Category Archives: Italy – General news ,sabotage, actions and Solidarity with anarchists arrested and all those under investigation
Italy: New investigation for article 280 in relation to the attack on the Bologna carabinieri barracks
At the beginning of April the carabinieri notified Robert, already on trial for ”operation Prometeo”, a warranty notice for article 280 (attack for purposes of terrorism) with an attached request for urgent assessments to be carried out on 13th April 2021 at the RIS headquarters in Parma on materials collected on 27 and 28th November 2016 in the areas close to the carabinieri barracks of Bologna-Corticella.
Just a couple of days later the same papers were notified to Giuseppe, presently being held in the prison of Bologna, who is also under investigation for the Prometeo inquest. The disputed facts concern the explosion of a device on the night of November 27, 2016 outside the carabinieri barracks.
Italy – Quale internazionale? [What international?], a book by Alfredo Cospito and many others, is out
Quale internazionale? published little more than a year after the publication of the third part of an homonymous interview with imprisoned comrade Alfredo Cospito in the anarchist paper Vetriolo, is finally available. This booklet, edited by Alfredo and the other comrades editors of the paper, is the expression of a
passionate trajectory of in-depth study and analysis and at the same time a cognitive and historical contribution for anarchism, a volume which we hope can bring about a lively involvement with anarchist ideas, drawing the attention of those who care for the destruction of this world centred on authority.
«Today just to publish a discussion on the practice of internationalist anarchist action, just putting together a chronology of the actions carried out by the Informal Anarchist Federation and some of their claims involves the concrete risk of ending up in prison for years. This pocket book has a great merit: it goes straight to the specifics of the Informal Anarchist Federation without any dissociating or demonizing prefaces. How is it possible that a phenomenon that involved (whatever one thinks of it) a consistent part of anarchism was never analysed in a serious, deep way, even less from a historical point of view? Perhaps it is time to face this piece of anarchy in a balanced way, without rancour. Perhaps to do otherwise would be demented because certainly it is not by mystifying or erasing pieces of history that don’t correspond to our fine printed theories that we will be able to affirm our anarchy in the world» – Alfredo Cospito.
Genoa, Italy – In solidarity with those searched for organized crime
Written on 27th March 2021
On 24th February the Digos of Genoa raided 5 members of the Collettivo Autonomo Lavoratori Portuali (CALP, Autonomous Collective of Dock Workers) and of Genova Antifascista [Antifascist Genoa]. The investigative hypothesis of the police is criminal association (art. 416) aimed at opposing the fascist presence in the city and arms trafficking in the port of Genoa, with particular reference to the struggle against the transit of ships owned by Saudi company Bahri, with their cargos of weapons destined for wars.
We express our solidarity with the comrades under investigation not only because we think the struggle against fascists and against all wars is right and legitimate but also because we were together in these struggles – on many occasions. The Police are trying to present these struggles as the work of a restricted group of people who “exploit” others, and this attempt must not pass.
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