Category Archives: Revolutionary Prisoners News

(Chile) Claim for Arson Attack on RED Bus Outside San Miguel Prison

Claim for Arson Attack on RED Bus Outside San Miguel Prison

(communiqué and images received on 6/8/23 to the email

Arson attack on RED bus outside San Miguel Prison

When we visualize the face of the enemy, we immediately recognize the prison and its penitentiary system, with all its apparatuses and officials, as a target to destroy since this is where they have historically sought to imprison revolutionary minds and actions.

Both in the past and in the present, we know that our comrades in prison have had to resist constant harassment of their bodies on a daily basis, as the gendarmerie tries to systematically demoralize our comrades in prison through humiliation, punishment, torture, threats to take away their visits or orders in the face of any act that alters the codes of domination within the units.

That is why, by means of a precision attack, we set fire to a RED bus with an efficient incendiary device outside the San Miguel Prison, aiming to disrupting the passivity that wafts through the streets, throughout this society that surveilles and controls behavior, longing for submission and building a false belief in the impossibility of fighting it.

A special greeting to comrade Mónica Caballero, who is in a new trial against her together with Francisco Solar for several explosive attacks against repressors and powerful people. Insurrectional solidarity with Mónica and Francisco!

Continue reading (Chile) Claim for Arson Attack on RED Bus Outside San Miguel Prison

Against the repression against anarchists in Indonesia

Poster – solidarity call Indonesia vengeance 

Against the repression against anarchists in Indonesia

In the past few years we have seen a massive crackdown on anarchist individuals and cells by the State. Though in some cases it was arbitrary arrests of individuals, the recent state-sponsored studies on anarchist activity in Indonesia has been brought to our attention.

It is because of these reasons and also to secure our comrades that are already targeted by the State that we need better infrastructure of resistance in this era of social control and surveillance. The necessity of this proposed solidarity infrastructure is part of our continual revolt against the state and its apparatus. We are not paranoid or overwhelmed by fear, in fact the opposite, we want to strike harder than before and we want to get better at storming the heavens. You can support our infrastructure of resistance project:

Bitcoin: bc1qdnwyn9pwccngewszyq67azztdc6cznjhj346vt

Informal Anarchist Groups and Individuals / West Java


Call for revolutionary solidarity with anarchist comrades in Indonesia

Again the repressive international security state moves against the
anarchist tendencies who fight to establish and maintain their existence as a threat to the system. The anarchists in Indonesia who are principled enough to put their words into actions are our comrades in struggle. In an increased atmosphere of anti-anarchist repression against the movement in Indonesia, alongside the criminalization of the Anarchist Black Cross group there, we call for international solidarity and closer contact for mutual aid and common projects, to aid anarchists under repression and help support anarchist infrastructures.
Continue reading Against the repression against anarchists in Indonesia

Call for International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners 2023 // 23 – 30 August

The world is on fire. The climate crisis is getting worse and worse. Instead of masks against Covid-19, people now have to wear masks against smoke from forest fires. At the same time huge areas getting flooded due to heavy rain caused by the ongoing pollution of the environment. Nothing of that is caused by individual decisions of the people. It is not cause by buying the wrong product in the supermarket. It is caused by the systematic exploitation of nature and humanity. Governments and big corporations are the ones steering us into a climate catastrophe that, at this point, seems to be unstoppable.

Governments and big corporations that created a world where wealthy people are more important than others. This was especially visible while the global media had nothing better to do than talking for 5 days about a missing submarine filled with 5 rich people, while hundreds of others are dying in the mediterranean sea during their try to get chances for a better life.
Continue reading Call for International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners 2023 // 23 – 30 August

Berlin (Germany): fire at the antenna of a technology park

via: sansnom

Berlin : fire at the antenna of a technology park

Relay antenna arsoned in Berlin-Wuhlheide
From de.indymedia, August 7, 2023

Often, certain actions seek a media echo and are therefore planned accordingly. We don’t know why none of the media have reported on our act so far. It’s puzzling, and it would be interesting to know whether there is some kind of silencing imposed by the forces of order or politics (?) to prevent the dissemination of such opportunities for action (?). It’s doubtful that acts of sabotage attract no media interest, but we can only speculate in this regard.

Our real motivation for our project, however, is not media attention, but concrete attack and destruction. That’s why we placed three time-delay incendiary devices under the cables, the computer cabinet and the electrical distribution cabinet of the antenna. This happened on the night of August 3, 2023.
Continue reading Berlin (Germany): fire at the antenna of a technology park

(Spain) For Arsonists and Other Like-Minded Individuals: Claiming the Arson Attack on an Indra Van (25/07/2023)

For Arsonists and Other Like-Minded Individuals: Claiming the Arson Attack on an Indra Van (25/07/2023)

July 28th, 2023


Last Tuesday the 25th, at dawn, we attacked a van belonging to the company Indra near the neighborhood of Vallcarca with our favorite materials: gasoline and fire.
Indra, an arms manufacturer, is the technical part of the development of state geopolitical and economic interests.

Numerous contracts with the Spanish Ministry of Defense demonstrate its participation in military armament projects as well as its control of 80% of the Sociedad Española de Misiles, the Spanish subsidiary of the main European missile manufacturer.

Today, the military industry has adopted a new image that departs from that of the military staging a coup d’état to a kinder one, of friendly and smiling professional mercenaries who, together with their suppliers, respond to a social demand for security.
Continue reading (Spain) For Arsonists and Other Like-Minded Individuals: Claiming the Arson Attack on an Indra Van (25/07/2023)

Chile: Brief Update on the First Days of the Hearing Against Monica and Francisco

Brief Update on the First Days of the Hearing Against Monica and Francisco 

July 23rd, 2023     via: informativoanarquista

Subsequently, Francisco’s defense team intervened, who, supported by the fact that the comrade had assumed his responsibility in the attacks some months ago, appealed for the reclassification of the charges presented by the Prosecutor’s Office, seeking to reduce the years of the sentence. They requested for what happened in the 54th Police Station of Huechuraba to be classified as injuries and not as attempted murder, for the unexploded package against Hinzpeter to be reclassified as simple and not aggravated attempted murder and for the attacks against the Tánica Building to not be classified as terrorist acts. In addition, they requested the incorporation of the legal principle of Non bis un idem, which consists of not trying one person more than once for the same crime. Monica’s defense seeks acquittal on all charges against her.

During the first day, a solidarity rally was held with the comrades outside the Santiago Justice Center.

Continue reading Chile: Brief Update on the First Days of the Hearing Against Monica and Francisco

Greece Text of the anarchist political prisoner Pola Roupa : On My Extraordinary Permit and Parody-Transfer

Pola Roupa: On My Extraordinary Permit and Parody-Transfer

Since summer 2022 I have been released from prison every 2 months on ordinary leave during which I travel and stay at my family home in Kalamata, where my son lives. These leaves are without police escort and control. Since so far I have enjoyed a total of 5 regular permits and I move freely wherever I want in the prefecture of Messinia and while in 1 month I will have served the sentence required for conditional leave, I requested and received an extraordinary permit of 48 hours due to a serious health problem of a relative of mine.

I was informed that the leave would be with a police escort due to its extraordinary nature and I asked that it be discreet. But instead of discreet, my transfer was made with measures I had never had before and without prior notice. Naturally, the neighborhood was upset, as were my relatives who wondered why all this had happened as I had just been in Kalamata for 3 weeks. As for the local community, acquaintances and friends in town, some treated the event with astonishment and others with acid humor, speaking of its ridiculousness.

Continue reading Greece Text of the anarchist political prisoner Pola Roupa : On My Extraordinary Permit and Parody-Transfer

Montevideo, Territory occupied by the Uruguayan State: Gesture of Solidarity with Monica and Francisco

Gesture of Solidarity with Monica and Francisco
July 19, 2023

On the afternoon of July 17, 2023, on the eve of the beginning of the trial against the anarchists Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar, we decided to carry out a solidarity action in front of the Chilean embassy in Montevideo. The purpose of this action is to demonstrate the violence and viciousness of the government in power and the justice system in general that has kept them in preventive detention for three years now, a government that even dressed in its best progressive clothes cannot hide the fact that it keeps political prisoners in its prisons.

We do so once again to affirm that there are political prisoners in Chile and to back our comrades absolutely. Their actions are framed in the struggle against the violence of the State, they took the initiative and returned the blows received.

Continue reading Montevideo, Territory occupied by the Uruguayan State: Gesture of Solidarity with Monica and Francisco

(Chile) words by Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar at the beginning of the trial.

Words by Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar at the beginning of the trial.
July 16, 2023

In the next few days will begin the culminating phase of this long judicial process that has kept us in prison for the last 3 years. This oral trial should not take very long insofar as Francisco assumed responsibility for the actions, politically vindicating each one of the attacks. However, everything indicates that the prosecution will spare no effort and resources to achieve all possible aggravations, making this instance the precise moment in which Power will come down with all its brutality.

These 3 years have meant the strengthening of ties of affinity and solidarity with various anarchist spaces of this territory and other distant ones, as well as being part of the coordination of anarchist and subversive prisoners raising multiple initiatives of struggle together with a clear anti-prison perspective. In short, these years have meant facing life in prison with dignity, never ceasing for a moment to be an active part of the informal anarchist galaxy, constantly trying to break with the exclusive role of “prisoner” to which Power tries to delimit us.

Continue reading (Chile) words by Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar at the beginning of the trial.

(Spain) Words From Comrade Gabriel Pombo da Silva July 16, 2023

Words From Comrade Gabriel Pombo da Silva
July 16, 2023

Dear comrades: as incredible as it may seem to you, I have as yet had neither the desire, nor the ability, nor the will to sit down in front of a machine to (re)-announce my (re)-return to this frenetic world… in any case I have the will to share these brief words.

Be that as it may, finally the truth prevails, and their gray state officials should have recognized that they have kept me KIDNAPPED for many more years than what their “democratic” laws and rights commonly and ordinarily announce.
Continue reading (Spain) Words From Comrade Gabriel Pombo da Silva July 16, 2023