Category Archives: Italy – General news ,sabotage, actions and Solidarity with anarchists arrested and all those under investigation

Anarchist comrade Natascia Savio is on hunger strike since June 16 (Italy)

From a video call this morning [June 19] with a comrade, Natascia made it known that on June 16, 2021, on her return to Vigevano prison after the preliminary hearing held in Turin for the ‘Scintilla’ trial in which she is a defendant, her temperature was taken and she was immediately put in an isolation cell. When she realised that she was there to be transferred back to S. Maria Capua Vetere prison [in the province of Caserta, southern Italy], she officially declared the start of her hunger strike, throwing the food out of the cell when it was delivered.
Requests for her to be assigned to another prison have been to no avail, given that her right to a defence is infringed, making it impossible for her to properly follow the trials in which she is accused in Genoa (‘Prometeo’) and Turin (‘Scintilla’) and to meet with her lawyer, both in the courtroom during the hearings and in the preparatory phase. It should also be added that the only motion she was able to present in person came from the prison of Vigevano, because from the prison of S. Maria Capua Vetere they never sent it, remaining in all probability to gather dust on a desk of the prison administration.

Continue reading Anarchist comrade Natascia Savio is on hunger strike since June 16 (Italy)

Rome, Italy – 41 BIS=TORTURE – Some comrades on trial

On Thursday 20th May a trial will be held in the Court of Rome against five comrades charged with unauthorised demonstration. The “seriously illicit act” took place on 13th May 2016 outside the premises of DAP (Department of Prison Administration) and was one of a series of initiatives of the campaign “Pagine contro la tortura” [pages against torture].
The intention of the initiative was to give books to those responsible for the treatment of imprisoned people and prison management. A symbolic gesture, accompanied by speeches on the microphone where we expressed our contempt for those who, sitting comfortably at shiny desks, make decisions that heavily affect the lives (and more and more often also the deaths) of those inside the jails.
The campaign “Pagine contro la tortura” began in 2015 following the news, which became public after considerable delay, that since 2011 anyone held in 41bis units cannot receive books, magazines or other printed material by post or through visits with relatives and lawyers. The only possibility: buy them from the governor of the prison where they are detained.

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Bologna, Italy : Update to Chi non muore si ritrova [back from the dead, we meet again]

via: infernourbanoTranslated by act for freedom now!
Considerations concerning Operation “Ritrovo” and requests for special surveillance
A year after Operation Ritrovo [operation hangout] requests came for 5 years’ special surveillance with compulsory residence against 7 comrades involved in the investigation. A hearing has been set for 12th July. The move seems to us to be completely in line with what happened in both the recent past (Cagliari and Genoa) and that more remote. In the face of the failure or drastic reshaping of the contents of the investigation, they are trying to strike the same people with other means. The intent is clearly that of not giving up, weakening the contexts in which to think and to organize critique and opposition to the status quo is a practice that remains constant, even by simply having comrades feeling constantly watched, breathing down their necks, trying to put them under pressure.
Special surveillance, and in a different way “minor” custodial measures such as compulsory residence and prohibition of residence, are measures as devious as they are vile. Anyone affected by them is isolated in a way which is not as hard as heavier measures, such as arrest. However, even if with different means, the State’s aim remains the same: to narrow the space of those who act, take out of the way those who expose themselves and to give a warning to anyone who intends to do so. And it can succeed with both prison and other, even if lighter, measures. It is when comrades disappear from the contexts they had been struggling in until now, precisely because of these measures, that we can see that. And although we are not surprised that solidarity doesn’t express itself with the same impetus as for arrests, we still want to point out that what they are aiming for is often the same: to stop paths of struggle. And we cannot allow them to succeed.

Continue reading Bologna, Italy : Update to Chi non muore si ritrova [back from the dead, we meet again]

Head Up. Authoritarian Turn of New Form and Anti-anarchist Repression in Italy

Contribution for the debate at the anarchist space Motín by anarchists editors of “Vetriolo”. Madrid, February 27, 2021
Thanks to the comrades for the invitation, we regret that more comrades could not come. The reason for such a small presence is the restrictions related to the repressive laws enacted by governments, under the pretext of the pandemic. However, we would be happy to come back for further discussions as soon as possible.
On the pages of “Vetriolo”, we have defined the repressive climate in Italy, and in general throughout the democratic West, as an “authoritarian turn of new form”. Let us try to better explain the meaning of this definition.
One of the reasons that prompted us to search for a specific definition for the repressive climate of this historical phase is our dissatisfaction with the classic categories of anti-fascism. Some of us don’t believe that there isn’t in fact a fascist danger today. Obviously there are many fascists and they are very dangerous, but some comrades editors of the paper don’t believe that there is a historical and political danger of an establishment of fascist regimes in the West. In fact, we think that fascism was a response of the state to the revolutionary danger. Since there is unfortunately no danger for the power of a social revolution today, we also don’t believe that the liberal state will turn into a fascist state.

Continue reading Head Up. Authoritarian Turn of New Form and Anti-anarchist Repression in Italy

At Natascia’s side – Who struggles is never alone! Solidarity gathering at the prison of Vigevano (Italy, June 13, 2021)

Sunday, June 13, 2021 – 11:00 am
Solidarity gathering at the prison of Vigevano
Natascia has been in preventive detention for over two years. In mid-March she was transferred from the High Security 3 section of Piacenza to that of Santa Maria Capua Vetere, in the province of Caserta. In that prison, she is treated in a totally arbitrary manner, partially reminiscent of 41 bis [the harshest and most restrictive prison regime in Italy]: no more than four books are allowed in the cell, CDs are forbidden, two phone calls per month, video interviews are halved, parcels are opened and searched. The punitive nature of this transfer and the further estrangement from her affections and her lawyer is obvious, but Natascia resists with strength and determination.
During the months of May and June at the court of Turin are underway the hearings for the Scintilla trial and for this reason she has been temporarily transferred to the prison of Vigevano.

Continue reading At Natascia’s side – Who struggles is never alone! Solidarity gathering at the prison of Vigevano (Italy, June 13, 2021)

Anarchist comrade Natascia Savio temporarily transferred to Vigevano prison (Italy, May 2021)

This morning [May 28] we learned that Natascia has been temporarily transferred to the prison of Vigevano in order to get closer to Turin, for the hearing of the Scintilla trial this morning and the next one, which will be held on June 16.
Further updates will follow.
To write to her:
Natascia Savio
C. C. di Vigevano
via Gravellona 240
27029 Vigevano (Pv)
Italia – Italy
Note: Natascia was arrested on May 21, 2019 along with two other comrades for “Prometeo” repressive operation, carried out by the ROS (“Special Operational Grouping”) of carabinieri. The main charge is “attack with the purpose of terrorism”, as they are held responsible for sending three parcel bombs that arrived in June 2017 to prosecutors Rinaudo (prosecutor in several trials against the antagonist movement and anarchists) and Sparagna (prosecutor in the Scripta Manent trial) and to Santi Consolo, at the time director of the DAP (“Department of Penitentiary Administration”) in Rome. Natascia and Beppe are currently in prison for the “Prometeo” operation, the trial of which is ongoing in Genoa. The comrade is also a defendant (free, but under investigation) in the trial that followed the “Scintilla” operation of February 7, 2019, on charges of “subversive association”.
[English text published by].


May14th in the morning the sentence was being pronounced in the court of Bolzano against 63 comrades accused of devastation and looting following a demo against borders that took place in Brenner on May 7th 2016, for whom prosecutors were asking for over 300 years’ prison. Meanwhile, a group of comrades went to Bologna station to the platform where an OBB train to Munich was about to leave and pass through the border where an anti-immigrant barrier was to have been erected in 2016 by the Italian and Austrian states. For months anyone on those trains who didn’t have a white face was subjected to police control.
Today a banner was unfurled on the platform along with a spoken intervention as leaflets were handed out to the passengers to remind them and everybody else that borders continue to kill and that those who are against them or try to cross them are harshly repressed.
Here is the leaflet distributed during the initiative:

Continue reading Bologna, Italy – AGAINST ALL BORDERS AND THEIR VIOLENCE!

Italy: The trial for ”operation Scintilla” began in Turin on Tuesday 4th May
The first of the preliminary hearings – the usual bureaucratic ritual of formalities – was a chance to see Carla, currently under house arrest with all restrictions, and Natascia, unexpectedly transferred from the prison of Santa Maria Capua Vetere. Nat was moved, without her lawyer’s knowledge, as the hearings will take place in a courtroom in Turin not set up for videoconferencing.
From what we could understand she had been awakened at around 2am, taken by plane to Milan Linate where she arrived at 9:20, and escorted to the court over an hour late for the start of the trial. In spite of her lawyer’s insisting that she be allowed to sit next to him, the chief of the escort (4 screws from Santa Maria Capua Vetere) wouldn’t allow Nat to get out of the cage and threatened anyone who tried to exchange even a few words with her. In spite of the glass, bars and ugly faces, those in the courtroom shouted out and greeted her. Nat looked tired after the journey but was in good form otherwise.

Continue reading Italy: The trial for ”operation Scintilla” began in Turin on Tuesday 4th May

Italy, 15/04/2021: the big antenna’s silent monologue before switching off

“Let me out of here! I can’t stand the passivity of these people any longer as they walk by without even seeing me, catching my electromagnetic waves like bewildered automatons, eyes fixed to their smartphones that are no more than instruments to control them, anesthetize them and make them stupid, to their detriment but for the State and the multinationals’ benefit. They carry the stick and carrot of their obtuse servitude on them at all times, from the factory to a walk in the park with the dog. And it seems they don’t give a damn about being ruled by a rectangle of microchips and LCD colours. It seems they don’t give a holy shit about finding themselves like guinea pigs and puppets, stripped to the bone by a life governed, schematized, grabbed and raped by a schizophrenic power posturing as the ultimate defender of life itself, while it is a question of defending the economy and privilege, then demonstrating in deed that human life, real, free whole life, is worth less than nothing. These priggish unthinking people I see parading in the streets of Rome pass me by every day just as they let everything else pass them by.
Once they used to let themselves be killed in the workplace, in the streets, breathe all kinds of poison, close their eyes to the people who die starving and yell against the different, fearing they might lose their meagre privileges. Today you see them running from place to place looking for somewhere to get a chemical extract they know nothing about other than what they are told by whoever sold it to them, injected into their bodies. They all trust their government, prostrated and resigned to the fact that it is taking great care to protect them and make them healthy, clean and operative again.

Continue reading Italy, 15/04/2021: the big antenna’s silent monologue before switching off

Sentence of the first instance trial against the anarchist comrade Giuseppe Bruna (Genoa, Italy, May 10, 2021)

On May 10th, the verdict of the first-degree trial that saw the anarchist comrade Giuseppe Bruna accused of having placed an incendiary device against a post office in Genoa on June 8th, 2016, was issued. The comrade received a sentence of five years in prison.
During the period in which the attack in question occurred Poste Italiane was attacked repeatedly because of its collaboration in the expulsion and deportation of migrants through the airline Mistral Air (controlled by Poste Italiane). Pre-trial detention in relation to this fact had come to Beppe on December 17th, 2019, following an investigation by the Special Operational Grouping (ROS) of the Carabinieri and public prosecutor Manotti of Genoa. The charges were based on the discovery of DNA traces that the cops attributed to the comrade. The device had not ignited and it could not have worked due to a malfunction.

Continue reading Sentence of the first instance trial against the anarchist comrade Giuseppe Bruna (Genoa, Italy, May 10, 2021)