Category Archives: Library

PRISMA: Primer on Radical Information for Secure Militant Actions

From No Trace Project

“In our experience, we have found that it is often difficult to find an overview of different forms of action, especially militant ones, as well as practical and contextual thoughts on different aspects of security and action planning. […] That’s why we have collected information about taking action.”

PDF: read | A4 booklet: part 1, part 2 | letter booklet: part 1, part 2

The Libertad library needs you! Paris,France

The anarchist library “Libertad” was created in Paris in 2010 as a place ‘where experiences and perspectives can resonate with each other, in order to put an end to a deadly world based on the logic of exploitation and domination’. Month after month, many discussions, debates, talks and film screenings have taken place there, among the thousands of books, archives and zines to be borrowed or taken away. Its walls have echoed the voices of comrades from other continents who have come to share their struggles.

They have allowed us to collect documents and
testimonies of past struggles to better deepen the possibilities of the present. They spoke out in solidarity with imprisoned comrades and the waves of attacks on the existent. They vibrated with lively debates about the new assaults of domination on freedom and the living, and the different paths to undertake to bring down the world as it is.

Continue reading The Libertad library needs you! Paris,France

Revista anarquista internacional “Kalinov Most” #11. Diciembre 2024

Ya está nuevamente en las calles, un nuevo número de Kalinov Most

En esta onceava entrega puedes encontrar:


*Sobre el uso compulsivo de las redes sociales virtuales y sus consecuencias

*Hacia una negación radical de la moral cristiana

*Destruyendo el binomio teoría/practica

Aportes externos:

*Alemania: ¿guerrilla anarquista? dos reflexiones de un debate en curso.

*De algunos problemas entre tantos o muchos. (Texto original de Alfredo María Bonanno y traducido especialmente para Kalinov Most)

Este y otros números los puedes encontrar en:

Chile (Editorial Memoria Negra), Argentina (Expandiendo La Revuelta), Uruguay (Criaturas Fantásticas y Ediciones Orsini) , México (Konspiración Iconoclasta), entre otros lugares…

También puedes encontrar algunos números en digital:

Lecce , Italy : A reminiscence

Sometimes it is hard to write without running the risk of becoming rhetorical.

The death of Alfredo Bonanno has left what, precisely rhetorically, is referred to as an unbridgeable gap. A lack for many comrades – and they are hundreds – who, once they approached anarchism, drew vital lymph from his writings scattered in books, magazines and newspapers. Analytical writings to better understand the world and the evolution of domination, and to explore the way – one of the ways – in which to try to counter it. His analyses were lenses with which to look at things from another angle, and this way of looking at reality differently, of analysing it with another perspective is perhaps the thing that most fascinates about anarchism and will be most missed of Alfredo.

Whether it was one of his writings, a public discussion at an initiative or a conversation over a meal, he had the ability to stimulate that reflection that often led you to sit in silence and mull over what you had read or heard, taking you to reason differently, perceive other horizons.

Continue reading Lecce , Italy : A reminiscence

“The Regime Has Fallen!” – Compilation of texts on the latest events in Syria, as well as on the history of the Syrian revolution, its (missing) solidarity, the war and the counter-revolution…

PDF: A3 | Tabloid

Table of content:

On the Realization of Fantasy… The Day Assad Fell. A Testimony from Damascus by Omar Dayyoub(17.12.24) – p. 3

„The future of Syria will be decided by the Syrians and nobody else” Interview with Leila Al-Shami (16.12.24) – p. 4

From Syria to Palestine, liberation comes from below by Joseph Daher (11.12.24) – p. 4 Continue reading “The Regime Has Fallen!” – Compilation of texts on the latest events in Syria, as well as on the history of the Syrian revolution, its (missing) solidarity, the war and the counter-revolution…

Verseuchung, an anarchist journal based nowhere and everywhere, issue 0 and 1.


Verseuchung ,in German means Infestation ,contamination  Infection


We cannot save someone. No one can. Likewise we cannot really liberate others.
This forest (a living being) cannot be saved, it will either survive, even though profoundly changed or it will die, asphyxiated by the deadly vapours of this world.

For sure it cannot be saved by their legislations and their technology, but I suspect neither it can by us living here now. And it is not about saving it either. Not that I will not mourn if this forest dies. I will mourn the oak I’ve been living in, and this mourning will become anger added to the flames burning against this world, thirst added to my need for vengeance.

I don’t want this forest to die. But I’m not here to save it. And I want even less that it becomes the crystallized, unmoving and unsurprising version of itself they are proposing. Their least bad options, their grey survival elevated to life in the “best world possible”, their never-ending youth and refusal of death and life… this is no saving, this is a destiny maybe worse than Death itself.
Continue reading Verseuchung, an anarchist journal based nowhere and everywhere, issue 0 and 1.

Thessaloniki, Greece : Greeting to the memorial for anarchist comrade Alfredo M. Bonanno in Carrara, Italy en/it

To the comrades of Carrara, who will honour the memory and struggle of anarchist revolutionary Alfredo M. Bonanno at the Circolo Culturale Anarchico ”Gogliardo Fiaschi” on December 8th 2024.


By raising our insurgent fists from the Greek metropolis, we welcome your initiative to honour the memory of the comrade Alfredo M. Bonanno. A few kilometres away from you, the answer to the question “Why is it necessary to highlight the historicality of the work of the comrade Alfredo”, lies in the simplest of concepts: the constant need of a free person to revolt against misery and the constant necessity for the world of poverty to be completely destroyed.

At a time of political retreat and reform, it is our collective duty to undo the natural death of a comrade, giving breath and vibrancy to the propositions that characterized his life and his passing from every field of struggle. To fight radically and with a point of aggression, to sharpen the conflict in all the fields of social antagonism. To fight to win, not moments, but the totality of freedom.

Continue reading Thessaloniki, Greece : Greeting to the memorial for anarchist comrade Alfredo M. Bonanno in Carrara, Italy en/it

For Kyriakos For Anarchy Fire to the world of power. en/es/el

For Kyriakos

How many conversations about the rebellion did we not have time to finish, how many friendly glances did we lose but also how many disagreements did we leave half way? Look, something happened that I never expected, you probably got tired of talking sitting on that step and decided to get up and never sit down again. It seems you heard the footsteps of the rebels and decided to follow them into the fire. You too took the step into History, along with all those romantic souls who chose to attack the horrible world of bosses, without fear of death, only with the beauty of violence.

And now all those frightened petit bourgeois, with their awful morals, will start talking hatefully about you because you escaped the future that awaits anyone who doesn’t break the chains of their lot. From now on, however, you will make them tremble because from a room there in Ampelokipoi a noise was heard so loud that it was able to break forever the quiet of social peace. They will try to bury you under the rubble of social oblivion but you will escape them once again on the paths of freedom.

The void of your loss seems huge right now, but whatever it is, it will be filled by all those moments you gave to those who knew you. It will be filled with all the words we wrote together for some text. It will be filled with all those moments when you came late to some of the meetings that we probably set early. It will be filled with all those times you bridged our differences so we could go down the road together. It will be filled with all those moments when we were side by side on some demo and you calmed our fears.

So we close our eyes to remember your face and then we see your smile, and we realize that it looks like all those rebels who looked death in the face because they were sure of the life they lived. And it is strange how much your look is similar, it will probably be because you know that this world does not work for us and you are smiling at us because you made the decision to change it. That’s probably how Ravachol must have been smiling as he walked towards the guillotine singing. That is probably why the smile of all those who cannot and will never be able to live a life like slaves should look like this.

But remember that one day we will destroy this rotten world of power and those who hear the sound of its crash will know that you also participated in its destruction.

Goodbye comrade, goodbye friend, we will miss your smile, but we will carry it with us forever on the roads of fire…

For Anarchy
Fire to the world of power

Against the Silicon Forest (USA)


Silicon Forest (n): A high-tech industrial corridor in the Portland Metro area, primarily Beaverton and Hillsboro, known for its concentration of tech companies fabricating and applying semiconductors such as Intel, Tektronix, IBM, Hewlett-Packard, and more.


The speed of technological advancement feels like a train that’s off the rails. What seemed like a distant dystopia even just a few years ago has passed into the regular order of the present day, whether with a bang or subtly, without most of us even noticing. A degree of skepticism and nervousness towards this dystopia in progress is permitted and even affirmed in the mainstream, as long as no one starts to question the trajectory of technological advancement which those who dreamed up this virtual reality want us to see as the unstoppable path of progress. They want us to see their digital world as being all around us, and, at the same time, nowhere at all.
Continue reading Against the Silicon Forest (USA)