Category Archives: Revolutionary Prisoners News

Brussels, Belgium: Hanging a banner – Solidarity to Thanos Xatziaggelou and Georgia Voulgari at anti-speciesism event at the La Clé squat in Brussels.

Brussels, Hanging a banner – Solidarity to Th. Xatziagkelou and G. Voulgaris.

On Sunday 7 August we organised an anti-speciesism event at the La Clé squat in Brussels.

The event included anti-speciesism games, vegan food, information sessions and various musical performances.
We believe that these days are important for people who are not familiar with this struggle, to be among comrades and militants and to build comradely relationships and friendships.

As a minimal act of solidarity with comrade Thanos Hatzianggelou and comrade Georgia Voulgari, we put up banners during the event.
Thanos, who is being held in Korydallos prison, was in our thoughts that day and will always be!
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Chile: Text Communique in Solidarity with Giannis Michailidis and Mapuche Hunger Strike

From the territory occupied by the Chilean State, to the Greek region.
From pikun mapu, to wallmapuche.

From the prisons of the Chilean State we send greetings with screams of support and solidarity, with all our insurrectionary complicity, with a fraternal hug from all of us who live locked-up as a result of our actions and conscientious convictions in our long path of social war against the State, Prison and Capital, to Giannis Michailidis, young anarchist from the Greek region that has carried out 60 days of hunger strike for his immediate release from prison, however, for Greek «justice» an anarchist bank robber and fugitive, after almost 9 years and 7 months in prison, after completing 3/5 parts of his sentence, he should remain in prison in spite of meeting all the requisites to be out on the street according to the legality that Dominion uses to quickly condemn the rebels that fight it.

Just like in Chile with comrade Marcelo Villarroel’s current situation of living under state kidnapping, the Greek State uses prison as vengeance and to send a message to those who dare attack it in order to destroy it. Using the nefarious «National Interest» they sustain a constant counterinsurgency to maintain the authoritarian social order that they defend.

From the territory occupied by the Chilean State, to the Greek region directly to the heart of comrade Giannis Michailidis, we send a subversive and anarchic hug alongside all the internationalist fraternity in permanent revolt, with all the strength of the memory in resistance and attack to the rotten world of capitalist normality.
Continue reading Chile: Text Communique in Solidarity with Giannis Michailidis and Mapuche Hunger Strike

Porto Alegre,Brasil : Comrade Giannis: our simple gesture: A visit to an Ortodox Greek Church. EN/ES/ portugués

Porto Alegre, Comrade Giannis: our simple gesture: A visit to an Ortodox Greek Church

Our gentle hand for those who struggle, our hostile hand for those who seek to oppress us.

This is not a spectacular action that’s at the level of the struggle of our anarchist comrade Giannis Michailidis, this is barely a small wink towards him, a show of our anarchist complicity. In a world that is ever more satisfied within their own digital information bubbles, we smile when we imagine the faithful ortodox churchgoers arriving at their recently painted church to see the stains of our paint bombs and Giannis Michailidis’ name, that made its way to this corner of the world by way of this simple gesture.

Continue reading Porto Alegre,Brasil : Comrade Giannis: our simple gesture: A visit to an Ortodox Greek Church. EN/ES/ portugués

Besançon (Doubs),France: The medical and judicial powers are relentless against Anarchist comrade Boris


Besançon (Doubs): The medical and judicial powers are relentless against Boris

In April 2020, our comrade  and friend Boris set fire to the antennas of four cell phone operators, as well as those of the cops and the gendarmes on the Mont Poupet (Jura). Identified by DNA present on a bottle cap, he was incarcerated in September 2020 in the prison of Nancy, then sentenced in April 2021 to four years in prison, two of which are unsuspended. In a public letter written from prison*, he defended his act by his desire to oppose the increasing digitalization of our lives through direct action, with all the control, environmental and social ravages it implies. In August 2021, he was seriously injured in a cell fire, and has since been in the hands of the medical authorities. On the judicial side, his imprisonment was lifted at the time of the appeal trial of the following September (postponed sine die), while an enquiry, still in progress, was entrusted to a judge in Nancy in order to determine the causes of the fire and to investigate the eagerness of the screws to let our companion suffocate in his cell.

Alternating between artificial coma and semi-consciousness for a few months, Boris could not make his own decisions. The doctors were not without mistakes in their diagnoses, but always with unwavering confidence. At the beginning of March 2022, Boris was transferred from the “Grands Brûlés” wing of the Metz hospital to the intensive care unit of the Besançon CHRU, which in April decided to get rid of him by sending him to another unit that was not well suited to his situation, without his opinion having any importance. This decision, which had serious consequences and meant the abandonment of active care, was essentially motivated by the fact that no favourable evolution of his state of health was observed, following miserable statistical criteria. Clearly, these criteria take absolutely no account of the particular individual to whom they are applied in an absolute and chilling manner, even if he expresses his fierce will to continue to live and fight to get better. Taking advantage of his current quadriplegia, and despite the fact that he is able to speak, lucid and combative, the doctors decided not to resuscitate him if a new serious infection occurred. It was only by protesting and writing letters that they had to take into account his will to survive and resume a minimum of active care.
Continue reading Besançon (Doubs),France: The medical and judicial powers are relentless against Anarchist comrade Boris

Paris,France : signs of solidarity on the Tour de France

Paris : signs of solidarity on the Tour de France

Indymedia Lille, July 28, 2022

Ivan was arrested on June 11, 2022 at about 3:30 am, according to Le Parisien, while he was putting his bike away. He is accused of having burned 6 vehicles, including a diplomatic car in the 17th arrondissement that same evening.

In the following days, the media served us information that came directly from the investigation file, but also the story of an Ivan who would go out every Saturday night on his bike to set fire to cars.
Continue reading Paris,France : signs of solidarity on the Tour de France

Athens,Greece: Text by Giannis Dimitrakis at the event during the week of restoration of the Alexander Grigoropoulos monument

via:athens.indymedia Translated by Act for freedom now!

Text by Giannis Dimitrakis at the event during the week of restoration of the Alexander Grigoropoulos monument

Good evening comrades, I am taking the opportunity to say a few words on the occasion of today’s event. It is a day to recall the past, to remember, as the value of historical collective memory is precious.

The conflict with the enemy unites. This is one of the most important lessons that December 2008 teaches us. At that time I was a prisoner in the Greek hellholes, and I still remember accounts of comrades who told me of their association on the barricades and the battles of those days alongside insurgents who until then had been in personal confrontations and fights with each other, having almost definitively cut off all communication, contact and cooperation. But it was the breath of the insurrection, the attack against the state and capital, that revived mutual aid, solidarity and cooperation on the battlefield. Differences, conflicts and enmities were put in the cupboard of time until all of them collectively launched the passion for revenge against the state violence that took the life of Alexander Grigoropoulos on December 6.

Continue reading Athens,Greece: Text by Giannis Dimitrakis at the event during the week of restoration of the Alexander Grigoropoulos monument

London,UK: Banners dropped in East London for Giannis Michailidis and for exarxeia

London/ Banners drop for Giannis Michailidis and for Exarcheia in Athens


On Thursday 4/8 we hung 2 banners around Shoreditch in London as a symbolic gesture of solidarity with the struggle of anarchist comrade GIannis MichailidIs. Although Giannis suspended his hunger strike after 68 days, his fight for freedom continues despite the state’s vindictiveness.


At the same time a banner was hung in Altab Ali park against the gentrification of Strefi Hill and the wider Exarcheia neighbourhood and the Brick Lane area in East London (more information about the struggle here).



Greece: On Saturday night 30/7, we chose to carry out a smashing-up attack on 2 Piraeus Bank ATMs on the old highway of Larissa by anarchists.

Larissa, Taking responsibility

On Saturday night 30/7, we chose to carry out a smashing-up attack on 2 Piraeus Bank ATMs on the old highway of Larissa. The action was in solidarity with the anarchist Giannis Michailidis who, despite the suspension of his hunger strike since Friday 29/7, is still claiming his freedom. So, the announcement of this suspension did not prevent us from fighting back against the state’s vindictiveness against our comrade.



athens.indymedia Translated by Act for freedom now!

Athens, Greece: By lighting an improvised incendiary device

 By lighting an improvised incendiary device

The anarchist comrade Giannis Mihailidis already served 3/5 of his sentence 7 months ago. He has completed more than two months on hunger strike demanding his release. His health is in poor condition with the possibility of permanent damage almost inevitable. The judicial authorities consider that the period of time (9 years) he has spent in prison is ultimately insufficient to rehabilitate him, basically accusing him of committing future crimes. The bourgeois justice system does not even try to hide its hypocrisy and contradictions, which are becoming more and more visible to an increasing area of society. During this same period, the judicial mechanisms have released from prison the child rapist Lignadis, the cop and murderer of A. Grigoropoulos, Korkoneas, the murderer of zack/zackie Horteria and the abuser Filippidis.

In recent months the impoverishment of the population is galloping at an even faster pace. The power/water cuts by the various utility companies, the extreme prices of basic goods in the super markets, evictions and gentrification compose a dystopian scene that is driving large parts of the world to impoverishment. At the same time, however, millions are given with frightening frequency by the state for armament programs to the army, cops and all kinds of repressive media.
Continue reading Athens, Greece: By lighting an improvised incendiary device

Rome, Italy: 10 cars are not enough…

Rome,  10 cars are not enough…

In the early hours of May 27, we carried out an incendiary action against the Enjoy carpooling vehicles belonging to the multinational ENI s.p.a. (national hydrocarbon company) in the Tuscolana-Cinecittà area of Rome. According to local newspapers, 10 cars were completely destroyed, while four others were seriously damaged.

ENI has always been one of the pillars of Italian capitalism, and its interests coincide with those of the State and, consequently, of the governments that succeed one another in administering it, whether they are of the right or the left, because its profits and infrastructures are strategic insofar as they strengthen the State in which they are located, being fundamental for the preservation of economic power, in the contemporary configuration of the capitalist productive system.

ENI is present in many countries where local and international conflicts are active for the control of energy resources: Libya, Mali, Nigeria, Kazakhstan (note that not a word was heard against the oligarch Putin when he sent his troops to quell the uprisings that broke out in that country), to name but a few. In these places, energy in the form of fossil fuels has been extracted from the earth for decades to feed the energy needs of Western industry, in a pattern that takes the form of true neo-colonialism. These extractive activities, it should be remembered, carry great risks for the environment and indigenous populations, especially in countries where controls and safety systems are consciously minimized in order to maximize profits, as in the case of the Niger Delta, an area severely devastated by continuous crude oil spills and the dispersion of gases and combustion residues resulting from extraction activities into the air.
Continue reading Rome, Italy: 10 cars are not enough…