Category Archives: Revolutionary Prisoners News

Update from the gathering (16/01/2025) at Lamia court of law, in solidarity with the anarchist comrade Nikos Maziotis (city of Lamia, Greece)

Update from the gathering (16/01/2025) at Lamia court of law, in solidarity with the anarchist comrade Nikos Maziotis


State and capital are the only terrorists – Solidarity with the armed rebels

On Thursday 16 January ‘25, we held a solidarity gathering for the imprisoned comrade – sentenced to several years imprisonment for his participation in the Revolutionary Struggle organisation – at Lamia court.

Comrades from Athens, Lamia and Chania, with loud pulse and slogans, we stood outside the courthouse of Lamia, which, as a mechanism of state and economic domination, applies tactics of political extermination, inspired by the tradition of counter-revolutionary terror courts.
Continue reading Update from the gathering (16/01/2025) at Lamia court of law, in solidarity with the anarchist comrade Nikos Maziotis (city of Lamia, Greece)

Bern, Switzerland : Greetings to the comrades and all prisoners!

We went to the so called womens prison in Hindelbank. We greeted the people on the other side of the walls with music, paroles and firework, we laughed and sang together.Only local images are allowed.

Loads of love and courage and strenght to all those inside the prisons. May your hearts always be free, may we soon stand side by side with rage and love in our bellies to fight this patriarchal system!Only local images are allowed.
Greetings to Hanna and Maja und Dimitra and Marianna and all the other comrades!



On New Year’s Eve, a moment of solidarity – a small crack in the totality of prison society. – Hamburg,Germany

On New Year’s Eve, around 50 people gathered outside the Holstenglacis remand prison in Hamburg to celebrate the New Year with the prisoners.

Unannounced and undisturbed by the cops, the prisoners were greeted with fireworks and slogans.

The prisoners responded with applause, shouts and fires at the windows of their cells.
A moment of solidarity – a small crack in the totality of prison society.
Continue reading On New Year’s Eve, a moment of solidarity – a small crack in the totality of prison society. – Hamburg,Germany

From Paris to Athens from the depths of our hearts. (France)

On the 31th of October, a bomb exploded in an apartment in Athens, blowing the apartment up, killing our companion Kyriakos and injuring another companion, Marianna, who is now in hospital, out of danger. We wish to her that she will recover quickly and without after-effects. We are with her in thoughts. With Kyriakos the movement lost a companion and some lost a friend, a loved one.

But in its war, the State never allows a ceasefire : Kyriakos was hardly gone for a few hours when it started already to attack our mourning companions, unleashed its henchmen against the ones it already called “terrorists” and “guerilleros” as a reference to the guerillas of the 2000’. Many persons, M. among them, are thus targeted by a counter-terrorist investigation and prosecuted for 8 charges.

Continue reading From Paris to Athens from the depths of our hearts. (France)

Text by Pola Roupa in View of the Judicial Council in Chalkida on January 10, ’25 (Greece)

via: athens.indymedia

Translated to English by Nikos Maziotis and Pola Roupa

I was released on November 17, 2023, after 8.5 years of detention in prison for my participation in the Revolutionary Struggle.

Under the current legal framework for a twenty-year prison sentence like mine, I could have been released earlier if I had more wages. However, the large number of trials, my constant transfers from Eleonas prison to Korydallos prison and the repeated quarantines that I was forced to undergo due to the transfers (covid regime), were the reasons why I lost many months of wages, increasing the time I spent in closed prison. The judicial council that decided on my release did nothing more than refuse to place me in an exceptional situation and decide as it has been deciding for years for the many hundreds of other prisoners.

A few days after my release, a deputy prosecutor of appeals in Chalkida appealed the decision of the Thebes misdemeanor court by which I was released, asking to return me to prison. On January 10, 2024, I was tried by a judicial council in Chalkida on the basis of an appeal requesting my re-imprisonment.
Continue reading Text by Pola Roupa in View of the Judicial Council in Chalkida on January 10, ’25 (Greece)

Update from the gathering at Kassavetia prison 31/12/24 (Greece)

On 31/12/24, a gathering was held at Kassavetia prison (juvenile wing) in solidarity with the anarchist comrade inside. The comrade has been in custody since 7/11/2024 accused of arson of an interrogation van in Messolonghi.

Arriving outside the prison with fliers and banners, the prisoners’ voices resonated with the intense atmosphere and joined our own. We stood for 25 minutes shouting slogans and there was great interaction with the prisoners. Throughout the entire duration, there was a discreet presence of the cops until our departure from the village where the prison is located.


Open solidarity meeting with comrade K.K. in Athens

Athens,Greece: Letter by Anarchist prisoner Dimitra Z. from Koridallos Women Prisons

via:  athens.indymedia

Translated by Act for freedom now!




Two months ago, on 31/10 at Arcadia Street in Ampelokipi,
a crack in time was created when anarchist comrade Kyriakos
Xymitiris loses his life after an explosion. Anarchist comrade
Marianna is seriously injured and a “witch hunt” starts so that
they meet the requirements to set up the charges based on
the 187A law.

Learning the news about the facts in Ampelokipi and considering
possible that the repressive – media mechanisms of the state would
attempt to connect me to the case through the keys of the
apartment on Arcadia Street which I handed over to the comrades some days earlier, I returned to Greece from abroad where I live the
last years. Returning on Monday 4/11, they waited for me at the
airport at the landing point 15-20 anti-terrorist police officers,
seized my personal belongings and afterwards they transferred me
to the 13th floor of GADA . Initially they announced to me
my admission which later turned into arrest based on a
inflated and without proof set of charges about setting up and
participating in terrorist organization, explosion and possession,
construction and supply of explosives. Interrogator Mrs. Georgia
Kioulepoglou with the public prosecutor after the interrogative proceedings decided, with non-existent proof, my imprisonment. Two days earlier with the same loose charges comrade Dimitris was also imprisoned.

Continue reading Athens,Greece: Letter by Anarchist prisoner Dimitra Z. from Koridallos Women Prisons

Greece/ Grete in Chania :Two-day Event – Discussion Mapping the legal “arsenal” // Planning the attack on sovereignty

Two-day Event – Discussion
Mapping the legal “arsenal” // Planning the attack on sovereignty

Friday 10/01, 20:00

Documentary screening of Fino All’ Ultimo Respiro (Until the Last Breath) – on Alfredo Cospito’s detention conditions and the 41bis law [duration 28′]

Some notes on 41-bis and suppression in Italy

Saturday 11/01, 19:00

Book presentation “Which International?” by Alfredo Cospito // Interview-discussion of Alfredo Cospito in the anarchist newspaper Vetriolo, when he was imprisoned in Ferrara jail in Italy. -Presentation from the Anarchist hangout Nadir & the Anarchist project Ragnarok
Continue reading Greece/ Grete in Chania :Two-day Event – Discussion Mapping the legal “arsenal” // Planning the attack on sovereignty

Solidarity from Uruguay to Athens.en/es/de


December 2024

We live in a world in which our existence is continuously threaten by the capitalist advances in all their expressions. Governments and businessman, mercenaries without scruples are responsible of keeping the status quo, while submitting all of us by means of state violence to a life of misery and resignation.Confronting such reality, those who rise up and resist head against this imposed reality, are turned immediately into terrorist.

This idea is sustained and reproduced thanks to the unconditional support of the dis-information media, which fulfills very well their role of deforming opinion. Nothing further from reality than the headlines of the local yellow press.

Who decides to attack?

There is no such things as a savior complex in those who decide to fight. It is rather a personal decision that keeps coherence with the chosen path in life. Tireless and stubborn, us who chose this way are the undesirable reflex of a society that thinks of it self in terms of the oppressor. Therefore, we will always be on the side of those who rise up, face the oppressor and attack. Making clear that these are not invulnerable monsters.

Continue reading Solidarity from Uruguay to Athens.en/es/de

(Chile) Incendiary Stroll at Liceo 7 José Toribio Medina, Ñuñoa

December 11, 2024 / informativoanarquista

Translated by Act for freedom now!

received by email

Thursday, December 5, masked individuals raised barricades and confronted the police (COP) with molotov cocktails outside of Liceo 7 José Toribio Medina in Ñuñoa, Santiago.

The incendiary action was carried out in rejection of the political persecution experienced inside the establishment, which has resulted in harassment and expulsion of students who have been linked with actions of the street struggle.

Continue reading (Chile) Incendiary Stroll at Liceo 7 José Toribio Medina, Ñuñoa