Category Archives: Library

Welcome spring, burn a Tesla!

In these dark times, the horizon seems to be blocked by techno-industrial slavery, war and the rise of fascism with patriarchy at its side.

Where despair reigns, an offensive proposal is valuable. A proposal to attack a target that is at the crossroads of our already-existing struggles. An attempt to give new impetus to our struggles.

One such proposal is to attack Tesla. By this we mean the company’s electric cars, which are swarming the streets just waiting for you to attack them.

We invite you to prepare and strike as soon as possible to properly welcome spring! Even if other targets are more strategic, the choice of Tesla is no coincidence.
Continue reading Welcome spring, burn a Tesla!

The memory of anarchist Lambros Foundas, member of Revolutionary Struggle murdered in an armed conflict with the cops, on 10th of March 2010 in Dafni area in Athens , will always accompany us in the struggle.

In life thunder

Charged with genuine anguish for the choices, the future, the comrades, the struggle.
With sharp thoughts, forged in your own personal effort and the movement.
With decisive acts, firm, flaming.
You showed with your life that the way of the revolutionary is to say little, to act with rage and devotion. With rage and conscience.
In your memory fists tighten…
Tears become weapons…
The choice becomes more imperative.

And in death a wolf

One breath was enough for you, one decision and iron will.
With the weapon in your hand and freedom in your eyes you chased your dreams to the end.
As you lived, that is how you left. Wild and free.

When revolutionaries die
they are not lost

They ride a star and draw courses of freedom in the indefinite.
They draw with their blood what each one of us dreams but is afraid to dare.

They are fireflies in the darkness of inertia.
They are the fire, the struggle, the street.
Lets all take the fire from their fire…
lets not forget – lets act.

Honour to anarchist
Lambros Foundas

The struggle continues.

È stato ristampato “La rivoluzione senza attesa. L’epopea di un’anarchica attraverso l’Ucraina 1902-1919” di Maria Nikiforova (Tremende Edizioni, 2025)

COLLANA “LE FURIE”: RISTAMPA DI MARIA NIKIFOROVA, LA RIVOLUZIONE SENZA ATTESA. L’epopea di un’anarchica attraverso l’Ucraina 1902-1919.

“Il nostro compito è di preparare le masse ad una sollevazione ampia e popolare, e di fare la rivoluzione non al posto del popolo, ma con il popolo. È necessario attaccare con violenza la borghesia per distruggere i fondamenti della rivoluzione borghese, oltre che combattere il nazionalismo ucraino. È necessario trovare fondi per la stampa, come è necessario confiscare armi”

Continue reading È stato ristampato “La rivoluzione senza attesa. L’epopea di un’anarchica attraverso l’Ucraina 1902-1919” di Maria Nikiforova (Tremende Edizioni, 2025)

Nuove pubblicazioni: “Come e perché ho ucciso la principessa Sissi” di Luigi Lucheni, seconda edizione; “Teoria e pratica dell’insurrezione” di Alfredo M. Bonanno, quarta edizione; “Che cos’è la proprietà?” di Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, seconda edizione (Edizioni Anarchismo, 2025)

Catalogo completo su

Per contatti e ordini:

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Luigi Lucheni
Come e perché ho ucciso la principessa Sissi

All’1,35 del 10 settembre 1898 l’anarchico Luigi Lucheni uccide sulla riva del lago di Ginevra la principessa Sissi, colpendola al petto con una lima.

Continue reading Nuove pubblicazioni: “Come e perché ho ucciso la principessa Sissi” di Luigi Lucheni, seconda edizione; “Teoria e pratica dell’insurrezione” di Alfredo M. Bonanno, quarta edizione; “Che cos’è la proprietà?” di Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, seconda edizione (Edizioni Anarchismo, 2025)

[Μετάφραση] Alfredo Maria Bonanno – Palestine mon amour (translation in Greek language)

Μια μεγάλη συλλογή σύντομων κειμένων για το πάντα επίκαιρο και ακανθώδες θέμα του παλαιστινιακού αγώνα για αυτοδιάθεση. Δημοσιεύτηκαν αρχικά από το 1988-1995 και είναι περισσότερο διαλογισμοί για θέματα όπως η εβραϊκή ταυτότητα, ο ρόλος του Κιμπούτς και η ανάγκη για μια συνολική ισραηλινο-παλαιστινιακή εξέγερση, παρά σχολιασμός των τρεχόντων γεγονότων.



Revolutionary Defeatist Network: PROLETARIANS “ON THE HOME FRONT”!

Revolutionary Defeatist Network [1]


Revolutionary Defeatist Network



Proletarians “On the Home Front”!

In many parts of the world, right now the capitalism is once again
kicking off its inherent war machine to slaughter thousands upon
thousands of proletarians. They are being relentlessly bombed and
shelled; deliberately starved and deprived of water; forced to shoot,
stab or poison each other with gas in the trenches, raped, tortured and mutilated…
Continue reading Revolutionary Defeatist Network: PROLETARIANS “ON THE HOME FRONT”!

Contre la guerre, contre la paix, pour la révolution sociale – Luigi Galleani

Avant la Première Guerre Mondiale, les organisations ouvrières en Europe avaient beaucoup œuvré pour organiser les ouvriers et les enrégimenter dans leurs structures, tout en se donnant des airs subversifs à grand renfort de propagande.

Elles couraient derrière le nombre d’adhérents, plus intéressées à les habituer à suivre les ordres d’en haut, qu’à tenter d’en fortifier les consciences et les volontés. Que des millions d’adhérents se croyant émancipés – eux qui auraient peut-être pu empêcher la guerre s’ils l’avaient osé –, aient fini par aller au front après que leurs chefs aient brutalement retourné leurs vestes, voilà la « démonstration la plus putride des organisations prétendument subversives ».

Continue reading Contre la guerre, contre la paix, pour la révolution sociale – Luigi Galleani

Cinq femmes révolutionnaires contre le tsar (Tumult, hiver 2025)














Cinq femmes révolutionnaires contre le tsar

Vera Zassoulitch, Praskovia Ivanovskaïa, Olga Lioubatovitch, Elisabeth Kovalskaïa et Vera Figner sont cinq conspiratrices fougueuses du mouvement révolutionnaire russe des années 1870-1880. Dix ans après l’abolition du servage, la première vague de lutte contre l’absolutisme tsariste prend principalement la forme d’une marche de la jeunesse vers le peuple paysan et ouvrier. Face à la répression, le mouvement se transforme : à la propagande et l’agitation s’ajoutent l’organisation secrète, la fomentation de révoltes paysannes, le combat armé et les attentats. Le 1er mars 1881, le tsar Alexandre II lui-même est tué lors d’un attentat à Pétersbourg.
Continue reading Cinq femmes révolutionnaires contre le tsar (Tumult, hiver 2025)

Rumoer publication is out (#8 but actually 10!)






Read it here (or get your paper version):
In English:
In Dutch:

We really like to spread this publication for free, not just by post and in social spaces, but also on the street and other gatherings. But that costs some money. Give us some or plenty of money:

INGBNL2A NL75 INGB 0004253090 in the name of ITHAKA in Utrecht, in the description RUMOER.

You can order paper versions by sending us an email at rumoer at riseup dot net. Tell us how many you want in which language.

Enjoy reading tell us what you think and see you soon! XXX RUMOER

international call for the revolutionary union of anarchists by Dimitris Chatzivasileiadis. (Greece)

International call for the revolutionary union of anarchists

First part, introductory: 12th of February 2012

On 12 February 2012 the last big battle of the anti-austerity movement (in the Greek territory) took place. Other open battles followed in the following years, but after that day, when the movement realized that it had reached the limits of its power, it did not revive. The objective of this longstanding insurrectionary movement, which was to cancel the parliament during the passing of the controversial laws or even to occupy it, was lost for good during the popular attempt on 12/2/2012. It was the biggest militant gathering since 1973. Half a million people, once again, but for what would be the last time, surrounded the central institution of the regime and after being repelled by chemical bombardment, we made persistent efforts to reach the target again. The state’s military machine, without resorting to the use of standard weapons of warfare, overpowered a huge yet unarmed mass of people.

The turning point of the anti-austerity movement became a critical juncture for various poles of the anti-authoritarian movement that led them to prioritize the question of the revolutionary program and the question of organization. We all recognized the impasse of one-dimensional insurrectionism, that is, of the deferral of all questions to the dynamics of the insurgent mass and to the moment of insurrection. However, the road to overcoming all the culminated weaknesses remained blurred. The program and the political organization became the new points of deferral for all critical issues, while denouncing insurrectionary practice.
Continue reading international call for the revolutionary union of anarchists by Dimitris Chatzivasileiadis. (Greece)