Statement by the imprisoned member of Anarchist Action, Thanos Chatziaggelou, on taking political responsibility, and the political substance of the trial of the organisation.
This trial is a political trial, a trial of subjects who are in the crosshairs of institutionalised terrorism, not only for their actions but for their political constitution and for taking the right side in the class war. No matter how great the attempt to decontextualize the content and selfless motives of the acts in the upcoming trial by talking about common crime, in reality the State is itself sealing the political character of the trial with its special laws, our exemption and surveillance status, security measures, interpretation of anti-terrorist provisions and a possible heavy sentence dictated by the anti-terrorist echelons.
And yet, instead of seeing people cowering in fear of prison and pervasive terrorism, you see each of us standing proud of the choices and values that define our lives. And that in defiance of the times and your monopoly of monopoly the greatest danger lurks, that this trial will override the evidentiary process and turn into a trial of intent.
In the face of a system that does not even have the courage to assume its political responsibilities, proudly and without a second thought I take political responsibility for my commitment to Anarchist Action, because my word of honour and commitment to the Revolutionary Cause left me no room to abandon the political substance and history of the form I participated in at your hands.
In an era of political apathy towards revolutionary action and the relativisation of tasks and demands in the face of one’s personal expectations and pleasures, the assertion of political responsibility is itself an aggressive move. My individual political constitution, my priorities, my loyalty and dedication to the tasks of the revolution do not allow me to treat my life lightly. I have assumed the political responsibility to be coherent first and foremost with myself and my comrades, alongside whom my commitment to Anarchy was, is and will forever remain a binding oath of complicity. To defend Anarchist Action against a slanderous narrative that would attempt to cut off actions from motives and historical context, for the requirements of the institutionalized and legally enforced violence of the State and its lackeys.
Continue reading Larissa court,Greece: Statement by the imprisoned member of Anarchist Action, Thanos Hatziangelou, on taking political responsibility, and the political substance of the trial of the organisation