Category Archives: Revolutionary Prisoners News

Larissa court,Greece: Statement by the imprisoned member of Anarchist Action, Thanos Hatziangelou, on taking political responsibility, and the political substance of the trial of the organisation

Statement by the imprisoned member of Anarchist Action, Thanos Chatziaggelou, on taking political responsibility, and the political substance of the trial of the organisation.

This trial is a political trial, a trial of subjects who are in the crosshairs of institutionalised terrorism, not only for their actions but for their political constitution and for taking the right side in the class war. No matter how great the attempt to decontextualize the content and selfless motives of the acts in the upcoming trial by talking about common crime, in reality the State is itself sealing the political character of the trial with its special laws, our exemption and surveillance status, security measures, interpretation of anti-terrorist provisions and a possible heavy sentence dictated by the anti-terrorist echelons.

And yet, instead of seeing people cowering in fear of prison and pervasive terrorism, you see each of us standing proud of the choices and values that define our lives. And that in defiance of the times and your monopoly of monopoly the greatest danger lurks, that this trial will override the evidentiary process and turn into a trial of intent.

In the face of a system that does not even have the courage to assume its political responsibilities, proudly and without a second thought I take political responsibility for my commitment to Anarchist Action, because my word of honour and commitment to the Revolutionary Cause left me no room to abandon the political substance and history of the form I participated in at your hands.

In an era of political apathy towards revolutionary action and the relativisation of tasks and demands in the face of one’s personal expectations and pleasures, the assertion of political responsibility is itself an aggressive move. My individual political constitution, my priorities, my loyalty and dedication to the tasks of the revolution do not allow me to treat my life lightly. I have assumed the political responsibility to be coherent first and foremost with myself and my comrades, alongside whom my commitment to Anarchy was, is and will forever remain a binding oath of complicity. To defend Anarchist Action against a slanderous narrative that would attempt to cut off actions from motives and historical context, for the requirements of the institutionalized and legally enforced violence of the State and its lackeys.
Continue reading Larissa court,Greece: Statement by the imprisoned member of Anarchist Action, Thanos Hatziangelou, on taking political responsibility, and the political substance of the trial of the organisation

Repression Can Be Expensive – Fire at Skoda in Leipzig, Germany


Last night, we went out and attacked several new cars of a Skoda dealer in East Leipzig with fire as a reaction to the house searches against antifascists last week. In doing so, we surrendered a total of 19 cars to the flames with simple means – 12 of them burned out completely, the rest were heavily damaged. Skoda proudly participates in equipping police units around the world.

On Wednesday, March 15 – of all days on the international day against police violence – the police stormed 5 apartments of antifascists in Jena and 3 in Leipzig with machine guns at the ready. In the same afternoon, a special task force attacked an entire house on the Eichendorffstraße in Connewitz and even shot(!) several doors open. As background, they named the attacks on neo-Nazis around an international fascist meeting in Budapest in February. Also in Karlsruhe, a house search took place, in which the pigs also proceeded with extreme brutality, background here were the protests against the AfD state party conference in Offenburg.

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On the night of Wednesday, 24.04, in solidarity with Alfredo, we decorated the facade of the insurance company Generali with paint. (Bern,Switzerland)

Generali is an Italian company and one of the pillars in Europe. Alfredo was for 180 on hunger strike, fighting against 41bis since 20.10.22 . Although Alfredo stopped his hunger strike, we decided to attack because he is still in jail and 41bis still exists. 41bis is a prison regime to which other 728 prisoners are also subjected.

Continue reading On the night of Wednesday, 24.04, in solidarity with Alfredo, we decorated the facade of the insurance company Generali with paint. (Bern,Switzerland)

Porto Alegre, Brazil: Action Against the Italian Consulate in Solidarity with Anarchist Comrade Alfredo Cospito

P0rt0 Al3gr3 Bra$il

Sometimes anarchist presences are so few that more than once we have been predicted to disappear. Sometimes our fury is so intense that it provokes fear and long periods of internal explanatory purging. Sometimes many, sometimes few, but constantly and with great determination, we are always there for each other.

And that is why, more than once, the fire, the stones, the concentrations from Greece, Italy, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Bolivia, Uruguay, Colombia, Chile …. illuminate different territories under the same intention: We are for you Alfredo, we hate all those who set you on fire and we support your struggle from outside.
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Milan, Italy: Updates on Alfredo Cospito’s health after ending the hunger strike (27th April and 3th of May2023)

Update on Alfredo Cospito’s health after ending the hunger strike (27th April 2023)

Alfredo is starting to eat again (although more slowly than he’d like, eh! eh!), he is gradually starting to eat pasta and solids, in line with the suggestions of the dietologist.

His overall readings are relatively good. There seems to be a slight improvement in the condition of the foot that had lost all feeling, but according to the doctors it is not possible to make any prognosis for the time being, in any case he is walking a little better.

He is still hospitalised in the prison wing of San Paolo hospital, impatient to get out of hospital as at present he does not even have access to the hour’s exercise period and basically never gets out of the room/cell, moreover without even any natural light; however the doctors are saying that he should remain there for at least another week. He is in good spirits, basically he is getting better. He will continue to get visits from his lawyer and doctor, so there will be updates to follow.

Continue reading Milan, Italy: Updates on Alfredo Cospito’s health after ending the hunger strike (27th April and 3th of May2023)

Responsibility claim for the attack on the head of the Prison Control Inspectorate by Direct Action Cells – ‘Cell Katerina Goulioni’ (Athens,Greece)

Direct Action Cells take responsibility for the attack with a low-power incendiary/explosive device at the home of the head of the Inspection and Control Corps of Detention Facilities and Deputy Prosecutor of Appeals Spyridoula Presveias at 13 Solomou Street in the area of Glyfada, in the early hours of 1/4.


We are sending a clear message to prison prosecutors, prison wardens, prison officers, managers, directors, social workers who choose to treat prisoners as second-class citizens. Who choose to play dirty political games on their backs. Who become agents of the Ministry of Civil Protection in order to advance themselves and their careers. Gather round because you will find us in front of you. The prosecutor we targeted is the head of the institution responsible for the internal control of prisons and is directly responsible for all the injustices suffered by prisoners, especially after the passage of the new penal and new prison code.

Spyridoula Presveias as the head of the Prison Inspection and Control Corps (ΣΕΕΚΚ) is the person whose responsibilities concern the most authoritarian parts of anti-crime policy. He was appointed by the (former) secretary general of anti-crime policy Sophia Nikolaou, a failed New Democracy politician and declared enemy of prisoners, who a few years ago did everything in her power to try to murder the communist revolutionary Dimitris Koufontinas.
Continue reading Responsibility claim for the attack on the head of the Prison Control Inspectorate by Direct Action Cells – ‘Cell Katerina Goulioni’ (Athens,Greece)

News from Anarchist comrade Ivan Alocco (France)

News from Ivan

New cell searches

The “scrutiny” of me, from the Prison Administration (and/or the investigating judge?), continues. More reprisals for my hunger strikes? Who knows…

In any case, on February 14 there was a third search of my cell (after those of December 6 and January 9). Around 7:30 pm the ERIS arrived with helmets, hoods and shields. There were about a dozen of them, one officer was holding papers in his hand, on the top I could see my picture. Our cell was the only one in this wing that was searched (but they had a dog in the corridors), two others were searched in another wing, I don’t know about the other buildings. There was the warden, Michael Merci, and the deputy warden watching, beyond the glass doors. As soon as they took me and my cellmate (who had been here in the building for only a week) out of the cell, we were handcuffed and taken to the shower room on the first floor for the usual strip search. We were locked in the showers for the two hours that the search of our cell lasted. They found a cell phone with its charger. On Tuesday 21 March, I went to the disciplinary board. As a punishment, for 30 days my ability to access the canteen is suspended.

On March 30, it was the same thing again. The ELACs arrive and the story restarts.

The investigation: hard disks decrypted
Continue reading News from Anarchist comrade Ivan Alocco (France)

Greece: Thanos Chatziaggelou – From Greece to Chile Anarchy is a trial, not on trial

Letter of the imprisoned member of Anarchist Action Th. Chatziaggelou to the Chilean imprisoned comrades Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar in view of their trial on May 19

…without a trace of remorse

Anarchy does not bend. It stands proud and unscathed. It travels like waves in the most turbulent seas, hiding its will and rage. It does not swerve, it does not evade. It walks wholeheartedly into the fire and burns to purify the fragmentation of human dignity. It finds temporary refuge in every battle for absolute freedom. It bleeds, is broken, dies and is reborn again and again, giving an endless nightmare to its tyrants.

Anarchy does not bow down. It stands disobedient before the executioners of freedom. It defends its entity under the blade of the political-ideological guillotine even in the most suffocating environment. Dedicated to its historical weight, it leaves its mark indelibly on time to arm new uncontrollable armies of disobedient minorities. It does not give up, it does not repent. It does not diminish and is not silent in the face of subjugation and exploitation. It rises up.

Continue reading Greece: Thanos Chatziaggelou – From Greece to Chile Anarchy is a trial, not on trial

Chile : Words of Anarchist Comrades Mónica and Francisco in View of the Upcoming Trial

Words of Mónica and Francisco in View of the Upcoming Trial

Justice is already fine-tuning all the details for his big party, he will choose his best outfit and meticulously sharpen his sword. Nothing can go wrong at the moment when he shows himself for what he is: the executioner of the powerful.

The sword of justice has been kept in storage waiting for the key moment to strike the right blow to our bodies. That moment translated into punitive punishment will find its climax in the oral trial, which is already set for May 19. This trial is expected to be a long process of several months.

Continue reading Chile : Words of Anarchist Comrades Mónica and Francisco in View of the Upcoming Trial

Athens,Greece: Solidarity Gathering Saturday 22/4, at Koridallos prison.

“It’s a struggle of resistance to not be buried alive! It is a struggle for hope, for freedom, for life itself.”
Prisoners of Korydallos Prison

Since 28/10/22 the prisoners of the Greek hellholes have been sending their own message of resistance against the new toughened penal code by carrying out a Circle of escalating mobilizations.

Their demands include the return of prisons to the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Justice, the abolition of C-type prisons, the right to 1/5 off the sentence for all (from 5/6) and 8 years for multi-lifers, the right to request a transfer to a rural detention centre for all without exception, to bring back the amendments to the article on educational leave, temporary leave to be made independently of the prisoner’s disciplinary record, and the immediate granting of leave to people with 67% or more disability, such as Savvas Xiros, who is being held vindictively and sadistically incarcerated, with a disability of 98%. This mobilization is essential resistance of the prisoners with the few means they have.

Continue reading Athens,Greece: Solidarity Gathering Saturday 22/4, at Koridallos prison.