Category Archives: Library

RUMOER #7 in english

As always: angry, enthusiast, wild, worried and looking for interesting reflections and analyses in a world which doesn’t show us much good stuff. We wrote about nuclear technology (keep an eye on this, read about it, talk about it, do something), leaving as few as possible DNA traces, attack, so-called Smart Cities and much more.

We really like to spread this publication for free, not just by post and in social spaces, but also on the street and other gatherings. But that costs some money. Give us some or plenty of money:

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Santiago, Chile, 6-7 November 2023 ,End of trial and final declarations of Anarchists Francisco Solar and Mónica Caballero

End of trial and final declarations of Francisco Solar and Mónica Caballero (Santiago, Chile, 6-7 November 2023)

(IT) Conclusione del processo e dichiarazioni finali di Francisco Solar e Mónica Caballero (Santiago, Cile, 6-7 novembre 2023)

(FR) Fin du procès et déclarations de Francisco Solar et Mónica Caballero (Santiago, Chili, 6-7 novembre 2023)

(EN) End of trial and final declarations of Francisco Solar and Mónica Caballero (Santiago, Chile, 6-7 November 2023)

(GR) Σαντιάγο, Χιλή: Τέλος της δίκης και τελικές δηλώσεις των Francisco Solar και Mónica Caballero

The final hearings of the first instance trial against anarchist comrades Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar, arrested on July 24th 2020 and accused (only Francisco) of sending parcel-bombs to the 54th police station and to Rodrigo Hinzpeter, ex minister of the interior and national defence as well as a director of the Quiñenco (25th July 2019), and both of the double explosive attack in the real estate building Tánica (27th February 2020), in the bourgeois district of  Vitacura (in the metropolitan area of Santiago) which took place in the context of the generalised revolt that broke out in Chile in October 2019. The actions against the 54th police station and Hinzpeter were claimed by Cómplices Sediciosos Fracción por la Venganza, while that of the Tánica by the Afinidades Armadas en Revuelta.

In December 2021 Francisco claimed responsibility for both of the actions, giving the reasons, choice of objectives and revolutionary significance.

On 10th August 2022, after a series of extensions to the investigation period, the preliminary hearings have been concluded and requests for conviction been announced: 30 years’ prison for Mónica and 129 years for Francisco (according to the current judicial system in the Chilean State the public prosecutor’s office makes the requests before the start of the actual trial phase, the juicio oral). On 18th July of this year, after a postponement the trial finally began, which the comrades only attended in person during the first procedure of according to the current judicial system and the last hearing, attending the rest by video-conference.  During the July 18th hearing, the prosecutor, reformulating the initial requests, stated that the prosecutor’s office intends to inflict a sentence of 20 to 25 years on Mónica and one of over 150 on Francisco. During the hearing of 19th July Francisco reaffirmed assumption of responsibility for all the actions.

Continue reading Santiago, Chile, 6-7 November 2023 ,End of trial and final declarations of Anarchists Francisco Solar and Mónica Caballero

Kalinov Most. Publicación Anarquista Internacional #10. Noviembre 2023.

Ya esta en las calles:
Kalinov Most. Publicación Anarquista Internacional #10/Noviembre 2023.

La décima entrega de la revista Kalinov Most sale a la luz mientras uno de los compañeros encargados de la redacción, Francisco Solar, se encuentra finalizando el juicio junto con Mónica Caballero. Estos días el poder descargará toda su furia contra quienes han decidido rebelarse.

… Los muros y las alambradas nunca han sido obstáculos suficientes para seguir construyendo caminos de negación a este mundo.

En este número podrás encontrar:
-Reflexiones de una lucha
-El individuo contra el Estado
-Entre el crimen organizado y el Estado. Límites, reflexiones y
superaciones antiestatales.
– Bolivia. No es una cara «social» del anarquismo, son los falsos críticos. Ecos de un golpe represivo
– Francia. El corte es posible. Silencio! Las antenas se están quemando
– Italia. Asfixiando al movimiento anárquico. Sobre la operación represiva contra el periódico Bezmotivny.

Este y otros números los puedes encontrar en:
Chile (Editorial Memoria Negra), Argentina (Expandiendo La Revuelta), Uruguay (Criaturas Fantásticas), Colombia (Taller Incendia) y México (Konspiración Iconoclasta)

Cars as Cameras: A short overview of Tesla surveillance features and lessons for attack 2023

Cars, especially newer vehicles with built-in computer systems, know everything about their users and, consequentially, the people around them. Tesla is taking this a step further, turning cars into mobile, high-definition video surveillance systems. […] What should anarchists take away from this? How can we continue to attack this panoptic hellscape and get away with it?
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EN/IT`“Leitmotiv”, internationalist anarchist paper (Italy)

“Leitmotiv”, internationalist anarchist paper


This newspaper is an expression of solidarity to the comrades under investigation and subjected to precautionary measures in the ”op. Scripta scelera”.

The drafting of this paper has involved the participation of comrades who have always supported anarchist prisoners and revolutionary practices from dissociation and obscurantism towards comrades under investigation for actions considered “striking”. At a time like the present, where the repression against anarchists and the anarchist press has become acute, we welcomed the proposal to bring out a paper that is “provocative” and a challenge to the Genovese prosecutor and the DDAA led by Federico Manotti, a little man, servant of the state.

Leitmotiv, is the name we wanted to give this single issue of the paper as it traces and follows the same themes and lines as the internationalist anarchist fortnightly Bezmotvny.
Leitmotiv would have come out earlier if we had not come up against cop obstructionism, perhaps due to our superficiality; the day we were due to pick up copies at a commercial printer’s we were contacted by the owner who informed us that he had been contacted by the carabinieri.

Continue reading EN/IT`“Leitmotiv”, internationalist anarchist paper (Italy)

Activity in Solidarity with Monica and Francisco and Launch of Publication “Complicity & Sedition” (Chile)

Activity in Solidarity with Monica and Francisco and Launch of Publication “Complicity & Sedition”

(Excerpt from Buscandolakalle)

Thanks to everyone who came to the activity in solidarity with Monica and Francisco in Villa Portales, in the context of the trial that they are facing right now.
Thanks to the comrades who supported with music @viejoted @nietotampoco @tijeradegato @macomusica, those who created the space in Villa Portales, and all those in solidarity who collaborated to create and make possible this activity.

The publication “Complicity & Sedition” is already being spread at different fairs, editorials and distributors. If you want copies to spread, write to us to coordinate.
The video and audio of the comrade Francisco’s declaration to the court will be spread in the coming days.

The publication will also be launched in various territories.
Continue reading Activity in Solidarity with Monica and Francisco and Launch of Publication “Complicity & Sedition” (Chile)

Text of Anarchist comrade Giannis Michailidis on the struggle for his release (Greece)

Position of Giannis Michailidis on the struggle for his release


As I enjoy my freedom again, won through my second hunger and thirst strike, I reflect on the complex historical mosaic that not only shaped my personal choices but also wove the collective struggle against the state-capitalism complex. Far from being solitary acts of assertion, the hunger strikes were instead part of the social antagonism within the complex dynamics taking shape in Greece and the global landscape as the assault of the dominant powers deepens.

The backdrop in which these hunger strikes unfolded is characterised by profound global challenges, where the grip of capitalism has led to an alarming concentration of wealth and therefore power in the hands of a select few. Meanwhile, the vast majority of humanity lives in extreme poverty, crushed by the burden of industrial production and the relentless pursuit of profit by corporations. At the same time, the indiscriminate exploitation of natural resources has brought the planet dangerously close to the brink of irreversible climate change and has caused an unprecedented mass extinction of species.

In this web of power, States, whether Western or Eastern, impose their power by claiming a monopoly of violence. They blatantly wipe out entire populations with state-of-the-art weapons of mass destruction or use more subtle tactics, such as weaponizing hunger by systematically dismantling vital infrastructure in conflict-ridden areas. The world is on the brink of collapse because of nuclear arsenals ready to wipe it out in an instant. Stripping away the harsh reality, the real agents of terror are revealed – the States. In these circumstances, as I reflect on the battle for my personal freedom, I recognise its connection with the wider struggle from which my prolonged imprisonment had temporarily distanced me.

Continue reading Text of Anarchist comrade Giannis Michailidis on the struggle for his release (Greece)

How The Wind Rustles And The Acorns Fall: A Few Days Of Freedom! by Thomas Meyer-Falk -Freiburg (Germany)

How The Wind Rustles And The Acorns Fall: A Few Days Of Freedom!

On 29.08.2023, after almost 27 years of imprisonment, I was released from the high-security area of Freiburg prison with two hours notice. How does a person feel in such a situation? I would like to report on this after the first 14 days.

On 29.08.2023: The release!

At 8 a.m. I was still sitting in the visiting area of the prison with the probation officer, who might be responsible for me in the future, and we puzzled over when and if a release would take place. At 2 p.m. the time had come – I was discharged and on my way to my new place to live.

I should have been overflowing with happiness, but my focus was on the speedy handling of the move and my first official visits. Already around 3 p.m. I was at the job center and then at the health insurance company. The evening became long, ended after midnight. I got to know people in the new living environment, talked to friends on the phone and immediately started texting. The world of the 21st century had integrated me in a short time: thanks to the local group of the Rote Hilfe e.V. from Freiburg, my smartphone and laptop were ready. It felt surreal to sit on the tram and talk on the phone – just hours before I had sat in a cell with a corded phone and was only allowed to call numbers approved by the prison, and the conversations would be monitored and recorded, as it was always said in an announcement text before calls.
Continue reading How The Wind Rustles And The Acorns Fall: A Few Days Of Freedom! by Thomas Meyer-Falk -Freiburg (Germany)