Category Archives: Library

Return Fire vol.6 chap.3 out now corrections: Return Fire vol.6 chap.3 & supplement revised

Return Fire vol.6 chap.3 (pg151 – pg234)CORRECTED.pdf
Return Fire vol.6 chap.3 coversCORRECTED.pdf
Green Desperation Fuels Red Fascism (Return Fire vol.6 chap.3 supplement)CORRECTED.pdf
Green Desperation Fuels Red Fascism (Return Fire vol.6 chap.3 supplement) IMPOSEDcorrected.pdf
Breaking: Thanks to the comrade who alerted us to a necessary intervention into the supplement text we released a few days ago with Return Fire vol.6 chap.3: Ruby Katherine Montoya, the saboteur mentioned in passing in the text, has since the time of its writing been exposed as co-operating with the FBI against her co-defendant, and possibly more. It was already clear that, while responsible for important action, this was not what we would consider a comrade; but this information felt important to include. Hence, we’ve updated the text (also on and are now reposting the corrected file here, including the imposed version.
Additionally, we did not notice that an error during the PDF compression process wiped the graphics out of various pages of Return Fire vol.6 chap.3 itself. This has now be amended, both in the reading version and optional separated covers for re-printing, with corrections to a couple of other errors we spotted too late. Apologies for our sloppiness.
More in the pipeline.

Continue reading Return Fire vol.6 chap.3 out now corrections: Return Fire vol.6 chap.3 & supplement revised

The Aroma of Fire: The Rage of Despair in a Tripolar World – Gustavo Rodríguez [I am Dynamite Editions]

“The sulphorous aroma of the combustion of petrol and is derivatives, causes an unmistakable olfactory sensation that incites a certain transitory state of euphoria and unconsciously sends us a succession of associated images that produce infinte pleasure: a burning precinct, a prison reduced to ashes, a conglomerate of charred atennas, a torched patrol car or a beautiful charred shopping centre. This becoming-fire -which lights up the night- causes a liberating commotion that no other means, no war machine, can bring about. A gesture is innovated that makes anarchy perceptible through the flames of devastation.”
– Gustavo Rodríguez
PDF: The Aroma of Fire: The Rage of Despair in a Tripolar World
I am Dynamite Editions present their first publication of the long awaited translation into English of our anarchist comrade, Gustavo Rodríguez’s ‘The Aroma of Fire: The Rage of Despair in a Tripolar World (Rethinking the struggle from the informal anarchic perspective)’.

Continue reading The Aroma of Fire: The Rage of Despair in a Tripolar World – Gustavo Rodríguez [I am Dynamite Editions]

Avis de tempêtes – bulletin anarchiste pour la guerre sociale n°48 (décembre 2021) est sorti.

Pour lire, imprimer et diffuser ce petit bulletin autour de soi (il est en format A5, et celui-ci fait 16 pages), on pourra retrouver chaque nouveau numéro tous les 15 du mois, ainsi que les précédents, sur le
blog :
“Le réchauffement climatique, le pic des combustibles fossiles, la fonte des glaces, la disparition de la biodiversité, la déforestation et la désertification, les ouragans et les déluges, tout en étant des
phénomènes aux conséquences éminemment planétaires, n’annoncent pourtant probablement pas l’apocalypse planétaire finale, l’effondrement de l’État et du capital partout sur la planète. Mais ce ne sont pas moins des phénomènes bien réels : ils sont en train de modifier les sociétés humaines, et de redessiner les terrains d’affrontement et de lutte. Des études des assurances aux rapports stratégiques militaires, des projets menés par les grosses entreprises énergétiques aux recherches menées dans les laboratoires : dans toutes les salles de commande qui pilotent
la course en avant de cette civilisation-titanic, on prend acte des
changements qui sont en cours et qui s’annoncent.
Loin des conférences mondiales telles que celles dédiées au climat qui viennent confesser publiquement l’obsolescence politique face à l’ampleur du changement climatique, et pendant que des gens
bien-intentionnés continuent à implorer des mesures fortes, des
centaines de milliers d’experts préparent un avenir avec changement climatique, avec réchauffement de la planète, avec pénurie de matières premières, avec pandémies facilitées par l’urbanisation, la mobilité motorisée et la globalisation.

Fugative Ink: Anarchist newspaper against prisons and prison society N°2 Second half of 2021.(Chile)

Fugative Ink: Anarchist newspaper against prisons and prison society.
N°2 Second half of 2021.
With a print run of 1,000 copies and free distribution, we continue with the need to go back to paper with a clear perspective and a deepening of the anti-prison issue.
You can find “Tinta de Fuga” in various bookstores, fairs, events or anti-authoritarian spaces in the territory dominated by the Chilean State.
Sedition against the State and its prisons!
In this issue:
*Intra-prison news…
*Predictable breakdowns
*On prison resistance and the need to extend the autonomous anti-prison struggle (1st part)/Marcelo Villarroel
*Prison and prison society, two faces of the same oppression
*Victimism and farce
Translated to English by Act for freedom now!

Consulting the dictionary: concepts and definitions of “sectarianism”part ii

In Defence of Associative Specificity – Concerning (Inherently) Anarchist “Sectarianism” Part I.


From, translated by Act for Freedom Now!
According to the Diccionario de uso del español1 María Moliner,2 it is defined as:
Sect: Doctrine taught by a teacher and followed by his adepts. Particularly, the doctrine and the group of its adepts. desp. Doctrine considered erroneous, or that departs from the traditional or official, and, especially, that which is considered pernicious for its followers: “Destructive sect”. A group of the followers of a sect.
Sectarian: -a (adv. sectarian) 1 adj. and n. (of) Follower of a certain sect. 2 Applied to one who fanatically follows a doctrine, and its attitude, opinions, etc. → *Intransigent, * partisan.
Sectarianism: m. Quality or attitude of sectarian.

Continue reading Consulting the dictionary: concepts and definitions of “sectarianism”part ii

  1. Surely, this explanatory segment will be boring (and even petulant to many comrades), for which I apologize in advance. I confess my supreme ignorance, so I have no other recourse than to go through the books on the subject at hand.
  2. Moliner, María, Diccionario del uso del español, Editorial Gredos, Madrid, 2007, p. 2674.

In Defence of Associative Specificity – Concerning (Inherently) Anarchist “Sectarianism” Part I.

[London,] November 23, 1871 “[…] The International was founded in order to replace the Socialist or semi-Socialist sects by a real organisation of the working class for struggle […], the Internationalists could not have maintained themselves if the course of history had not already smashed up the sectarian system […] So long as the sects are (historically) justified, the working class is not yet ripe for an independent historic movement. As soon as it has attained this maturity all sects are essentially reactionary. […] And the history of the International was a continual struggle on the part of the General Council against the sects […] At the end of 1868 the Russian, Bakunin, entered the International with the aim of forming inside it a second International called the  “Alliance of Social Democracy”.  Bakunin – a  man  devoid of theoretical knowledge – put forward the pretension that this separate body was to represent the scientific propaganda of the International, which was to be made the special function of this second International within the International. His program was a superficially scraped together hash of petty bourgeouis ideas from here and there: […] atheism as a dogma to be dictated to the members of the International, etc., and as the main dogma, (Proudhonist) abstention from the political movement. This children’s fable found favour (and still has a certain hold) in Italy and Spain […] and among a few vain, ambitious and empty doctrinaires in French Switzerland and Belgium […] Resolutions 1(2) and (3) and IX now give the New York committee legal weapons with which to put an end to all sectarian formations and amateur groups and if necessary to expel them […]”
  1. Marx, Letter to Friedrich Bolte, November 23, 1871 (1).
Since the defeat of Spanish anarcho-syndicalism, reiteration is a frequent occurrence in the babelic context in which the life of the so-called “anarchist movement” painfully takes place.(2) As if it were Groundhog Day,(3) we are condemned to repeat the same experience indefinitely. Again and again, ideological displacements and external conceptualizations gain presence in our shops. Thus – once again -, the notions of “sect”, “sectarianism” and “sectarian” emerge in the debate. We do not have the slightest chance of escaping this vicious circle. Like Phil Connors (Bill Murray) in the famous comedy, every day we are hit with the same song (at six o’clock in the morning!), forced to repeat ourselves in an infinite cycle from which not even suicide can save us.

Continue reading In Defence of Associative Specificity – Concerning (Inherently) Anarchist “Sectarianism” Part I.

AT BLOWS WITH THE STATE: Shaping Territory and Affinity During the Revolt


AT BLOWS WITH THE STATE: Shaping Territory and Affinity During the Revolt ( A martillazos con el Estado: Conjugando el territorio y la afinidad durante la revuelta)
The scuffles with normality advanced one after the other until they became so complex that it was impossible not to realize that we were facing a revolt. It was not only the structures of capital that were burning, nor was it just windows or cop cars that were shattering all at once. Something else was cracking, a crack that allowed the dying order of authority to literally fall apart at our feet.
It is into precisely this crack and its first bits of rubble that we want to delve more deeply–opening up questions that aren’t necessarily new and might not even have answers so that we ourselves, comrades from other territories, and comrades in other historical moments may discover some hints to confront our own contexts. We do not fear questions without answers, but rather failing to ask enough questions or abandoning the correct ones.

Continue reading AT BLOWS WITH THE STATE: Shaping Territory and Affinity During the Revolt

Avis de tempêtes Bulletin anarchiste pour la guerre sociale, Storm Warnings #46 (October 2021) FR/EN

Télécharger Avis de tempêtes #46 en PDF


Storm warnings, anarchist bulletin for the social war, issue 46 (October 2021) came out. It is the full English translation of Avis de Tempêtes.
Earlier issues and translations in different languages are available for reading, printing and spreading on the website

Anarchist publication RUMOER #5 winter 21-22

The riots in Rotterdam (and shooting people by the cops there) happened just too late to still be analyzed or celebrated or…. But, luckily enough tasty things did make it to the paper. Good tips to destroy your mobile phone, a callout to refuse the corona pass, and also a conversation on the anarcho-blocks at demonstrations, ideas on housing struggle and of course lots of news from far away and really nearby. It has not been quiet in the world of pandemics, disasters, control, and exploitation, so we shouldn’t be quiet either.
Here it is: #5 English digitaal
If you subscribe to our mailing list, we will make you happy with a mail every time there is a new RUMOER (no worries, never more than 3 times a year). And if you send us money we can right away start making the next edition of this sweet magazine. The RUMOER will once again be spread on the street in non-corona-proof pick-up spots and also in the better bookshops or (a)social centres. And if you do not find it there, you could print it or send us an email with your order (the amount you want and in which language). Order some extra to share with the people around you, so you have something to talk about. Send your request to: RUMOER at RISEUP dot NET.
See ya later,
For a hot winter, a big kiss

Chile: ‘The risks of multiformity’ – Words of anarchist prisoner Francisco Solar EN/ES

The search for freedom implies the attempt to establish and develop practices in that sense. Breaking with imposed directions, dogmas and predetermined schemes is essential in the construction of anti-authoritarian relations and in the strengthening of these.
Multiformity in terms of action (and not only) is circumscribed in this way of understanding and carrying out the struggle. It is an expression of freedom that denies singular rigid behaviors and ways of doing things, as well as encouraging imagination and autonomy.
It is also a rejection of specialization and specialists who, as we have seen, sooner rather than later become leaders who become enlightened vanguards. It was and is recurrent to see how the armed apparatuses that perpetrated significant actions became the leadership of an organization or the part of a movement that arrogated, through the use of arms, its representation, demonstrating a militarism that we are alien and contrary to.
Continue reading Chile: ‘The risks of multiformity’ – Words of anarchist prisoner Francisco Solar EN/ES