Category Archives: Library


-The dilemmas of the contemporary «anarchist movement» versus the instituting character of the «social movements.»1.

«Vulgarly it is held that the «great mass» could not remain without religion; the communists extend that claim.»

Max Stirner, My Enjoyment of Myself, in The Only One and His Property.

«To see what we have in front of our noses requires a constant struggle.»

George Orwell, In front of your nose.

Contrary to what all the verbal diarrhea of post-modern neo-Leninism claims about the so-called «social movements», the novelty of these movements does not lie in the replacement of trade unions and traditional political parties, but in the motivational structure of the subjects involved; That is, in the convergence of perceptions around multiple factors (economic-socio-cultural) that nourish the collective longing for the welfare state and the labor society and, through processes of social mobilization, constitute a new institutional force that serves as a platform for the different fascisms -whether black, brown, red or whatever color they are given in order to persuade the «masses»- and paves the way for populist leaders.

Meanwhile, the social scientists (neo-Marxians and/or proto-populists) juggle a thousand and one times to semantically accommodate «institutionalization», giving the concept a one hundred and eighty degree turn so that it is grammatically instrumental for them; that is, hiding the intentions of co-optation of the struggles and forced integration to the «new» domination. Continue reading AGAINST THE TIDE – GUSTAVO RODRÍGUEZ

Barcelona 19th July 1936 A glimpse into the elsewhere

A glimpse into the elsewhere of an upturning so great that it is unimaginable, where certainties are swept away in an instant and life itself takes on a fragile intensity.
These accounts contain a grain of everything it is possible to foresee of the ultimate fight for freedom and other aspects that could never have been dreamt in our worst nightmares.
They inform, inspire but also warn: we need to recognise the enemies of freedom and self organisation in the paths we tread, blinded by our iconography of the enemy which is also standing right next to us and calls us comrade, albeit hissed through clenched teeth.
With love in our hearts.

Booklet pdf: Targets that exist everywhere – a strategic proposal for building a common front against the profiteers of war and repression

Targets that exist everywhere – a strategic proposal for building a common front against the profiteers of war and repression Rapidly, time marches on; we are already in the 2nd year of the Covid-19 state of emergency and, knowing that no power will ever voluntarily relinquish its new mechanisms of control, anarchist and other libertarian movements all over the globe are looking for strategies and practical means against it. In some regions, social tensions have recently erupted into riots.
Elsewhere, there are short-lived outbreaks known as Corona Riots. As anarchists, we are often surprised by the dynamics, sometimes finding ourselves in the crowd of the street battles or perplexed as spectators on the sidelines. Almost every state deals with us, small groups or individuals, sabotaging, agitating and roaming restless in the cities.

Continue reading Booklet pdf: Targets that exist everywhere – a strategic proposal for building a common front against the profiteers of war and repression

ES: Publicación REBELIÓN N 17

El tiempo pasa y la autoridad permanece, de ahí mismo, surge otro virus en la tierra. Contra ésto, una nueva rebelión es inminente.
Compartir un nuevo momento entre compañerxs a la distancia, es un placer. Pasar de la última edición en la que el mundo entero ardía en protestas y la elite temblaba, al nuevo genocidio de un virus mortal, junto con él de los gobiernos, el capitalismo y el sistema carcelario que siguen intactos. Representa el claro ejemplo, que la autoridad avanza a pasos agigantados.
Mediante su abance, millones de pobres más, millones de ricxs más ricxs y en el medio, millones de muertxs con cada pisada. Para no parecer menos, la policía hizo lo suyo también, matando a Facundo Castro, a cientos más en nombre de la ley y luego victimizandoce (huelga show) por un salario digno. Matando a Ursula Bahillo para luego abogar hipócritamente contra los femicidios de sus propios compañeros y los de ésta sociedad patriarcal-policial. Emilia fue asesinada de un balazo en la frente, por otro sicario del poder. Tehuel sigue sin aparecer y la Iglesia y su moral siguen demostrando lo genocidias que siempre fueron, con el grito de mil niñxs aborígenes torturadxs y enterradxs en fosas common bajo sus templos. Mientras tanto, se idiotiza toda una la sociedad entera undida en deudas y enfermedad con el circo sin pan, con
el patriotismo-popular de otra copa América. Demostrando nuevamente que toda la religión, Capital y Estado son misántropos desde sus orígenes.
Y como buenos justicierxs de burgueses, reprimieron en desalojos de tierras y casas, en protestas, defendiendo el capital a capa y espada, torturando, matando o encarcelando a todxs lxs que atenten contra lo establecido. Sicarios de lxs que generan miserias. Esclavos miserables, que protegen a sus amos y sus intereses …

Burning the centers of the technological virus On the necessity of cutting the networks of domination

In solidarity with Boris(, we have translated the publication which the police found in his house during a raid, and used as evidence against him. 
From Infokiosques (


Contents :
– Wann, wenn nicht jetzt? [When, if not now?] published in the anarchist weekly Zündlumpen no. 64, May 8, 2020 (Munich)
– Sabotages against digital normality, published on May 12, 2020 on Sans Attendre
– Incendiary walks along the railroad tracks in Munich, April 17, 2020, published on Sans Attendre
– Burn, antenna, burn! – a small (non-exhaustive) chronicle of sabotage from April to May 2020
When, if not now?
In recent years, all the devices around us have begun to take on a life of their own. Modern televisions record the conversations of those around them, modern refrigerators do the stock management and even modern ovens are no longer limited to being an electric fireplace: they have internet interfaces that are supposed to enable them to be switched on from “on the road” and through which they exchange data with their owners and other curious people at will. With smartphones, most people have long since bugged themselves voluntarily and in all their movements. So it’s hardly surprising that more than a few people are also willingly taking Amazon’s Alexa spying program into their homes. And while “technology enthusiasts” are excitedly building their “smart home” cage, the state and a handful of technology companies have even more extensive plans and visions. Voluntary (self-)surveillance within one’s own four walls was yesterday: the “smart city” of today and tomorrow includes an impressive repertoire of sensor technologies to not only meticulously record and monitor who is where and with whom, but also to control the movements and actions of the city’s inhabitants with subtle and less subtle methods, to direct and manipulate them. On closer inspection, this also seems bitterly necessary, because in the increasingly misanthropic environments of today’s cities, in which the highest priority is given to the transport of human livestock to offices, shops and factories, as well as to the transport of goods to satisfy false needs, any subversive potential must be silenced, or better yet, integrated into this illusion of life before it spreads like an epidemic and causes irreparable damage to this beautiful, perfect world.

Continue reading Burning the centers of the technological virus On the necessity of cutting the networks of domination

Italy: Number 6 of the anarchist newspaper Vetriolo has come out IT/EN

Our seventh issue (including issue #0) sees these columns return, in many ways, to our classic format. Nine months ago, the unprecedented release in the form of a wall-newspaper (issue 5) was part of our need for communication and a proposal for an instrument to break, materially, the pandemic home isolation; a sheet of paper, a cry on the wall to pierce the silence of the curfew. But the project of “Vetriolo” has always been in a laborious sowing of analysis and provocations, suggestions and insights, the study and understanding of the existing, against the commonplace and the foolish boast of ignorance, in order to its negation, its destructive overcoming in a revolutionary sense.
And so we have returned to dealing with history and philosophy, economics and politics, analysis of the present and dissection of the future. Starting from our first page, which wants to be, in its brevity, an immediate attack to the politics of National Unity – a horrible concept for internationalists.

Continue reading Italy: Number 6 of the anarchist newspaper Vetriolo has come out IT/EN

Avis de tempêtes – bulletin anarchiste pour la guerre sociale n°42 (juin 2021) est sorti.

Télécharger Avis de tempêtes #42 en PDF
Pour lire, imprimer et diffuser ce petit bulletin autour de soi (il est
en format A5, et celui-ci fait 16 pages), on pourra retrouver chaque
nouveau numéro tous les 15 du mois, ainsi que les précédents, sur le blog :
“Mais ce qui frappe aussi, est que les formes infinies
d’auto-organisation qui auraient pu surgir des singularités
individuelles pour faire face au virus et continuer d’agir malgré lui,
aient été d’emblée comme paralysées par des sables mouvants de
recommandations contradictoires et de chiffres assommants : taux de mortalité et de létalité, taux de positivité, taux d’incidence, taux de passage aux urgences et d’occupation en réanimation, taux d’anticorpspersistants, taux de réinfection… et ainsi de suite. Cela met à nouveau en évidence qu’en se plaçant sur le terrain de la politique des grands nombres plutôt qu’en partant de soi –avec ses doutes comme avec ses désirs enflammés–, la réflexion finit généralement par s’embourber dans une logique gestionnaire, où le calcul productif prend vite la place de la vie et de ses excès dispersifs.
Pour briser le schéma même qui préside à toute réduction statistique de la complexité humaine, faire exister de l’unicité au-delà des moyennes et recréer de la diversité en défaisant les agrégats de données, il n’y a pas trente-six solutions.
C’est le terrain même où chaque individu est sommé de
s’incliner face à un intérêt supérieur collectif qu’il s’agit de
refuser. C’est son propre rapport sensible à la vie, à la mort, à la
maladie, aux risques à prendre, à l’entr’aide, aux étoiles à cueillir,
qu’il s’agit de défendre face à l’exigence sociale de les sacrifier sur
l’autel de la quantité. Que cette dernière se nomme patrie, économie, bien commun… ou même immunité collective.

Argentina : El Urubu lives in the revolt

via:  Attaque translated by Act for freedom now!
I’m not lying in saying that almost every day for a quarter of a century now I remember you as if it were yesterday. Someone might doubt this statement, but I don’t care because, surely, that person did not know this comrade; and even less do they know me (or my innermost feelings). I hate “ephemeris”, but (on this occasion …) it is impossible for me to avoid writing these words. Your gun jammed and they shot you in the chest. They shot you again, in the back. You, precisely, who wrote in your poems that you were not going to attack them from behind. We, anarchists, are like that: we face them knowing that we have everything to lose, but we throw ourselves into the unequal battle anyway, like David against Goliath. Your memory and your courage, comrade, continue to illuminate our struggle…
I was a little younger than you in the mid-90s … A bunch of teenage punks were circling around you when we met at anarchist initiatives.
This is what I want to talk about: life stories that, to this day, I have never shared with anyone. These were things that only sprung up between us, Sergio. Forgive me if I open my sorrowful soul and share them: if I don’t do it now, maybe I never will. And never is too much. There is no doubt about your intuitive insurrectionism. You didn’t have to read “Alfredo”, because informality flowed through your veins, contagiously. And many of us got involved – with no return – in permanent revolt, which (in the 21st century) is far from over. On the contrary, it grows and bears fruit in every insurrectional action!
Continue reading Argentina : El Urubu lives in the revolt


» Let’s continue the assault on the existent with all means, undeterred by those who would silence us with weapons from the stockpile of reaction, be they the kick of the democratic jackboot, the empty chatter of opinion or the siren calls of the candy men of hope.»

Jean Weir. Tame Words from a Wild Heart.

«… sometimes it seems to us something so obvious that we forget to insist punctiliously on the anti-authoritarian character of anarchism and, therefore, consequently anti-systemic… Roughly anti-systemic! We are against all Authority. That is our maxim».

Gustavo Rodriguez. Talk at the Squatted Social Center «Casa Naranja».

The authoritarian offensive has not stopped in these times of pandemic, Covid-19 has turned out to be the perfect excuse to deepen social and political control, prisons being the main place of experimentation and application of these measures.
We have systematically read updates on the situation of anarchist prisoners around the world in this particular context. We have seen how our comrade Eric King, who keeps alive his permanent antagonism and his irreducible stance in Englewood prison, has been tortured by the guards and beaten by white supremacists, causing him severe physical and psychological injuries. The same happened to our comrade Dimitra Valavani, who was beaten and tortured, under the pretext that they wanted to obtain a DNA sample and, in recent days, our comrade Giannis Dimitrakis, who was also brutally beaten in Domokos prison by the prison mafia, leaving him in a serious condition, and we still do not know the consequences of this cowardly aggression.
June 11 is the International Day of Solidarity with comrade Marius Mason and with all the anarchist comrades sentenced to long sentences around the world. In the framework of this new June 11, we want to denounce what is happening in all the latitudes of the planet with our anarchist comrades in prison and present our response (without mincing our words) to concretize and consolidate solidarity with all those with whom we have affinity (in theory and in practice) who are continuing the anarchist war behind bars.