarchists