Category Archives: Italy – General news ,sabotage, actions and Solidarity with anarchists arrested and all those under investigation

Italy : Communiqué from Anarchist Cultural Circle “Gogliardo Fiaschi” in Carrara,on the August 8 repressive operation (and Luigi’s prison address)


August, the State, through the public prosecution of Genoa (in the figure of prosecutor Federico Manotti) and the DIGOS of La Spezia, carried out yet another repressive operation against the anarchist movement. Their aim is to silence any revolutionary desire and aspiration – as already happened with “anatianarchist laws” over a hundred years ago.

Ten anarchists have been accused in this investigation including five comrades of Carrara for whom the prosecutor had requested imprisonment, which the judge for preliminary investigations Riccardo Ghio changed to four house arrests with full restrictions, followed by five forced residences with curfew, and one comrade with no restrictions. One of the four comrades under house arrest was ordered to be taken to prison as he did not have a certificate of residence: so Luigi has been transferred to the prison of La Spezia.

As well as the house searches the historic anarchist place in Carrara, Anarchist Cultural Circle “Gogliardo Fiaschi”, was also searched. Magazines, books, leaflets, posters and digital material were confiscated.

Continue reading Italy : Communiqué from Anarchist Cultural Circle “Gogliardo Fiaschi” in Carrara,on the August 8 repressive operation (and Luigi’s prison address)

A flashback on “Operation Panico” (Italy)

A flashback on Operation Panico

Now that the sentences of Operation Panico have been made final by the court of Cassation(, it seems appropriate to remember – at least briefly – the facts for which these comrades were sentenced. We are doing this by republishing a poster spread throughout Trentino and beyond in the summer of  2019, on the eve of the first degree sentence. While the charge of criminal association fell in the second degree, and Giovanni has been acquitted for the “New Year’s bang”, almost all the other charges have been confirmed on appeal and again by the Cassation of Rome. We also recall that Paska, arrested in Bologna, has been transferred to the prison of Opera in Milan. To him and to all those sentenced our full solidarity: if they are “innocent”, they fully deserve it; if they are “guilty”, they deserve it even more!

To write to Paska:

Pierloreto Fallanca
Via camporgnago 40


Here is the poster in pdf: Lampo-1.pdf” (1)


In Florence, on the night of new year 2017, a homemade device was found by the Digos in the iron shutter of the fascist bookshop “il Bargello”, linked to Casapound. Intervening without protection, perhaps drunk with the revelries, one of the police bomb disposal unit is seriously wounded after exploding it in his face.

Continue reading A flashback on “Operation Panico” (Italy)

Potenza, Italy: The usual ones

Potenza : The usual ones

The usual

June twenty-six at five in the morning an operation of the ROS of Potenza is unleashed in various parts of the peninsula. Twelve individuals witness their homes or those of their families being invaded by divisions of the ROS, looking for material that could link various people interested in the anarchist milieu. While the comrades were being held in barracks for hours for searches, among which computer technology (copying of mobile phone data), their families (resident in the Lucan area) were held hostage by the special forces for the same time with the excuse of domiciliary searches.

Continue reading Potenza, Italy: The usual ones

Repressive operation of 28th March: the first hearing of a trial with immediate rite has been set for Zac for September 13th in Naples (Italy)

Repressive operation of 28th March: the first hearing of a trial with immediate rite has been set for Zac for September 13th in Naples


Repressive operation of 28th March: the first hearing of a trial with immediate rite has been set for Zac for September 13th in Naples

Update about Zac

Continue reading Repressive operation of 28th March: the first hearing of a trial with immediate rite has been set for Zac for September 13th in Naples (Italy)

Italy: The internationalist anarchist fortnightly “Bezmotivny”, year III, number 11, 12 June 2023, is out

The internationalist anarchist fortnightly “Bezmotivny”, year III, number 11, 12 June 2023, is out


— The man who fell to earth, “The lives of others”

— Revolution, “The postponement”

— “The wind of anarchy”

— “Call for international action in solidarity with the anarchist on hunger strike G. Michailidis”

— “Stop cop city. International call for solidarity with anarchists in Atlanta, USA”

— “News from Sicily. New military projects”

— Someone* from the territory that isn’t, “Against militarism. For a life outside States”

— “Vademecum for friends of the struggle”

— “Massacre of Via dei Georgofili. Anarchist investigated”

— Alfredo M. Bonanno, “Love and death”

— Assembly of solidarity with Alfredo Cospito and the revolutionary prisoners, “One more thousand insusceptible of repentance. Contribution to the mobilisation in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito”

— “Operation Panico”

— “Greg arrested”

— an anarchist, “Con l’acqua alla gola. An anarchist look at the flood in Romagna”

— Brígadas Anárquicas Luis Ramírez Olaechea, “Explosive attack against the Fundación Paz Ciudadana”

— “UK: revolt in Cardiff”

— “Cardiff. A riotous night of vengeance, rage and defiance”

— “Patras. Barrage of attacks on banks”

— “Thessaloniki, Greece. COSMOTE van set on fire”

— “Roussillon, France. Sabotage of the high-voltage line feeding the Hexcel company in solidarity with Serge”

– “Toulouse, France. No metro no work”

“Bezmotivny”, internationalist anarchist fortnightly, year III, number 11, June 12, 2023. To receive copies and/or subscribe, write to the following e-mail address or to the postbox: Bezmotivny, c/o Casella postale 59, 54033 Carrara (MS).

Cover price: 1,50 euro. Annual subscription: 35 euro. Support subscription: 50 euro. Distributor subscription: contact the editors.

[Received by email and published in]


È uscito “Bezmotivny”, quindicinale anarchico internazionalista, anno III, numero 11, 12 giugno 2023


Continue reading Italy: The internationalist anarchist fortnightly “Bezmotivny”, year III, number 11, 12 June 2023, is out

First-degree sentence of the Diamante trial (Genoa, Italy, July 5, 2023)

Genova: First-degree sentence of the Diamante trial July 5, 2023

The first-degree sentence of the Diamante trial against anarchist comrades Evelin and Gianluca (arrested on March 16th, 2022) was read out today, July 5th, at the Genoa court. Evelin was acquitted of all accusations and Gianluca was convicted to 4 years and 6 months of prison (plus a fine of 15,000 euro) for ‘illegal possession of explosives’ (art. 1 and 2 of law 895/67) and ‘attempted crime’ (art. 56 c. p., Italian criminal code), while he was acquitted of the accusation of ‘manufacture or possession of explosive materials with the purpose of endangering public safety’ (art. 435 c. p.).

Continue reading First-degree sentence of the Diamante trial (Genoa, Italy, July 5, 2023)

Solidarity presence at the sentencing hearing of the Diamante trial. Solidarity with Gianluca and Evelin! (Genoa, Italy, July 5, 2023)

Genova: Solidarity presence at the sentencing hearing of the Diamante trial. Solidarity with Gianluca and Evelin!

On July 5th, the court of Genoa will hold the hearing for the sentence in the trial against anarchists Gianluca and Evelin, who were arrested on March 16th, 2022, within the Diamante investigation and charged with fabrication and possession of explosive and explosive material. During the hearings on June 7th and 8th, the prosecutor requested a sentence of 9 years and 6 months (plus a fine of 30,000 euros) for Gianluca and 5 years and 6 months (plus 15,000 euros) for Evelin.

We recall that Gianluca — who is also under investigation in the Sibilla proceeding against the anarchist paper ‘Vetriolo’ — is still under house arrest with all the restrictions for the Diamante trial (the comrades were transferred to house arrest after a period of imprisonment in Rome’s Rebibbia prison), while Evelin was released in April 2022 following the re-examination hearing on the precautionary measures.
Continue reading Solidarity presence at the sentencing hearing of the Diamante trial. Solidarity with Gianluca and Evelin! (Genoa, Italy, July 5, 2023)

Italy: Update on the June 7-8 hearings of the Diamante trial: prosecutor’s indictment and upcoming hearing for the sentence

Update on the June 7-8 hearings of the Diamante trial: prosecutor’s indictment and upcoming hearing for the sentence

On June 7th and 8th, at the Court of Genoa, there was the prosecutor’s indictment and the defence lawyers’ discussion of the trial against anarchist comrades Evelin and Gianluca. The prosecutor’s requests were for 5 years and 6 months and a fine of 15,000 euro for Evelin and 9 years and 6 months and 30,000 euro for Gianluca [the comrade is currently under house arrest with all restrictions].

A further hearing was postponed to July 5th for the reading of the first-degree sentence.

Updates will follow.

[Published in italian at

| English translation published at]

* * *

(IT) Aggiornamenti sulle udienze del 7-8 giugno del processo Diamante: richieste di condanna del pubblico ministero e prossima udienza per la sentenza
(EN) Update on the June 7-8 hearings of the Diamante trial: prosecutor’s indictment and upcoming hearing for the sentence (Italy)


ANTISISTEMA – Paper for anarchy and passionate destruction 2023

ANTISISTEMA – Paper for anarchy and passionate destruction

This is the first issue of the bilingual anarchist paper Antisistema,
which will be published irregularly. The paper gives space for anarchist analyses, discussions and documentations of attacks on structures of domination.
From now on we will upload the PDFs of the paper in german and english and want to encourage decentralized printing, distribution and discussion.

Contact: anti-sistema at

– Editorial
– For more cheerful daring
– For a determined struggle against the industrial destruction of the
– Combining the question of social revolution with the question of
– Defence is not the best attack
– Words are followed by actions
Continue reading ANTISISTEMA – Paper for anarchy and passionate destruction 2023

Sassari (Italy): a bug found in a comrade’s car

Sassari:a bug found in a comrade’s car

1. antenna, 2. connected microphone, 3. positive and negative terminals for power supply, 4. strong magnets to stick the device to the car, 5. transmitter with SIM card and GPS.

All this was found by comrades in their car. It’s not impossible that the same kind of device has been installed in other vehicles. The device was found last week.