Category Archives: Revolutionary Prisoners News

Italy: Zac (Marco Marino) under house arrest!

Zac under house arrest!

We have received and are spreading the news with joy. Let’s remember that on May 7th Zac has the appeal trial that will decide concerning the special surveillance imposed on him recently:

Fissato appello alla misura di sorveglianza per Zac

A hug and solidarity to Zac!


During the trial that sees Zac accused, this morning, a year after his arrest, the college of the assize court of Naples expressed itself positively to the request for house arrest presented by the defence a few days ago. He was granted independent transfer to his home and the possibility to see the co-residents and those who assist him. Translated by Act for freedom now!

Open letter-contribution from Toby Shone ( UK – Italy)

We forward a contribution of Toby Shone from Garth prison in UK, for the debate “Thought and Action – Repressive Attacks on the Anarchist Written Word” held in Turin, Italy on the 10th of March 2024.

in pdf


Dear comrades,

This is Toby Shone, an anarchist imprisoned in the operation Adream which was an antiterrorist investigation against the counter-information project 325. I am calling from a prison in northwest England, it’s a long term, high security prison, and the fact that we can steal these moments is very important.

As you may already know, Operation A-dream was a repressive attack by the UK state in which 3 collective housing projects, a family home and storage unit were raided by cops. I was accused of being an administrator of 325.nostate, which earned me 4 terrorist charges: section 2 (distribution of terrorist publications), section 15 (funding terrorism) and two counts of section 58 (possession of information which is likely to be useful for terrorist purposes). I was also accused of several direct actions and membership of FAI, ELF and ALF. Hundreds of police were involved in the simultaneous raids and despite this, only one of the comrades were briefly detained and subsequently released for lack of evidence. It’s clear through the conditions of imprisonment I am held under and the constant monitoring that an active investigation continues with tailings and surveillance of comrades on the outside along with observation of anarchist social spaces.

Continue reading Open letter-contribution from Toby Shone ( UK – Italy)

(Chile) Against Patriarchy, in Pursuit of the Foundations of Anarchy’s Paths of Negation

By Mónica Caballero

March 5, 2024 / informativoanarquista

From La Zarzamora []

The economic system that currently governs the territory dominated by the chilean State and practically all western States is capitalism. Capitalism, in simple terms, was founded in commerce and industry (means of production) which are organized and controlled by its owners, meaning: businessmen.

For capitalism to take root and endure over time as a political economic system, it needed a patriarchal social structure, understood as the social organization where the authority of men is exercised from the family, and reaching through all practices of domination. For this reason, it would be difficult to pose a radical, emancipator change without ending up totally destroying capitalism and patriarchy. Oppressive, authoritarian patriarchal structures have (mal)formed practically all the relations that we have with others and ourselves.
Continue reading (Chile) Against Patriarchy, in Pursuit of the Foundations of Anarchy’s Paths of Negation

Tomás is Sentenced to 16 Years in Prison (Chile)

Tomás is Sentenced to 16 Years in Prison

March 1, 2024 / informativoanarquista

“All of these young people planted seeds of rebellion and today we continue learning from their successes and errors, each autumn we gather to glimpse ourselves, to contrast our realities, to analyze the grim context we live in and though our present may be very bitter we continue resisting.”

– Tomás and Mawvnkho

This past January 18, the comrade Tomás González was sentenced to 16 years in prison, setting his release date for 2038. Remembering that his co-accused Mawünkho has been free for months after having received an abbreviated sentence accepting the charges handed down by the Prosecutor.
Continue reading Tomás is Sentenced to 16 Years in Prison (Chile)

Greece: A few words about the ‘witch hunt’ of the Counterterrorism by anarchist comrade Fotis Tziotizis

I no longer cease to be amazed and wonder what the police and journalists come up with for cases that disrupt their peace. I have seen and read a lot these days about the alleged major operation of the DAEEV (Directorate for Dealing with Special Violent Crimes ΔΑΕΕΒ, Anti Terrorist) and the dismantling of a dangerous terrorist organization.

Vile absurdities were uttered, scenarios of science fiction. They even went so far as to talk about payments between those involved in order to create the narrative of organized crime and dangerous individuals. False information was published concerning the 6 detainees, using previous conversations from people who had absolutely no connection with each other, thus creating an atmosphere of confusion and misdirection.
Continue reading Greece: A few words about the ‘witch hunt’ of the Counterterrorism by anarchist comrade Fotis Tziotizis

Ex-RAF Militant Arrested After Thirty Years Underground, and updates. (Berlin,Germany)

A 30-year manhunt ended in the heart of Berlin when police special forces arrested former Red Army Faction guerrilla fighter Daniela Klette. She is one of the famous RAF trio, three ex-militants still on the run and among the most wanted in Germany. This trio emerged from the leadership of the third and final generation of the urban guerrilla group.

The arrest of Klette in Berlin marked the end of her successful evasion of authorities for over 30 years. Klette, now 66 years old, was found in an apartment where ammunition was allegedly discovered. Her identity, allegedly, was confirmed through her fingerprints.

Alongside Ernst-Volker Staub and Burkhard Garweg, they have managed to elude capture for decades. The arrest in Berlin could tighten the circle around her comrades.
Continue reading Ex-RAF Militant Arrested After Thirty Years Underground, and updates. (Berlin,Germany)

(Chile) Brief Interview with the Legal Team of Comrade Marcelo Villaroel, Prisoner Currently in C.P. Rancagua ‘La Gonzalina’

Brief Interview with the Legal Team of Comrade Marcelo Villaroel, Prisoner Currently in C.P. Rancagua ‘La Gonzalina’

January 23, 2024/ informativoanarquista

Marcelo was convicted by the military court in the 90s for various urban guerrilla actions when he was a member of the Mapu-Lautaro (Marxist-Lenenist organization with which he broke ties afterward to begin moving towards antiauthoritarian paths). He was in prison for these actions for more than a decade and was released with intra-prison benefits. Said benefit was broken after he went underground when he was accused by the press and the police of having participated in various bank robberies. For these acts he would be sentenced to 14 years of prison.

From Espacio Fénix and thankful for their willingness, we present a brief interview that we carried out with the comrade’s legal team with the intention of understanding his current legal situation.

1. Under judicial logic and time served, Marcelo has already finished his sentence for bank expropriations. Why is he still in prison?

Indeed, Marcelo should already be free. But the Gendarmerie of Chile and the Public Prosecutor’s office in their various allegations and reports have added the previous sentences established by the Military Court, as if in the Security case he hadn’t served a single day.
Continue reading (Chile) Brief Interview with the Legal Team of Comrade Marcelo Villaroel, Prisoner Currently in C.P. Rancagua ‘La Gonzalina’

Italy: Agnese has begun19 months’ house arrest

Agnese has begun19 months’ house arrest

With Juan, Rupert, Poza, Nasci and Stecco in prison, Nico, Sasha and Eleonora under house arrest, our friend and comrade Agnese has started to serve the final sentence of 19 months, between work and forced domicile.

To the struggle and solidarity the magic of transforming these absences into stimulus, encouragement, presence.

via: lanemesi.

$hile: Words More than 2 Years After the Attack Against the National Directorate of Gendarmerie and 13 Months of Imprisonment From Anarchist Comrades Aldo and Lucas Hernández

February 4, 2024 / informativoanarquista

Words More than 2 Years After the Attack Against the National Directorate of Gendarmerie and 13 Months of Imprisonment From Anarchist Comrades Aldo and Lucas Hernández

These days, nostalgia strikes, longing for that enveloping air of the streets upon awakening in these cells. It’s already going on 12 months since the GOPE kicked down different doors of the various spaces in which we moved or had entered at some point.

From the bottom of our hearts, we lament that the bastard police exposed those beautiful little beings to so much violence, and that their eyes saw their despicable uniforms and weapons that were at the ready when they found and captured Aldo, so far the only one accused for the explosive attack against the National Directorate of Gendarmerie of $hile, and Lucas, accused for possession of various weapons and explosives.

It didn’t matter in the least to the police that they were violating the most basic rights of the children present in the various spaces that were raided.
Continue reading $hile: Words More than 2 Years After the Attack Against the National Directorate of Gendarmerie and 13 Months of Imprisonment From Anarchist Comrades Aldo and Lucas Hernández

EN.DE.FR.ES, Germany: Claim of Responsibility for the Incendiary Attack Against a Greek Diplomatic Vehicle in Berlin

On January 30, we placed an incendiary device under a car with the number plate of Greece’s diplomatic mission in Germany. The action took place in the Rosenthaler district in Berlin.

The action is not directed against a specific person but against the relations between two racist and murderous states and those responsible for them. The burning diplomatic car is once again a vehicle for international messages between the oppressed and at the same time a message to those who want to rule the world…

..that we have not forgotten the hundreds of murders committed last June off the coast of Pylos at the hands of the Greek coastguard and Frontex.

…that we have not forgotten the racist, murderous acts of violence by the police against Roma youth in Greece.

…that we do not remain inactive in the face of the persecution of anarchists and individuals fighting against oppression and exploitation.
Continue reading EN.DE.FR.ES, Germany: Claim of Responsibility for the Incendiary Attack Against a Greek Diplomatic Vehicle in Berlin