Category Archives: Library

Defence is not the best attack Open (desperate) letter to those who eat our same bread

Defence is not the best attack
Open (desperate) letter to those who eat our same bread

Dear comrades,

it is to you, and only you (‘wreckers’, not consensus interceptors; avowed dreamers, not pragmatists when required – militants and opportunists please refrain) that we are turning to in these dark times, when every horizon seems to be closing in on us. To you, known over the years in Italy and around the world, or even completely unknown, the only ones who can understand our current state of mind and our words.

Many argue that those who have no hope to convey should keep quiet. Although this would explain the silence into which many of us are sliding, we don’t agree. In fact, in a way we think exactly the opposite: those who should shut up are the ones who persist in peddling enchanting narratives (from heavenly paradise as a reward for earthly resignation to communism as the ineluctable outcome of capitalist development, passing through the insurrection that comes with every citizens’ mobilisation or street riot). Especially now – with humanity well on the way to extinction, a planet on the verge of ecological collapse, a social massacre that gets worse every day, a war that brandishes nuclear weapons, voluntary servitude so generalised as to make any aspiration to even the slightest freedom ridiculous – it seems to us more urgent and essential than ever to look deeply into reality and not to skim the surface of things in order to draw comforting illusions from it. That is why this letter is desperate, because it is born of discouragement in the face of a situation that in all respects appears hopeless, with no way out.

We are not hiding it. We have gambled on the encounter between thought and action, we are besieged by opinion and representation. We have invoked the Ego and its Own, we are surrounded by the Selfie and its vanity. We have tried to spread utopia, we are submerged in realism. We have loved the most excessive and singular ideas, we are at the mercy of the most homologising and massifying propaganda. We longed for the awakening of consciousness, we find ourselves trapped in the calculus of the algorithm. We have prioritised ethics, we are swept away by politics. Poetry may have survived Auschwitz (and television?), but critical thinking has been annihilated in Silicon Valley.

Continue reading Defence is not the best attack Open (desperate) letter to those who eat our same bread

Long live adventure! Long live attack! Long live anarchy!

Long live adventure! Long live attack! Long live anarchy!

We have been told repeatedly for years now that this is ‘the age of communication’. We too are convinced of this.

Communication of the civilisation of screens, of the destruction of language, of the disappearance, or almost, of the ability to show or feel emotion without robotic supports, the civilisation of freeze-dried feelings on silicon supports.

This communication is based on electrified concrete pylons, repeater towers that spread turmoil and leukaemia, server towers that make whole rivers evaporate, and communication increasingly overlaps with the control and domination they allow: global security experiments such as those put into effect with the advent of the Covid-19, or the brain-shredding war propaganda machine in the war between Nato and Russia are the most recent and devastating examples.

Continue reading Long live adventure! Long live attack! Long live anarchy!

Affinity: In the desert, hell.

Affinity: In the desert, hell

Life can be a parody of itself or simply a choice. When banality creeps into the guts, horror is always at hand, lurking, to make everything seem normal. If we were to think of the world today, in addition to the ongoing massacre of war and the genocide of consciences in the last two and a half years in the age of contagion, we could, without euphemism, think of the desert. In the desert, everything tends towards the identical, and the most distressing thing is that one never sees the end of it, even when thirsty for oases of shelter.

On the night of 3 June, an entire section of the prison of Cremona goes up in revolt. That place catches fire, the cages are one with black smoke. A few days earlier a prisoner attempted to strangle a screw. The revolt is put down in a great hurry also by cops and firefighters who’d rushed to protect authority, i.e., the segregation of those bodies. About eighty prisoners are evacuated. Who knows how long that section will remain unusable.

Continue reading Affinity: In the desert, hell.

Tragic comedy :


She is an advisor to the Prince sent across the border, who today claims to be very ‘shaken’. Thanks to her gracious services, she thought she deserved only praise, honours, interviews, applause. She never thought she would be woken up out of the blue in the middle of the night because one of her cars had been set on fire. Never would she have thought of taking such an ‘unexpected’ ‘risk’. After all, she is only a diplomat, the foreign representative of a State. Who could ever blame her just for that?

Clearly there is – in Athens, but not only –, someone who holds every high official of State responsible for the infamies committed by the State they represent. A car engulfed in flames sufficed to irritate and upset the diplomat’s colleagues to the point of making a Greek tragedy of it (without a fatal ending, albeit, for now). Among them, there are those who declare they are ‘astonished’ at the lack of respect for institutions and those who are ‘worried’ after discovering that these are not so unreachable. But is voluntary servitude really not universal? But are the hyper-securitised neighbourhoods built by fascist regimes really not impregnable?

Continue reading Tragic comedy :

Some initial notes on the investigation file against Anarchist Ivan Alocco. (France)

From Counter-Surveillance Resource Center

Download: PDF (read, A4 booklet, letter booklet) • TEXT

The following information comes from an initial quick reading of the investigation file. Therefore, it is necessarily incomplete.

First of all, how did this investigation start?

The Anti-Terrorism Sub-Directorate (SDAT) of the judicial police began an investigation on its own initiative, at the beginning of January 2022, following “confidential information collected by [the] service” (in another document, a judge speaks of “anonymous intelligence”). The police “gathered” the names of two comrades who, according to this information, were likely to be responsible for the incendiary attacks, claimed by anarchists, which had been targeting vehicles in Paris and the surrounding area for years. In the past, different local police stations and the anti-terrorism group of the DPJ 1 (a section of the Parisian Judicial Police) had already carried out investigations, notably for “criminal association”, without success.

Continue reading Some initial notes on the investigation file against Anarchist Ivan Alocco. (France)

Italy: number 1 of “Soffi e Graffi” [?Whiffs and Scratches] is out – 18 November 2022

Number 1 of “Soffi e Graffi” [?Whiffs and Scratches] is out – 18 November 2022

Blowing on fire. Fuelling fires. Searching for the powder keg in the wind. The spark of anarchist thought has always aimed at this as it strikes in the most unexpected places. Even before it took a name, the tension towards freedom and revolt already sparked off adventures and instilled courage against subjugation and domination. Blowing away voluntary servitude is a way to look at the world with unprecedented perspectives. From everyday misery one can always set off for an elsewhere, arrive at new forms of thinking and living.

Scratching skin. Some from marks left by the tangled brambles of the Dark and Mysterious Forest. Others the claws of the beasts that make themselves known  looking the enemy in the eye. The latent feeling is that there is still a hostile place, intricate and refractory to those who wish to map and explore it. An untamed being in the world with an existential rage that transcends resistance to mutate it into attack, permanent conflict, autonomy. A small fragment of freedom inside each one of us, unknown even to ourselves, which however at times seeks paths of affinity with other sensitivities. But what use are names for something that is unnameable?

Continue reading Italy: number 1 of “Soffi e Graffi” [?Whiffs and Scratches] is out – 18 November 2022

Latest developments and context concerning the 129 trial in Munich or: The persecution of anarchists and cigarette butts in the Bavarian-Christian kingdom 2022

From Counter-Surveillance Resource Center

Languages: German •  French
Download: TEXT

The following text is intended to give some background to the ongoing 129 trial [for criminal association] in Munich and to provide information about recent developments as well as to provide a general assessment of the whole situation. The proceedings became known on 26.04.22, when coordinated house searches took place in four apartments, the anarchist library Frevel and a print shop[1].

Before we explain what we know about the chronological course that the investigations took, we’ll repeat the charges: the 129 criminal association case, including the 15 criminal offenses we are charged with (either calling for criminal acts, approving criminal acts, threatening, or both), relates to the accusation of having edited, written, printed, and distributed the anarchist newspaper Zündlumpen, published from May 2019 to September 2021. In short, the accused are alleged to be the Zündlumpen editorial staff, which in turn is alleged to be a criminal organization. Continue reading Latest developments and context concerning the 129 trial in Munich or: The persecution of anarchists and cigarette butts in the Bavarian-Christian kingdom 2022

Between Storms: Anarchist Reflections of Solidarity with Wet’suwet’en Resistance

We have assembled this publication in solidarity with the ongoing Wet’suwet’en resistance to industrial expansion. This struggle for Indigenous self determination and land defence has become a landmark moment of rupture across the colonial nation of Canada and beyond. We felt the need to compile this zine in an effort to take a step back and witness the breadth and fierceness of these last few years – with a particular focus on the year that has just passed since the start of ‘Coyote Camp’ and the specific battle against the attempt to drill under Wedzin Kwa.
Not to produce some stale collection for the history shelves, but to inspire and learn from these events as they continue to unfold. As we go to print, CGL has just begun the drilling under the river that many have fought so hard to prevent. It’s a sad day and this part of their destruction will have devastating effects. But this doesn’t mean that this fight has been in vain, the project is not complete and opportunities for intervention abound.

Continue reading Between Storms: Anarchist Reflections of Solidarity with Wet’suwet’en Resistance

Solidarity Brochure: Erhobenen Hauptes, Flammenden Herzens (German, France)

Solidarity Brochure: Erhobenen Hauptes, Flammenden Herzens

In solidarity with Boris, who has been hospitalized for more than a year following the fire in the cell in which he was imprisoned for having set fire to two cell phone antennas, a collection of texts has been circulating since May 2022 on paper throughout France. Titled “From technological chains to prison bars, a whole world to be torn down”, this extensive booklet has inspired comrades from across the Rhine, who have added new texts to their translation, in order to continue to carry the solidarity with Boris across borders, and whose introduction can be found below.

Erhobenen Hauptes, Flammenden Herzens. Textsammlung rund um den Fall von Boris und den Kampf gegen die technologische Infrastruktur in Frankreich, (in German), 76 pages A4, November 2022

Preface to Heads High, Hearts Burning: Collection of texts about the Boris case and the fight against technological infrastructures in France.

More than two years ago, on the night of April 9-10, 2020, an anarchist from the French city of Besançon named Boris went for a little night stroll and left behind two burning antennas, which caused the collapse not only of the regional telecommunication network of the various French cell phone operators, but also of the cops’ radio network. Two pillars of techno-industrial civilization, at least for a while.

Continue reading Solidarity Brochure: Erhobenen Hauptes, Flammenden Herzens (German, France)