Category Archives: Revolutionary Prisoners News

Athens, Greece: Update on the health condition for the anarchist hunger striker Giannis Michailidis (12/5/23

Athens, Koridallos prison : Update on the health condition for the anarchist hunger striker Giannis Michailidis (12/5/23

Today 8/6/23 while the anarchist comrade Giannis Michailidis is on his 28th day of hunger strike, resisting the regime of exemption imposed on him by the State and the judicial authorities, his blood sugar dropped to 47 and he was immediately taken to the “St. Paul” hospital for prisoners. He signed a paper to go back to Korydallos prison.

Today the comrade’s clinical observations are as follows:

Weight 57 kilos
Blood pressure 10 over 6
Pulse 60
Blood sugar 47

Our comrade, in the name of dignity and freedom, is again choosing the same torturous path which has already, it seems, created irreparable health problems. In this struggle, however, he has exposed the true face of the judiciary and continues to do so; all that remains is for us to support him in practice until he is with us again. We owe it to ourselves to respond to our comrade’s fortitude and to respond to the countless arbitrary acts of the State.

Assembly of solidarity with the anarchist hunger striker Giannis Michailidis in Athens



Notes:  31 May, 2023 Update on the health condition of the anarchist Giannis Michailidis on hunger strike since 12/5/23

Gathering-demonstration against fur Friday 9/6 by Antispeciesists against fur and leather industry(Athens,Greece)

Athens: Gathering-demonstration against fur-leather industry and every type of confinement Friday 9/6 17:00 monastiraki square

It is difficult to depict with words what “fur and leather industry” means. We have been used to repeat terms without combining them with physical reality,to replicate them like they are abstract concepts, to forget that they come with the body pain of many,too many, individuals.Maybe the best description of the violent dissociation of animals’ leather and fur industry are these animals’ screams, their silences full of despair, their horror stares. All these happen far away from the well-polished cities,many kilometres away from the shining showcases of the stores that trade what has been stolen from the animals.

They happen for example in Kastoria,Kozani,Ptolemaida,Florina and Grevena where factories-prisons are full of small,dirty cages with weak,scared animals that have not been given even one day of freedom, without having ever been able to run,to play, to find comrades, to explore the forest and sleep quietly under one of its shadows. They grow up in bare minimum,merciless spaces,either being unable to come in touch with other creatures,or being piled up all together without their inherent competitiveness and their need for personal space. For example, minks fight fiercely each other,get seriously injured and stay with their wounds open and infected.Foxes are subjected to generical modifications in order to “offer” more fur while being slaughtered, and as a result they have heavy bodies and auto-immunes diseases that cause them pain every day.

Continue reading Gathering-demonstration against fur Friday 9/6 by Antispeciesists against fur and leather industry(Athens,Greece)

Athens, Greece: Intervention at central offices of general newspapers in solidarity with the anarchist hunger striker from 12/5 /23  G.Michailidis

Athens, Intervention at central offices of general newspapers in solidarity with the anarchist hunger striker from 12/5 /23  G.Michailidis

Today, June 6/23, as the anarchist comrade Giannis Mchailidis is on his 26th day of hunger strike, we are holding an intervention at the offices of “Εφημεpίδa suntaktwn “. We threw flyers, hung a banner and demanded that the text calling for a meeting and march on Saturday 10 June at 18:00 at Monastiraki area of Athens be published, as we want to demonstrate against the silencing of our comrade’s 26 day struggle by the mainstream media.

The anarchist political prisoner Giannis Michailidis has been on hunger strike since 12/5/23 resisting the regime of exemption imposed on him by the state and the judicial authorities.




by Assembly in solidarity with the anarchist hunger striker Giannis Mchailidis in Athens

Kaisariani area, Αthens : Coordinated attacks on windows and doors of the ΚΕΠ (Citizens advice office of the state) and the ELΤΑ (post offices) by Solidarians.

Kaisarian area : coordinated attacks on windows and doors of the ΚΕΠ (  Citizens advice office of the state) and the  ELΤΑ (post offices).

On Saturday 27 May, at 1am, we attacked the Κ.Ε.Π. Citizens advice office of the state)and the  ELΤΑ (post offices)  in Kaisariani area  at the same time, destroying their windows and doors. We carried out this action in solidarity with the anarchist hunger striker from 12/5/23 Giannis Michailidis.

Our comrade is suffering at the hands of the state because of his ideas and action, and has been subjected to multiple mockeries by the bureaucratic apparatus. That is why we too have chosen two cogs of this mechanism as targets.

We attach the text of the statement of our comrade’s hunger strike.

Victory in the hunger strike of G. Michailidis

by solidarians

Via: athens.indymedia

Translated by Act for freedom now!

Statement of solidarity of the imprisoned member of Anarchist Action Th. Chatzianggelou to the struggle of the anarchist hunger striker G. Michailidis (from 12/5/23, (Larissa court, Greece)

Statement of solidarity of the imprisoned member of Anarchist Action Th. Chatzianggelou to the struggle of the anarchist hunger striker G. Michailidis (from 12/5), during the trial of the Anarchist Organisation Action on 25/5/23

In an era of political rot and the deadly rigidity of social competition, we have a duty to be the voice of those who cannot be heard. Those whose right meets walls and grids. We are here for each other, to carry the right of the uncontested, circulating the struggles. With a deep-rooted sense of collectivization and the need to continue to struggle to claim what we are deprived of. Because for us, nothing was ever taken for granted.
Continue reading Statement of solidarity of the imprisoned member of Anarchist Action Th. Chatzianggelou to the struggle of the anarchist hunger striker G. Michailidis (from 12/5/23, (Larissa court, Greece)

Athens,Greece : Banner hung and stencils sprayed in solidarity with anarchist comrade Giannis Michailidis

Athens: Banner hung and stencils sprayed in solidarity with comrade Giannis Michailidis

On Friday 2/5/23 we put up banners in the area of Agia Paraskevi/Geraka areas of athens and painted stencils in the area of Kypseli andVictoria in solidarity with the anarchist comrade Giannis Michailidis who has been on hunger strike since 12/5/23

Solidarity with all those who are incarcerated until we destroy all cells/cages.
Until total liberation
Fire to all cells/cages




Translated by Act for freedom now!

Volos, Greece: Intervention in solidarity with G. Michailidis during a concert.

City of Volos: Intervention in solidarity with G. Michailidis during a concert.

From the intervention during the second day of the 6th PDO Fest where a text was read by the Open Assembly of Solidarity to the Anarchist Hunger Striker G.Michailidis which summarizes the striker’s situation in order to further publicize the state’s arbitrariness and vindictiveness towards him.

The next open meeting in solidarity with the anarchist hunger striker G.Michailidis will take place on Tuesday 06/06 18:00 at the Matsanggou squat in volos city.


Open Assembly of Solidarity with the Anarchist Hunger Striker G. Michailidis

Translated by Act for freedom now!

Greece: Update on the health condition of the anarchist Giannis Michailidis on hunger strike since 12/5/23

Update on the health condition of the anarchist
Giannis Michailidis on hunger strike since 12/5/23

The condition of the comrade yesterday morning 31 May, 2023 was as follows:

Giannis: 59 kilos (Started at 67)
Pressure 10 to 6
Blood sugar 69
Pulse 56
Oxygen 98
During the evening observations he presented a worse picture, specifically a very low heart rate so he was taken to the Korydallos prison hospital for further tests. There the observations showed 39 heartbeats so the comrade agreed to stay there overnight. In the morning he was transferred to an external hospital (Agia Olga) for more detailed examinations, he signed that he did not want to be hospitalized and was returned back to prison.

Immediate release of anarchist Giannis Michailidis
Until the destruction of the last cage

Assembly of solidarity with the anarchist hunger striker Giannis Michailidis in Greece.

Thessaloniki,Greece : Responsibility claim attack on COSMOTE van in solidarity with Giannis Michailidis by Anarchists

THESSALONIKI : Taking responsibility for Attack  by Anarchists


Once again dystopia is dangerously close to us. The state is constantly inventing new ways to undermine our living conditions more and more. Labour rights are now a thing of the past as partial employment contracts, the daily dismissal of trade unionists, often fatal work accidents, wage cuts, and the repayment or non-payment of bonuses under extortionate conditions are the status quo. At the same time, it is becoming increasingly shamelessly obvious how expendable our lives are to the state apparatus.

The 57 murders in Tempe, the daily deportations and repatriations of migrant women on equally murderous terms, and the more ‘indirect’ method of the state’s death policy by raising the prices of everyday products, electricity and gas, as well as rents. Of course, even if you have to pay for all this, no one can guarantee that the next day you will still have a house to live in, since there is no longer any protection of the first home and the cops and prosecutors may appear one day in your living room and literally throw you out on the street within a few hours with all the things you have managed to collect.

Continue reading Thessaloniki,Greece : Responsibility claim attack on COSMOTE van in solidarity with Giannis Michailidis by Anarchists

PATRA, Greece: Taking responsibility for a barrage of attacks on banks in solidarity with the anarchist hunger striker Giannis Michailidis By Anarchists

PATRA: Taking responsibility for a barrage of attacks on banks in solidarity with the anarchist hunger striker Giannis Michailidis By Anarchists

Expert from the action claim :

At dawn on Tuesday (30/5) we carried out a series of coordinated attacks on bank facades and ATMs, in solidarity with the anarchist hunger striker Yannis Michailidis, who has been on hunger strike since 12/5.

Specifically target of our actions were the following bank branches:

Attack with sledgehammers on ALPHA BANK and Piraeus bank in the fisherman’s village area – Explosive attack on the ATM of the Piraeus bank in Maizonos and Zimi streets in EL.TA. Post offices. Explosive attack on the ALPHA BANK bank at Karolou and Rigas Feraiou streets.

Continue reading PATRA, Greece: Taking responsibility for a barrage of attacks on banks in solidarity with the anarchist hunger striker Giannis Michailidis By Anarchists