Category Archives: Library

La Nemesi: a new website in support of practices of attack and international revolutionary solidarity

La Nemesi is a website run by anarchists and dedicated to publishing texts about the conflict against the state, capital and all authority. With the opening of this website we intend to go beyond the characteristics of so-called counter-information, giving more space to texts and contributions that more often than not, in the counter-information spaces that populate the virtual world, end up being buried in the vagueness generated by the telematic tool.

La Nemesi was thus created with the aim of publishing and spreading claim or informative texts concerning actions and sabotage, as well as articles, reports and correspondences from uprisings and insurrections all over the world. It is a kind of ‘bulletin’ of the anarchist revolutionary struggle and more generally of the social war waged by the oppressed.

Equally space will be dedicated to the publication of statements and documents written by anarchists imprisoned in state prisons, as well as updates on the prison situation of comrades, mobilisations and initiatives in solidarity, past, present and future anti-anarchist repressive operations, and in general the repression against the movement.

Continue reading La Nemesi: a new website in support of practices of attack and international revolutionary solidarity

About Orwell and the case of Mónica and Francisco

That every metropolis fulfills all the criteria of a panopticon, well, that is not really saying anything new. The question becomes, which city has a higher density of surveillance technology at its disposal and how intensively is it used?

Therefore, it is obvious that Orwell’s ideas of a completely monitored society were accurate, but not in the dimension that he imagined, or the foundations for it. In particular, dictatorship is unnecessary, which for him would be an important basis of this complete surveillance, to bring it about. Complete surveillance is therefore not an expression of a specific system of capitalism, but it is inherent to its political administration and articulation, namely, the state. So it is a false dichotomy to think that complete surveillance would only be the result of a more “authoritarian” system. Such a way of thinking only feeds on the desire and ideology that the state in better hands could wear a friendly mask. We see this also in the midst of the debate about the corona virus, where leftist groups, but also anarchists, see the saber-rattling of the repression, the introduction of curfew, of quarantine, etc., as a protofascist development and do not want to understand that the state, no matter which – whether democratic or other varieties – always carries such mechanisms and powers (as a monopoly) to guarantee its survival. The political administration and the organization of the State always remains the same, only the criteria and the ideologies of the political forces in power change, this would no longer be a false dichotomy. The State has historically used all the means at its disposal to guarantee the smooth running of its business. The nation-state is therefore the logical consequence, as well as the class society, of capitalism and not the other way around.

We consider this important to say yet again because we never get tired of wanting to understand the basis of the state and capitalism in order to be able to destroy it in real terms. There are far too many foolish historical examples that show us what paths are taken when this is not clear from the beginning.

Now to the case of Mónica and Francisco

On July 24 [2020], Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar were arrested in Chile. We have extensively dealt with their detention trial, which was broadcast live on television. This detention trial is in no way comparable to what we are familiar with in Germany or other EU countries. If we think about the fact that such a detention examination here lasts about 10 minutes, simply to clarify whether an accused person is to be remanded in custody because, for example, there is a risk of flight or a risk of collusion, this is apparently different in Chile. It is not clear to us if there is always a live broadcast on television, or if it is due to the covid measures.
Continue reading About Orwell and the case of Mónica and Francisco

Towards subversive abstentionism (concerning elections)

Towards subversive abstentionism

The electoral mechanism is not just an adjustment of government strategy. On the contrary, it is one of the most significant moments of the whole repressive strategy. In practice, the State’s increasing intervention in the affairs of capitalism with the aim of putting some order in its contradictions not only has the effect of rationalising dominion but also opens up another set of contradictions, first in the State itself then in capitalism in the long run. Here the reduction of parliament’s powers and the enormous growth in the powers of the executive becomes of great interest to us. This is quite logical as the State is first and foremost an executive instrument then, at the level of the mass as the enclosure of dominion, it is also an instrument for obtaining consensus. The State cannot function without consensus, nor can it do so without an executive. This often makes it favour the second aspect, leading to certain contradictions such as those that claim to keep the government working when there is no longer any  agreement between the different delegating processes (party, union, economic, ideological, etc.).

The loss of contact between the grassroots and the instruments that filter the executive’s decisions (parliament in the first place) would appear to be due to a lack of political agreements and insufficient balance of party forces, while in actual fact it is due to the worsening of the underlying conditions (price levels, unemployment, declining investment, lack of support for demand, imbalances between areas with unequal development, uncontrollable social tensions, disproportionate repression, regurgitation of authoritarian methods, inadequate methods of assemblear control, etc.). These conditions of malaise are transferred to the executive through representative structures which take on the character of a pulley of inefficiency or an instrument of control of the inadequacy of plans, precisely at a time when they are losing their original significance as the management of consensus. The paradoxical – and contradictory – case occurs where the very presence of the filter mechanism (parties and trade unions first and foremost) has a kind of induced effect that ends up blocking the executive’s ambitions to fly forward.
Continue reading Towards subversive abstentionism (concerning elections)

Chile: en/es/ Release of Anarchist Newspaper “Tinta de Fuga” Number 4

Release of Anarchist Newspaper “Tinta de Fuga” Number 4

Tinta de Fuga. Anarchist newspaper against prisons and prison society. N°4. August. Second half of 2022.

This fourth issue of Tinta de Fuga is a special issue against the military justice system’s sentences of Marcelo Villarroel, against justice, the military and prisons. With 2,000 copies for free distribution we have expanded the places where you can find the publication in the territory dominated by the Chilean State:

La Serena: Umberto Marzocchi Bookstore.
Valparaíso: Espacio Flora/ Serrano 591. Of.9
El Tabo: Antro Libros/Feria artesanal La Casona. Of.9
Santiago: Pensamiento y Batalla, Feria Anticarcelaria, Editorial Memoria Negra, Librería Desquiebre and Sebastián Oversluij Library.
Concepción: Jane Vanini Bookstore
Villarrica: Biblioteca Lectura Súbita
Continue reading Chile: en/es/ Release of Anarchist Newspaper “Tinta de Fuga” Number 4



The term ‘Big Pharma’ refers to the multinational pharmaceutical corporations whose stories of experimentation in the Global South, corruption, falsified publications and various nefariousness deserve to be highlighted so as not to forget who we are dealing with, especially at an historical moment in which they are presenting themselves as the saviours of humanity. These unscrupulous companies have amassed immense fortunes over the years, thanks to which they have carved out a central role for themselves in management and political and social organisation at global level. This power places itself far above States and governments, managing to impose its will through funding and publications in every context.


Believing there is any control over the activities and products of Big Pharma is a mere illusion, as the so-called control bodies that are supposed to check drugs’ safety before they are put on the market and the various health protocols to be followed are lavishly financed by the pharmaceutical companies themselves.

On doing a little research, one discovers that the EMA, the European Medicines Agency, is more than 80% funded by Big Pharma and that a quarter of its administrative board members have links with it. Even the WHO is corrupt and financed 80% by private individuals: of these, the ‘Bill and Melinda Gates’ foundation alone covers 10 per cent of it and, although at first sight it appears to be a small part, it comes to billions, more than enough to decide on priorities.

To confirm the fact that the decisions of this body are always in favour of the financiers and not in the interest of the population are the very words of former WHO director Margaret Chan: “my budget is directed towards what I call donor interests”.

In total silence from the media and politics on 23 April 2020, the training of doctors and the reorganisation of the healthcare system in Italy has been entrusted to Sanofi Italia, a giant of the pharmaceutical industry. The stated aim is to ‘train the doctors of the future on constantly evolving clinical issues’. Simply put, it can officially decide which drugs doctors should prescribe, effectively allowing this multinational drug company to manage the healthcare system in its own interests.


London,UK: Your New South London Local; Touchpaper Anarchist Library!

Your New South London Local; Touchpaper Anarchist Library!

“…From under the glitter and glare of London, the prison city, this
anarchist library now humbly stands. Not a shop, nor a radical ‘space’, nor the organ of some organisation or other, Touchpaper is a small contribution towards a place for the encounter, for eye-to-eye
discussion and for pushing outwards against the grain…”

A new anarchist library in south london, home to subversive publications from around the world including a distro, a library (where publications can be borrowed for a small deposit) and a forthcoming archive of anarchist ideas put onto paper.

385 Queens Road
New Cross
London SE14 5HD

(every week)

Tuesday 13th September, 6PM
Against 5G and the World that Needs it!
An anti-authoritarian discussion on digital control and the struggle for freedom.



Public PGP Key Block:


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Avis de tempêtes – bulletin anarchiste pour la guerre sociale n°555-56 (août 2022

Avis de tempêtes – bulletin anarchiste pour la guerre sociale n°555-56 (août 2022) est sorti.

Pour lire, imprimer et diffuser ce petit bulletin autour de soi (il est
en format A5, et celui-ci fait 12 pages), on pourra retrouver chaque
nouveau numéro tous les 15 du mois, ainsi que les précédents, sur le
blog :

” Aux quatre coins du globe, au beau milieu d’une accélération désormais indéniable de l’emballement climatique auquel la civilisation industrielle semble bien déterminée à répondre par une intensification de sa guerre au vivant, des tas d’héritages toxiques légués par notre monde s’accumulent jour après jour. Leur terrible charge ontologique a rendu bien futile toute tentative de les dissoudre dans les océans, de les enterrer dans les entrailles de la terre, de les transformer en fumées dissipées dans les airs ou de les recycler afin de nourrir la bête insatiable de la production industrielle. Les déchets constituent en effet le cœur même du processus industriel, qui en contractant la
notion de passé, de présent et de futur en un insupportable présent
éternellement empoisonné, sont devenus des facteurs intrinsèques de toute expérience humaine actuelle et à venir.”

Bang Up and Smash: 2nd Edition out now! (UK)


Bang Up and Smash is an overview of women’s prisons in the UK, and a political analysis of their physical and ideological construction. This 2nd edition contains an updated introduction and resources section.

From the moment of arrest, to coming home, Bang Up and Smash critically engages with the procedures, concepts and apparatus the state relies on, and the economics behind the expansion of the prison industrial complex.
Bang Up and Smash is a practical guide to women’s prisons in the UK, and a rallying call to attack.

Solidarity is a weapon, and abolition is not enough…

You can buy copies from Active Distribution for £7

If you would like to send copies to anyone in (or going to) prison
contact ASBO direct at for a cheap copy.

Available to download for free at:



“The most effective power is that which cannot be seen. This fact, combined with the reduction of the subject to a mere economic “animal laborans” and the deconflictionalisation and depoliticisation of society, is tending towards constructing a framework in which rules and those who decide them can hardly be challenged.”

“Depoliticisation and economic success are the most effective tools for pacifying society and maintaining control over it, and the social credit system goes in this direction.”

From 2013 Rongcheng, Chinese city in the province of Shandong, started experimenting with the ‘social credit’ system, but the aim is to extend it throughout the country by 2023.

In Rongcheng, each citizen is assigned 1,000 initial points, and each score corresponds to a specific letter: AAA to D. The letter ‘A’ (equivalent to 1,000 points) is the basic score and entails access to certain benefits, such as preferential assistance in employment and priority in school enrolment. One can aim to increase one’s score through behaviour considered by the Chinese Communist Party as ‘virtuous’: paying taxes and bills on time, making certain purchases, sharing and spreading party ideas, etc. a long list of behaviours by which the ‘trustworthiness’ and ‘virtuousness’ of citizens is judged. Of course, reporting people whose attitudes are deemed to be improper leads to an increase in one’s score. The benefits for the highest level (AAA, accessible to those with more than 1,050 points) include: higher pension insurance, subsidies for public transport, the possibility of applying for interest-free loans, being able to rent vehicles without having to leave a deposit, requiring fewer documents for travel visas, etc.