Category Archives: Library



Italy, like the rest of the world, is pressing ahead with the implementation of the 5G network, but how many really know what it is? First of all, the name: 5G is not related to the frequency of the waves used, but indicates that it is a fifth-generation network, whose waves have A power and frequency several times higher than those used so far. Like most technologies it also originated in the military sphere, in fact the type of waves that will be used by this network, namely microwaves and millimetre waves, are used both for localisation (radar), and as a real weapon of war (Active Denial System).

With the 5G network we will be irradiated twenty-four hours a day by an infinity of these waves, which, due to their technical characteristic, will require the installation of millions of new antennas, at a maximum distance of one hundred metres from each other, depending on the location. One only has to look around to see the continuous installation of new repeaters, or the continuous installation of new antennas on existing ones. What few people know is that there will be many ‘mini-antennas’, camouflaged both in street furniture (lampposts, manhole covers, bus stops, etc.) and in everyday objects, not to mention the thousands of satellites that have been launched, and will continue to be launched, into space, to connect even the most remote places on earth. What is known to date about the network already in use is that it causes serious and irreversible damage genetically, biologically and to the reproductive system, which makes it clear that its enhancement (by means of the installations we have just discussed) will cause even greater damage to all living things, further aggravating a situation which already today appears dramatic.


Solidarity with Ivan! Freedom for everyone! Repression and vehicle arsons

For reading

For printing

This zine comes from an informal and anonymous collective formed in solidarity with Ivan. This collective does not claim to be a reference support committee or anything official. We welcome all autonomous initiatives in solidarity with Ivan and/or any other prisoner of the social war. Just as we welcome the reproduction and distribution of this zine.

July 2022


  • Villepinte (Seine-Saint-Denis) France: Letter from prison from Ivan, “Solidarity means attack” (June 15, 2022)
  • Chronology of some vehicle arsons in France, between May 2021 and May 2022 (July 2022)
  • Bure (Meuse), France: Solidarity banner (June 2022)
  • Toulouse (Haute-Garonne), France: Solidarity arson of a camera (July 2022)
  • France: There are no isolated arsonists (July 2022)

Translated from French by Act For Freedom Now!

Italy: Issue No. 7 of the anarchist journal “Vetriolo” is out

Issue No. 7 of the anarchist journal “Vetriolo” is out


— Contro la guerra. Quale internazionale? [Against war. What international?]
— Strage politica. Lo Stato italiano alla liquidazione degli anarchici. [Political massacre. The Italian State in the liquidation of anarchists.]
— Non staremo al caldo durante la tempesta [We won’t be staying at home during the storm]
— Ci troverete al nostro posto, che al vostro non ci sappiamo stare. A proposito dell’inchiesta “Diamante” [You will find us in our place, as we do not know how to be in yours. About the ‘Diamond’ investigation]
— Appunti sull’internazionalismo. Contributo di Francisco Solar [Notes on internationalism. Contribution of Francisco Solar]
— Un mondo migliore non è mai NATO [A better world is never NATO (nato also = born in Italian]
— L’anarchismo rivoluzionario contro la desistenza [Revolutionary anarchism against desistance]
— La fase nichilista [The nihilist phase]
— Sullo stato d’eccezione. Anatomia di un equivoco [On the state of exception. Anatomy of a misunderstanding]

For requests of copies:

“Vetriolo”, anarchist paper, summer 2022, number 7, 20 pages. One copy: 2.00 euro. For distribution, five copies or more: 25% discount. Excluding postage. Free for imprisoned persons.


In announcing the publication of this issue, we send out the editorial:

Against war
What international?

It is again a time of sacrifice, of hunger, of destruction. Perhaps as never before. The war between the great powers, the economic crisis, the rhetoric of national unity and helmeted politics are, a century later, the nightmare into which the bourgeoisie is again plunging us. With the possibility of nuclear holocaust as a further deadly incumbency.
Continue reading Italy: Issue No. 7 of the anarchist journal “Vetriolo” is out

Greetings from the Nowhere year 6.

A new day in freedom. Greetings, year 6

My dear and loved ones,

My heart jumps of joy while writing you these lines. Finally! It feels good to „talk” with you. With a bag full of new experiences that life handed to me, now a year later I return tothat clearing, from where I spoke to you the previous time. So much has happened, and yet so little took place…

Every morning when I wake up images from my nightly dreams appear another timein my mind. And then each time (and I mean really each time) I can see you; in these dreams we mostly find ourselves in some newly squatted house with very primitive facilities. And often it is the case that I go around in this seemingly unlimited building and explore new spaces and floors. In the meantime you are sitting in bigger and smaller groups, spread over this great labyrinth. That is how it occurs that every now and then I run into familiar faces, that are happy to finally, after all them years, see me again. And then, after an emotional embrace, immediatley I am part again of you and the conversations and discussions continue as excitedley as they did before.

Unfortunately such a mental re-encounteris not the nightly norm; often I remain in the role of an observer and wander around, more like a ghost, watching you and your lives. An incredibly beautiful and at the same time deeply hurtful feeling. Together and still seperated at the same time…
Continue reading Greetings from the Nowhere year 6.

Alfredo M. Bonanno, Sous les verrous. Une réflexion sur la prison [Locked up. A reflection on prison], ed. L’impatience (Marseille), June 2022

Publication: Locked up. A reflection on prison [French]

Alfredo M. Bonanno, Sous les verrous. Une réflexion sur la prison [Locked up. A reflection on prison], ed. L’impatience (Marseille), June 2022

format a6 / 130 pages / 4 euro
(3 for the distros)
to place an order:
impatience (at) riseup (dot) net

Excerpt from the preface of 1997:

The text that we publish here is the transcribed recording of a conference on prison, given in March 1993 at the Laboratorio anarchico of via Paglietta in Bologna and previously published in the book Affinities and informal organization by the editions Anarchismo. This conference is reproduced here with some minor corrections by its author, and an introduction penned by him in the prison of Rebibbia. Continue reading Alfredo M. Bonanno, Sous les verrous. Une réflexion sur la prison [Locked up. A reflection on prison], ed. L’impatience (Marseille), June 2022

Storm warnings, anarchist bulletin for the social war, issue 52 (April 2022) came out. It is the full English translation of Avis de Tempêtes.

Storm warnings, anarchist bulletin for the social war, issue 52 (April 2022) came out. It is the full English translation of Avis de Tempêtes.

Earlier issues and translations in different languages are available for reading, printing and spreading on the website

Storm warnings, issue 52 (April 15, 2022) :

For reading

For printing (A4)

For printing (Letter)

“Denouncing the technological control used by the Chinese state or Russia’s current war drive, suggesting that the capillary control in effect on this side and its multiple “anti-terrorist and humanitarian operations” across the planet would be the lesser evil to hope for, does not make much sense. Of course, one cannot reasonably argue that fighting in a territory dominated by an omnipresent and over-equipped State would be equivalent to fighting in a territory controlled by a less developed State. But this does not change that in each of the two cases, one of the deadly traps to be avoided is to participate voluntarily, by our very struggles, to the ongoing readjustment or accommodation of domination (the caricature of which certainly resides in our latitudes in the struggles for more inclusive technologies guaranteed by the State). That’s why we need to focus our attention, trying to hit where it hurts, where the system could less easily bounce back by retreating slightly in order to better regain control later on. In short, it is not simply a question of making ourselves uncontrollable or ungovernable, but of being able to aim directly at its blind spots with an effort of analysis and projectuality.”

Greece: Text by anarchist prisoner D.Chatzivasiliadis : When the Makhnovists wiped out Grigoriev and Petliura

Preface to the publication

The composition of the text “When the Makhnovists wiped out Grigoriev and Petliura”* began in the first days of the war and was completed in its third week. By the time the manuscript was released from prison and typed, two months of war had passed. The text in greek was then published on athens.indymedia in April ‘22. Printed information from outside to inside prison and written communication from prison to the outside, arrive with delay, even when there is an organized support group for this task for the captured fighter (which is not so in my case). However, the developments fully confirm the present analysis. Nationalists and imperialists from both sides are prolonging the conflict. And libertarians remain trapped within the conventional dilemma between fleeing and abandoning the social struggle on the field or committing political suicide by siding with nationalism. The necessity of an international dialogue for the rebirth of revolutionary anarchism grows more urgent with every day that passes, through the co-shaping of the practical responsibilities pertaining to those who wish to be active subjects in historical evolution.
(A clarifying glossary has been added at the end of the text.)

*Grigoriev was a defector from the Red Army, ex-czarist, who aspired to become leader of Ukraine. Makhno executed him during a public meeting. Petliura was the leader of ukrainian nationalists. He was killed by the Jewish makhnovist Scholem Schwarzbad in 1916 in France, who had lost fourteen of his relatives during anti-jewish pogroms perpetrated by nationalists. In the original post of this text in greek, only Petliura was mentioned, as if he was in the place of Grigoriev at his execution. The historical confusion was noticed after the publication, due to time pressure and to lack of access to resources inside prison. However, the political meaning is the same.

When the Makhnovists wiped out Grigoriev and Petliura


As soon as the military invasion of Russian imperialism on Ukrainian territory began, a call for international mobilization for the “Territorial Defense of Ukraine” was published by anarchists, with the signature “Resistance Committee”i. Such a call, in the given situation and from within the field of an inter-state war and even more so from the perspective of active intervention in the conflict, is important and its political position, whatever it may be, is crucial for the libertarian movement worldwide.

In its life course of the past two centuries, the socialist movement, and particularly the anarchists, have often been caught in the maelstrom of the war between states. War, as the crudest reality of authority, which totally takes over the social space, is the most critical juncture for the social revolutionary movement. There have been many moments when the socialist movement has been divided in relation to a particular war or in relation to war in general, moments when it has been led to the slaughter or when it has itself reproduced warmongering and imperialist structures. On the other hand, all proletarian revolutions emerged from war or from military dictatorship. Our stance during the condensed period of militarily defined class struggle determines the development of the social movement. Continue reading Greece: Text by anarchist prisoner D.Chatzivasiliadis : When the Makhnovists wiped out Grigoriev and Petliura

Soleil noir n°3, irregular anarchist newsletter – March 2022 (France)

Soleil noir n°3, irregular anarchist newsletter – March 2022
“With quite a delay to the digital delivery, here is the n°3 of Soleil noir of last March which has already been circulating in print since that date…
In it you will find texts around the health pass, the struggles that opposed it and their contradictions, the revolt in Guadeloupe and Martinique, the New Right, Youssef who died in detention in Caen, solidarity with Claudio Lavazza who is awaiting trial, border control devices, elections and their eternal absurdity, and finally a few short reports of direct action taken against this shitty world…
SN “
To write to them:
You can download n°1 of July 2020 and n°2 of May 2021
via: sansnom

Anarchist publication Rumoer 5.5 is out

When we speak about work, we would prefer no work at all over half work. But when it is about RUMOER we thought half work would be better than no work, so here you find the half edition of RUMOER.

You may read about:
– War and the system that needs it
– Spontaneous demonstrations in Amsterdam and Leiden
– The occupation of the Sterrebos
– The raid in Munich
– World news
– And a follow up on the tips against telephones

Here it is: RUMOER #5.5 Nl EN
Continue reading Anarchist publication Rumoer 5.5 is out