Category Archives: Revolutionary Prisoners News

Update about the health condition of Alfredo Cospito on the 99th day of hunger strike (Italy, January 26, 2023)

With the publication of the following texts – an update circulated yesterday, January 26th, and two transcripts of as many radio speeches by the trusted doctor, dating back to January 26th and 19th – we provide an update on the current serious health condition of anarchist comrade Alfredo Cospito 100 days after the start of the hunger strike.

The attempted annihilation against Alfredo was ratified by the State in July and December last year, first (by the Court of Cassation) with the reclassification as ‘political massacre’ of a charge in the Scripta Manent trial, then (by the Court of Surveillance in Rome) with an order confirming his detention in 41 bis, the most afflictive detention regime in Italian prisons, to which Alfredo was transferred on May 5th.

In the face of this attempt at annihilation, it is of the utmost importance that the ideas, deeds, and contribution of the comrade are not forgotten, condemned to oblivion as desired by the repressive apparatuses with the Scripta Manent trial, Sibilla repressive operation, and the transfer to the 41 bis prison regime. To the isolation and censorship of the State and its prisons we oppose, today as yesterday, the tenacity and consistency of our ideas and practices.

Continue reading Update about the health condition of Alfredo Cospito on the 99th day of hunger strike (Italy, January 26, 2023)

Communiqué from different territories of Abya Yala in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito, who is since almost 90 days on hunger strike against the 41 bis punishment and isolation regime.(América Latina)

Public declaration by anarchist, subversive anti-authoritarian, nihilist, anti-speciesist and anarcho-feminist affinities regarding the current situation of comrade Alfredo Cospito, locked up in the Italian fascist prisons and since almost 90 days on hunger strike.

As comrades with affinity to the anarchist struggle against prisons, prison society and the system of domination, we want to express through these words our unwavering support for comrade Alfredo Cospito, kidnapped by the Italian state and held in the prison of Bancali, Sassari, Sardinia – an extermination center where he is detained after having been subjected to the infamous 41 bis regime. This regime aims to destroy him as a person by preventing him from maintaining contact with any of his comrades inside, as well as outside the prisons.

Alfredo has been on hunger strike since almost 90 days. He demands the end of the application of this annihilating regime, which blackmails anyone who enters it, through the torture of isolation, to choose between collaboration with justice or death – the only two occasions in which 41 bis ceases to be applied.

As comrades in affinity we repudiate the torture applied to Alfredo and any other comrade. We know that they fear us because of our uncompromising commitment to end with the system of domination, a commitment that does not end either with torture, prison, or death itself and, for this reason, Alfredo is risking his life firmly and without hesitation.

Continue reading Communiqué from different territories of Abya Yala in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito, who is since almost 90 days on hunger strike against the 41 bis punishment and isolation regime.(América Latina)

$hile: Words of Anarchist Comrade Mónica Caballero with Alfredo Cospito

Words of Comrade Mónica Caballero with Alfredo Cospito

November 22nd, 2022


A few days ago, I received the news that the indomitable Alfredo Cospito began a hunger strike to demand his release from the 41 bis legal torture regime.

For those who do not know Alfredo Cospito, he is an anarchist comrade kidnapped by the Italian state, since 2012, for an attack against one of those responsible for the nuclear disaster in Fukushima. This action was claimed by the Olga FAI-FRI faction and Alfredo took responsibility for it.

Since this conviction, the comrade has been prosecuted in several repressive operations, such as Scripta Manet, Sybilla, which have managed to obtain convictions and have added more years to the comrade’s already long sentence.
Continue reading $hile: Words of Anarchist Comrade Mónica Caballero with Alfredo Cospito


Account from some anarchists who joined from out of town last saturday:


Shouting the whole way with passion and rage, 80 of us marched for over hour out of the town of Martorell, to the two prisons of Brians in the Catalan countryside. With chants, music and fireworks, we let the people held captive know they’re not forgotten, despite all the state’s intentions to isolate them. And through the walls and layers upon layers of fences, they called and whistled back.

The Catalan government want to build two more hellholes in the Zona Franca area of Barcelona by 2027: a 800-person “open regime” men’s prison, and a 600-person women’s prison to replace the existing one of Wad-Ras. Development has been delayed after the discovery of heavy metals in the soil. The government says it wants to develop the women’s prison “from a feminist perspective, describing the plans as “gender sensitive” and supporting “female empowerment”! Here we see the inevitable endgame of leftist politics: prison societies with enhanced perceptions of freedom, built on the dying embers of social war….


From Chile to Italy. A loud cry of insurrectional complicity for Alfredo Cóspito (Marcelo Villarroel)

November 23rd, 2022
via: informativoanarquista

Words of comrade Marcelo Villarroel from prison. From Chile to Italy –
A loud cry of insurrectional complicity for Alfredo Cóspito!!!
Alfredo Cóspito is an anarchist comrade from Turin imprisoned since September 2012 after the kneecapping of Roberto Adinolfi (on May 7), executive director of Italian nuclear company Ansaldo Nucleare. This act claimed by the “Olga” Cell Informal Anarchist Federation / International Revolutionary Front for which he was sentenced to 10 years and 8 months. He was also sentenced to 20 years (first degree), for the explosive attack on the Carabinieri training school in Fossano (Cuneo) on June 2, 2006, claimed by Terrible Anonymous Revolt – Informal Anarchist Federation, which provoked the state response through the operation “Scripta Manent”.

Alfredo has been an anarchist comrade in active praxis for decades. Always consistent with his anti-authoritarian projectuality, he has maintained several antagonistic initiatives for which, even though he has been in prison for more than 10 years, the Italian fascist state does not forgive him.

Continue reading From Chile to Italy. A loud cry of insurrectional complicity for Alfredo Cóspito (Marcelo Villarroel)

$hile: Words of Anarchist Prisoner Lucas Hernandez From Prison/factory Santiago 1 January 7, 2023

Words of Anarchist Prisoner Lucas Hernandez From Prison/factory Santiago 1 January 7, 2023

(Received at

In the early morning of December 22, 2022 after a series of raids by the south metropolitan high complexity Prosecutor’s Office, as part of an investigation for an explosive attack at the National Directorate of the Chilean Gendarmerie…

We were arrested 2 comrades, my brother/comrade and I.

On that day, the 22nd, the official press published our faces like a trophy, making a spectacle of us. And as usual, condemning in advance all those who decide to rebel against this world of control and punishment.

Continue reading $hile: Words of Anarchist Prisoner Lucas Hernandez From Prison/factory Santiago 1 January 7, 2023

Words of Anarchist Prisoner Aldo Hernández Valdés From a Cell of Module 12 of “la gonzalina” Prison Rancagua $hile. January 7, 2023

Words of Anarchist Prisoner Aldo Hernández Valdés From a Cell of Module 12 of “la gonzalina” Prison Rancagua
I am going to write a few lines to deeply thank the anonymous and anarchist support that I have received through these solid walls that currently imprison me.
More than a decade ago I decided to try to reflect the ideas that I carried in this black heart of mine with action. I knew it was a duel to the death, to fight this prison society and all those who sustain this model of misery.
History has been stained with the unyielding blood of those of us who fight. The restlessness of these beautiful minds helps us to maintain the presence of our fallen while giving us the clarity of those who deserve our insurrectional commitments. It sustains all our eternal contempt for authority and for anyone who takes the beauty of freedom away from us. Freedom that is treasured in our black hearts.
Thank you to the different political prisoners who have been attentive since I arrived at this extermination center.
To Juan Aliste and Marcelo Villarroel who from the first moment communicated, to make my situation known.
To the tight embrace of energy and strength from Comander Ramiro.
To Francisco Solar and Juan Flores who sent me packages. That gesture did not go unnoticed among the other common prisoners who admired and respected that expression of solidarity between rebels, subversives, autonomous, anarchists and combatants. Expressions that reflect that solidarity is not just a written word.
“At this point there is no hesitation, the decision has been made and there is no turning back. I abandon the comfort of the established order and venture into the uncertainty of confrontation.” Kalinov Most
“It is necessary to offer the exquisite elevation of the arm and the mind to life. I face society with the same weapons, without bowing my head, that’s why I am considered and I am a dangerous man” Severino Di Giovanni.
A fraternal greeting to my friends and comrades. To my brother and beloved comrade who are under investigation in the Santiago 1 prison for this same case.
To the comrades in the street that have been giving us love and support through the days and nights since they raided the 6 homes looking for me.
Tight hugs to the families, wolfpacks, comrades, lawyers, friends, affinities and conspirators from all over the world.
The war continues…nothing is over. Let’s bash the enemy over the head with certainty 
Long live anarchy!
Aldo Hernández Valdés- Anarchist prisoner Module 12 / La Gonzalina extermination prison. 

(Hamburg,Germany) Arson attack in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito and Lützerath // Strabag truck torched

Hamburg: Arson attack in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito and Lützerath // Strabag truck torched

In thought of anarchist prisoner in hungerstrike Alfredo Cospito, we torched a ‚Strabag‘ truck in the Schanze¹ neighborhood during the night of January 4th.

Not only does the Strabag company build prisons. Ever since the struggle for the Dannenröder foresti² they were also often attacked for their active role in the destruction of the natural world. Our fire is also supposed to donate some strength to those fighting in and around Lützerath³. The eviction has already begun now.

Continue reading (Hamburg,Germany) Arson attack in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito and Lützerath // Strabag truck torched

Bologna, Italy: ATM of the BPER and an Amazon collection point attacked with hammers in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito and all revolutionary prisoners.

Bologna:  ATM of the BPER and an Amazon collection point attacked with hammers in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito and all revolutionary prisoners.

We receive by anonymous mail and publish:

The other night we decided to strike an ATM of the BPER [Banca Popolare dell’Emilia Romagna] and an Amazon collection point with hammers.
A small gesture of solidarity with Alfredo on hunger strike since October 20th against 41 bis and life imprisonment without appeal. Solidarity with Thanos, Ivan, Juan, Anna, Toby and all revolutionary prisoners and anyone who finds themselves behind bars.

Against all jails and borders. For freedom. for anarchy.

via: infernourbano

Update about the health condition of Alfredo Cospito on the 85th day of hunger strike (Italy, January 12, 2023)

On January 12th, the 85th day of the hunger strike to the bitter end against 41 bis prison regime and life imprisonment without possibility of parole, the antagonist radio station Radio Onda d’Urto broadcast a third speech by the doctor who is regularly visiting anarchist comrade Alfredo Cospito, imprisoned in the Bancali prison, in Sassari. As for the updates on the 71st (December 29th) and 78th day (January 5th) of hunger strike, we report a transcript of the speech and the recording of the broadcast (in italian language):

“He has lost even more weight, and significantly more than last week: he lost another 4.50 kg, so he weighed 80 kg today. So for his height of about 1.93 cm, he is about 10 kg below his target weight. The musculature is getting progressively smaller […]. He was a bit angry because today four members of parliament from Partito Democratico [Democratic Party, PD] went to visit him [in Italy parliamentarians can, by their own decision, visit prisons at any time] and he reiterated that his struggle is not just for him, but is for all those who are imprisoned in 41 bis.
Continue reading Update about the health condition of Alfredo Cospito on the 85th day of hunger strike (Italy, January 12, 2023)